The Visitors

By Layne


Little Joe Cartwright ran into the house excitedly waving a letter for his Pa.

"Pa a letter come for you!"

Ben Cartwright came out of his bedroom, "Came for me."

"That’s what I said Pa." Little Joe handed his Pa the letter.

Ben just chuckled. He knew he was never going to get Little Joe or Hoss to use proper grammar.

"Well, let’s see what is in this letter shall we Little Joe?" Pa herded him to the kitchen table.

Ben scanned the letter making sure there wasn’t anything improper for his young son to hear.

"It seems that we are going to have some visitors next week."

"Who Pa? Who’s coming?" Little Joe climbed up into his Pa’s lap to read the letter for himself.

"My old friend Sam and his daughter Kylie." Ben continued reading.

"Who are they Pa? How do you know him?" Little Joe looked at his Pa.

"Who’s who Pa?" Asked Hoss as he came through the front door.

"Sam Matthews and his daughter Kylie."

"Never heard them names before Pa." Hoss rubbed his hands together gathering some warmth from the fire.

"What names?" Adam questioned as he came in shortly after Hoss did.

"All right boys. Sit down so I only have to say this once. Hop Sing come on in here please?" Ben motioned to him.

"It seems according to my letter here that my old friend Sam and his daughter are coming here for a visit. They will be here next week."

"But Pa who are they/" Little Joe insisted.

"Well, lets see, Sam was on of the members of the wagon train that Adam and I traveled with for the last part of our journey here. He and his wife decided to settle quite a ways back if I recall. They didn’t want to come all the way west. It was too hard on his wife traveling. But I have kept in touch with him off and on throughout the years. He lost his wife several years ago. A wagon accident I believe. She was killed on impact. He was devastated. But like the rest of us he continued on for the sake of his daughter Kylie. She was everything to him after that." Ben sat there silent for a moment. Little Joe tugged at his sleeve.

"Sorry boys. Memories. Sometimes they can be overwhelming. Any way, I will be very glad to see Sam and his daughter." Ben smiled at his sons.

"Very good. I will make sure house is clean good for guests." Hop Sing rose and started a mental note of all the things that needed to be done.

The next week passed quickly. Hop Sing had the boys scrubbing the cabin from top to bottom making sure no corner was left dirty. Finally the day of arrival he was satisfied.

The Matthews arrived in Eagle Station at ten a.m. on the next Tuesday.

Ben made sure that he was on time to meet his guests. Little Joe had pleaded with his father to let him come too, but Ben didn’t have the patience for his son’s ball of energy today. The threat of being in his room all day stopped his pleading quickly. Ben left with a "Have a nice time Pa. See ya later." From Little Joe.

Ben paced back and forth in anticipation of Sam’s arrival. After about his fifth walk up and back he heard the sound of the stage rattling down the street.

The stagecoach came to a halt. Ben went up to the coach and opened the door. He helped a elderly lady down and then he spotted Sam.

"Sam!" Ben grabbed the extended hand and began shaking it as Sam climbed out of the coach.

"Ben it’s so good to see you old friend." Sam patted him on the back.

"It sure has been a long time." Ben looked passed Sam and saw a lovely young lady of about 14 sitting on the seat. "Are you going to introduce me to your daughter or make her sit there all day?"

"Oh gosh. Kylie honey, this is my oldest and dearest friend Ben Cartwright." Ben extended his hand to her also. She scooted forward a bit and shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you too. Papa talked about you the whole way here." She smiled at him.

"Uh oh, Hope you didn’t believe everything he said?" Ben teased. "Well lets get you out of this stuffy coach and off to the ranch." He started to help her.

"Oh Ben, wait a minute." Sam climbed to the top of the coach and untied a wheel chair. "Grab this for me Ben will ya?" It now registered why Kylie remained in the coach for so long.

Ben reached for the wheelchair and put it down.

"I almost forgot. Kylie can’t walk. She was in the wagon with her ma when it turned over and she was pinned."

Ben cleared his throat. "Well then if you will permit me ma’am I will deliver you to your chariot." Ben took off his hat and bowed.


Kylie started giggling. She wasn’t sure how this family was going to accept her in her condition but after meeting this man she knew it would fine.

"Thank you kind sir." Kylie gave her best curtsy while sitting down.

Ben reached in and scooped her up and gently placed her in her wheel chair. He smiled at her and kissed her hand.

"Same old Ben. That Cartwright charm." Sam laughed as he started pushing Kylie down the street toward the buckboard.

"Well, it does tend to run in the family, so prepare your self young lady." Ben winked at her.

"Papa said you have three sons. Adam, Hoss and Little Joe?" Kylie smoothed her dress down as she spoke.

"Yes three sons. Adam is 21 Hoss is almost 17 and Little Joe is 10."

"I can’t wait to meet them." Kylie clapped her hands in anticipation.

Sam and Ben both laughed. Ah to be young again! They quickly got her settled in the back of the buckboard and loaded her wheel chair and the luggage and took off toward the Ponderosa.


Hop sing had started setting out food for the guests. Some ham, and cheese and fresh bread. Some pickles and carrots and some cookies for dessert.

Hoss came in and spied the cookies, "Mmm cookies!"

"Cookies not for you, for guests after eating good food first." Hop Sing pushed Hoss’ hand away from the plate.

"Aw Hop Sing, just one?" whined Hoss.

Hop Sing just ignored him and shook his head smiling.

"Hey cookies!" Little Joe shouted as he ran into the house.

"No running in house Little Joe!" Hop Sing scolded.

"Sorry Hop Sing. Can I have a cookie please?" Little Joe batted his eyes.

Just then the clanking of the buckboard could be heard coming in the yard. Joe and Hoss took off running, cookies forgotten for the moment.

"Hey Pa!" Little Joe ran up to the buckboard.

"Hey son, say hello to Sam and Kylie Matthews." Ben jumped down from the seat and headed to the rear of the buckboard.

"Hi Mr. Matthews, Kylie. Glad to meet you." He waved at them.

"Glad to meet you too son." Sam jumped down and shook Little Joe’s hand.

Hoss came up behind Joe. "Hi there Mr. Matthews, Kylie. Glad to meet ya."

Kylie’s eyes got extremely wide. "Glad to meet you too. You must be Hoss."

"Yes.m I am." He grinned at her.

"Wow you sure are big!" She exclaimed.

"Kylie! That wasn’t very nice." Sam reprimanded her.

"Don’t worry about it Sam. Hoss is used to it. He shocks people all the time." Ben laughed.

"Sorry Hoss, I didn’t mean it in a bad way. But you just are really big for 16." Kylie thought that was a pretty good apology.

Little Joe saw his Pa take down the wheelchair and watched as Sam picked up Kylie and placed her in it.

He stood there with his mouth wide open in total surprise!

"What happened to you? Why are you in that chair Kylie?"

"Joseph! Mind your manners boy." Ben turned on Little Joe surprised that he could be so insensitive.

"Yes sir. I’m sorry Kylie. I didn’t mean to be mean. It just surprised me that’s all." He kicked at the dirt.

"It’s okay, like Hoss I got used to it." She shrugged her shoulders.

"Well let's take this little party inside. I’m sure Hop Sing has fixed us something to eat." Ben gave Little Joe a warning glare as he passed him.

"Who’s Hop Sing?" Kylie asked.

"Only the best cook this side of heaven." Hoss rubbed his hands together in anticipation of the meal waiting for them.

Hop Sing greeted the guests with a respectable bow to Sam. "Welcome Mr. Matthew and daughter Kylie. Please come in, eat plenty of food for all."

"Told ya." Ben playfully pushed Sam.


Adam arrived soon after everyone had started eating. "Sorry I’m so late Pa, one of the--" He stopped in mid sentence as he noticed Dam and Kylie. "Sorry about that. Didn’t know company was here already." He extended his hand to Sam. "I’m Adam."

"Hi Adam I’m Sam and this lovely young lady is my daughter Kylie." Sam gestured to his daughter.

Adam noticed the wheelchair but paid it no mind. He went up to Kylie and shook her hand too. "Hi Kylie. Nice to meet you too."

She blushed a bit, "Nice to meet you too Adam." She held his hand a bit longer than necessary.

He gracefully pulled his hand back and took his seat.

Little Joe couldn’t stand it any more he had to know why Kylie was in the wheelchair. "Kylie so why are you in that chair. What kind of accident caused you to not be able to walk?"

"Joseph Francis Cartwright!" Ben boomed at his son.

"Ben please it’s okay. It’s just a natural curiosity for people to want to know. I’m sure Little Joe didn’t mean to hurt Kylie did you son?" Sam looked at him.

Little Joe looked at Sam with the starting of tears in his eyes. "No sir, I wouldn’t hurt her for nothing." He turned to his father.

"Kylie was in the wagon with her mother that overturned. Her mother was killed and Kylie was trapped underneath the wagon. Her spinal cord was damaged and as a result she was paralyzed from the waist down." A very sad look glazed Sam’s face at the memory.

"Papa." Kylie touched his arm.

Sam patted her hand. "I’m okay baby girl." He squeezed her hand and smiled.

"Well Joseph you have your answer now. Anything more to add?" Ben asked his youngest son.

"No sir." Little Joe hung his head in embarrassment.

"Don’t worry about it Little Joe. This chair doesn’t stop me one little bit from doing much." Kylie wagged her eyebrows at him.

"Yes she is if you will pardon the phrase, ‘hell on wheels" Sam raised an eyebrow at his daughter.

"Great, now we have two of them." Adam smacked his forehead.

They all got a chuckle out of that.


After they had all eaten their fill Little Joe and Hoss asked if they could take Kylie for a stroll around the ranch a bit.

"That would be okay boys, just be mindful of the wheelchair in any ruts. Kylie could easily flip out of the chair." Sam warned them.

"We’ll be careful Pa." Hoss promised.

Kylie was so excited. Her Papa hardly ever let her go off on her own with friends. "Hoss could I see the horses you are trying to tame."

Little Joe laughed at that. "Ha we don’t tame them we break them. Geez."

"Fine the horses you break then smart aleck." Kylie sneered at him.

Hoss wheeled her around a bit so she could see them running in the corral.

"Oh they are so beautiful!" She exclaimed.

"Yea they sure are." Hoss could never get enough of watching them run. He felt bad sometimes having to break them, they were so beautiful just running wild and free.

"Did you ever ride a horse Kylie?" Little Joe asked her.

"I used to ride before the accident. I haven’t been on a horse since for obvious reasons." She patted her chair.

"Oh well yea, I guess I didn’t think about that. Sorry" Little Joe felt real bad.

"Now look you two, if your gonna go around feeling sorry for me all the time, I might as well just stay in a room all day, so you don’t have to look at me. I don’t want no pity. I’m stuck here and that’s that. I just have to make the best of it." She simply stated to the boys.

Hoss patted her on the back, "Right no pity. Got it." Litlle Joe nodded in agreement.

"Hey maybe we could tie her on a horse or something so she could go riding again?" Little Joe’s wheels were turning already.

Hoss shook his head firmly no, "Uh uh Little Joe. You ain’t gonna tie her to no horse."

"Well maybe not tie her but fasten her down or something." Little Joe started walking around the wheelchair thinking.

"Oh that would be so great Hoss! I would love to be able to ride again." Hoss couldn’t resist the light that was there in her eyes as she spoke.

"Well, I’ll have to think on it a might. Gotta figure out someway you could get off if you had to. Give me some time." Hoss rubbed his chin. Little Joe and Kylie exchanged smiles.


"Better watch Kylie with those two. They can be mischief magnets." Ben sipped his coffee.

"Believe me Ben, Kylie can create her own mischief." Sam raised an eyebrow.

Adam rose from his place at the table. "Well if you’ll excuse me I had better get back to work , that fence won’t build itself."

"Fine son. Take Hoss with you too. He can help." Ben said.

"You sure it’s okay to leave Joe and Kylie alone?" Adam laughed as he walked out the door.

Little Joe kept Kylie occupied by showing her some of the tricks Paint could do. He was backing her up making her gallop, side step and go in circles.

"Is that all you can do Little Joe? Doesn’t she run or jump or anything else?" Kylie herself had been a dare devil before her accident. Many times making her father angry and end up with more gray hair.

"Well I really haven’t done much jumping with her. And Pa don’t like me to run her too much. Pa don’t like me doing anything dangerous. He threatened to skin me alive if he ever caught me." Little Joe rolled his eyes.

"Well then it’s best not to get caught." Kylie wagged her eyebrows at him and then laughed.

Little Joe was liking this girl more and more every minute. He was an expert at not getting caught. If Pa only knew some of the shenanigans he had pulled, whew wee!


That evening Sam enlightened the boys with some stories of their coming west. Some of the problems they had to endure in order to make it. Sam told of a time when there was a very bad rainstorm and the mud slides they had to get through . That was one of the worst days they had on the trail.

"It was raining so hard you couldn’t see the wagon in front of you. The horses were having a hard time walking through the mud, let alone pulling the wagons." Sam started out.

"I remember that too. It was so hard keeping the wagons from getting stuck in the mud. We had to get out and help each other push through it. We were mud from head to toe for days." Ben shook his head in remembrance.

Hoss and Little Joe were playing checkers but paused to listen to the story. Adam was reading the paper and put it aside trying to remember the incident. Kylie had heard it all before so she kept her nose buried in her book.

"What happened Pa?" Little Joe was getting engrossed in the story.

"Well, let’s see, the worst day came when the mud slides hit us. The rain had slowed to a drizzle so I let Hoss and Adam out to stretch a bit. After several days cooped up they needed to walk a bit." He paused for a sip of brandy.

"Adam and Hoss were wandering a bit farther than they were told they could. So what else was new?" Ben looked at the boys and grinned. They both looked down at their feet. Now Adam remembered where this story was going and the ending.


"Sam and I were helping the Porters I believe that was their name, get their wagon out of the mud I turned a looked around and couldn’t see the boys anymore. I could see Mrs. Matthews looking for them too. She kept calling and calling to them, but they didn’t answer. We stopped pushing the wagon and started a search for the boys. We were walking up and down and back and forth through the wooded area we were traveling through. Nothing. Sam and I walked toward the wagon again retracing our steps and looking for signs of the boys again, no sooner had we neared the wagon when we heard a sound like thunder rolling from the hills. We looked up and saw the mud sliding down the side taking out everything in it’s path." Ben shuddered at the memory.

"Wow what happened Pa!" Little Joe went over to his father’s side.

Ben put his arm around Little Joe, "We saw it coming and started yelling for everyone to get out fast, Sam and I pushed and pushed but couldn’t get the Porter wagon out fast enough. I was frantic not being able to find Adam and Hoss, I just knew we all had to get out of there. I yelled one last time as loud as I could for them. They came running out of the woods yelling, ‘Pa the mud it’s coming!’ I ran to them and threw them in the wagon and took off as fast as we could. We made it through the pass and just watched as the hills washed out. I couldn’t stop thinking that Adam and Hoss could have been trapped in all of that destruction." Ben paused and cleared his throat.

Sam resumed, "Unfortunately the Porters lost their wagon and all their supplies. Everyone pitched in and let them take turns staying with all of us. We helped them get supplies together and other necessaries so that when we hit the next town they could get a new wagon or stay if they decided too. But I remember two little boys that were not too happy to sit down the rest of the trip." He laughed. "You’re Pa warmed their backsides real good that day. They didn’t stray beyond your Pa’s sight after that."

Hoss and Adam were sitting there red faced at the memory. "Well, I think on that note I’m going to go check the stock." Adam put his book down and went off to the barn.

"Little Joe it’s past your bed time. Go on son." Ben patted his back.

"Aw Pa, can’t you tell some more stories. Please?"

"No son, time for bed. Now scoot." He gave Little Joe’s butt a warning smack.

"Good night everyone." He sighed and went off to bed.

"Kylie I think it’s time you went off to bed too honey. You have had a very long day too." Sam addressed his daughter.

She let out a big breath not wanting to go but after Little Joe’s performance she figured she had better not push her luck. "I am kinda of tired Papa." She wheeled to her father and kissed him good night. "Mr. Cartwright thank you for letting me have your room. I hope it’s not too big of an inconvenience for you."

"Not at all Kylie. You’ll have your privacy and room for you chair also."

"Pa thought you wasn’t supposed to mention that?" Hoss was surprised his Pa had said anything reminding her about the wheel chair.

Sam couldn’t help but bust out laughing. "You did warn them Ben." Hoss turned red and hung his head embarrassed at having corrected his father. Ben couldn’t help but chuckle himself.

"I um I’ll go help Adam." He took off as fast as he could.

