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Member of the GayWeb Free Banner Network

HI...Tina here

I'm so glad you've taken the time to visit my site. There are a lot of great things here, so sit back relax and grab a refreshment. Get ready to see more "Pride Stuff" than ever before.

This site was created with WebTv. Computer users will want to download the WebTv viewer in order to see this site the way it was intended to be seen.


Unfortunately I cannot take credit for any of the items you will see here. All of this has been gathered while surfing the web. If you see something that belongs to you via copyright, e-mail me (with proof of copyright),and I will give you total credit or remove the item or items upon your request.

Any items that you choose to use for your website, and or e-mail signature must be transloaded.

As you're checking out things take a look at the banners I've scattered around my site. There are some really cool places that I've given links to here. If you have a site and would like me to add your link here, just e-mail me with the info and I'll be glad to make you a part of Tina's Pride.

Please remember to...


Don't forget to sign my guestbook located at the bottom of this page before you leave. Thanks!!

One more thing before you start your tour of my site. I will be updating often so be sure to bookmark Tina's Pride and come back to check out all the good stuff I've added.