Things Worth Fighting For

By TheBadElement101

Part 1

The steady streams of sunlight shone upon Adam Cartwright’s face. He felt rested and ready for the day’s work. As he was enjoying this undisturbed bliss, he felt something rub against his leg. Probably a wrinkle in the sheet, he thought. But then he felt it again. He looked under the sheets and fell out of his bed. It was a snake. Hoss and Little Joe tried unsuccessfully to hide their laughter.

"What’s wrong, Adam" laughed Little Joe.

"Yea. You afraid of a little grass snake?" mocked Hoss.

Adam sighed as he caught the snake in his pillowcase and let it lose outside. By the time he got dressed, Hoss and Little Joe were at the table eating breakfast, still trying to hold in laughs.

"What’s going on?" asked Ben Cartwright, noticing his younger sons’ behavior.

"Adam got scared of a snake, that’s all," taunted Little Joe.

"A snake?" Ben turned to Adam.

"A snake," Adam got up and headed outside.

The town was busy, as it always was this time of day. Ben had asked him to go to town to pick up a few things. But as luck would have it, he was caught in the rain. Wet, cold and tired, he wanted nothing more than to go home and sit by the fire, but Shelby’s place was close enough. He sat at the bar sipping the hot coffee when Jared walked in.

"Hey Jared, haven’t seen you in a while."

"Yea, I’ve been a little busy, I’m here to pick up my sister," he said as he took off his hat to reveal his light brown hair matted to his forehead with a mix of sweat and rain water. His brown eyes showed he was tired. That’s what ranch work can do to a man.

"Sister?" asked Adam. Jared and his mother came to Eagle Station in the same wagon train as Adam and his family, the two had grown as brothers during the trip. Jared’s family was very well off, so they were able to settle faster. But, in all this time, he had never known of a sister. "I didn’t know you had a sister."

"She came with my father and Nate, before we got here. She just finished school -"

"Is little Katie coming back?" interrupted Shelby, overhearing their conversation.

"Yes ma’am, she certainly is," said Jared diverting his attention "In fact we’re having a welcome home party for her tonight" he said turning to both of them "you’re both welcome to come, if you like."

"Well, I’d sure like to see Katie again" smiled Shelby.

"How about you, Adam? You can bring your brothers if you want."

"Yea alright, sure."

"Alright then" Jared said. The stagecoach pulled up in front of the general store. The worst part of the rain was over. It had now been reduced to a drizzle. Jared walked out of the saloon. Adam followed him. As he mounted his horse, he could see people coming out of the coach. Jared extended his hand to a young girl dress in green traveling cloths. Her blond hair was pulled back under a hat. She lifted her head to reveal her face. She had deep blue eyes, creamy white skin, a small pointed nose, and a high forehead.

"Who the hell needs that much stuff?" asked a man out loud sitting in a chair propped against the wall.

Adam recognized him as a friend of his, Cole Parkington "That’s Jared’s sister" Adam answered him. Observing the bags being unloaded into the Brooks’ wagon.

"Now that proves that there is a God," said Jake Morgan, a Parkington ranch hand, walking up to where the two were. He was watching Jared help Kate into the wagon.

"Amen, brother" smiled Cole.

Adam laughed to himself and shook his head as he led his horse the way home " See you boys later" Adam nodded his head.

"Later, Adam" they waved.

Part 2

The evening came, and Hoss and Little Joe had begged to come along. So there he was listening to Little Joe telling jokes while they rode along the path.

"Why are frogs so happy?" Little Joe asked "because, they eat whatever bugging them" he burst out laughing.

Adam looked at him for a moment and raised an eyebrow "I think you need to work on your repertoire, Joe," he said

"Repe- what?"

"I told you it wasn’t funny," Hoss said.

"You don’t know nothin’" He turned back to Adam "Get it? Frog- bug-"

"I get it, its not funny" Adam shrugged.

When they walked in the front door, Hoss immediately sucked in his breath, spotting Tess on the opposite wall talking with Kate. Tess was wearing a pale blue dress. Her hair hung gracefully by her face and to her shoulders. It seemed like the two of them were best friends. Actually, It seemed like everyone knew her but him. Little Joe saw the hypnotic gaze in Hoss’ eyes, shook his head and walked off.