The remaining three sat there laughing.


The next morning Little Joe and Kylie were setting the table for breakfast. Hop Sing had gone to the store room for more supplies and the rest were outside finishing up the morning chores

"Hey Joe how are for practical jokes?" Kylie eyed him.

"Great as long as it don’t get me a tanning." Little Joe watched her.

"Well I got one that is harmless, except for the taste." Little Joe waited. "We switch the sugar and the salt on the table. Ya know put the salt in the sugar bowl and sugar in the salt. What do ya think?"

"Sounds great! Lets do it." Little Joe grabbed the sugar bowl off the table and dumped it back into the sugar bag then he filled it with salt and put it back on the table. He took the salt and did the same thing. Now all they had to do was wait.

They were waiting at the table as everyone else came in and sat down. That should have tipped everyone off right there. Little Joe and Kylie watched as the group talked back and forth.

Hoss took several big spoons of sugar to put on his fruit. Ben and Sam put some in their coffee and stirred. It took all of Little Joe’s and Kylie’s will not to laugh.

Hoss took a bit bite of his fruit and promptly spit it back out. "Hoss! What on earth is the matter with you!" Ben roared.

"Dad burn it Pa this taste like salt! I know I put sugar on it." Hoss wiped his mouth out with his napkin and then proceeded to drink his mild down in one gulp.

Sam in the meantime had tasted his coffee and got the same taste, salt.
"All right young lady." Sam was familiar with the trick. She had done it to him several times.

Kylie looked at her father with a look of complete innocence. "Yes Papa?"

"Ben, the sugar container is full of salt. And if I’m not mistaken the salt would be filled with sugar. Am I right Kylie?"

Little Joe and Kylie couldn’t help but laugh. Hoss was such a site sputtering and spitting trying to get rid of the taste.

"I take it you had a hand in it too Little Joe?" Ben stared at his son.

Hop Sing came in as Hoss was spitting out the last of his fruit . "What you do? Why you put salt on furit not sugar!"

"I didn’t do it Hop Sing on purpose." Hoss defended himself.

Hop Sing picked up the containers and confirmed the suspicions that the condiments had indeed been switched. "Not funny joke! Waste of food!" He went off mumbling in Chinese.

"Well, I think for that little antic maybe you two could benefit from mucking out the stalls for the next few days." Ben looked to Sam for conformation.

"That’s right. Kylie you can use a shovel from the chair. You can manage a broom so a shovel will do."

Both kids groaned in disgust. "Papa, that’s horrible." Kylie whined.

"How do you think Hoss feels I’m sure he didn’t appreciate his breakfast being ruined. Not to mention the waste of food. Kylie you know that every thing you do. . . "

"I know Papa, has consequences." She rolled her eyes at Joe.

"That’s right young lady and you best remember that while we are here as guests." He empathized the last word.

"Yes Papa." Kylie decided now was not the time to argue.

"Same for you Joseph." Ben pointed his finger at his youngest son.

"Yes sir." He played with his eggs with his fork.


Kylie and Little Joe treaded lightly around Hop Sing the rest of the day. He was still pretty angry. He didn’t want anyone messing with his kitchen.

"Boy he sure gets his dander up don’t he?" Kylie wheeled herself down to the corral with Little Joe.

"Yea, he is real protective of his kitchen and his stuff. I never thought about that part. We were lucky to get out with our skin in tack." He climbed on the fence to watch the horses.

"Yea. Hey you think Hoss has come up with any ideas to get me on a horse yet?"

"Don’t know. Let’s see if he’s in the barn and ask him." Joe jumped down and started pushing Kylie to the barn.

Hoss was sure working hard on something, it looked to be the start of some kind of chair.

"Hey Hoss. What ya doin?" Little Joe went over to his brother.

"Well little brother, I been doin some thinkin about how to get Kylie on that horse like she wants. I figure I can make some kind of chair and tie it down somehow. Ain’t got that part figured out yet." He scratched his head.

"Maybe tie it to the stirrups with some harness strap and then to the saddle horn." Little Joe suggested.

"Maybe, still gotta figure out a way to anchor it down tight so it don’t wiggle lose when she rides." He stood up straight and stretched his back. "Let me measure your seat Kylie ya mind?"

"No not at all." Hoss picked her up and sat her down on a hay bale.

Little Joe hopped up next to her. "Hey Hoss couldn’t you make it like a saddle you know with a cinch that can be tightened?"

"Hey that might work!" Hoss slapped his leg.

Little Joe got up and started wandering around. He was never one to sit still for long. He then spied the rope for the pulley to pull the hay bales to the loft. He took hold of the rope and started swinging on it.

Kylie watched him swinging and jumping laughing at his antics. How she wished she could join in. Little Joe noticed a sadness cloud her face and stopped.

"Hey Kylie wanna turn?"

"How can I Little Joe?" She sighed heavily.

Hoss turned and saw what his little brother was up too. "Little Joe you know what Pa said about hanging on that pulley."

"I know Hoss I ain’t hangin on the pulley, I’m swinging on the rope. Kylie wants a turn too.’ He looked to his big brother knowing that Hoss could figure out a way.

"I don’t think it’s a good idea Kylie. I mean with your back and all." Hoss hated to disappoint her.

"That’s all right Hoss. Like I said you get used to not being able to do things." She hung her head.

"Hoss can’t you think of something? I mean it ain’t like were jumping from the loft like last time." Little Joe pleaded.

Hoss looked around the barn and spied a few left over boards. He took the rope and tied a loop big enough for Kylie to slip through. Then he cut the sides of the board to fit into the rope. It looked just like a swing!

"Hoss it’s great!’ Little Joe patted his brother on the back. "Let’s give it a try."

"Oh Hoss thank you. Get me on it please?"

Hoss picked her up and Joe guided her feet through the loop and sat her on the board. Hoss made sure she was secured and tied another rope around her waist to hold her on the seat. Then he gave her a push! Off she went swinging!

They were so full of themselves that they didn’t hear the barn door open. Ben and Sam walked in and nearly had a heart attack at the site!

"Eric! Get her down from there right now!" Ben bellowed.

Hoss snapped too and slowed the swing down and gently lifted Kylie off the makeshift swing. He gently placed her back in her chair.

Sam ran up to her, "My God Kylie are you okay? What were you thinking!"

"Papa I’m fine. I just wanted to swing like Little Joe was doing." She didn’t realize she had opened a can of worms.

Ben looked at his youngest son and placed his hands on his hips. In a very low tone he spoke to his son. "Joseph what were you told the last time you were found swinging on the pulley?"

Little Joe looked at Hoss and then back at his father. "But I wasn’t swinging on the pulley honest Pa!"

"No he wasn’t Pa really.’ Hoss tried to defend his little brother.

"Hoss don’t." Pa snapped at him.

"Yes sir." Hoss shrugged his shoulders at his brother.

"He wasn’t Mr. Cartwright. I wanted to swing on the rope like Little Joe did so Hoss helped make one for me." Kylie was getting a little angry. Her Papa never let her do things. It was too dangerous, or it wasn’t lady like.

"I don’t care Kylie, it is too dangerous for you. You could have fallen and broken your neck!’ Sam was starting to lose control.

"But I didn’t did I." She shouted at her father. Realizing her mistake she tried to wheel herself out of the barn.

"That’s is young lady, you can spend the remainder of the day in your room and think about this." Sam grabbed her chair and wheeled her to the house.

Ben stood there looking at his sons in disbelief. "How could you boys? You have to think of the dangers with her. Kylie isn’t like most people. She has limitations."

"But Pa…" Little Joe started.

"But Pa nothing. Now you can also spend the day in your room thinking until evening chores young man. Now march!" He punctuated his final statement with a solid swat to the seat of Joe’s bottom. Joe flew into the house.

"As for you Hoss, I know how persuasive Little Joe can be and apparently so can Kylie, so it’s up to you to know better. I’m surprised you went along with this." Ben shook his head.

"Pa I did think about it. That little girl wanted to swing so badly. I made sure she was tied tight, and I wasn’t going to let her go high, just enough for a little breeze. I was behind her the whole time." Hoss defended himself.

"Ahh Hoss I know. But you have to think beyond the now. With Kylie you have to go along with the what if’s. Think about the worst case scenario." Ben watched and Hoss nodded his head in understanding.

"I’m sorry Pa."

"I know you are son. Now dismantle that contraption and put the rope back where it belongs and finish your chores and no more surprises." Ben walked off shaking his head. Would he ever survive the growing up of his last two?


Little Joe and Kylie spent the rest of the day in their rooms. They were supposed to be thinking of what they had done wrong. Kylie reasoned that if they pulled anymore pranks they would have to be extremely careful. Last time was too close.

At supper it was obvious that there had been trouble. Little Joe and Kylie were both rather quiet. Adam just shook his head it never failed his little brother could hardly ever last a day without incident.

"I thought that maybe tomorrow we could take a trip into town. I need to get some supplies and get a harness fixed, not to mention the ax handle is broke again." Ben smiled at his middle son. Hoss sometimes would swing so hard to split wood he broke the ax handles. Ben lost count at how many had to be replaced.

Hoss grinned at his father. He knew his Pa wasn’t angry at him. "Sorry bout that Pa , guess I don’t know my own strength sometimes."

"That’s for sure Hoss." Adam chuckled.

"Yes but when it comes to taking care of some injured animal or person, Hoss is the most gentle person there is." Ben beamed with pride at his large son.

Little Joe pushed his peas around on his plate debating whether or not to ask his Pa if he would be going to town too tomorrow or not. Kylie beat him to it. "Papa does that me and Little Joe get to go too?"

"Only if you behave, both of you." Sam wagged his finger at her.

"We will Papa won’t we Little Joe?" She grinned at him.

"Sure we will , Mr. Matthews. Pa?"

"Yes son, you and Kylie can come. You can introduce her to some of your friends." Ben figured maybe that would keep the two of them occupied for a while.

"Hey that’d be great! Kylie you’ll like Mitch, he’s my best friend." Joe suddenly became animated. He proceeded to tell Kylie all about his friend.

"Tomorrow long way off. Clean off table now and do dishes." Hop Sing patted Little Joe on the back.

"Oh gee, Hop Sing do I gotta do dishes again!" Little Joe whined.

"Yes." Was all Hop Sing said to Joe. He pushed his chair back a little harder the necessary in protest.

"Joseph, you can still remain on the ranch tomorrow if need be." Pa’s tone meant business.

"Sorry Pa, Hop Sing. I would be so delighted to do the dishes this evening." Little Joe bowed to Hop Sing.

Hop sing cuffed Little Joe lightly on the head laughing.

The rest of the evening went off without a hitch, even Little Joe and Kylie went off to bed without much fussing.

The stock was tended to and then everyone retired and the Ponderosa was once quiet again.


As the group arrived in town Kylie and Little Joe were given a final warning about their behavior. They both promised to be good.

Ben and Sam went to Frenchy’s place to see about the harness. Hoss and Adam took off to check out any new stock he had.

Little Joe and Kylie went into the trading post to get some candy to share with Mitch and his little sister.

"Well Little Joe how nice to see you. And this is your friend Kylie I believe?" Mrs. Orawitz patted Little Joe on the arm.

"Yes ma’am. This is Kylie Matthews and her pa Sam is with my pa. We came to get some candy. Im gonna introduce her to Mitch."

"That will be nice. Mitch is a nice boy." She smiled at Kylie. "So what kind of candy will it be?"

"What do you want Kylie? Mitch and me like sour balls and jelly beans." Little Joe licked his lips.

"Mmmmm let’s see. I really like licorice. Is that okay?"

"Yep, that’s good. Mrs. Orawitz can we get a little bit of all three?" Little Joe gave her his best puppy dog look.

She could never resist. "Of course Little Joe. All three." She went off to bag their candy.

Eli came out of the store room and saw Kylie and Little Joe and couldn’t help but smile at them. "well well what do we have here? A new face today."

"Hi Mr Orawitz, this is Kylie. Her and her Pa came to visit for a while. We’re going over to Mitch’s."

"Well that’s nice. Have a good time." He smiled at them and thought to himself trouble is ahead. Mitch and Little Joe is a given.

Little Joe walked with Kylie to the edge of town to Mitch’s house. He was waiting out front for Little Joe. When he saw Kylie his mouth gaped open.

"Best close your mouth Mitch less you plan on catching flies." Little Joe laughed.

"She’s in a wheel chair!" Mitch was stunned.

"Yea so what?" Little Joe was getting a little defensive.

"I…I didn’t mean anything, it just surprised me. Hi Kylie." He recovered.

"Hi Mitch. Joe has told me a lot about you two." Kylie wagged her eyebrows at him.

"Oh great, that’s doesn’t sound good." Mitch rolled his eyes.

"Here have some candy." Joe shoved the bag at him.

"Thanks. Hey what are we gonna do?" Mitch chewed on some jellybeans.

"Don’t know what ya wanna do?" He countered.

"I don’t know." Joe shoved some sour balls in his mouth.

"Hey you gotta a swing." Kylie shouted. "Come on let’s go!" She started wheeling herself.

"Kylie! You know what your Pa and mine said yesterday."

"But they aren’t here are they? What they don’t know can’t hurt right?"

"I like the way you think Kylie. Come on Joe let’s go." Mitch ran ahead.

Little Joe followed, his conscious nagging at him. Little Joe and Mitch took turns swinging as high as they could. Kylie wanted a turn. The boys helped get her on the swing and moved her chair out of the way. Little Joe went behind her and started pushing. Kylie held on for dear life as she swung higher and higher. She laughed and laughed, she felt so free just swinging.

Her hands started slipping a bit on the ropes, "Joe I need to stop my arms are getting tired."

"Okay, hang on and I’ll slow you down." He grabbed for the rope by her hands and tried to slow her. He was doing pretty good until her hand slipped and she toppled off forward and landed on her face.

"Kylie! Kylie are you okay!?" Little Joe bent down to her and Mitch was on the other side.

They heard a sound coming from her thinking she was crying. The boys looked at each other fearful.

Her shoulders started shaking and she turned her face slightly bloody and dirty, laughing!

"That was so much fun!" She was laughing so hard the boys couldn’t help but join in.

"Mitch we need a cloth to clean her up okay?" Little Joe managed to get out.

"Yea you sure are a mess." Mitch laughed.

"Are you sure you’re okay Kylie?" Little Joe asked as he brushed dirt off her dress.

"Yea I’m fine really Little Joe. That was so much fun." She was so excited. She couldn’t remember having so much fun in such a long time.

Mitch brought her the cloth and she cleaned up. She only had a little scrape on her chin but nothing serious.


While Pa and Sam were talking to Frenchy Adam and Hoss decided to go to Shelby’s and have a cold beer. Adam was of age but Hoss wasn’t really unless Pa was with him. Adam said he would try to sneak one for his brother.

They walked in as if they had been there a million times before. Adam walked up to then bar and as bold as you please ordered two beers.

"Two. For you and who else Adam?" Shelby chewed on her cigar.

"For me and my brother Hoss. He’s with me Pa’s at Frenchy’s so…" Adam shrugged.

"So what? I ain’t gonna risk your Pa’s temper Adam." Shelby gave Adam a glare.

"Shelby two beers please." Adam wouldn’t back down.

"Alright Adam. I ain’t the one gonna answer to your Pa." She reluctantly got two beers.

Adam was just sipping his and Hoss was about to when behind them came the all too familiar voice, "I hope your for sake Hoss that’s sarsaparilla."

Adam and Hoss looked at each other and Hoss swallowed hard. "Er hi there Pa."

Ben just stood there. "I ordered him one beer Pa. I figured I was with him and that would be all he would have. I mean you let him have one now and then." Adam played with his beer glass.

"Shelby. Two sarsaparilla’s please. Sam?"

"No need to let that beer go to waste. I’ll take it." Sam took the beer and gave a salute to Ben.

Hoss and Ben took their drinks and slowly sipped them

"Hoss if and when you drink it will be with me and me only, clear on that?" Ben sipped his drink again.

"Yes sir." Hoss just looked down at the bar. Ben nodded.


In the meantime Little Joe and Mitch were taking turns trying to find something to do. Kylie joined in with tossing stones to see who could throw the farthest. Kylie won, so the boys got bored real fast. They took turns with Mitch’s slingshot. After hitting the house with rocks Mitch’s mother put an end to that fun.

"Hey Kylie can we take turns with your wheelchair?" Mitch asked.

"Um, yea I guess so. Just be careful." She scooted off onto the porch and let Mitch try it out. He rolled around a bit and then Little Joe jumped on the back and rode with him. Mitch rolled and rolled until they hit a bump and tipped over.

