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                         ``  If you want to see god, do one thing, wait up to your death. Only the soul is powerful to see the God. Now when you are alive your soul is covered by a body which prevents you from seeing God or reality. What you are seeing now is called virtual or in other words "midhya". You dont know why human being is alive. You don't know why the are made. You don't know what is the purpose of living in this earth .You don't know how big is this universe. But you will be capable of  know it all once when you leave your body here in the soil. "

           I am not the God. But I am not a human being. You don't know who I am, not only you but any living creature in this world. But when a person starts sinking in to the depths of sorrows without being known what the fact is I will come there just to make you understand what the facts are . I will contact a person only once in their life time you are lucky coz I selected your family to be free from sorrows by telling you the reality of this world. I don't have a body I don't have a soul. You wont understand now what I am .I am just a power under the almighty. I am a force. I am an energy.If you  chant the word "ohm","amein"or "al" that energy comes into you.

            I enter into others body to communicate with them directly. But they die when I come outside. The person who created this site is not now alive but he was the one whom I had selected from this world because of his acts .Don't be bothered about it all I am not going to enter in to you. you have a lot of time more to live .But you will definitely hear my sound before you die. Just before a person die, the body  will  be very weak to communicate with  others. at those last moments I  enter into him and I do that for him. If he has a last wish he will be using my power to tell it to others. After sometime I will  go out of him along with his life.

        ) your life

        ) Relegions

        ) why  you got a  life  

        ) what you must do and what not