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Latest Update: March 31st, 2003. WOW!! Yes, an update! LOL. I fixed all the fanfiction links! ^^

Welcome! Twice in a Lifetime is a great show on PAX TV (CTV if you're in Canada) about people dying and getting to go back and correct past mistakes in their lives. They're assisted by heavenly guides (Mr. Jones in season one, and Mr. Smith in season two), and Judge Othniel. There's usually some kind of big twist to the whole thing, but everything always works out happily in the end.

Here you'll find lots of information and fun stuff on this PAX classic, such as an episode guide, screen captures, and fanfiction! Note: This page is under MAJOR construction! BTW, if you have any pix, including any from season one, or a season one episode guide (with titles AND summaries) they'd be greatly appreciated!

Episode Guide
Screen Captures

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