They got up laughing until they saw that a part of the seat had broken. A piece of wood broke the was supporting the seat of the chair.

"Oh no! Now what do we do!" Mitch was upset.

"Calm down we’ll think of something." Little Joe was trying to convince himself as well.

Kylie had the boys bring the chair closer so she could see. "Well we need some wood and nails to fix it, or maybe some rope." Kylie knew they had to fix it before her father saw it. He would not be pleased.

"Yea some wood and rope." Mitch ran off.

He was back in no time. The boys worked to place the board and cut it to size and then tied it with the rope tightly. Mitch sat in it to see if it would hold him. So far so good.

"We need a cushion though. It pinches your backside." He was thinking of where to get a cushion.

Mitch went inside and found an old discarded pillow in his ma’s sewing room. He snuck it out and ran to Kylie and Little Joe.

"Here try this." He placed it on the seat and sat down. Yep no pinching.

"Are you sure that your Ma won’t be mad that you took the pillow Mitch?" Kylie didn’t want him to get into trouble.

"Naw it’s okay, if it’s there it’s for the trash." Mitch assured her.

They put Kylie’s lap blanket on the cushion to hide it for now. She didn’t need the blanket now. Hopefully her Papa wouldn’t notice it. Not yet until she could figure out a good excuse first.

Kylie and little Joe figured it was time to get back toward town to meet everyone to go home. They said good bye to Mitch and his mother and headed off.

Little Joe was talking a mile a minute about many of his adventures with his Pa and brothers. He climbed on the back of Kylie’s chair as she wheeled down the walk way.

"Hey Kylie hang on I’m gonna give you a push." Little Joe pushed her as fast as she could and the jumped on the back of her wheelchair as it flew down the board walk in front of the Orawitz’s store. As they neared the entrance Mrs. Thompson was walking out with her packages. Before they could stop the chair Little Joe and Kylie ran her down. Her packages went flying and she went down.


As Mrs. Thompson screamed Ruth and Eli came running out. They ran up to her helping her to get up.

Eli saw Little Joe and Kylie on the board walk staring in disbelief.

"Are you two responsible for this?" He asked them.

"It was an accident honest Mr. Orawitz." Little Joe started.

"What did you think you were doing?" He asked them as he helped Mrs. Thompson gather her packages.

Neither one of them said anything not sure if they were supposed to.

Mrs. Thompson was brushing off her dress trying to get herself composed again. "Where are your parents! I am going to make sure they know bout this1" She shouted.

It didn’t take long for a crowd to gather. Hearing the noise Ben and Sam went outside to investigate and saw the crowd at the trading post. Adam and Hoss followed them.

There in the middle of everything were Little Joe and Kylie being reprimanded by Mrs. Thompson.

"Little Joe what happened?" Ben pushed his way into the crowd.

"Pa it was an accident. Honest1" Little Joe tried to defend himself.

Ben knew when Little Joe claimed it was honest, there was more to the story. "Joseph what happened?"

Sam saw a guilty look on his daughter’s face, "Kylie what happened? I know Little Joe wasn’t alone in all of this."

"Papa it really was an accident." Kylie crossed her fingers.

"An accident! I highly doubt that! These two hooligans came barreling down the street and knocked me down!" Mrs. Thompson exclaimed.

"Ben I’m afraid it’s true. Little Joe was on the back of the wheelchair going fast, and they couldn’t stop in time, and ran straight into Mrs. Thompsom." Maggie Green stated. "I was coming down the street and I saw them." She gave a sympathetic look to the children.

"Mrs. Thompson if there’s anything I can do to make it right please let me know. I can assure you that these two will be delt with as soon as we get them home." Ben stated firmly. Little Joe swallowed hard and Kylie bit her lip.

"I should hope so Mr. Cartwright! I am fine no thanks to these two, so I will be on my way." She grabbed her packages gave both kids a look of anger and took off.

"Allright you two. Let’s go." Ben grabbed Little Joe by the scruff of the neck. Sam pushed Kylie roughly toward the buckboard.


The ride home was extremely icy. Little Joe tried several times to explain what had happened but the more he talked the worse he made things. Kylie finally elbowed him and whispered for him to shut up.

As soon as they got into the yard Ben jumped down and gave Little Joe a swat and sent him to his room.

Sam took Kylie none to gently and placed her in her wheelchair with strict orders to go to her room.

"Well that was sure fun." Ben took off his gloves.

"Yea it sure was. I can’t believe her. She knows better than to play like that with her chair. Not only can she hurt some one else, but she could hurt herself and not realize it. She has no feeling from the waste down. Which brings me to another point. I can’t tan her, it’s useless. I have to be more creative with her." Sam ran his hands over his face.

"Well Little Joe can feel. And believe me he’s gonna feel this for a while. Plus extra chores to hopefully keep him out of trouble." Ben slapped Sam o the back and headed for the house.

Little Joe was sitting on his bed waiting for his impending punishment. The bedroon door opened and Little Joe out of habit stood up.

"Joseph, I can not believe this. I thought after the sugar and salt escapade, then the swinging incident you would have been more careful. Kylie could have been hurt so badly. Not to mention Mrs. Thompson. What were you thinking?" Ben put his hands on his hips.

Little Joe looked up at his Pa and swallowed not sure wether or not to answer. "I guess I wasn’t thinking Pa. I’m sorry."

"Sorry. Your always sorry Little Joe. That doesn’t excuse the fact that you don’t think before you act. It’s my duty to make sure you think, now come here son." Ben sat down on the bed and pulled Little Joe over his knees.

In her room Kylie could hear the unmistakable sounds of a spanking being administered. Tears ran down her cheeks as she listened to Little Joe cry out. She couldn’t help but wonder what was in store for her.

She didn’t have to wonder for long, the door opened and her very angry father came in.

He paced back and forth across the room a few times before he settled on the bed to look at Kylie eye to eye. "Well young lady do you have anything to say for yourself?"

She looked at her father and shook her head no as the tears continued. As she looked up he noticed the scrape on her chin.

"Your chin is it okay? I didn’t realize you had gotten hurt also. I’ll have Hop Sing get some ointment for it in a bit. Now as what is going to happen to you here it is…" He paused for effect. "I obviously can’t spank you, so you will be sitting in the corner in the living room in a chair not your wheel chair, that way you can’t just take off. I will take possession of it. You will be there for an hour in the morning and in the afternoon. Then after supper for another half hour. No books, or writing tablets, just time to sit and think. Then you will have an early bed time. You will also have some extra chores to do to keep you busy for the next few days."

Sam knew that taking books away from her was one of the worst things he could do to her. Reading was everything to her. He could see it hit home as the tears increased running down her cheeks.

It tore at his heart to see her so sad, but he knew he had to stand firm with her. Just because she was in a wheelchair didn’t give her license to get away with anything.

"Now let’s get to the corner so you can start your punishment." He started to wheel her out.

"Papa." Kylie said in a whisper. "How many days do I have to sit in the corner?"

"The rest of today and tomorrow. If you behave then corner time will end when you go to bed tomorrow night. If not I will extend it. Is that understood?"

"Yes Papa." Kylie sniffed.

Kylie spent the rest of the day sitting in the corner and Little Joe was confined to his room.

Supper was a quiet affair. Adam and Hoss knew that their Pa wasn’t happy with them over the Shelby incident, so they just decided to keep quiet and not make waves. It was obvious that Little Joe had received a tanning and Kylie was also in some kind of trouble.

Supper was over quickly and Little Joe went back to his room and Kylie was placed in her corner in the living room so she could be watched.

The night dragged on. Little Joe spent the evening crying and feeling sorry for himself in his room and worried about Kylie too. Kylie sat in her corner silently crying and wondering about Little Joe.

"All right Kylie time for bed." Sam got up and rolled her wheelchair to her then picked her up and placed her gently this time into it.

"Papa can I say good night to Little Joe?" She asked hopefully.

"Not tonight. You’ll see him at breakfast." Sam wheeled her to her room.

Ben went in and checked on Little Joe. He was already in his nightshirt waiting for his Pa. "I’m ready for bed Pa." Little Joe hoped that put him back in his father’s good graces a bit.

"So I see son. Let’s get you under the covers then." Ben pulled back the sheet and blanket. Little Joe carefully climbed in and turned on his side.

As his Pa tucked him in Little Joe couldn’t help the tears that slipped down his cheeks. Ben saw then and gently sat down next to him.

"Little Joe, it’s over now son. You have been punished and so has Klyie and that’s that. Now you both will have extra work tomorrow and for a few days after that to keep you out of mischief." Little Joe sniffed and nodded his head. "I know you didn’t mean any harm son. But you have to start thinking ahead. I hope this will remind you. Now get some sleep son." Ben brushed his hand through Joe’s hair and bent down and kissed his forehead good night.

"Night Pa." Little Joe smiled at him and closed his eyes.

Sam helped Kylie get settled in her bed. He pulled the covers up over her and tucked her in. She just watched her father through teary eyes.

Sam touched her cheek. "Sweetheart, I know you’re sorry. But sometimes you just don’t think that what you do affects others. Mrs. Thompson could have been badly hurt in the fall. You could have too."

"I know Papa. I just get so frustrated sometimes because I can’t do what other kids do. It’s so hard sometimes!" She smacked her quilt.

"I know honey, but doing things that put you and others in jeopardy are not fun things. They wouldn’t be acceptable even if you could walk." Sam kissed her on the cheek. "Now get some sleep young lady." He smiled at her and left.


The next few days went on without incident. Little Joe and Kylie were on their best behavior. They didn't grumble about the extra chores they just did them. Chopping kindling and stacking it for the kitchen, watering and feeding the stock, morning and night, mucking stalls and washing floors and windows.

It on the fourth day of their extra chores chaos hit again. This time is wasn’t Little Joe or Kylie’s fault, well directly anyway.

They were washing the windows on the outside of the cabin when they noticed a small ruckus by the chicken coop. Little Joe went to investigate. He came back running to the porch.

"It’s a skunk!" He exclaimed.

"A Skunk! A real one?" Kylie had only seen pictures of them in books.

"Yea a real one." Little Joe pinched his nose closed.

"They really smell that bad? What do we do now?" She craned her neck looking for the critter.

"Nothing. You don’t want to rile a skunk. When they spray you it takes days for the smell to go away."

As they spoke the smelly critter wandered closer to the outhouse.

"Joe it’s getting closer." Kylie didn’t want to get sprayed.

"Yea I know. Hold on." He went and picked up some rocks. He handed a couple to Kylie. "Here hold these if it gets any closer just throw them at him. Maybe he’ll go away." Little Joe took his stance ready to throw.

The skunk came towards them and they pelted him with rocks. He turned to spray but Kylie hit him on the back and he took off. They watched him squeeze through the side of the outhouse.

"At least he’s gone from the house. Now we have to wait and see if he leaves the outhouse." Little Joe watched the outhouse for any movement.

Kylie nudged Joe. Here waltzed Adam from the barn heading for the outhouse. He looked at the two of them and just kept on walking.

"Little Joe shouldn’t we tell him?" Kylie knew they should but it was just too good not to.

Little Joe’s eyes sparkled, "I don’t think so. He’s always yapping to me watch where you’re going, watch what you’re doing. Now let’s see if he watched." They stayed there their eyes glued on the outhouse.

It took all of about thirty seconds for a loud scream to come out of the outhouse followed by a very irate Adam Cartwright.

"Adam Cartwright enough!" Ben shouted at his son to stop the rain of curses.

Hearing the booming voice Adam realized his error. "Pa! There was a skunk in the outhouse!" He yelled back in his defense.

"That’s no reason for the language young man. You know better." Ben shook his head at his son. If he were a little younger his mouth would get a soaping. "And stay there don’t come any closer."

Little Joe and Kylie were still laughing at Adam. "Did you too have anything to do with this?" Sam asked.

"Papa how could we?" She looked her father straight in the eye. "We were here cleaning windows."

"That’s right Mr. Matthews, Pa, we were here the whole time. I know better than to tangle with a skunk." Little Joe stated.


Adam came into the yard spitting and sputtering trying to get the smell off him. Little Joe and Kylie couldn’t help but laugh at the site of a prim and proper Adam cursing a blue streak and trying to shake off the smell.

Hearing the yelling Ben and Sam came out of the house to see what all the commotion was about.

"Pa they has to know it was there!" Adam insisted. "They could have warned me!"

"Did you two know the skunk was there?" Ben’s tone was low. Little Joe knew that meant business.

Little Joe looked at Kylie and she at him. "Well Pa we saw it around. We threw rocks at it and it took off. How were we supposed to know he would roost in the outhouse?" He told his father hopefully convincing him that they didn’t know the skunk was in there. It wasn’t exactly a lie. They did see it go in there but for all they knew it went out again. "You always told us to be careful when we go in there to watch out for critters and such. I guess Adam forgot to look."

Ben just grunted. "Adam get around to the back of the house and I’ll have Hop Sing start boiling a huge pot of water."

Seeing Adam’s feathers ruffled was just too much for the four of them. They burst out laughing again. Kylie was laughing so hard she had tears running down her face. Her laughter was short lived as she went crashing through the bottom of her wheelchair.

Now it was Adam’s turn to laugh. "See that’s what you get for making fun of someone else’s troubles." He went to the back of the house.

Sam picked Kylie up and sat her on the bench on the porch. "Are you all right honey?"

"Yes Papa I think so." She was still a little surprised.

Ben took a look at the wheelchair and noticed that it had been previously broken and repaired. The repaired board didn’t hold up. "Sam looks like it was broke and then fixed and it didn’t hold together very well."

Sam went to look at the chair. Yep sureenough it had been repaired, and poorly.

Little Joe tried to slip into the house behind his father, but he saw the movement from the corner of his eye and put out an arm and grabbed Little Joe and pulled him back.

"I’m waiting." Ben placed his hands on his hips.

"Um well Pa you see it was like this. . . ." Little Joe started.

"The day I was with Mitch and Little Joe, I let them take turns riding in my wheelchair. It was only for fun. It got broken and we all tried to fix it." Kylie left out the part about them letting her swing. Why drag in more trouble.

"Kylie you know your chair is not a toy. How many times do I have to tell you?" Sam tilted Kylie’s chin up to look her in the eye.

"I’m sorry Papa. Little Joe tried to fix it. Mitch even sat in it to make sure is was okay. It kinda pinched his backside a little so he got a pillow for me to sit on too. Wasn’t that nice of him?" She smiled at her father.

"You should have told me Kylie when it happened so I could have fixed it properly. Are you sure that’s all you were doing?"

"Yes Papa, they were just racing with my wheelchair." She looked at her father with all the innocence she could muster.

"Well let me take a look at it and see if I can fix it right. Thank you Little Joe for trying." Sam patted him on the shoulder.

"Oh sure, no problem. I’m sorry we broke it sir." Little Joe gave him the puppy dog look.

"Are you okay out here or do you want to go sit inside?" Sam asked his daughter.

"I think I’ll be okay here Papa."

"All right then I’ll tend to you chair." He kissed her on the cheek.


In the meantime Adam had been forced to endure a bath being scrubbed with tomatoes by Hop Sing. Could there be anything more humiliating?

"Only thing that get smell out." Hop Sing scrubbed another tomato over Adam’s head.

"Watch out for my eyes! It burns when the juice gets there." Adam sounded very close to whining.

"Then close eyes and not burn."

"Gee thanks Hop Sing I never would have thought of that." Adam said a bit too sarcastically.

"Fine then, boy know everything clean smell yourself." With that Hop Sing left Adam to his soak.

"Hop Sing! Come back! How am I gonna know when the smell is gone?" Adam almost begged him.

Hop sing just kept on walking.

"Great." Thought Adam. He continued to rub the tomatoes over his body.

Adam finished his bath and rinsed off with some hot water and felt that he had to be clean by now. He got out and put on clean clothes that Hop Sing had left him before he stomped off. Adam headed for the house for supper.

Everyone was seated at the table waiting for supper. The longer they waited for Hop Sing to serve the more they could smell Adam. It was getting pretty strong.

"Adam, son, I think maybe you need to eat outside for now. You still smell like skunk." Ben tried to breathe. As did the rest of the group around the table.

"Pa I bathed for an hour! It can’t still stink!"

"I’m sorry son, but you reek. Outside please." Ben fanned his nose.

Adam pushed back his chair and stomped outside. The members around the table burst into laughter.


Adam stomped around the barn half heartedly pitching hay to the stock. "I just know Joe and Kylie had a hand in this, I just know it!" He muttered to himself. He threw the pitchfork across the room into the pile of hey and stomped off. He decided that he would go for a swim in the lake and maybe that would get the stink off and cool his temper.