"I never realized how homesick I was, Tess."

"Well, you’ve been gone a long time. A lots changed since you left" Just then, the door opened.

"Who’s that?" Kate asked, looking towards the door.

"Who? Hosss? The ones that coming toward us?"

"No, the one who came with him, the one in black."

"Oh, him. That’s Adam Cartwright"

"Hey, Tess" Hoss appeared beside her.

"Hey Hoss" she smiled "Have you met Kate?"

"No, I haven’t. I’m Hoss Cartwright" he said turning to Kate. The two exchanged pleasantries for a while. "Would you like to dance, Tess?" he asked after a while.

"I’d love to. That is if you don’t mind, Kate":

"No, not at all, have fun."

The room was hot and stuffy. Adam was beginning to feel out of place. His head started to spin and the room started to blur. He stepped outside to get some fresh air. Much better.

Kate watched Adam as he left the room and decided to follow him. She was stopped a she tried to work her way out.

"Hi, Kate" It was Gerald Johnson "nice party. You look great" he complimented. She wore a peach colored party dress with her hair tied behind her in a lose bun.

"Hi, Gerald" she said uneasily "you look very nice yourself" She had known Gerald for a long time, but right now, she wanted to follow Adam.

"Would you like to dance?" he asked.

"Um- maybe later. I think I need a little fresh air."

"Oh, you want company."

"No. I mean don’t trouble yourself. I’ll be right back."

Yep, this was much better Adam thought to himself as he inhaled the fresh air. A voice came from behind him.

"Mind if I join you?" it asked.

Adam turned around to find Kate at the doorway "No. I’m sorry I didn’t realize you were there."

"it’s alright" she shrugged "Do we know each other?"

"I don’t think so" he shook his head.

"Well, I’m Katharine. You can call me Kate."

"My name’s Adam. Um- I’m a friend of Jared’s. We came west together with your mother."

"Oh. So by the time you got here. I probably already left."

"Yea, and it seems like I’m the only one who dosen’t know you."

"Well, Eagle Station was a lot smaller before."

"I bet it was" he nodded.

"… So your brother, Hoss, told me about your altercation with a snake"

"Is that a fact?"

"Certainly. Is it true?"

Adam nodded "More like he planted it there, though. I bet he didn’t tell you that."

"Are they always like that?"

"They just need a life, that’s all."

"Surely you remember what its like to be their age."

"You’re one to talk" he smiled "You’re about two days older than they are."

"What I meant," she smiled back "was that- you must have done the same things when you were my age".

"There you are!" called Tess from the doorway "I’ve been looking all over for you. Come on, everyone’s waiting."

"It was different for me," Adam said as he stepped by her.

The three of them stepped back inside. "What were you doing out there?" Tess asked.

"Just talking" She turned her head back to see Adam talking with Jared. She liked him, even though she had just met him two minuets ago.

Kate stepped out of the Trading Post. Suddenly, someone grabbed her arm.

"Don’t scream," the voice said as it released its grip .

She turned to face her attacker "What are you doing here?" she whispered

"I’ve come to warn you. There’s going to be trouble"

"What do you care?"

"I don’t want to see you get hurt."

"Hank, if you’re so concerned, you stop it."

"You can end it, Kate, just accept my proposal, and it’ll all be over."

"I told you before, even if I wanted to – I can’t marry you."

"All hell’s going to break lose. I don’t want to see you get hurt. My uncle’s not going to stop. You’ll be taken care of."

"Yeah, while my family gets put in pine boxes."

"I won’t come to that."

"It would and you know it."

"Don’t be stupid, Kate-"

Across the street, Adam’s eye caught Kate and the man talking and the ally. "That’s strange," he said to himself. He then forgot about it when he saw her walk away and the man left.

Part 3

Later that day, Adam went to Valleybrook to help repair the bunkhouse that had caught fire. They were in the house when they heard horses pull up in front. A voice yelled out.

"Brooks. Jason Brooks. Come on out of there!" he yelled.

Nathan stepped out first "What do you want?"

"Now, is that any way to greet a friend?"

"You ain’t a friend of mine, Sheldon"

"Well, now why don’t you put your attitude away, boy, and show me to your pa."

