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Third Watch Rox!!!

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The last scene of Bosco and Faith:
Faith: “It’s going to be weird right? Going to another house?”
Bosco: “I’m sure it will seem like old home soon enough.”
Faith: “You think, you think its going to feel like it always did?”
Bosco: “ No, what else am I going to say hmm? I’ll see you out there.”
Faith: “yeah.”

Other Quotes:

Bosco:You remember saying the reason I’d never be a great cop? Is ‘cause I -- I don’t follow through. I half ass the paper work. Well guess what. My partner never does. Never. That’s why together, me and Yokas are one great cop.

Bosco:"I'm your partner. I was there for you. I'll always be there for you."

Bosco:This world would be so much better without people.

{to the woman who said a clown was looking in her window} Yokas: So this clown, how old was he? Bosco: Yeah, in clown years.

Goodbye Third Watch...My one weakness... my Achilles Heel, if you will...

Top five signs You're Obsessed With Third Watch:

5) Whenever an ambulance drives by, you remark "Hmmm... Doc and Carlos are having a busy day!"

4) When you go to your local police station, you wonder why Swersky isn't working at the desk.

3) You frequently forget that these people are just actors pretending to be police officers, paramedics, and firefighters.

2) The words "Bosco and Faith Shipper 4 eva!" actually mean something to you.

1) You start every sentance with the words "5-5 David..."

Thanks Kelly for this awesome top 5 list!!!
Last NEW Episode:

"Goodbye To Camelot"
'THIRD WATCH' SERIES FINALE CLOCKS OUT IN BLAZE OF GLORY AS GANG ATTACKS 55TH PRECINCT HOUSE; FORMER CAST MEMBERS MICHAEL BEACH, EDDIE CIBRIAN AND KIM RAVER, RETURN WITH AIDAN QUINN AND WYCLEF JEAN AS GUEST STARS -- The long-running crime drama's series finale concludes in a blaze of glory when gangbangers assault the 55th Precinct station and set it afire, trapping Sergeant Cruz and Officer Monroe, and while Bosco and other police return fire, the future of their beloved "Camelot" house is in dire jeoparady -- as is the life of one dedicated cop. In the confusion, murderous gang leader Marcel escapes, Yokas fears for Emily's safety -- and a nervous Carlos preps to propose to Levine. In the final minutes, fans will also learn what the future holds for their first-responder heroes. Former cast regulars Michael Beach, Eddie Cibrian and Kim Raver join recurring star Aidan Quinn as guest stars. Coby Bell, Cara Buono, Josh Stewart and Skipp Sudduth also star.

Last words of Third Watch: Narrated by John “Sully” Sullivan

"The 55 closed that day, the one I knew anyway. It’s being re-built 10 blocks away. the thing is the precinct won’t be at the corner of King and Arthur anymore, so there won’t be any Camelot. But the idea of Camelot- The place where heros gather before going out to battle evil– that will still be alive in whatever building becomes the 5-5. It lives in every police station and every firehouse in the city. Hell, in the country. In the world, for that matter.

Bob Swersky retired as deputy chief . He spends his days playing with his 12 grandkids. Being our boss prepared him for that pretty well.

Dk took over the squad when Billy Walsh got promoted to Battalion Chief. Stu Lotta z’s ended up taking over Jimmy Doherty’s rescue squad. Stu, DK, and Walsh saved 17 people one day in a garment factory fire, they all won medals of honor.

Calos and Holly got married. Today they got three kids and a big house on Staten Island. Ty says Carlos is a good father. He finally found the family he always wanted.

Ty and Sasha are still seeing each other. They say their going to get married once their careers slow down but, I think it’s going to be awhile. He’s an anti-crime Lieutenant in charge of half of Manhattan. And Sasha is running for the city council. According to the paper I get up here, she’s leading in the polls.

Brendan is Lt. Davis’s sergeant on the anti-crime task force. They make a pretty good team. Their troops have more arrests than any team in the city. Grace Foster put three more years on the street , and then became an instructor for the EMS. She couldn’t work in the field anymore being pregnant and all. In the end her mother was right, she became a teacher. She and Brendan are celebrating their first anniversary next week.

When Faith reported to major crimes she got a surprise: her boss. Besides leading the department in homicide clearances, she’s never lost her compassion for any case that involves a kid. She and Captain Miller are thinking about moving in together. After Emily finishes college that is.

Maritza Cruz was posthumously rewarded the medal of honor. Intelligence estimates that with the amount of firearms recovered from that building she saved numerous lives, mostly police officers. To this day somebody places a single rose on her grave every morning.

And Bosco, hell, Bosco is doing the same thing he’s always done: Balls out everyday, every job, kicking ass, taking names, and being the police.

Me? I found my own little piece of heaven. A small cabin 108 feet from a beautiful lake. Nothing but peace and quiet. The only thing I do battle with anymore is the occasional northern. But I consider myself lucky to have been apart of that brotherhood, even for a little while.

'Come on baby... come on..... come on... (sighs)... Crap!' "

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Thanks Big Apple for the banner!!!

Bosco and Faith Shipper for Life!!!

Site established on September 24th 2004