Little Joe noticed Adam stomp out of the barn and head toward the lake. He rushed Kylie through the dishes and told her about Adam going to the lake.

"What do you have in mind Little Joe?" Kylie wondered.

"Well, I’m not sure yet but I got myself a plan forming. So you want in?" Kylie nodded yes and they spit and shook hands. "Now we have to get our Pa’s to let us go."

"Hey I can say that I want to take the new seat out for a spin and see how well it holds up. You need to come with me to make sure nothing happens." Kylie patted her chair.

"That might work. Let’s give it a go!" Little Joe pushed Kylie back to the house to ask their father’s.

"Hey Mr. Matthews ya think Kylie and me can take the wheelchair out for a bit farther like for a walk maybe. To see how sturdy it is and all. I mean last time it didn’t last long it broke again." He crossed his fingers behind his back.

"I don’t know Little Joe." Sam’s feelers were out again.

"Please Papa. We’ve been cooped up for so long now only going in the yard and all. We did everything you and Mr. Cartwright said we had to do. Please just for a little while." Kylie pleaded with her father.

Sam scratched his head. He had a feeling he would regret it, but she was so persistent. He always had a hard time refusing her.

"All right you can go for a little while. But mind you, no wild riding! I just got that chair fixed."

"Oh thank you Papa, thank you." She clapped her hands together.

"Yea thanks Mr. Matthews. We’ll be careful honest." Little Joe didn’t wait for him to think about it again, they took off out the door.

Little Joe pushed Kylie very carefully until they were out of sight of the house, then he picked up speed and raced off with her. She squealed the whole time. She loved going fast. If there was only a way for her to ride a horse and feel this free. She would give anything.

Little Joe noticed that Kylie was getting a bit down so he decided to tell her his plan. "Hey Kylie, I got an idea to get Adam some more. He’s always getting one up on me so now it’s my turn."

That sparked her interest. "What pray tell do you have in mind?"

"Well, he’s at the swimming hole about now. And if I know Adam he’s bare. So we sneak up and steal his clothes! Then watch ole Adam try to get home like that!!!" Little Joe couldn’t stop laughing at his won planned prank.

"Well, well, I think I like that idea! Let's go!" Kylie joined in his laughter.

It didn’t take them long to spy Adam floating in the water. Little Joe was right he was bare. "Kylie you stay back. He’s bare and you don’t need to look. " Little Joe decided his brother deserved a little modesty.

"Oh fine, then give me his clothes and I’ll hide them in my satchel on the back. Then when we get home I can hide them in the barn." She shook her head. Boys!

Litle Joe snuck up on his brothers clothes on the bushes. Very quietly he pulled them down one by one. Adam didn’t even notice. Little Joe quickly took off and ran to Kylie and helped her put the clothes in her satchel. Then they took off fast!


Little Joe and Kylie laughed all the way back to the trail. Adam was sure gonna be hoping mad! "That was great! We did it!" Little Joe laughed and jumped around.

"We sure did! Like taking candy from a baby!" Kylie whooped.

Little Joe pushed Kylie faster and faster, until . . . Crack! "Uh oh." Little Joe stopped and looked.

"What uh oh!" Kylie craned her neck to try and look. She saw it. Her chair frame cracked. The last big chuck hole they hit split the frame. "Oh no Papa is gonna be so mad!" She was close to tears.

"Kylie don’t cry. We can fix it!" Little Joe ran his hand on the underside of the chair. He could feel the huge crack. There was no way to hide it. "Look let’s get back tot he house and go in the barn, I’ll look for Hoss and see if he can fix it before any one notices."

Kylie wiped her eyes, "Okay, it’s worth a try. You have to go there first and make sure no one is outside. Then come and get me the rest of the way. We can go in the back way." Kylie was feeling a little better.

"Yea, so let’s go real slow so it doesn’t crack all the way." Little Joe carefully pushed Kylie toward the barn.

He ran ahead and checked and saw no one. He ran back to Kylie and pushed her in the barn. He helped her get scooted on the hay bales and then went searching for Hoss. He then took Adam’s clothes out of the satchel and stuffed them behind the hay pile in Paints stall.

As Joe came out of the barn he ran into Hop Sing getting water. "Little Joe late for chores. Come help."

"I’ll be right there Hop Sing." Joe called back as he kept going. "Have you seen Hoss Hop Sing?"

"Brother by back field cutting trees for father."

"Thank you Hop Sing, I gotta tell him something then I’ll be right there." He took off running.

Hop Sing went back to the house muttering to himself.

Little Joe ran to the field and saw Hoss cutting logs. "Hoss! Hoss!"

"What’s the matter Little Joe?" Hoss put down the ax.

"I need your help with something right now." Little Joe started tugging on Hoss’ sleeve.

"Hold on Little Joe, I got to finish this now." Hoss shook him off.

"Please Hoss it’s real important." Little Joe practically begged him.

Hoss had a feeling the his little brother and Kylie had been up to no good and it must have backfired. Hoss never could resist his little brother.

"All right I'll come. Tell me what you got into now."

"Ah Hoss, Kylie’s father fixed her wheelchair and we took it out for a walk ya know to check it out and all. And well…well we went a little too fast and the whole frame cracked! Her Pa can’t find out, not now!"

Hoss shook his head. "Little brother you sure can get yourself in to a mess. Come on I’ll see what I can do."

Kylie was sitting in the barn picking apart pieces of straw. What was taking Little Joe so long?


Adam got out of the water and went to get his clothes. He saw they weren’t on the bushes where he left them. He checked the ground around the bushes, and kept searching the small area where he knew he had put them.

"Who in the Hell took my clothes!" He shouted to the air. Then he looked foot prints, little ones. He went farther and saw wheel tracks. A wheelchair!!! That’s it, those too were gonna get it!!

As Kylie was picking at the hey she heard someone coming in the barn. She looked up to find Adam covering himself with branches swearing a blue streak.

She couldn’t help but burst out laughing! What a sight!

Adam looked up and realized she was there and his eyes blazed! How dare she laugh at him. She was one of the reason’s he was in this situation!

"Laugh it up little girl! Just you and that little brother of mine wait!" He grabbed a horse blanket and covered himself and went to the house.

Kylie stopped in mid laugh. Uh oh she thought. She needed to warn Little Joe fast. If Adam caught him first his hide wouldn’t be safe. She scooted herself to the edge of the hay and tried to get down. Slowly she slid until she was almost standing and leaning against the pile. She tried to move and proceeded to go down.

Hoss had come through the door and saw her on the ground. "Kylie! You okay?" He picked her up and sat her back down. "Now you sit right there and don’t move. You trying to hurt yourself?"

Kylie brushed off her skirt. "No I was trying to get to Joe before Adam did. He was here and he knows it was us Little Joe!" She panicked.

"Oh no! How did he find out?" Little Joe started pacing.

"Wait a minute you two. What did you get me in the middle of. I ain’t fixin to lose no hide for you too." Hoss looked at his little brother.

"No it ain’t nothin like that. Kylie’s chair got broke again. Her Pa just fixed it this morning and now it broke again only worse. Please Hoss help us?" Little Joe’s green eyes were filling with tears. He knew they were already in big trouble for the prank on Adam, even though it sounded good at the time, he didn’t want more for Kylie.

"Now what did you do to break it? Didn’t your Pa tell you to take it easy?" Hoss tried to lecture Kylie but his heart wasn’t in it.

"I know Hoss. We were trying. But we hit a big hole and crack!" Little Joe nodded his head in agreement.

"Well let’s see what we can do." He grabbed the chair and turned it over to inspect it. "Well you did a number on it this time. The whole seat has to go this time. Gotta make a new one. That’s gonna take some time."

"How much time Hoss? Can you have it done before Papa gets back?" Kylie really wasn’t looking forward to facing her father right now.

"I don’t think so sweetie. I gotta measure and cut and nail and tie some harness strap around the seat this time. Then maybe that’ll make it a might sturdier." Hoss studied the chair some more.

As they watched Hoss measure voices could be heard outside the barn. "I’m telling you Pa I have had enough! Those two knew that skunk was there and I know they are the ones that stole my clothes! What if someone had come by and saw me…well with no clothes on?"

"Calm down son. Little Joe and Kylie said they saw the skunk go that way after they threw stones at it how could they have known it was still in the outhouse? So you really think they did it on purpose?" Ben smiled at his irate son.

"Yes I do! I know they did!" Adam was not letting it go.

"And you are very sure it was Little Joe and Kylie that took your clothes?"

"I saw small boot prints and wheel tracks, too small for a wagon. It was Kylie’s wheelchair." Adam duplicated his father’s all too familiar stance, hands on hips and feet slightly apart.

All right son I’ll take of it. I think you need to go soak in some more tomato juice. Have Hop Sing get it ready again." Ben scrunched his nose as he caught of whiff of his son.

"Great! He gets away with murder and you tell me to take a bath!" Adam shouted.

Ben cleared his throat, "Son I know you are very upset right now so I’ll excuse you tone with me. But you had better change the tone right now. I will not be shouted at." Ben waited until his message sunk in hopefully calming his oldest son down.

Adam looked down and kicked at the dirt. He glanced up at his father, "Sorry Pa. I just . . . well what if someone would have seen me like Isabella? The would have been so humiliating."

"I know son. But it was just a practical joke. You have done it many times to your brothers over the years." He looked directly at Adam. He shook his head knowing his father was right.

"Now I said I would take care of things, so go and get that bath." Ben slapped Adam on the back.

Little Joe and Kylie held their breaths as Ben Adam talked. They thought Ben had left and they started working on the chair again. Ben heard pounding coming from the barn, curiosity getting the better of him, he opened the door and stopped short when he saw Hoss working on wheelchair.

"Care to explain son?" Ben directed his question to Hoss.

Hoss not one to lie stuttered and stumbled a bit before being able to answer, "Well . . . you see . . . Joe and Kylie hit a chuck hole and the frame cracked on the wheelchair, so I was gonna try and fix it for them."

It was the truth. Maybe not all of it, but most of it and none of it was a lie.

"Uh huh. And how did hitting a chuck hole slowly manage to crack the frame Joseph?" The emphasis on the word slowly was not lost on Little Joe.

Little Joe looked at Kylie and back to his father. "Let me guess. You and Kylie went to the lake to spy on your brother and decided to steal his clothes and leave him there naked? In your hurry to get back home and not be found out you hit the hole. How am I doing so far?" Ben watched as the two stunned faces looked back and forth between each other.


"We were only playing a joke on Adam Pa honest! We were just having some fun." Little Joe tried to defend them.

"Little Joe how many times have I told you that a joke played on someone else that puts them in an embarrassing position or causes harm is not funny. What if someone had come along and saw Adam without his clothes? How would that have been for him? Never thought about that did you?"

"No sir. We just thought it would have been funny." Little Joe hung his head. Kylie picked at her hands.

"Now that I think about it, I think you two had something to do with Adam getting sprayed by that skunk didn’t you? You knew it was in the outhouse didn’t you?" Ben waited for an answer.

Little Joe couldn’t stand that look from his Pa any longer. He knew too well that he had pushed too far. The only thing left to do was tell the truth.

"We knew it was in there sir." Little Joe put his hands behind his back out of habit. Kylie sat there with tears in her eyes nodding.

"Hoss leave the wheelchair please. Take Kylie inside. Her father will be home shortly and I will relay all of this to him." Ben indicated with a tip of his head to have Hoss take Kylie. Hoss didn’t even look back he picked her up and out they went.

Little Joe stood there ram rod straight waiting to see what his Pa was going to do next. Ben paced a bit back and forth in front of his youngest son. He knew Little Joe never did anything out of spite to hurt anyone. He just didn’t use his head and think things through. But . . .

"Son. I know you were just trying to play a joke on your brother with his clothes and all. Okay, it was funny, but you shouldn’t have run off with his clothes. You could have just left them down the path a bit or just moved them to another bush. Making him come home naked was . . . well it was just mean. Then trying to hide Kylie’s wheelchair and put your brother Hoss in the middle of everything was also wrong. You know things are always worse when you try to hide them and I find out later." As Ben continued his speech he could see that Little Joe was absorbing the information.

"I’m really sorry Pa. I really am. I’ll apologize to Adam."

"Yes you will. I also believe you know how I feel about lying." Ben watched as the new information soak in. Little Joe’s widened in realization.

"Yes sir. We lied about the skunk. We did know. We saw it go into the outhouse through the crack. Then we lied about it and said we didn’t." Ben watched his son as several emotions passed over his face.

Ben didn’t have to say a word. He pulled Little Joe over his knee once again and spanked him.

As Hoss was carrying Kylie to her room she couldn’t help but ask about Joe. "Is he in a lot of trouble Hoss?"

"Yep he sure is. Pa don’t take no excuses for lying except for at Christmas time. For hiding gifts and all. Any thing else is guaranteed a tanning." Hoss placed Kylie on her bed.

Kylie couldn’t help it she burst into tears. "Hoss I never meant for him to get into so much trouble."

Hoss put his arm around her and pat her shoulder. "I know. But he manages to find trouble all by his lonesome. He don’t need no help." She just buried her head in her pillow. Hoss didn’t know what else to do but leave her alone.


Sam arrived home about an hour later. He had gone into town for some supplies for Hop Sing and was looking forward to a quiet evening. As he neared the house he saw Ben coming out of the barn heading for the back of the house. He then saw a teary eyed Little Joe walking gingerly after his father rubbing his backside.

Great! Now what did Kylie and he do? So much for resting.

Sam took his mount into the barn and unsaddled him. As he put the saddle on the stall ledge he noticed the condition of his daughter’s wheelchair again. That was it! This time there was no reason for it. Enough!

Sam stormed into the house and went right into Kylie’s room without knocking. He saw his little girl crying into her pillow and his heart melted a little but he knew he had to stand firm.

"Kylie Matthews! What did you do to that chair!"

Kylie turned and saw the anger in her father’s eyes and cried harder. "I’m so..sorry Papa."

"I’m sure you are but that doesn’t make it right. I specifically told you to be careful I know you weren’t. Now I want to know what happened and I want to know right now!" He bellowed at her.

Ben heard Sam yelling at Kylie and knew he needed to calm him down before he dealt with his daughter. He went to her room and softly said, "Sam. We need to talk first."

Sam turned and glared at Ben for interfering. He then saw the concern in Ben’s face and knew he needed to calm down. "Kylie I’ll be right back." She buried her head again.

"Sam, the kids tried a practical joke on Adam and didn’t think it through and it backfired. They took his clothes while he went for a swim and left him there bringing the clothes with him. Adam had to come home with branches covering him. In the process the kids hurried to get home hit a chuck hole and her chair cracked."

"I told them before they left to be careful! I had a feeling that I shouldn’t have let them go but I let them anyway!" Sam slapped his leg.

"Now Sam, no one told them to get into trouble they did that all on their own. Now also they did have a hand in the skunk episode. They knew it had gone into the outhouse and just watched Adam walk right in.

I already punished Little Joe for his part and I agree Kylie deserves to be punished too, but you need to calm down first." Ben got a cup of coffee for Sam and himself.

"I wish sometimes she wasn’t in that chair. I would love to paddle that backside until it was flame red. I try to be creative in her punishments but she is wearing me out! I take away her books, give her corner time, make her write sentences, give her extra chores. I just don’t know what else to do." He ran his hands through his hair in frustration.

"Yes I guess it would be difficult. I know with the boys a good tanning usually puts them back in line. Although I do seem to tan Little Joe more than the other two. But sometimes repetition is the only way. Have you ever slapped her hands with a ruler like the teachers do? I mean it would be almost as good as a tanning. It would have the same lasting effect as one." Ben sipped his coffee.

"You know that’s one I haven’t tried yet. Not a bad idea Ben." Sam thought on it a bit more. "Yep that’s what I’ll do. You got a ruler around here?" Ben smiled at his friend and found him the implement.

Sam went off to address his daughter’s latest transgressions.

"Kylie." Sam got her attention. "Kylie, I have tried everything I know. What you and Little Joe did was harmful and mean to Adam. You put him an embarrassing situation without any thought to his feelings at all. And you and Little Joe decided to cover up your lie about the skunk. Unacceptable."

Kylie watched her father as he paced the room. "I know Papa. I’m sorry."

"I’m sure you are, but that doesn’t make it all right. Now I have done several creative things in the past to punish you and frankly I think I need to be a bit firmer. So I have decided to use a ruler on your hands so you can feel it. Similar to a tanning that Little Joe has suffered twice since we came here." He waited until the information soaked in. "Now hold out your hands Kylie." She hesitantly did what her father asked.

