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Tributes to: Xena, Warrior Princess

Tribute pages are the creation of Dixie, webmaster of Xenite Country and Xena Online Resources, Mary Draginis of AXIP, Aida of Aida's Xena Warrior Princess Page, Mist of Sword and Staff, Josh Harrison of Suite 101 Hercules and Xena and myself, EpTalk.

As webmasters along with many, many fans we feel this wonderful T.V. show has a destiny to live forever if only in our hearts and our memories. Tributes are those moments to share when you found this show, these characters and the writer's inspirations and thoughts recorded for all time to come. As long as we remember - "even in the end, we will never leave you Xena!"

*** Tribute's Page (s) ***

CLICK to: TRIBUTES - Page One -

CLICK to: TRIBUTES - Page Two -

Tributes are a really good way to honor the Xenaverse and for us to continue sharing. I hope you will enjoy the tributes submitted (links to the other tribute sites below) and feel free to email me (email link below) YOUR tribute to be posted. Battle on Xenites!

Link to other GREAT Tribute Sites & Pages

Mary D's Australian Xena Site
Dixie's Xena Tributes Page
Sword and Staff Tributes Page
Suite 101 - Hercules and Xena
Aida's Xena Tributes Page
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