"He ain"t here," he said back "now go home"

"You’d best stay out of this, boy. Unless you want to die early."

"Maybe you didn’t hear him," said Adam stepping out with Jared with rifles in hand. "He asked you to leave."

"Who the hell are you?"

"None of your business" he answered.

Nathan moved his yellow leather jacket away from his waist revealing a pistol at his side. Adam armed his rifle as he recognized one of the men as the one he saw earlier in town.

"Jacob Sheldon" boomed a voice. It was Jason Brooks riding up"Leave them out of this."

"My Pa gave you a generous offer, if you were smart you’d take him up."

"Well, I’m not smart. And I live by three Gs: God, Guns, and Get the hell off my property."

Jacob, seeing he was out numbered backed down "I’ll be back, old man. You got three days" he said and turned and left

"Who was that?" Asked Adam

"That’s Jacob Sheldon. His father owns just about the biggest spread in Utah. Word is, he wants to enlarge his property by coming here," answered Jared.

"Why?" asked Adam.

"Don’t know, don’t care" said Nathan.

"Why yours?" asked Adam.

"I don’t know. It’ s a lot of land; I guess he figures it’s a good place to start," guessed Jared.

"Where’s Kate?" asked Mr. Brooks.

"She’s alright, she’s with Tess" Nathan said.

"They’ll be back" Adam.

Jared nodded "We need to take care of this. You willing to help?"He asked Adam "We could use a man of your strategy. Pay you a week’s wages."

"You really want my help?" asked Adam. They nodded.

"It’s always good to be needed" Adam thought about it fir a moment "Alright. Tomorrow morning."

Part 4

"So what do you think?" Adam asked his father that night.

"It’s a worthy cause, I’ll give you that."


"But I’m not too eager to sent my son to gunfight."

"But its still out fight right? I mean, it could have happened to any of us."

"Yeah" Ben nodded "I’ll tell you what. I’ll go with you."

"What about Hoss?"

"I don’t think Hoss should be there. Somebody’s got to take care of the ranch."

"Alright" Adam nodded.

"So he’ll be here day after next; probably with hired guns"said Jared to the group around him. Cole and others had signed on too.

"How many?" asked Adam.

"Hard to say" said Jared running his hand through his hair"Hired guns don’t come cheap. It depends how much money he’s willing to spend."

"Or how much he thinks he needs" Nathan said.

"People are scared. I asked in town, nobody wants to help fight."

"Are you sure you want to fight this here, Mr. Brooks?" asked Adam.

"Hardly worth the bother to track them down" he answered.

"So what should we do?" asked Jared.

"Take cover in the house, barn, and the bunk house," Adam looked at Mr. Brooks "Just an idea" he shrugged

"Makes sense" he nodded "Lets get started."

The men worked all morning.

"Maybe we should make a small makeshift fort. Between the house and the barn."

"How big would it need to be?"

"We’ll put about five men in there. Do we have any sharp shooters?"

"These are mostly ranch hands, but I think we can pick out a few with good aim."

"How many do we have total?"


"That’s good," Adam looked around "looks like the only way in is through the front door. If we can force them through there" he pointed to a tight stand of trees, "we’ll have them." Adam looked to where everyone was working on his fortifications

"But I want to help-" he heard Kate say to her father. Mr. Brooks said something in a blurred voice. It was the kind of tone when Pa lectured about life..

"She’s actually pretty good with a gun," said Jared.

"Don’t tell me you want to put your sister out here."

"It’s not for me to decide."

The next morning, Adam, Jared, Nathan, and Cole went to town to pick up the last of their supplies. From inside the store, they heard the sound of a fight outside. Adam rushed out followed by Jared, Nathan, and Cole. Two men spat insults back and forth. One of them, a Mexican, made a threat.

"He’s got an attitude," inquired Adam.

"Could be useful in a fight" said Jared standing next to him.

The four of them made their way to where the crowd had gathered. Before either of them could throw a punch, Nathan and Cole held the Mexican boy back as Adam and Jared stepped in front of the other man.

"Excuse me, but could we have a word with this young man before you two duke it out?"

