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TYR Lives on in fan fiction
The early '90s saw the untimely cancellation of The Young Riders, but the later part of the decade marked the re-emergence of our favorite Western show. These days Kid, Lou, Jimmy, Buck, Cody, Ike, Noah, Teaspoon, Rachel, Jesse, Emma and Sam can be seen a couple of times a day on the Odyssey Channel.

But even when the show was not on the air, fans kept its memory alive through Web sites and, of course, fan fiction. Pony Tales is only one of the many sites which feature works inspired by the show.

The stories here are written by fans for fans of the show. Feedback -- be it praise or criticism  -- is very much appreciated by the writers. The e-mail address of the author is usually found on the top of the page.

Contributions are very much welcome. Please send stories to

Some of the stories have "cover designs" like the one on the right. It doesn't mean those stories are more special than the others, only that I had a lot of time on my hands when they were submitted ;-)

If you need help with your fanfic Riders Coming! offers a wealth of information about the show and the characters. Drop by Days of Our Lives, which features a detailed episode guide or visit Who's Who, which features extensive biographies on both the characters and the actors playing them. If you're still stumped, drop me a note. Maybe I could help :D

Please consider When Morning Comes -- for a work in progress. It is the sequel to When Shadows Fade. Below are some of my other stories. I hope you enjoy them. Click here for the complete list of stories.

DAY OF DISCOVERY (A)  By The Stationmistress

As he leaned on one side of the bunkhouse and watched, he saw the Kid get on his horse Katy. Lou followed a little distance behind. The two riders spent a couple of minutes talking, minutes Sam spent wondering if he should reveal himself. The decision was kind of made for him when Kid looked around, then reached down to draw Lou to him and kiss her lightly on the lips. Shocked, Sam stumbled backwards and landed on the seat of his pants.


ONCE UPON A FAIR By The Stationmistress

Stunned. Hickok's jaw literally dropped at the sight of the dressed up Lou in front of him. Though the face looked vaguely familiar, it was the look in her eyes that jolted Jimmy. There was a tentativeness there, as if the young woman was just finding out who she was, what she was. And for some reason Jimmy is finding her shyness incredibly sexy. As his gaze dropped down to her bodice, where a hint of swelling peeked from the lace, Jimmy felt like he was punched.


By The Stationmistress


That was how she felt when his lips claimed hers. He took. He demanded. He possessed. No gentleness, no seduction. All the pent-up emotions and frustrations of the past years burst like floodwaters in a dam. There was a savageness in the way he took her mouth that frightened, yet strangely, excited her during that oh so brief moment when his lips joined hers.


PONY TALE By The Stationmistress

He didn't answer but the stubborn set of his chin told her enough. That and the ticking muscle on his left jaw. A brief flash of humor suggested to her that he was probably related to a mule. She suppressed the smile that threatened to break out, knowing he wouldn't appreciate amusement at this point. Instead, she walked close and started nuzzling his face. She thought his anger was melting but he took a step back, then another and then one more until there was a huge gap between them.


THREE OF HEARTS By The Stationmistress

Maybe it was the proximity, or maybe it was the way the light from the fire played on her gentle features, but before he knew it, Jimmy had placed a soft kiss on Lou's brow. Just before he pulled back, he noticed a trail of drying tears on Lou's cheeks. 

Jimmy suddenly remembered another scene like this, about two nights ago when he sat eating while Lou cried herself to sleep... shedding tears over Kid whom she thought was falling in love with another woman. 


By The Stationmistress

His evil work done, the leader signaled his men to gather and prepare to leave the scene of their crime. The leader -- who hasn't spoken a word during the entire time -- now let out a maniacal laugh as he led the escape. Kid's ears perked up. There is something familiar about that laugh. But all thoughts fled his mind when the big black horse carrying the leader suddenly stopped in front of the bush where Kid was hiding. Kid felt his heart skip a beat. 



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