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Farscape Quotes

Rygel: Meanwhile, we're broadcasting our position like a two headed drunken shrill skica.
Aeryn: You're aquatic. What's your problem?
Rygel: Aquatic. That's water, not mud. Mud is mud. You can't breathe in it, you can't move in it. It holds you, it grabs you, it sucks you down. You want to know about mud? I know about mud!
John: Guy knows mud.

Zhaan: How will you tell us from them?
D'Argo: We will cut off the tip of our small finger for identification.
John: How about something a little less permanent?

Rygel: If I sit perfectly still they don't advance. Yet when I move, they get disagreeable.
D'Argo: Right. Don't move.
Rygel: If we ever survive this, Luxan, you must become my advisor!

John: You shanghaied my ass down here, and now you want me to lead? Give me one good reason.
Aeryn: Lots of reasons. Land mines, fire snakes, razor grass, night vision snipers, mordian death spiders...

Aeryn: Enjoying yourself?
John: Oh yeah. Marching through a smelly, bug-infested jungle. If this is your idea of a good time, I bet you don't get a lot of second dates.

Aeryn: She gives me a woody.
John: ...
Aeryn: Woody. Human saying. I've heard you say it often when you don't trust someone, or they make you nervous, then they give you-
John: The willies! She gives you the willies.

John: I am never going to get used to walking around inside a living ship.
Aeryn: You have nothing similar in your culture?
John: Well, Jonah and the whale, but no contemporary parallels. Except maybe the horse and rider
Aeryn: Rider? The horse is a beast of burden?
John: Yeah. Not as large or sophisticated as Moya here, but kinda similar. Loyal and intelligent.
Aeryn: That you capture and make work for you.
John: Yeah, but we love them, too.
Aeryn: You love what you enslave?
John: We don't enslave them, all right? We- Fine, we enslave them.

John: Best idea I've had yet!
Aeryn: That's far from a reccomendation.

Zhaan: This star is unusually erratic.
Aeryn: Sounds just like Crichton.

John: That's my underwear!
Aeryn: What does this say?
John: Calvin.
Aeryn: They are not yours.

Aeryn: This is such a bad combination... I should have never left them. Zhaan distracted, Crichton confused…
D'Argo: Crichton is always confused.

John: Slicker'n snot.
Aeryn: My microbes had to have translated that one wrong.
John: Southern metaphors, darlin'. You haven't heard the half of them.

Aeryn: Can you toss me that ax?
Johm: Yeah. What are you going to do with it?
Aeryn: I'm going to hack my foot off.
John: Oh, no, let me then.
Aeryn: Oh, just give it to me!

Pilot: There is no need for concern.
John: Famous last words.

John: I got to get out of here before I end out like you.
Rygel: What, handsome with a great sexual prowess?

D'Argo: One, two, fire!
John: What happened to three?

Chiana: What if the creature's waiting?
John: Then piss it off.
Chiana: How?
John: Pretend it's me

Rygel: No dominar from the House of Rygel ever travels in reverse!
John: Turn around, pretend your heading forward.

D'Argo: I have no timekeeping device.
John: One Mississippi, one. Two Mississippi, two. Three Mississippi, three. Three hundred, forward.
D'Argo: One Mippippippi… Two Mippippippi…

John: You did not say that!
D'Argo: I did. I was very shameless in my youth.
John: And it worked?
D'Argo: Of course not. The girl screamed and I was almost arrested.

Scorpius: I know that you're living on a stolen Leviathan with escaped prisoners, and I also know that Leviathan is pregnant.
John: Do you know who the Daddy is?

Chiana: A distress call? Directed at us?
John: How stupid is that?

John: How come I'm not afraid?
D'Argo: Fear accompanies the possibility of death. Calm shepherds its certainty.
John: I love hanging with you, man.

John: I can't be your kind of hero.
Jack: No, you can't be. Each man gets a chance to be his own kind of hero. Your time will come, and when it does, watch out. Chances are, it'll be the last thing you ever expected.

Zhaan: Pilot, does Moya know where we are?
Pilot: Yes, of course. We're... someplace else. I'll get back to you on the specifics.