"Git out the way," the drunk said. Jared nodded. He pretended to turn away and then struck the man in the jaw. He fell over face down in the dirt. A disgruntled moan escaped from the crowd.

"What did you do that for?" asked the boy in a light Mexican accent "It was not your fight."

"Its nice to meet you too" Jared said calmly.

"Can you handle a gun as well as you handle your mouth?" asked Adam, cutting to the chase.

"What do you care?" he spat.

"Apparently more than you do" Adam answered.

"We’d be willing to pay you. Maybe you could use the money," Jared said, observing his torn and dusty brown leather jacket.

"You will pay me for shooting" he relaxed a little.

"That’s right, as long as you know which side you’ll be shooting at," said Jared.

"Alright, I’ll fight with you" he nodded.

"Be at Valleybrook at dawn," Nathan said as he and Cole let go of him "If you don’t get killed by then."

The four walked off "I don’t trust him" Cole said.

"You think he’ll show?" asked Nathan.

"I doubt it," answered Adam.

Jared, Nathan, and Cole went ahead back to the ranch, while Adam finished up his business in town. As he was mounting his horse a voice came from behind him.

"I heard you were smart. If you were, you’d get out of that fight as soon as possible" Adam turned around and saw a man’s back.

"Why would I do that?" he asked turning back around to his horse.

"Someone like you… you don’t even carry a gun. What makes you think you can beat them"?

"That sounded like a threat to me, mister."

"Just a friendly word of advice" he said and he mounted his horse. Adam turned again and saw the man’s face. It was the same man who he saw in the ally and again at Valleybrook.

"Hey!" He called. The man ran away on his horse "Hey!" he mounted his horse and chased after him.

"Where you running?" He said as he as he got closer. Adam dove for him knocking him off his horse. "Who you riding for?" He yelled as he hit the man in his jaw.

"Don’t hurt me, please!" he pleaded.

"Looks like your bark is worse than your bite" Adam punched him in his jaw again; "I’m about to land you in a shallow grave. Now tell me who hired you!"

"My- my uncle, he’s the one who wants the Brook’s land"

"What does he want it for?"

"He wants to sell to the Down Fork Mining Company!"

"Is there silver on that land?"

"I don’t know!"

"What do you want with Kate?"

"I used to know her in Indiana. I- I want to marry her! If she does, she won’t get hurt. She’ll be safe with me in Utah"

"I heard how you came by that land in Utah, scaring people off their land, burning them out!"

"I didn’t want to do those things. I had no choice!"

"You’ve always got a choice. Now you don’t deserve it," Adam said, taking the man by the collar "But if you leave now, I won’t turn you in to Mr. Brooks. Do you hear me?"

He nodded and hastily mounted his horse and rode off.


"Adam, there’s something I want to give you." Said Jared. They were inside in his room. He opened the drawer to his desk and took out a gun belt with a pistol tucked within it. "This was the first gun I ever had, it given to me when I was 19, " he said as he handed it to him, "I want you to have it."

"I can’t take that," Adam said shaking his head.

"Adam, we’re about to go into a gunfight. Without a gun, you’re likely to get shot."

Adam took the gun "You know, you’re not that much older than me, but you’ve done so much more."

"If you mean drinking and fighting… then yeah, I’ve done a heck of a lot" Jared shook his head, "but that’s not all there is to life, and you know that."

"You scared?" Ben asked Adam, who was sitting alone in front of the campfire.

"No. I’m not scared. What are you talking about?" he aid looking up a forcing a weak laugh.

"Only a fool wouldn’t be," Ben said

Adam sighed, "I’m just- not sure any more."

"About what?"

Adam looked down and shook his head "I don’t belong here," he took the pistol in his hand as if he didn’t know what to do with it.

"Adam, I told you once that we were different people, and that you’ll make your decisions on your own. This is one of those decisions. If you want to carry a gun, if you think it’s the right thing to do. Then do it."

"How can I, when I know that you’ll be disappointed in me?"

"Son, there are a lot of things that can make a man disappointed in his son. Standing up for what he believes in is not one of them. ~

Adam stood on the hill overlooking the valley. The scene before him was magnificent. The majesty of the far off mountains held perfect balance with the green meadow that lay before him.