As her father brought the ruler down on her palms repeatedly Kylie let out tears of relief. She was in pain but, it helped knowing that Little Joe wasn’t the only one suffering a painful punishment this time.

After ten slaps with the ruler on each hand Sam stopped. He threw the ruler down and engulfed his daughter in a hug. "I’m sorry honey I hated to do that."

Through her tears she hugged her father tightly. "I’m so sorry Papa. I promise I’ll try to do better."

"Sshh honey I know you will. Just try to think things through. What you do effects others." He kissed the top of her head.

"I will Papa I will. I’ll even apologize to Adam. If he is mad at me it’s okay too." She sniffed and her father gave her his handkerchief. She smiled at him and he hugged her again.


Little Joe and Kylie were permitted to joining the family for supper. They were two very quiet children during evening also. They had both apologized to Adam and he accepted it. But he gave them a warning to behave or they would answer to him. They agreed.

"Adam why don’t you play us something on your guitar this evening?" Ben thought the mood could be eased by some soothing music.

Adam gladly got his guitar and sat and played song after song while everyone joined in at one time or another singing in off key harmony, but enjoying themselves all the same.

Morning came and there were always chores to be done. Kylie again had to help with extra chores because of her antics. As did Little Joe.

Sam and Hoss had worked to put Kylie’s wheelchair back together, the reinforced it with harness straps this time. Hopefully it would hold up to Kylie’s daily treatment.

Kylie tried it out that morning and felt that it was more secure that before. So she rolled herself out to the barn to help Little Joe with the mucking out of the stalls. Still her least favorite job.

"This has to be the most disgusting job on this whole place." Kylie complained.

"Yea almost as bad as having to dig a new outhouse and covering the old stuff!" Little Joe wrinkled his nose.

"Yuck! I wouldn’t want to do that especially on a hot day."

"Yea you said it." He continued to rake the soiled straw toward Kylie so she could shovel it into the wheel barrel.

Kylie had been shoveling the manure as fast as she could to get rid of the smell. She slipped with the shovel and overshot her mark and threw the manure over her shoulder and wouldn’t you know it! Adam was right there and the manure hit him square in the chest and face!

Kylie put her hand over her mouth. "Oh my God Adam I swear I didn’t know you were there! The shovel slipped!"

Little Joe turned to see what had happened and he stood there with his mouth open in total disbelief.

Adam stood there sputtering yet again trying to get the taste out of his mouth. "Great! Just great!"

"Adam I swear!" Kylie was horrified.

Ben heard the commotion and came to the barn to see what was going on. He couldn’t believe that after yesterday those two would be at it again.

"What the hell were you doing!" Adam yelled at her. "First you make me smell like skunk and now I smell like horse shit!!

"Adam Cartwright!" Ben bellowed as he entered the barn. "What have I told you about that mouth!" Ben grabbed Adam and pulled him to the wash house. He promptly took the bar of soap and scraped it over Adam’s teeth. Again he spit and sputtered trying to get the foul tasting soap out of his mouth. "Pa!"

"I have warned you over and over again. I don’t care if you are an adult I won’t have you using that kind of language in front of your little brother and our guest." Ben handed his son a towel to wipe his face.

"But Pa Kylie threw horse manure on me!"

"So that’s the smell. I didn’t think it smelled of skunk anymore." Ben tried not to laugh.

"Ha, ha." Adam took off to go and change.

Ben went back to the barn and saw two fearful children standing side by side awaiting their fate.

"Pa, Kylie was shoveling and I was raking and the shovel slipped when she went to put the manure in the wheel barrel and it flipped and hit Adam. We didn’t even know that he was there, I swear Pa." Little Joe looked straight at his father.

"Relax Joseph Kylie, I know it was an accident. Adam should have watched where he was going this time too." Ben laughed. Seeing that they weren’t in any trouble, both kids joined in laughing with Ben.


Hoss knew that he was taking a chance finishing the saddle for Kylie. He finally got the wooden seat secured to the saddle with harness straps and some hinges. He knew that his Pa and Mr. Matthews were going over to Mrs. Green's for lunch so he felt now was the time to get Kylie and try it out.

As Hoss saddled the pony for her Adam walked up beside him wondering what in the world he was doing now. "Hoss what on earth?"

Hoss jumped. "Gosh darn it Adam don’t sneak up on a fella like that!"

"Sorry brother. Didn’t mean to sneak up on you. But what are you doing?’ He repeated.

"Well I been workin on this here seat for the saddle so’s that Kylie can ride too." Hoss smiled at his brother.

"What! Are you out of your mind! Pa and Mr. Matthews will never let her ride on that." Adam looked at his brother as if he lost his mind.

"Well me and Little Joe was thinkin we’d take her out on our own first and get her used to it, then show her Pa and then it all works out." Hoss was sure of himself.

"You can count me out brother. I don’t want any part of this crazy idea." Adam started to walk away.

"Adam, ain’t there ever been anything that you wanted so bad that you’d do almost anything to get it?" Hoss’ words made Adam turn back.

"Yea I guess a time or two. It also got me in trouble too." He reminded Hoss.

"Yea but even so wasn’t it worth it?" Hoss pleaded with him. "Just please don’t tell anyone about what we’re doin okay? "

Adam let out a breath. "Okay, I won’t say anything. Just Hoss please be very, very careful."

"We will I promise. Thanks Adam." Adam walked off shaking his head.

Hoss had just finished placing the saddle just right and making sure it was tightened when Little Joe and Kylie came up to him.

"Hey Hoss is it ready yet?" Little Joe walked around the pony checking it out.

"Yep sure is. Ready to try it Kylie?"

"Oh yes Hoss, please." Kylie was so excited.

"We need to get out away from the house so no one sees us. Little Joe get Paint and we’ll meet you out by the north pasture." Hoss guided the pony and Kylie wheeled herself along beside him.

They reached the clearing and Hoss turned to Kylie, "Are you ready?" She nodded her head yes. "Okay, now I’m gonna lift you on the saddle and you have to hold on to the horn as tight as you can so’s I can get your legs right and get you tied in the seat."

"Okay Hoss. I’m ready." Kylie was starting to sweat with excitement. She was finally going to get to ride a horse! After all this time she was going to be back in the saddle again.

Hoss carefully lifted her onto the saddle. He arranged her legs and got her feet in the stirrups. He then made her sit up straight and he then attached a three inch leather strap around her middle and secured it to the other side. He took the shoulder straps and hooked them to the leather strap. He was confident that she was secured.

"Okay Kylie your in. Now I’ll take the lead and walk you around a bit until you get used to bounced around. Then I’ll give you the reins and off you go." Hoss patted her arm.

Little Joe came up to her and walked his pony side by side. They went slowly around several times until Kylie got her own rhythm. She was a natural Hoss decided.

"Hoss let me take her reins and go a bit faster. I promise I won’t run." Little Joe was getting bored walking.

"I don’t know Little Joe." Hoss didn’t think it was a good idea.

"Oh come on Hoss it’ll be fine." Kylie asked too.

"Oh all right. But you two had better not run then ponies. I’ll kick your butts both of you." Hoss threatened.

They kept their promise to Hoss and just cantered around the field. Kylie was getting more and more comfortable in her new saddle. She was ready to try it on her own.

"Hoss can I do it myself now? I know I can I’ll go slow, please let me try?" Kylie pleaded.

Hoss had been watching her and decided she could handle it. "Okay Kylie. But any time you start feeling like you can’t holler and me and Joe will get you."

"Okay Hoss. Little Joe the reins if you please." She bowed in her seat to him.

"Your wish is my command." He handed her the reins. Kylie took them and started off. It was wonderful! She was riding a horse all by her self again!

They didn’t realize how long they had been out just trotting around time slipped away. As Kylie was turning around with her pony she saw her father and Ben coming across the field. Her heart stopped for a second.

"Hoss! Little Joe!" she shouted as she started to run her pony toward them. Hoss turned and saw her galloping and started running toward her.

"Kylie don’t run that pony!!!" Hoss shouted at her.

In her panic she stopped short and started to loosen her strap to get down. Without thinking about anything except how angry her father was going to be she slipped and fell off the pony. Hoss ran as fast as he could and Joe was there in a shot but it was like watching her fall in slow motion and they just couldn’t get there in time. She hit her head on a rock as she fell and knocked herself out.

Hoss looked up and then saw his Pa and Mr. Matthews coming up fast. Good glory they had done it now.

Sam jumped down and ran to his daughter. He gently turned her over and saw some blood coming from her head. Not bad but enough to worry him.

"Hoss!" Ben grabbed Hoss by the shoulders and shook him. "Didn’t I tell you to get rid of that contraption the other day!"

"Yes sir. But. . . ."

"But nothing young man! I told you it wasn’t safe! Tell Hop Sing to get the buckboard out here! Then you get yourself to the barn and wait for me, and Little Joe go to your room!" Ben bellowed at them.

Little Joe and Hoss took off. Now was not the time to argue.

Ben bent down and helped Sam look at Kylie. He went and got his canteen and poured water on it and handed it to Sam. He gently wiped the blood from her forehead and saw that the cut wasn’t that deep, it just bleed a lot. She did have a knot on her head though. Sam just kept dabbing it with a cold cloth trying to keep the swelling under control.


By the time Sam and Ben got Kylie back to the house she had regained consciousness.

"Papa I’m okay. My head hurts a little but I’m okay." She could see the anger mixed with concern in his eyes.

Sam gave her a big hug. "You scared the life out of me Kylie, what were you thinking!" He pushed her back so he could see her face.

"Papa, I just wanted to ride. It felt so good to be up on a horse again." She hoped he would understand.

Sam shook his head and just hugged her again. He was too angry and relieved at the same time to say anymore. "We will discuss this when we get home." Kylie remained quiet.

Hoss was nervously pacing back and forth in the barn waiting for his father. Waiting in the barn was not good at all. It usually always meant a tanning. God why did he let them two talk him into making that crazy seat. He knew better, Pa told him to get rid of it, why didn’t he?

His waiting ended abruptly as his father stalked into the barn. Hoss respectfully turned and faced his father waiting for the ax to fall.

Ben looked at his middle son. So like his mother in every way. She couldn’t stand to see anyone in pain be it animal or person. That is how he saw Kylie. She was hurting because she wanted to do so much more but couldn’t. Hoss had to find a way to help her. Ben knew that Hoss never intended for her to get hurt. It was an accident.

"Pa…" Hoss started.

Ben held his hand up to silence him, "Hoss I know you thought you were trying to help Kylie, that you would never intentionally hurt her, but what happened out there is just a sample of what could happen to her. She isn’t able to do as other’s do she has limitations. What you did put her in danger." He paused to let his lecture sink in.

"Pa I don’t mean no disrespect, but you’re wrong. The only reason she fell and hit her head is cause she undid the buckle holding the strap before waiting for the horse to stop and have one of us get her down. If she would have waited it wouldn’t have happened. I mean I ain’t blaming her or nothing she was new at it, but she was safe Pa as safe as you and me when we ride, probably safer." Hoss pleaded his case.

Ben watched his son as he spoke. Disrespect was not in his nature, if he felt that strongly about the saddle contraption maybe there was something to it.

"All right son let’s take this into the house and discuss it with your brother and Kylie and her father." Hoss nodded happy that his father was willing to listen to him.

At the same time Ben was out in the barn with Hoss Little Joe was in the bedroom pacing waiting for his fate. He could hear his father and Hoss talking but Pa didn’t sound angry, that was a good sign.

"Little Joe come on out here please." Ben called for him. Little Joe jumped at the sound of his father’s voice. He quickly exited the bed room.

"You wanted to see me Pa?" He tread lightly still not certain what was going to happen.

Yes son I do. I would like to talk to you and your brother about Kylie and the horse incident. Hoss says you were trying to help her out by setting up the saddle for her. She wouldn’t have gotten hurt if she would not have un-strapped herself. I see that as a possibility. Now I know that you nor your brother would willingly harm Kylie. But…at the same time you were both told to destroy that contraption. Were you not?"

Little Joe shook his head yes. Hoss joined in the nod. "All right, both of you knew I didn’t approve of the saddle. However, if you would have told me or Sam about it maybe we could have helped to make sure it was safe enough. And that she was under supervision by an adult." Ben let his words sink in.

"Now the question is what to punish you for?" Both boys looked at each other and swallowed. "I believe that original disobedience is the issue here. For that I think it deserves a good week of extra chores. Chopping wood for you Hoss and splitting kindling for Hop Sing. Little Joe you can stack the wood and tote it to Hop Sing. Plus you can also start mucking the stalls morning and night. I’m sure Kylie will be accompanying you."

"Yes she will Ben." Sam agreed to Ben’s punishment. "She will also be helping Hop Sing with more household chores also." He walked to the kitchen and got some coffee.

"I know that you boys were only trying to help her, but I agree that she should have been under adult supervision. As for the saddle you rigged up Hoss, I would like to give it a closer look."

Hoss was so surprised, "Well sure Mr. Matthews. Be glad too."

Sam sipped his coffee a bit, "My daughter informed me that if she hadn’t undone the strap she wouldn’t have fallen off. She also told me that you three had been out in that field most of the day too practicing with her."

Hoss cleared his throat. "Yes sir we were. I walked her around a bit first holding the reins and all and then Little Joe took the leads and she followed him around. After a bit she wanted to try by herself so I let her. She was doing fine, I yelled to her to slow down and then she…"

"She saw us coming right?" Sam tilted his head and smiled at Hoss.

Hoss blushed a bit, "Yes sir that’s when she panicked."

"Well, let’s get to the barn and have a look at that saddle." Sam pulled Hoss out of his uncomfortable situation.

They went to the barn and checked over the saddle seat. Ben and Sam both decided that it was a very good design and looked to be very safe. But she would never be able to be out on her own. Adult supervision at all times would be a must.

Sam went and told Kylie about the decision he had made as far as her extra chores were concerned for her punishment, and then his decision about her being able to ride a horse.

She was so excited she grabbed her father and hugged him tight. "Thank you Papa!"

"I mean it Kylie, no horse if there isn’t anyone there with you. I won’t give in on this."

Sam firmly told his daughter.

"I know Papa, I promise. At least I will be able to get back on a horse again. It’s one more thing I can do again. It gets so hard hearing you can’t Kylie, it isn’t safe Kylie. Oh I know people mean well Papa, but it just gets so frustrating. Any small step I’ll gladly take it!" She smiled from ear to ear.


For the next week Kylie was allowed to ride her pony for just a little bit every day with her father riding with her. He was happy to see that she had remembered how to sit and ride very well. If one didn’t know better you could never tell she was paralyzed.

It made him so happy to see his little girl so happy, not just a pasted smile but really laughing and having fun.

After an hour or so Sam would take her back home and she would continue with her punishment chores.

Again Little Joe and Kylie did their extra chores with very little grumbling. They still hated mucking the stalls the worst. The smell was really getting to Kylie on the last day of their punishment.

She threw the rake down and swore, "Dammit! I can’t take this anymore!"

"What?" Little Joe turned to her.

"This! All this cleaning horse shit! I hate it!" She yelled again.

"Kylie watch it!" Little Joe almost whispered.

"Watch what? My mouth, who cares anymore! I’m so sick of chores! I can’t do this I can’t do that! God I’m so sick of it all!" She wheeled herself out of the barn.

Little Joe ran after her. "Kylie, you can’t stop now, we gotta get these chores done before my Pa and yours come back from checking the herd."

"Yea checking the herd! They can go do that. All we do is shovel horse s--"

"I got it Kylie it ain’t fair. But were just kids what can we do about it?" Little Joe kicked at the dirt.

"Why can’t we go and check the herd? Then we can come back and do the rest of our chores later."

"I don’t know Kylie. They said not to ride without them." Little Joe knew trouble was brewing.

"Yea but they don’t have to know. We can ride in real quiet like and just watch them. I would love to see our Pa’s working the cattle. Please Little Joe? I can wheel to the pulley and pull myself up on the saddle and then you can help get me tied in right." She gave him her pleading puppy eyes.

Now he knew how his brothers and father felt when he gave them his puppy dog look.

"Okay, I guess I’ll be okay for a little while. We go and see and then come right back and finish right?" He wanted to make sure that she knew he wasn’t crazy about the plan.

"Right. Thanks so much Joe. You don’t know how much it means to me." Kylie headed for the barn waiting for Little Joe to put her saddle on her pony.

Very quickly he had the horses ready and made darn sure she was strapped in very tightly into her saddle. He didn’t want another episode like the other day.