Rygel: I'm Rygel the Sixteenth, dominar to over six hundred billion people. I don't need to talk to you.

John: Boy, was Spielberg ever wrong. Close Encounters my ass.

Aeryn: He claims to be a human from a planet called Erp.

John: Don't move! Or I'll fill you full of... little yellow bolts of light!

D'Argo: Where the hedzmona is that siren coming form?
John: Sounds like from inside my head. And what the hedzmona is it?
Aeryn: It's definitely Peacekeeper. And don't do that at me.
John: What? (John is wincing in pain)
Aeryn: That, that (gestures)
John: I can't help it. The sound is doing something to my eye. Feels like it's melting my brain. Couldn't actually be doing something to my brain could it?

John: Well if she can't, she can't. We can stick our heads between our legs and kiss our asses goodbye. Pause It's a saying.

John: Kinda like Louisiana, or Degobah.
Aeryn looks questioningly
John: : Degobah. Where Yoda lives.
Aeryn: Who's Yoda?,
John: Just a little green guy. Trains warriors.
Aeryn: Oh.

John: It's just like a VCR, except easier.

Aeryn: Crichton, He says that this primordial rock actually reminds him of his Earth.
D'Argo: No interplanetary travel, retrograde technologies, fossil fuel burning ground vehicles, he is a savage. Does that bother you (smirking).
Aeryn: No, of course not.

John: No! Absolutely not! Get out of my face!
D'Argo: Don't be a coward. You say you want to clean your teeth.
John: Brush them! I want to brush my teeth.
D'Argo: But to manually clean your teeth as you describe is highly inefficient.
John: Well that's too damn bad. You're not sticking that freakin' maggot in my-

Aeryn: I'm sure your world has no force so ruthless, so disciplined.
John: Oh, we call them linebackers. Or serial killers. Depending on if they're professional or amateur.

Aeryn: No offense, human, but what could I possibly need from you?
Johm: I don't know. Manners? Personality? Stock tips?

Zhaan: They're soldiers. Win their respect.
John: How exactly do I do that? I mean, short of cutting somebody's throat?

John: So Crais and the other bastards chasing us are cold-blooded? Literally?
D'Argo: It is a weakness not enough of them die from.

Aeryn: How much longer?
John: I don't know. We didn't cover the life cycle of deep space insects at JFK high.

John: It doesn't look like we're going to get out of this one, and if we're going to do down, I want to go down swinging.
D'Argo: Then we shall do so together.
Aeryn: Oh, just to be in the warm glow of all this testosterone.

Crais: There isn't much in life that isn't unfair. We are all proof of that.
John: If life was fair, you'd be dead.

[Moya and her crew have encountered a hostile ship]
John Crichton: Have we sent the "Don't shoot, we're pathetic" transmission yet?

D'Argo: Well, now I can only speak truth, and that comes as good and bad news.
John Crichton: All right, give me the bad news first.
D'Argo: The bad news is that you're married, and you must endure as a statue for eighty cycles in a strange world.
John Crichton: What's the good news?
D'Argo: Chiana and I are having fantastic sex.

[Scorpius wants to abduct Crichton and dissect him.]
John Crichton: Aeryn, if Scorpius gets me...
Aeryn Sun: I know, shoot you.
John Crichton: No! No, no. Shoot him!

John Crichton: That's your plan? Wile E. Coyote would come up with a better plan than that!

Zhaan: Crichton says he's experiencing the future.
Aeryn Sun: He can barely function in the present.

Gilina: I can't believe you're not Sebacean.
John Crichton: Human. It's kinda like Sebacean, but we haven't conquered other worlds yet, so we just kick the crap out of each other.

Aeryn Sun: We have a situation up here.
John Crichton: I'm sure it's not any more interesting than the one down here.
Aeryn Sun: Remember Rygel's assassination attempt? He caused it himself. His body fluids have turned explosive.
John Crichton: I stand corrected.

John Crichton: Obfuscation. How the hell does that translate?

Rygel: Well, he's not coming in here!
John Crichton: He wouldn't want to go in there, cranky. All of his senses are heightened, including his nose. You might kill him without intending to.