"Beautiful, isn’t it?" a voice came from behind. It was Cole, coming to take his watch patrol. "I always used to dream of a place of my own. The land and everything."

"Yeah, me too," said Adam quietly, as if the peaceful slumber of the sight before him would vanish if he spoke. "Looks like you got your wish." He said, thinking of the Parkington Ranch. He had been on the spread before. There was a spot on his land that had a brilliant view of the lake.

Cole looked down, "Yeah, not without bad memories, though" He looked back at Adam and smiled, trying to cover his mood "Remind me why we’re doing this."

Adam turned to him. He didn’t know what Cole was saying. There was something about the tone of his voice. It was as if there was pain when he spoke. A pain that left a hole inside that nothing could fill. The grief in his eyes said that there was something that he wanted to forget, or maybe to remember. "I don’t know, but something about it seems right, doesn’t it? The house, the land, family… things worth fighting for."

Part 6

Before sunrise, a rider came up. It was the Mexican boy from town. A murmur came from the men.

"It’s alright, he’s with us," Adam said coming up to him "You came," Adam said to him.

"As I said I would, seņor" he got off his horse and shook Adam’s hand "My name is Louis Gonzalez."

"I’m Adam Cartwright. This is Jake Morgan, Cole Parkington, Jared Brooks, and his brother, Nathan. You can set up over there with us" he pointed to five had made their shelter.

"I’ll take your horse to the barn" said Nathan.

"Gracias" Louis nodded.

The first rays of sunlight had just broken through the clouds. Mr. Brooks and Adam were in a hill that overlooked the path into Valleybrook.

About 30 men raced on horseback, kicking up a cloud of dust. "Here they come," said Mr. Brooks.

"Let’s do it," said Adam. He ran down the hill, "Everybody! Take cover. Lets go!" he yelled. The men hustled about taking cover in the shelters they had set up. Kate pleaded her case to her father.

"Please let me help-"

"Go inside, Kate."

"But I-"

"Just do as I say. Go inside."

Disgruntled, she went inside. Adam made his was to the fortification that they had built. It was partially hidden between the barn and the bunkhouse. Adam looked around him, there were men on the roof as well as on the ground. They all seemed well protected.

"Is everybody ready?" he asked.

Louis, Jared, Cole, Jake, Ben, and Nathan were all with him behind their shelter preparing their firearms.

"About as ready as we’ll ever be," said Jake

Adam took a spot next to his father. The men rode onto the property. One of them stepped up "Jason Brooks! Time’s up!" he yelled, "Bring out the deed!" Nothing happened. "Don’t worry boys, he’s probably just getting it now."

Adam stood up "Don’t count on it."

"Well, well" he turned "I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure. Kenneth Sheldon" he tipped his hat "and you are?"

"There’s nothing you want here. So just forget about this land."

"One man gonna stop us?"

"Move on, Sheldon. There’s nothing here for you."

He laughed "Take him down boys."

Adam ducked back down as the bullets were showered in his direction. Return fire occurred. Sheldon’s men were surprised at the counter attack at first, but then realized the other divisions. The men moved from their positions and fought from the ground. Sharpshooters on the roof didn’t miss their targets.

"Spread out!" Adam shouted over the roar of the guns. He moved out and with his pistol, shot at anyone and everyone who came to attack him. Someone dove at him and knocked the gun from his hand.

"I remember you," the man said. It was Jacob Sheldon.

"It’s good to be remembered" Adam said throwing the first hit. Jacob jabbed his in the gut, but Adam quickly recovered and gained the upper hand. Jacob shoved him to the ground. Adam reached to his right and found his gun. He aimed, armed, and fired. Jacob fell down at his feet. A man came from behind and put a gun to his back.

"You killed him," the voice said. A shot was fired. Adam recoiled inside and awaited the bullet. Nothing came. He turned around and saw the man lying dead on the ground. He looked up and saw Kate at the window with a rifle in her hand. Adam gave a small smile and tipped his hat and ran to reload his gun.

Kenneth Sheldon, still on his horse, spotted his son on the ground. "Jacob!" he cried. He dismounted. Someone ran at him but Sheldon shot him down "Jacob" he said again. He was still breathing. "He took his son and yelled, "Let’s go! Let’s get out of here! We’ll be back!"