The duo trotted off toward the cattle.


Kylie was enjoying herself so much. Just riding and feeling free again. She kept thanking Little Joe over and over again for helping her.

It didn’t take long for them to find the cattle. They made sure they stayed on the ridge so their father’s couldn’t see them. Kylie enjoyed just sitting there watching as her father and Mr. Cartwright worked the cattle. It was like a very organized dance. They would go one way collecting strays and then weave toward the other way to keep them in line.

"Well Kylie now you’ve seen them working the cattle, can we go now?" Little Joe wasn’t very comfortable sitting there hiding.

"Oh Joe just a little longer please? I love to watch the cattle. I wish someday I could work with my Papa and do this. But I know it can never happen because of this." Without thinking she hit the pony on the flank and he took off.

"Kylie!" Little Joe shouted. Kylie pull back on the reins! Pull back!" He kicked his pony into action.

Kylie tried as hard as she could to pull the reins back and stop her pony but to no avail. As she neared the bottom of the ridge her pony started the cattle and the stampede was on!

Kylie hung on for dear life as her pony ran and ran. Little Joe tried his best to catch up to her but it wasn’t easy. He could hear his Pa yelling at Hoss and Adam and Mr. Matthews telling them to round them up get behind them!

Sam saw his daughter out of the corner of his eye and almost lost his grip on his reins. My God Kylie was in the middle of all of this! He ignored the cattle and headed for his daughter.

Ben noticed Little Joe moving quickly toward the middle of the stampede and then saw Kylie. My God Little Joe was going to her! He spun his horse around and went after his son.

He saw Sam heading toward Kylie at the same time. The cattle had moved over toward the other side of the pasture. Adam and Hoss and a few other men had them under control after a bit.

Ben and Sam were livid. All they could think about was the fact that their two children could have been killed in the stampede.

Sam grabbed Kylie’s reins and pulled her pony behind him without so much as a word to her. He was so angry, he didn’t chance saying anything.

Ben on the other hand grabbed Joe off his pony and shook him. "How dare you! How dare you Little Joe! You could have both been killed!" He turned around in a small circle trying to regain his temper.

"P . . ." Little Joe didn’t know what to say. Nothing would excuse what they had done.

Ben turned his baby son around and gave his backside several firm swats. He then picked him up and placed him none to gently on his pony. "You get yourself home to your room now!" Little Joe quickly did as his father said. He cried all the way home.

Ben waved to his sons to let them know that Joe and Kylie were fine and he would meet up with them later.

Sam managed to get his daughter home and into her room. He again paced back and forth in her room. Kylie watched him angrier than she had ever seen him before. She swallowed hard.

"Papa--" She didn’t know what else to say.

He whirled on her. " Papa nothing! There is nothing you can say to make this go away. Nothing!" He ran his hand through his hair. "You knew you were not allowed on that pony without me! How dare you defy me?" He grabbed the ruler and proceeded to smack her hands over and over again until he saw tears running down her face. He threw the ruler across the room and walked out.

Ben entered the yard and tied his mount up at the railing on the porch. He had calmed down a bit before confronting his youngest son. Ben stormed in the house and went directly into his son’s room without knocking.

He stood there with his hands on his hips his signature pose of anger and or disappointment. He waited for Little Joe to say something, anything to try and explain, but the boy had nothing to say.

Ben didn’t even have to think about it, he grabbed his son and pulled him over his knees and spanked Little Joe until his hand was numb. Little Joe cried and pleaded with his father to stop but Ben was merciless this time.

Ben finished spanking his son and then placed him on his feet. Little Joe stood there with tears running down his face and he rubbed his backside. "Son there is no excuse for what you and Kylie did out there. None. You will remain in your room until further notice." Ben turned and walked out of the bedroom.

Little Joe flung himself on his bed and sobbed.

Sam had walked to the corral to watch the horses run. He needed to calm down. How on earth could he ever make his daughter see how dangerous the stunts she was pulling were? He was at his wits end.

Ben came up behind him with a glass of brandy. "Here drink this it might help cool both of us down." Sam gratefully took it.

"I swear I never had as much trouble with my older boys that I have had with Little Joe. He had this wild streak in him the same as his mother did. I would forever yell at her to slow down or forget about some issue that was making her crazy. But no she would follow it to the end. I didn’t get all this gray hair until Little Joe started growing up." Ben laughed a bit.

"I know Ben. But Kylie is just . . . I don’t know it’s like she keeps tempting fate. Pushes with every thing she can. I don’t know what else to do." Sam drained his glass of brandy.

Ben took a deep breath and drained his glass too. "Sam I can’t tell you about raising girls and such, I only have the boys, but it seems to me that if Kylie is anything like most youngsters growing up she is pushing the limit. She seems to be doing the same things that other youngsters do. She is between that little girl and young lady phase." He patted Sam on the back.

"The only difference is that she is in a wheelchair. She needs to be creative to be able to get into mischief.

She is doing the same things Little Joe has done all by himself time and time again. The two of them together are…well the things they can get into to are unimaginable. I think it’s only the tip of the iceberg!"

"God help us all!" Sam laughed a bit. "I think you’re right Ben she is acting like most other kids if you think about it. I just wish she would realize that being in the chair limits her. She just can’t seem to get that." Sam turned serious again.

"I know Sam. But maybe all you or I can do is be there when they fall. Keep up the discipline followed by lots of love. Let them know that we will be there no matter what. But I think after this stunt they are going to be very well behaved for the time being. Maybe we can get a couple of days without incident. That would sure be a relief."

"Yea I hope so. I don’t think I can take anymore. I have aged more in the last week or so if it keeps up I’ll be as gray as you!" Sam laughed as he slapped Ben on the back this time.

Kylie sat in her room trying to rub some of the sting out of her hands. Papa was sure angry at her this time. It seemed so simple, sneak out and go watch the horses. How could she have known that the horse would stumble and cause that stupid stampede! It wasn’t her fault. Papa didn’t have any right to be so mad! She started crying again. It wasn’t fair! This chair, the way she had to live! It wasn’t fair!

Little Joe stood at his bed room window still rubbing some of the sting out of his backside. Pa was sure mad this time. All that time to round up the cattle and all it took was one horse to stumble and the stampede was on. Now his Pa and brothers and the hands had to work harder than ever to round them up again.

All he had to do was stay home and do his chores, but no he let a girl talk him into doing something stupid! It was her fault! None of this would have happened if he would have just told her no! He was done with her. He wasn’t gonna listen to her any more! His backside was running out of hide to blister. No more, he was done!


Later that evening Adam and Hoss finally came in. It had been a long and tiring day gathering up the herd. Hop Sing had keep plates warming for them. Roast beef, potatoes, peas bread, and some apple pie.

Hoss was his usual ravenous self it seemed nothing could spoil his appetite. Adam on the other hand was still extremely angry.

"How could they have done that Pa! All that work we did rounding them up the first time!" Adam slammed his fork down.

"Son, I know you’re angry. But please not at the table. Sam and I took care of the two miscreants. Your brother is sporting a very sore backside, and Kylie is suffering a similar fate. It was taken care of." Ben’s tone let Adam know his temper was not to be vented now.

"Sorry Pa. I just wish…well it’s not safe to goof off around the stock. Little Joe knows that." Adam picked up a piece of bread.

"I know son, he never meant to stampede the herd, Kylie either. I’m not condoning what they did, they disobeyed us and they were punished for it. I’m sorry it was extra work for you and the men, but what’s done is done. All we can do is hope the two of them have learned from this fiasco."

Adam shook his head in agreement. Maybe his little brother would learn how dangerous ranch work really was. The thought of his little brother and Kylie in the middle of the stampede made his shiver. He only hoped they knew how close they came to being trampled.

After supper things quieted down a bit. Sam and Ben challenged each other to a game of chess. Hoss was working on a piece of harness and Adam was reading.

Little Joe couldn’t stand it any longer. He had to tell his brothers how sorry he was. He risked coming out of his room to confront them.

He slowly crept through the door and approached the room. Little Joe cleared his throat. All eyes turned toward him. "Adam, Hoss. I . . . I wanted to apologize to both of you too for stampeding the herd. All Kylie and me wanted to do was watch you guys work. Her horse slipped and that’s when everything happened. I never would ever do anything to hurt you like that. I know how to act around horses. I should’ve known better. I’m sorry really I am." He couldn’t stop the tears running down his cheeks.

Adam took one look at his baby brother and his hard heart melted. He opened his arms and Little Joe ran into them. Adam hugged him tight. Carressing the back of his curls, "Joe I know you never meant for anything to happen. But you really need to start listening. Some day you’ll be grown enough to help. I know it’s hard to just sit back and watch, but for now you have to." He hugged Joe tighter.

"I know Adam. It’s just hard sometimes being the youngest and all." He hugged his brother again.

Hoss then came to the circle of the two brothers and grabbed his baby brother in a massive bear hug too. "Gol dang you Little Joe. Don’t you never pull a stunt like that again. I’ll tan you myself." Little Joe hung on for dear life.

"I won’t Hoss I promise." Little Joe let go of Hoss and looked at his Pa.

Ben smiled and that was all he needed he ran to his Pa’s open arms and collected the hug he so badly needed. At last Little Joe knew he was forgiven by his family.

Kylie could hear the conversations occurring in the next room. It wasn’t fair! Again! How was she supposed to go and apologize to them when her Papa took her wheelchair? If that’s the way they wanted it then fine with her. She wasn’t sorry! She’d show them somehow she’d show them.

Early the next morning Kylie’s father brought her wheelchair back into the room. Kylie just pretended she was asleep as his put it next to the bed along with a breakfast tray. She was still so angry at him for everything she wasn’t ready to talk to him or anyone for that matter.

Kylie waited until she heard her father and the others leave the house then she scooted herself into her chair. She then took the bread and bacon and put them in her pocket for later. She was determined to leave and be by herself. No one understood her anymore. She might as well just go.

Kylie wheeled herself to the back of the house and started out the back door. Hoss was kind enough after the first day of their visit to build ramps for her to be able to get in and out of the house by herself.

She continued down the ramp slowly, trying to be quiet. She needed some quiet time to herself away from the house and all the people. Kylie looked as she wheeled herself away from the back of the house making sure no one was around. Little did she notice that Adam had seen her take off.

Adam knew she wasn’t supposed to be out of her room but he decided that if she wanted more trouble for herself then so be it. He wasn’t going to stand in her way. He went back to his chores. It was his turn to check all of the harness and change any worn leather straps he found. It was a monotonous task but it had to be done.

Adam kept a watch out for Kylie hoping that she would come back on her own. He really didn’t want to have to tell on her. But it was dangerous for her to be out alone depending on how far she went. He tried to concentrate on his task but as each second ticked away he couldn’t stop the little voice in the back of his head telling him to go get Kylie. He gave up threw the harness down and saddled his horse and went after Kylie.

Kylie just kept wheeling herself until her anger had dissipated. She fought a silent debate with herself realizing that all the events were indeed her fault. Her father had nothing to do with any of it except for trying to keep her safe. She knew deep down that she was pushing buttons, but all she wanted to do was be normal! She hated having limitations!

Adam approached her as she was sitting there pounding on the arms of her wheelchair with tears running down her face. He cautiously walked up to her. "Kylie?"

She quickly wiped her tears with her sleeve. "Adam, what are you doing here?"

"I should ask you the same thing? Aren’t you supposed to be grounded to your room?" He kneeled down in front of her.

"Yea, I know. But I just couldn’t stay there any more! I wanted to just go and go and go!" She started crying again.

"Kylie where did you think you were going to go?" He gently touched her arm.

She just shook her head not knowing what to say as the tears rolled down her cheeks. "I...I wanted to tell you all how sorry I was last night but Papa took my chair and I couldn’t get out to the living room and when he does that it makes me so mad that…that"

"That is festers up inside you until you blow?" He tilted his head at her. How many times he himself had felt the same festering.

She looked at him in shock. "How did you know? That’s exactly what happens." She sniffed.

"Kylie it wasn’t that long ago I was fourteen. I remember the frustrations I went through. But with you they are doubled. Your Pa understands that, he really does. He just wants to keep you safe. He does it the only way he knows how." Adam tried to reason with her.

"I guess so. I just wish he would listen to me once in a while. All he does is tell me no. I hate it!" She pounded her chair again.

Adam took her hand in his and rubbed his thumb over the back of it, "Kylie, maybe if you tried to talk to your father instead of fighting him all the time, you know explain things, no matter how silly or complicated they are, maybe you two could come to an understanding. Maybe a compromise."

"Adam would you help me talk to Papa? I mean really talk to him? I don’t know what to say." She looked up at him with tears threatening to spill again.

Adam touched he face and cupped her chin, "Sure I will Kylie. I’d be glad to help." She gave him a small smile in appreciation.

Adam looked across the lake. "I love these spots by the lake. Anywhere you go around it the site is beautiful. I remember spending a lot of time here just daydreaming after Ma died. It seemed to soothe me a bit. Made me feel closer to her." He turned to Kylie and gave a brief laugh, "Sounds silly I guess.’

"No not at all Adam. I wish Papa would take me to my Mama’s gravesite so I could talk to her more. We only went a couple of times. It’s hard on him he says he can talk to her just fine at home. But I want to be closer to her, you know how that feels right?"

"Yep I do. That’s what I was telling you. Now why don’t we head back and wait for your father and talk to him not argue." He pointed his finger at her.

"Yes sir, talk not argue." Her tears had finally turned to relief. She turned her self around and started to go back home when she heard a snap and a most horrible scream! She turned and saw that Adam had stepped into a beaver trap!


Adam fell to the ground writhing in pain. He tried desperately to pull the jaws of the trap open but he didn’t have enough leverage. "Oh God Kylie! You have to go for help quick!"

"Oh Adam I can’t leave you here like this, maybe I can help." She started to roll toward him.

"No stay back! The ground is too soft here and you could get stuck. You have to go back to the house for help! Hurry!" He was trying not to cry out. But the pain was so intense.

"Okay Adam I’ll go get help. I’ll hurry!" She wheeled herself around again and took off. Kylie rolled herself as fast as she could. She got on the main path and steered herself toward home.

She kept going faster and faster as panic set in. She had to hurry, Adam needed help that’s all she could focus on. So when her wheelchair hit the rock in the road it threw her off balance and she tipped over.

Kylie put her hands out to stop the fall all she managed to do was scrap her palms across the ground as she fell.

As the dust settled Kylie could see that her chair had broken it’s wheel where it hit the rock. Kylie laid her head down in her arms and sobbed. Now what was she going to do?

She gave herself a little time to recover, she then shook her head, "Okay Kylie enough of this self pity. Adam is counting on you to get him help, now do it!" She yelled at herself. The only way she could see to get him help was to crawl home. She had no other choice. She put one arm in front of the other and dragged herself down the road toward home. It was a slow and painful trek but she knew Adam was counting on her.

Hoss had come back to the house to clean up a bit and help Adam with the rest of the harnesses. He knew from experience how boring of a job it was. He started for the barn when something caught his eye off to the side. He squinted a bit and saw a figure crawling!

He yelled for Hop Sing as he ran to the road. As he got closer he saw it was Kylie! "Kylie what on earth are you doing girl?" He bent down to pick her up. She was battered and bruised but nothing seem broken.

"Hoss you have to help him!" She was struggling to speak through her tears.

"Help who Kylie? What are you talking about?" Hoss picked her up.

She pushed her hands against his chest, "Adam Hoss you have to help him!" She screamed at him.

Hop Sing arrived as Hoss picked her up. He too was checking for broken bones. "Where Adam?"

"He’s by the lake! He stepped in a trap he can’t get it lose, you have to help him Hoss!" She was almost in hysterics by this point.

Hoss hurried and carried her into the house and left her care to Hop Sing. He ran to the barn and got his horse saddled quickly and took off for his brother.

He was riding hard, he knew his brother would be in pain and the longer he stayed in the trap the better the chance of infection. As he rounded the bend in the road his Pa was riding up with Mr. Matthews.

"Pa Adam’s hurt by the lake! Kylie’s back at the house with Hop Sing she came for help." He shouted out.

"What are you talking about son?" Ben was a bit confused.

"Pa, Adam got his foot caught in a trap by the lake Kylie crawled to the house for help. I ain’t sure why but Hop Sing’s with her now." Hoss tried to make sense.

"I’ll go to the lake Sam go see to Kylie." Ben took off with Hoss to see to Adam.

Ben and Hoss came upon Adam by the bank. He was struggling with the trap himself, sweat pouring off his face.