Adam heard this and continued to shoot at the men now leaving the ranch. He heard a cry of pain to his left. It was Jared. "Jared" Adam cried, "Are you alright?" he sat him upright.

Jared groaned at the pain in his left leg "most of me." He answered, "Hit in the knee."

"Adam took off his black bandanna and wrapped it around his knee. He cried out in pain when Adam tied it. Adam heard his father’s voice "Go to the Ponderosa, tell Hop Sing to came quick" Adam helped Jared into the shelter which now had countless bullet holes in it. Nathan arrived.

"Jared! What happened?" he cried.

"It’s not bad, Nate" Adam told him.

"Thanks Adam."

Adam stood back up and spotted Cole hunched over a body. He watched him say his last words to the dying man. The man’s chest rose up and lowered and then was still. Adam walked over. The man was Jake Morgan.

"Cole?" he said softly.

Cole sucked in his breath and said with a shaky voice "he’s dead"

"I’m sorry," Adam said quietly. "Are you okay?"

A tear shed from Cole’s eye "He was more than a ranch hand" he shook his head "Wh- when I was 18, my family and I came west. Then my Pa died. Typhoid Fever got him. If it weren’t for Jake’s help, we would’ve never made it through that winter. He looked at Adam "I got married when I was 20 years old; to a farmer’s daughter, Clair." A smile appeared on his face "and when Beth was born, I’d never been happier in my life" he stopped.

"Beth your daughter?" Adam asked. Cole nodded "What happened?"

"He said nothing at first, "Earlier that year that you came to Eagle Station… Clair took Beth to Sacramento to visit relatives. I stayed here with Jake at the ranch… They were murdered in a stage coach robbery." Adam looked at him; he didn’t know what to say. What were you suppose to say to a man whose family had been brutally murdered? "That took everything out of me," he continued "But Jake was there. He helped me through it. He lost his family coming out west too. I wonder sometimes where or what I’d be if he hadn’t been the friend that he was." Cole took Jake’s hat and covered his face.

"Pa! Pa!" cried a voice. It was Kate "Pa!" she cried again. Mr. Brooks lay before her; blood covered his shirt. Nathan and Jared ran to the scene followed by Hop Sing, who had just arrived in the wagon.

"Take him inside" Hop Sing instructed.

Adam spotted Ben standing in the midst of all the dust and turmoil. "Pa?"


"Pa are you alright?" he asked as he ran into his arms.

"Yeah son, I’m fine. Are you hurt?"

"No" Adam sighed and shook his head "But it’s not over yet. He’ll be back."

"I know. I know. But let’s not think about that just now. Let’s see how Jason’s doing" Ben put his hand on Adam’s shoulder and guided him into the house. He had watched Adam today. Adam surprised him. Ben never realized how good a fighter Adam was. His skill, although raw, was unmistakable. It made Ben question how well he truly knew his son. It made him realize that Adam wasn’t the boy he used to be, but the man that now subsisted in front of him.

Part 7

Jared and Mr. Brooks were reportedly doing fine and would recover as long as they took it easy.

"What do you think?" asked Cole stepping down the porch stairs with Adam.

"I think we should go straight to him. I don’t think he’ll be expecting it."

"Yeah, you’re probably right" He stepped forward and annoubced to the men "Alright everybody listen up!" he yelled.

"Okay," Adam said, "here’s the plan- we ride out at daybreak- every man that’s not injured. We’ll track them to their camp and take them by surprise. Everybody got it?"

The men muttered in agreement.

Turning his attention back to Cole, "How many do we have injured?"

"About 12 men who aren’t well enough to ride," answered Cole.

"That’s already half our defense."

"Some more might be able to ride" Cole said uncertainly.

Adam nodded "Alright, make sure everybody knows the plan."

"I’ll do it." Cole went back inside.

Adam spotted Kate at the well getting water for the injured inside.

"Can I help you with that?" Adam asked, reaching for the bucket.

"Thanks," she said back

The two of them made their way back inside the house "I’m sorry about your father. I’m sure he’ll be alright."

She looked down and laughed, "He’s a stubborn man."

"Yeah. I noticed that" he smiled "I also want to thank you for… saving my life today. I appreciate that."