He saw his father and brother and tears started streaming down his face. Tears of relief. Ben ran to his side and tried to comfort him. "Adam son it’s going to be okay. We’re here now. Just hold on." Ben nodded to Hoss to go ahead and open the trap. Ben gripped Adam tight as Hoss pulled apart the jaws on the trap. Adam screamed out in pain as the jaws let go.

"There now son. You’re okay now. Well get you home and let Hop Sing take care of that leg for you." Ben hugged his son to his chest. Adam cried tears of relief. Hoss clapped his brother on the back with tears of his own threatening to spill.

They managed to get Adam back to the house and had Hop Sing tend to his foot. His ankle was chewed up quite a bit but it didn’t break the bone. Hop Sing was worried about any foreign materials being embedded in his ankle. He started bathing the ankle in an assortment of herbs he had for medicinal purposes.

Adam hissed in pain at the touch but he knew it had to be done. "Pa is Kylie okay?" He winced again.

"Yes son she’s fine. Scrapped up but okay." Ben sat down next to his son.

Hop Sing finished cleaning and bandaging the wound. "Stay off ankle maybe week or more. Let heal properly." He gathered up his supplies and left the roon.

Ben placed his hand on Adam’s arm and gently rubbed it. "Now how in the world did all this come about?"

"It was an accident Pa. Someone put a beaver trap there and there are probably more around the lake too. I took a step and then that was that. My foot got caught."

Ben could see that Adam was trying to side step the issues. "What was Kylie doing there by the lake?"

Adam looked down at his blanket and then back at his father. God he didn’t want Kylie to be in trouble again but Pa would stand for no less than the truth. "I saw her leave the house and knew she wasn’t supposed to so I followed her after a bit. That’s where I found her. She was pretty upset so I talked to her for a while and calmed her down. We were going to come home then I stepped in the trap. She tried to get help. I don’t know what happened to her after that."

"Apparently she was rolling her chair along pretty fast and she hit a rock and flipped out of the chair, and the wheel was broken, so she crawled most of the way home." Ben watched as several emotions crossed his son’s face. "As I said she is okay. She got quite a few scrapes and bruises but other than that she is fine, really son." He patted Adam’s arm.

"She crawled, wow!" He still couldn’t believe it.

Hop Sing cleaned up Kylie’s scrapes earlier and she was lying in her bed feeling her battered body. She was so tired. Again, it was all her fault

Sam hurried into her room and grabbed her in a big hug. "Oh baby I’m so glad you’re okay. Hoss told us what happened, you crawled home for help?" He hugged her again.

"Papa I’m so sorry!" She cried into his chest. "It’s all my fault he got hurt. I was at the lake I wasn’t supposed to be out of the house but I was and he got hurt."

"Ssh honey, ssh. Adam’s fine. Hop Sing is with him now." He just held on to her until her sobbing calmed down. "It wasn’t your fault it was an accident."

"But it was my fault! If I hadn’t been out there he would never have had to come after me. I didn’t listen again, and someone else got hurt this time. Oh Papa!" Sam held on to her until she finally exhausted herself and fell asleep.

Kylie and Adam slept well into the evening. As if knowing they were awake again Hop Sing had prepared them both supper plates and had them warning by the fire. He was amazing how he could do that.

Adam really wasn’t very hungry but the broth smelled pretty good so he tried some. It went down relatively smoothly. His ankle had turned into a dull throb by now. The medicines and herbs Hop Sing kept giving him and putting on his wound were making it better.

"That tasted pretty good Pa. Thanks."

"Well try some of the bread too. Hop Sing used his best strawberry jam." Bne ickeda piece up and handed it to him.

As Adam took a bite he wondered about Kylie. "Pa is she okay? Is her Pa real angry at her?"

"No I don’t thinks he’s angry any more if fact he’s kinds of proud of her. Go getting you help. She had to think about someone else for a change. No he’s pretty amazed." Ben handed his son his napkin.

"I was glad she was able to go get help for me. I didn’t know what I would have done. I mean I know if we weren’t at the lake it wouldn’t have happened maybe--"

"Well that’s part of the problem. She is blaming herself for all of thins. Mainly you getting hurt."

"Yea I know. I mean if she hadn’t run off and I hadn’t chased her maybe it probably wouldn’t have happened. Then again if I wouldn’t have gone closer to the lake it wouldn’t have happened either--" He looked at his father.

"I know son there are a lot of if’s in the problem. Bottom line she didn’t mean to do any harm. It was an accident." Ben handed Adam his glass of milk.

Adam just shook his head. He looked up when he heard a knock at his door. In walked Sam carrying Kylie.

"Adam can I talk to you for a minute?" She had tears glistening in her eyes.

He smiled at her," Sure Kylie come sit." He patted the side of the bed his father just vacated. Sam sat her down.

"Looks like it’s gonna be a while until you are mobile again huh?" He cocked his head and grinned at her.

"Yea sure it. My chair is a mess. Papa said he was going to take it to see Big Dan tomorrow and have him do some mending on it. Maybe he can make it indestructible" She gave a half laugh.

"With you around! No way, there is no such thing!" Adam laughed with her.

"Yea well, I wanted to tell you again how sorry I am for all the trouble I caused today. I never meant for you to get hurt."

"I know Kylie. It wasn’t your fault that the traps were there and I got caught in one. I have been to that lake a million times and that was the first time anything like that happened. You didn’t do it!" He tried to emphasize that point with her.

"Kylie on the bright side, if Adam hadn’t gotten caught we would never know about the traps and we wouldn’t have been able to catch the poachers like we did." Ben patted her on the shoulder.

She looked up in disbelief. "Really? You caught poachers?"

"We sure did. The Homer brothers. Ty and Lyle. Not the brightest boys there ever were so they weren’t hard to track down. The traps had their initials engraved in them."

"It figures it would be those two Pa." Adam shrugged. "Always in trouble since the day they were born."

"Yes that’s for sure. So you see Kylie sometimes things do work out. But never when you plan them right?" Sam half scolded his daughter.

"Right Papa. I want you all to know that from now on I am going to promise to be on my best behavior. No more pranks, or practical jokes or running away." Kylie looked at Adam and nodded her head, he silently nodded back to her. Now was the perfect time for her to talk to her father. "Papa can we go out on the porch and talk a bit?"

"Sure honey." Sam wondered what was up. His parental feelers were out now. He saw the silent look that passed between Adam and her.

Ben noticed it too. When they left the room Ben turned to his son, "Care to elaborate son?’

"Oh it’s nothing Pa really. I told Kylie that she needs to talk to her father instead of arguing with him all the time. Be more adult about things if she wants him to listen. That’s all. I mean I always know I can come to you and talk anytime about anything. You might not agree with me at the time but we have always been able to work things through right?" Ben nodded his head at his son. "Even if sometimes our talks were less than in my favor. Sometimes they were downright painful. But I was always able to talk to you."

"Yes you have son. I am very glad that you fell that way your brothers too most of the time. I do hope Kylie can do the same."

And she was. Her and her father spent the better part of three house just talking about everything and nothing. He agrees that he sheltered too much sometimes and he needed to back off. He also understood her need to go to her mother’s grave more often alone. There were a lot of compromising they were going to have to work on but they would make it. He would see to that. Anything for his little girl.


Little Joe had heard most of the events of the morning but decided to stay in his room like he was told. He didn’t want anymore hide taken off. He spent most of the day cleaning his room and refolding his clothes making sure there weren’t any surprises waiting in them for Hop Sing. Last time he found worms he forgot he had in a kerchief all dried out and crunchy. Boy was he mad!

But he couldn’t help but hear the conversation going on between Kylie and her father. He felt so bad for her. She tried and tried to do the normal things other kids did but she couldn’t. He knew it made her do stupid things, things that he knew were wrong too, but he did them anyway. So really it wasn’t her fault he was in trouble. He did that all by himself.

He waited until he heard Mr. Matthews bring her back into her room and then he slowly opened his door and looked around to make sure no one was around so he could sneak to Kylie’s room and talk to her.

He quickly opened the door and hoped it hadn’t squeaked too loudly. "Hey Kylie."

She looked up surprised to see him. "Hey Little Joe. You okay?"

"Yea I’m okay how about you?" He asked her not sure whether or not he could come in any farther.

"Come on in and sit." She scooted over a bit so he could sit next to her.

He gladly too the offer and sat by her. "Look Kylie I heard about what happened today. I mean with Adam and the trap and you running off. That was great what you did! Crawling all the way home for help and all. Wow!" Boy how he loved adventures.

"Yea it wasn’t so great while I was crawling. My God I never thought I was gonna get here. Adam was hurting so badly I knew I had to keep going. For once it wasn’t about me, I think I understand stuff now. I can be of some use if I start looking for the good things and productive things my Papa told me about. I can read, and write, and talk and sing and because of you and your brothers I can be on a swing and ride a horse with supervision of course. And don’t worry I will be supervised. I ain’t going through that again!" She gave a chuckle.

"Yea me neither my hide can’t take it!" Little Joe rubbed his backside in remembrance. He laughed with her.

"Well if you want to save your hide young man you had better get to your own room now!" Ben pointed to the door of Kylie’s room.

Little Joe winked good bye to Kylie and headed out of the room just avoiding the swat his father aimed at him.

"Get some sleep Kylie. It has been a long day. Your Pa will be in soon to say good night."

"Mr. Cartwright, thanks for everything. I mean not being mad at me and stuff for all the stunts I have pulled since I have been here." She gave him a sincere smile.

"Kylie while you have been here I have to admit that things have livened up a bit for all of us, but as for myself I think I could do with less livening up. Deal?"

"Deal." She shook her head.

"Good. As far as I am concerned everything is squared. Let’s start fresh tomorrow. So good night for now young lady." He went up to her and kissed her on the forehead.

Kylie snuggled down into her blankets waiting for her father to tell her good night.

Ben went in and tucked Little Joe in too. He was already half asleep by the time the blankets were pulled up around his tiny neck. Ben couldn’t help but smile at his son as he kissed his fore head good night.


The week progressed without any more trouble. Adam’s ankle was healing very nicely as were Kylie’s scraps and bruises thanks to Hop Sings remedies.

Kylie and her father spent time together whenever they could just sitting together or talking. Little Joe spent more time hanging around his Pa too. Just knowing what could have happened brought things in to a new light for him. He could have lost his father and brothers. That was too real.

"Hey Pa how many more horses do we gotta break for the contract again?" Little Joe was right on Ben’s heels.

Ben stopped short and Little Joe banged into his father’s back. "Sorry Pa." He grinned.

Ben ruffled his hair. "About twenty son. We have a way to go."

"We sure do. Think Adam’ll be back soon enough to help?"

"No I don’t think so son. But Sam offered to stay on a bit longer to help. That should make up for any lost time from Adam." Ben glanced over the corral at the horses that needed to be broken. It was a little worrisome. There was himself, Hoss, Sam and some of Maggie’s men were going to help too.

"I can help too Pa." Little Joe looked up longingly at his father.

"No son not this time. There are too many horses and we’re short on time." Ben absently told Little Joe.

"But Pa if I helped it’d be one more man to help." Little Joe was serious.

Ben tried to hide the smile that immediately sprung to his lips. "Son, even though you are growing up and have been doing so for some time now, you are still too young to break horses. Period, end of subject." Ben hoped his tone was enough of a deterrent for his son.

Little Joe caught the tone right off the bat, but it still didn’t make him any happier. "I’m always too young for everything. I work hard around here too Pa."

"Yes you do work hard around here son. But there are things for grown up and things for children, and son like it or not you are still a child. Too young for some things like breaking horses. Now enough." Ben turned back to the horses.

"Fine!" Little Joe stamped his foot. Ben didn’t even hesitate he turned and swatted his son on the backside firmly. Little Joe jumped a bit forward to maintain his balance.

"That is the behavior of a child. I rest my case. Now get back to your chores young man. Any more of this nonsense and you and I will have another necessary talk do I make my self clear?" Ben glared down at his son.

Little Joe rubbed his backside a bit, "Yes sir clear." Little Joe hung his head as he walked off. Now he knew what Kylie felt like when she said things weren’t fair. They sure weren’t.


Big Dan was able to fix Kylie’s wheelchair so she was mobile again. She noticed Little Joe’s sad expression as he rounded the corral. This couldn’t be good. "Hey Little Joe!" She hollered at him.

He turned toward the house when he saw her. "Yea, what do you need?"

"Come here will ya?" She coaxed him.

He slowly walked toward her. "Yea what?"

"What’s wrong? You look like you lost you’re best friend"

"Naw nothing like that. Pa and the rest of them get to break the horses for the new contract and Pa says I’m too little to help. God I hate that!" He kicked at an imaginary rock.

"I heard my Papa talking to Adam about it. It really is too dangerous for you, you know that don’t you?" She was trying to reason with him. She knew how unfair things were all right.

"Great now you’re on their side too! I thought you were my friend!" He snapped at her.

"Don’t get riled at me Little Joe I ain’t the one that said you were too little." She snapped back.

He looked at her face and realized she was right. It wasn’t her fault he was the youngest. " I know it ain’t your fault it’s..just well it ain’t fair a know!"

Kylie couldn’t help but laugh. "Don’t I know unfair! Oh Little Joe you have no idea of unfair."

He glared at her at first and then couldn’t help but laugh with her. "Yea you’re right. I guess I don’t have no right to complain."

"No you don’t so give it up. Something like this ain’t worth a tanning is it?" She added.

"No way. I ain’t out for no tanning now. I ain’t recovered from the last one yet!" He laughed as he pushed her to the chicken coop.

"Hey Kylie maybe our Pa’s would let us do some fishing?" Little Joe gathered the eggs as he spoke. Kylie threw the feed. "I mean we don’t have to do nothing but sit there. Maybe we can catch enough for supper what’d ya think?"

"I was never really one for fishing, but I guess I could sit and read while you fish. Get away from the house would be nice." She nodded in agreement.

"Great! Let’s ask them at lunch." He tossed the last egg into the basket.

Lunch couldn’t come soon enough. Hoss was starving. It amazed Kylie how much one boy could eat. "Hoss you keep eating like that and your clothes won’t fit."

"Cain’t help it I’m a growing boy." Hoss reached for the potatoes.

"Yea ya keep growing out not up no more." Little Joe laughed.

"Any more." Ben automatically corrected his son. "He’s doing fine son leave him be. You could take a few lessons from him about cleaning your plate." Ben indicated by pointing his fork at his youngest son’s plate that had hardly been touched.

"Yes sir." Little Joe never could win an argument about food with his Pa.

Kylie took the laughter as a sign that her Papa was in a good mood, so now was as good as time as any to ask. "Papa would it be okay if Little Joe and I went fishing this afternoon?"

Sam almost choked on his food. "Fishing?"

"Yes Papa fishing. You know it’s where you put a worm on a hook and put it in the water and wait for the fish to bite." Kylie batted her eyes at her father.

"Very funny young lady." Sam cleared is throat. "I really don’t think that’s a good idea honey.

"Why?" Kylie simply asked him.

"Why? Because it’s not safe." Sam automatically started. Seeing his daughter roll her eyes at him made him realize that he had fallen back on his old safety net reason.

"Yea why Mr. Matthews? All we’d do is sit and fish. Kylie can sit in her chair or on the ground. I’ll be right there with her. Can’t get hurt sitting there can you?’ Little Joe reasoned.

Ben wasn’t sure he liked Little Joe’s tone with Sam. "Joseph! Watch yourself ."

"Sorry Pa. I didn’t mean no disrespect honest. I mean we’ll just sit and fish. Please?" He pleaded.

"Please Papa! I can bring a book to read too if I get bored fishing. Little Joe and I want to bring home enough fish for supper." Kylie tried.

Ben and Sam looked at each other trying to decide. Sam wasn’t too sure about Kylie by the water, and Ben knew that Little Joe tended to wander a bit while he fished. Some places Kylie wouldn’t be able to go. The ground was too rocky and hilly.

"Pa if you want too I can go with them for a bit this afternoon." Hoss offered.

"That’s nice of you son but you have horses to tend to. There’s no time right now." Ben wiped his mouth with his napkin.

Little Joe was starting to slowly simmer. He didn’t need a keeper to go fishing! "Pa we’ll be fine. Please."

"Sam I guess it’ll be okay. If they stay by the shallow end of the lake it should be fine. The ground is relatively level and…" Ben was cut off.

"But Pa we can’t catch anything by the shallow end! There ain’t no fish there." He rolled his eyes at his Pa.

"Joseph, you have two choices, stay by the shallow end or don’t go." Ben put his hand on his leg and waited for his son’s answer.