"Don’t mention it," she smiled. When she smiled her face lit up. He though about telling her that, but decided not to.

Darkness fell. Cole, Ben, Louis, and Nate were gathered around the campfire again. Adam, coming back from his watch shift, sat down between Louis and Ben. "Your turn, Nate" he said. As Nathan got up, Louis handed him a silver flask. Adam shook his head ‘no’.

"Are you alright, Adam?" asked Cole, taking the flask when it was handed to him. "Wasn’t what you expected, was it?"

"I wasn’t planning on watching them die, or seeing their eyes," he said softly.

Cole let out a small chuckle, "If you can see their eyes, you’re too close."

"And you don’t stay in the same place long enough for you to watch anyone die," added Louis.

"Things like that’ll get you killed" finished Cole. They remained quiet for a moment "They got out of here awful quick," Cole inquired breaking the silence.

"Seemed that way," said Adam.

"Perhaps he will hire more men," suggested Louis .

"Probably," said Ben. Adam noticed that his father had been very quiet the past two days. Adam couldn’t help but think it was because his father disapproved what he was doing, and that he only came along to make sure he didn’t die.

A voice of urgency came from the edge of the camp. "Kate!" cried Nathan. He was bruised and bloody. He limped gingerly on his left leg and held his right shoulder. He fell into Adam. They ran to his aid. "They took Kate. Said they’d kill her if the deed weren’t signed over. That bastard took my sister!" Unable to control his anger, he grabbed Adam "Let’s go after them now! We can still take ‘em by surprise."

"No" Adam said firmly, "You just don’t go running into somebody’s camp with out a plan. All right? I’ll figure out a way. You understand? I’ll get her back," he promised.

Nathan began to calm down as he became aware of the pain that that gripped his entire body. Now, totally unable to support himself, he collapsed. Nathan would not be riding with them tomorrow.

As soon as the sun began to rise, the men rode out.

"Get my sister back safely, Adam," said Jared, on crutches with a bandage around his knee. Adam nodded and rode off.

They made it to the Sheldon camp just as the men were waking up. Cole, Adam, and Louis ducked behind the tall grass as they strategize their plan.

"There she is," Cole pointed to Kate, sitting with her hands tied at the opposite edge of the camp. "I been thinking, maybe we should give in to their demands."

Adam looked at him, it was a safe plan, but there were no guarantees. "We don’t have the deed."

Cole laughed and pulled out a piece of paper folded in the form of a letter. Adam raised a eyebrow. ‘How did he get that?’ he thought to himself. Louis snatched the paper from his hand.

"Dear mother," he read, "Can you believe these fools want me to shoot off Kenneth Sheldon?" Louis looked at him questionably.

"Yeah," Cole interrupted him, "that was before Jake died. He was a friend of mine and I aim to find the bastard and dismember him."

"Looks like a deed to me," said Adam taking the paper. "Let’s do it. Surround the camp; go in on my signal, got it? Not before."

Louis and Cole nodded their heads ‘yes’ and headed in opposite directions. Once Adam saw that the men were all in place, he stood up above the tall grass.

"Hey Sheldon!" He called as the men in the camp were just beginning to wake up. "I got your deed." Adam held up the paper " Why don’t let the girl go."

Sheldon looked up "Well, that’s real nice of you to track us and bring it all the way out here. Come on and bring it down." He said.

"Why don’t you come get it?" Adam suggested.

Sheldon laughed, "I don’t think that’s gonna be happenin, son."

Adam shrugged and said, "Have it your way." He dropped the paper and ducked back down again as the guns erupted. He made his ay down the hill with his rifle. When he ran out of bullets, he traded it for the pistol. He spotted Kate at the edge of the camp. He dove toward her and cut her lose. "Are you alright?" he asked.

"I’m fine," she said in a quivering voice. Adam helped her up. She limped gingerly on one foot.

"Hold it right there." Adam drew his gun as he turned around. Sheldon appeared in front of them with a gun in his hand. "You should’ve stayed out of this, boy. This is almost too easy."

Two shots were fired. Adam cut to the ground, a sharp pain entered his side. He winced at this sudden sting. But it was nothing compared to what he inflicted upon Kenneth Sheldon. A dark red smear stained the front of his shirt. He gasped for air as his mouth filled with blood. He fell to his knees and buckled to the ground. He breathed in his last breaths of life and said in a horse whisper, "Who are you?"

Adam shook his head, "Doesn’t matter."

Cole worked his way down from his position on the hill. He spotted a familiar looking man getting ready to mount his horse. He ran to him and knocked him down. "Remember me, coward?" The man shook from nervousness "No? Well, I remember you." It was the man who had killed Jake. He remembered how he turned to see this man shoot Jake in the back. He remembered Jake falling and crying out for help. He remembered how he pulled his gun, but Sheldon called them to retreat. And now he was here, standing face to face with him. He reached for his gun and fired. Click. No bullets. The man drew his while his lips twisted into an odd smile.

"That was a mistake, boy," said the man. Cole fixed his eyes on the barrel that was pointed to him and awaited the impact of the first bullet. A shot was fired. Cole looked up and saw the man with a stunned look in his eyes. Another shot was fired. A third. The man dropped to the ground his face at Cole’s feet. He lay there still in a pool of blood. Cole looked to his right and saw Louis standing there. His gun still smoking.

Part 8

The men made their way to Valleybrook. The entire camp had either been shot, killed or had run away. Adam held Kate in front of him on his horse. When they reached the ranch, Jared and Nate were there to meet them. They rushed to their sister and helped her down. Adam dismounted. His head spun. Everything became blurred and disoriented. He saw Kate in front of him she said something, but he didn’t hear what.

"Adam?" she said. Adam squinted to try and get a sharper image, but it didn’t work. "Are you alright?" she asked.

"Yeah," Adam said leaning forward. He almost fell. Kate caught him as he tried to regain his balance. "I just-" he lost his balance again "need to sit down."

Kate caught him by the side. He fell. Kate felt something wet on her hand. She took it away. Blood. He had been shot. "Help! Somebody help!" she cried, "He’s been shot!"

Ben raced to his son "Adam," he cried.

Hop Sing arrived "Get him inside," he said.

Kate and Ben picked him up and led him to a room inside the house.

Adam awoke to see his father. "Pa?" he said .

"Adam," Ben leaned down to him "How are you feeling?"

Adam creased his eyebrows, as realizing what had happened, "I’ve been better," he said.

Ben smiled "That’s good. Take it easy, son."

"You were right." Adam said. Ben looked at him. "A pistol is meant for one reason. To kill people." Ben nodded his head and looked down. "But, if I hadn’t had a gun, I would’ve died."

Ben nodded again "You better get some rest." Just then, the door opened. Jared, Nathan, Louis, and Cole walked in.

"How you feeling?" asked Jared

Adam shook head and smiled. "Lousy. And you?"

They laughed. Jared gestured to his knee "It’s coming along. My sister wanted to thank you for saving her life."

"Yeah, I did do that didn’t I?" Adam looked at Cole "Did you get him?"

Cole looked first at Adam and then at Louis, "Yeah, we got him."

"You’re pretty good with that thing," said Jared gesturing to the gun that sat on the table next to the bed.

Adam looked down, his smile fading, "yeah," he murmured.

"Well," said Ben standing up, "I think we should let Adam get some sleep."

"Hey Louis." Cole called after him heading to the barn.

"Yes?" he answered.

"I was um- thinking if you didn’t have a job, that you might want to work at my ranch. I’m uh- short one hand. So if you want it, the job’s yours."

"You’re very kind senor. Thank you." He accepted and shook hands with Cole.

A few days later, Adam was well enough to ride. Hop Sing had already gone back to The Ponderosa while Ben stayed and waited for Adam.

"That was an interesting experience wouldn’t you say?" Ben said during the ride back home.

"Yeah, you could say that…you know I-" Adam started to say on the ride back home "I did a lot stuff back there, that you always taught me not to do… But then there were things I did that you did teach me to do."

"Adam," Ben said looking at his son "You’ve done a lot of things that would make any man happy or sad." He searched his eyes and found the same person he had always known and loved. It was the same boy who he had watched grow up into the young man that rode next to him. "I’m proud of you… and I’m proud to be your father."

The End