Little Joe looked back and forth between his father and Kylie. "Okay we’ll stay by the shallow end." For awhile anyway, he thought to himself.

"Good. That’s settled. All right with you Sam?" Ben realized he had forgotten to get his approval.

"I guess so. But you two behave and stay out of mischief." He looked right at Kylie as he said it.

Lunch was then finished and two very happy fishermen went off.


Little Joe hurried Kylie along as best as he could. He loved fishing. No rules well sort of, and well just free to be out doors with no chores!

"Wow how about this, no chores or anyone bossing us around, wheeeee!" Little Joe did a jig.

"Ha! For once we are free. Let’s keep it that way! At least for a while." She gave a chuckle.

They settled down to a spot close enough to be able to throw their lines to the water. Little Joe took off his shoes and socks and was getting ready to stick his feet in the water.

"Hey no fair!" Kylie yelled at him.

What?" He turned around and looked at her. Oh yea he forgot she couldn’t get up and wade in the water. "Sorry Kylie."

"It’s okay, but how about helping me off with my shoes and socks and help me put my feet to soak too?" She gestured to her feet.

"Sure, okay" Little Joe happily started pulling off her socks and shoes. "Can you feel your feet when their in the water?"

"No. But I can image. I kind of still remember from before." She looked a bit sad.

"Neat then pretend. It’ll be fun." Little Joe tried to lighten her mood.

Kyie shrugged off the mood. "Yep let’s get to it." She slid down off the chair and scooted herself to the edge and Joe helped her put her feet in the water. Kylie proceeded to roll up her pantaloons and tucked her skirt into the waistband.

"Could you hand me my book Joe?" She reached back and pointed to the chair.

"Sure." He grabbed her book and put it down by her side. "Now here is your pole now all you have to do it put the worm on it and throw the line in and wait."

"Worm? I am not going to put a worm on this thing." She looked at Joe as if he had two heads.

"How else you gonna catch anything?" He put his hands on his hips.

"I’m gonna sit here and read. You can fish." She grabbed for her book.

"Ah come on Kylie you said you’d try!" Joe was getting disgusted. Figures a girl wouldn’t touch a worm.

She let out a deep breath. "Fine give me the stupid worm." She really didn’t want to touch it.

Little Joe couldn’t help but laugh at her as she wrestled with the worm. "Ha you’ll shovel horse poop and chicken poop but you won’t touch a worm!" He doubled over laughing.

"Keep it up smart guy keep it up." She was bound and determined to put the stupid wriggling body on the hook if it was the last thing she did. She grabbed the worm and held on tightly, a little to tightly because she squished it and the guts splattered everywhere!

"Gross! Oh yuck! Get it off me Little Joe!’ She screamed at him flinging her hands everywhere.

"Hold on a minute." He stopped laughing long enough to be able to grab his handkerchief. He wiped her hands as best as he could then went and wet the cloth.

"Okay I’ll bait the hook for you." He took another worm and with ease put it on the hook. "There you go."

Kylie just glared at him as she threw her line into the water. "You just watch I’ll get the next one myself."

They sat there just enjoying the quiet and calm watching to see if their corks went under or not. Little Joe started getting bored just sitting still so he ever so slightly splashed Kylie. She turned and looked at him then splashed him back.

Then it was on, back and forth they splashed each other until they couldn’t stop laughing. "Hey my cork is under!" Kylie yelled out.

"Hold on to it don’t pull too hard you’ll lose him!" Little Joe tried to help her pull the fish in. In his excitement his foot slipped and back he fell into the lake!

"Joe are you okay!" Kylie scooted closer to the edge so she could see him. "Joe!"

He came up spitting and sputtering and laughing, "I’m okay Kylie, I’m fine." He struggled back to the bank. He plopped down next to her.

"Is that some new way to catch fish?" She sarcastically asked him.

"Ha, ha, ha, "He replied as he flung water at her.

She ducked as the water came at her face. "Sorry couldn’t help it. You sure you’re okay?’

He nodded yes again. "Fine. Now that I’m all wet might as well go swimming!" He ran off and jumped back into the lake. He floated around and paddled as Kylie watched him laughing.

"Hey Kylie wanna try?" He paddled back to her.

She thought for a minute, "It’s not deep is it?" To prove his point Little Joe stood up and the water was only up to his thighs. "Okay if you can help me float." She started scooting closer.

"Better take off that heavy skirt first. It’ll weigh ya down." He told her as he peeled off his shirt and pants. He was wearing his long johns.

She quickly peeled off her skirt and top. She was now in her pantaloons and camisole ready to float. Carefully she finished scooting to the edge and Little Joe helped guide her down more making sure she didn’t turn over. He got under her arms and dragged her around the water a bit. He turned around and pulled her legs around him and towed her around a bit more.

"Hey Joe let me go and see if I can float on my own."

"Okay. I’ll be right here so grab me if you need me." Little Joe let go and Kylie held her breath and she was floating!

"Oh Joe look I’m doing it by my self!" She was laughing and floating. Little Joe swam up next to her and floated along side her.

"See you can do it! Just like before!" They were both so happy that Kylie was doing something they considered normal they didn’t notice Ben Cartwright coming up the path.


Ben couldn’t believe what he was seeing! Both kids in the water swimming! The visions going through his head of the dangers they could face in the water were too overwhelming.

"Joseph Francis Cartwright!" Ben bellowed. Little Joe froze at the sound of the voice.

"What in holy hell do you think you are doing!" Ben hurried to the edge of the lake and stepped in grabbing Kylie under the arms and setting her on the bank. For once she knew to keep her mouth shut. She had never seen Mr. Cartwright so mad before.

Ben then helped Joe out of the water with several hefty swats on the seat of his long johns. "You get over there and get those wet things off and put on your dry clothes. Kylie I’ll put you behind the bushes and you can change also, I’ll get a fire going. Can you manage your self?"

Kylie just nodded yes, she was still not sure if she should talk or not, thinking the latter would be better she stayed silent. Little Joe hurried behind the rock to change.

Ben went and gathered firewood and started the fire going. He needed something to do to calm himself before dealing with the two of them.

Little Joe was the first to finish dressing so he went and sat by the fire waiting for Kylie and his Pa.

"Mr. Cartwright I’m dressed." She softly said.

He came and a little more gently picked her up and placed her on the blanket by the fire. She kept looking at Little Joe for any signs of the trouble they were in. Little Joe’s eyes got big indicating it was bad.

Ben paced back and forth trying to force himself to remain calm. It was a losing battle. He stopped and looked down at his young son.

"Pa…" Little Joe started.

"Don’t!" Ben through gritted teeth told him. "There is nothing you can say to make this right. Nothing! You know you never go swimming alone and you know what I mean by alone with Kylie! Don’t try to change the wording to make it right. Now I want you to take Kylie’s wheelchair back to the house and wait for me in your room. I will take Kylie with me." That was that. He put Kylie on his horse and climbed up behind her. Little Joe grabbed the wheelchair and pushed it home.

Little Joe debated whether or not to take his time getting home but he knew when his Pa swore he was past angry. Faster was better. He left Kylie’s wheelchair on the porch and went to his room to wait his fate.

Ben and Kylie rode in silence. She was trembling sitting there with Mr. Cartwright. She never realized how big he was before. He was sure mad. What was her Papa gong to say or do? She tried to glance back at him once or twice but he looked straight ahead with his jaw clenched.

He took Kylie to her room and placed her on the bed. "You will have no choice but to stay here young lady. Your father gave me permission to do as I saw fit if I found you two misbehaving. I’ll tend to Joseph then be back to talk to you." He turned and walked out of the room all but slamming the door. Kylie gave into her tears.


Ben then went to his son’s room. He hesitated at the door a moment, just the slight hesitation brought back visions of what could have happened to those two today. He opened the door and went in.

Little Joe stood respectively facing his father. Pa was still as angry as he was before. Little Joe didn’t have to wait long, he saw his father’s hands go to his belt and watched as it slipped through the belt loops and ended up doubled in his father’s hand. Ben motioned for Little Joe to come to him With shaky legs Little Joe went to his father.

Ben took a breath before his applied the belt to his son’s backside. He would never ever harm one of his children out of anger. But this situation deserved more than a hand spanking to make its point.

Little Joe cried with each blow of his father’s belt. It had been a long time since his father felt the need to use a belt on him. No mistaking he was going to be hurting for a while. Ben finished and put his belt back on as he watched his son sobbing.

"Little Joe I love you and you’re brothers more than anything else in this world. I can’t imagine my life without any one of you. Doing something that could deliberately have brought harm to you and someone else is inexcusable. You knew better. I’ll be back later." Ben left his son to think about everything.

As soon as his Pa was gone Little Joe threw himself down on his bed and sobbed.

Ben went and got a drink of water before confronting Kylie. Ben has a feeling that they were up to mischief but for hours he and Sam hoped for the best. But there was a nagging little voice in the back of Ben’s mind telling him to go check. Sam offered to go too but Ben told him not to worry in turn Sam told Ben to take care of Kylie for him if need be.

He opened Kylie’s door and stepped in. Kylie sat up straight and wiped her eyes with her sleeve. The sight tore at Ben’s heart. Now he knew how hard it was for Sam to discipline her.

"Kylie as I told Joe, what you two did today was inexcusable. You both know it." He steeled himself against the tears and picked up the ruler. Kylie held her hands up for Ben. He gave her five good slaps on each palm. From the wincing she was doing he knew he was making a point.

Ben turned and put the ruler down and walked out leaving her sobbing also.


Adam had heard bits and pieces of the problems coming from inside the house. He had been sitting on the end of the porch as his father stormed passed him not even seeing him. He knew that Little Joe had received a tanning and Kylie had met a similar fate, but he wasn’t entirely sure what for. He knew the two of them had gone fishing and he could just imagine what they had done. Would his little brother ever learn?

Adam hobbled back into the house to see if maybe Hop Sing could shed some life on the subject. As it turned out he knew. The two of them decided to go swimming. Unsupervised. No wonder Pa was so mad.

Adam picked up a book and started reading trying to pass the time. He wished he could be out helping with the horses, but it wasn’t going to happen. He let out a heavy sigh and started over to the settee.

He started to sit down when he heard sobs coming from Kylie’s room. It tore at his heart. She wanted so badly to fit in it was getting her nothing but trouble. She was a daredevil at heart even before her accident Sam had said as much. She really needed something to channel her energy before any more damage could be done.

That’s it! Adam snapped his fingers. "Hop Sing do we still have those back issues of the Alta?"

"Yes, I have not had time to burn them yet. They are out on the burn pile. Why?" He dried his hands on a towel.

"I remember reading about some clinic or school or something like that working to help people like Kylie. You know get on with their lives and helping others too. Could you help me find it?"

"Good idea. Keep Kylie out of trouble. Find meaning for her." He smiled and headed for the burn pile quickly.


Ben rode back to where the horse breaking was being done trying to cool off again before he told Sam about the kids.

Sam saw Ben ride up and knew it wasn’t good news. "What happened Ben?" he slapped his gloves against his pants.

"Well my instincts were right. I found them by the lake in the shallow end but they weren’t fishing." Sam waited for the shoe to drop. "They decided to take a swim."

Sam looked at Ben with his mouth wide open. It took a few seconds for words to form. "They were what!"

"Swimming. I dragged them out dried them off took them home and took Kylie’s chair away then proceeded to tan Little Joe and used the ruler on Kylie and made them both stay in their rooms until further notice." Sam just shook his head in disbelief.

"What am I going to do with her!" Sam turned to hide the tears that sprung to his eyes.

"Sam…Little Joe is just as bad. All you can do is love them and be there to correct them and love them some more." Ben didn’t really know what else to say at the moment.

Sam wiped his sleeve over his eyes and got himself under control. He cleared his throat and turned back to Ben. "I guess so. But it seems that trouble has been close at hand ever since we came here. I think it’s time that Kylie and I go back home. This way you can get your lives back on track."

"Now hold on Sam. Yes there had been some trouble since Kylie and Joe got together, but you have to believe me that he can find his own trouble, he doesn’t need any help. Please don’t leave Sam. We love having you and her here. It has been an adventure if nothing else." Ben tried to lighten the mood.

"Well we’ll have to see how things go. I guess I need to go see to her."

"Look why don’t we wait until we’re done here. Hop Sing is there and so is Adam so they won’t be going anywhere for awhile. Clear our heads a bit and concentrate on the horses. By then maybe we can come up with something constructive for the two of them."

"Yea maybe that would be better. Fine, let’s finish up." Sam took off for the horses. Ben followed.


Adam had finally found the article he had been looking for in a back issue of the paper. It was a school in San Francisco that specialized in helping special needs people. They taught people how to lead relatively normal lives despite their handicaps. To be teachers, and lawyers store clerks, accountants so on and so on and so forth. He couldn’t wait to tell Kylie and Mr. Matthews the news.

The horse breaking for the day had finally come to a close. The men were tired and dirty. Hop Sing had made sure that he had plenty of food and drink for the men at the end of the day. It was decided by the amount of horses being broke, and if they could keep it up every day by the end of the week they should be finished. Hoss opted to stay out at the camp with the rest of the men. Ben was hesitant at first but then relented. He knew Hoss could take care of himself, besides he had more pressing matters at the home front to deal with right now.

Ben and Sam went to the wash house and changed out of their dirty clothes and cleaned up a bit more. Hop sing made sure there were clean towels and plenty of soap for them. He told them in no uncertain terms were they going to set foot in his clean kitchen with all that dirt and dust.

Adam waited for his father impatiently to come into the kitchen. Finally he arrived! "Pa guess what?"

Ben was really to tired to deal with any games. He still had some unresolved issues to deal with this evening. Little Joe.

"What is it son?" He gratefully took the cup of coffee Hop Sing offered him.

"Well Pa I was going through some back issues of the paper and I found the article I was looking for about a place in San Francisco that helps people like Kylie." He was very animated searching for the right page of the paper to show his father.

"People like Kylie? You mean trouble magnets?" Sam came in on the tail end of the conversation.

Ben and Adam gave Sam a slight chuckle. "No Mr. Matthew, it’s a--well like a school or training center for disabled people like Kylie. To teach them and train them in every day situations and such. Help them find a direction you know what to do with their lives to make them feel useful again--" Adam stopped in mid sentence and looked at Sam. His last statement came out all wrong. "Mr. Matthews I didn’t mean that Kylie is useless honest!"

He patted Adam on the back and laughed, "I know that son, I know what you meant. This school can they really do all that?"

"Well according to the article yes. I can write a letter to them asking what qualifications they need for someone to go to the school." Adam was already composing a letter in his head.

"Why don’t you do that Adam. Maybe it’ll be a start for her and keep her mischievous mind busy on something more constructive." He took the paper from Adam that he offered.

"Well I guess we have some unfinished business to get settled with our young children." Ben touched Sam’s shoulder.

"I’ll go get Kylie and bring her to the settee." Ben nodded his head yes and headed for Little Joe.

It didn’t take long for the two to be settled in the living room waiting for the rest of their fate.

"All right you two, you know that swimming was not an option for today was it?" Ben asked them. Both of the children nodded yes. They had known better.

"Why?" Sam asked them both. Little Joe and Kylie looked at each other and then back at Sam. Little Joe spoke for the both of them.

"Because it wasn’t safe. There wasn’t an adult with us. But Pa we were in the shallow end just like we promised. We didn’t any farther." He tried in their defense.

"Little Joe you know full well that even in the shallow end there are some drop off’s. Not deep ones mind you but there are some. If you or Kylie would have slipped into one of those you could have gone under. Kylie is bigger than you how would you have been able to carry her back to shore safely if she would have gone under?" He waited to see if Little Joe had anything else to say.

"How could you have dragged her back up the shore? Would you have left her alone while you went for help? Did you think of any of these things today either of you?" Ben’s voice was getting louder. He turned around and regained some control.

"Do you see the danger involved in every day decisions Kylie? You don’t think things through! I know you hate being different but that is the hand that was delt to us and we have to learn to accept it. You can’t do everything you used to do, and the sooner you learn that the sooner your life can be better." Sam directed his tirade at her. "My God Kylie I could have lost you today, or the other time during the stampede or any number of things you have pulled! Have you given any thought to how I would feel if I lost you too!" It was Sam’s turn to walk away and regain control.

Little Joe and Kylie just sat there speechless. There was nothing either one of them could say to make things better. They had done some stupid things lately. Not realizing the consequences to others not just to themselves. Giant tears began rolling down Kylie’s cheeks, Little Joe was close behind her.

"Papa I’m so sorry. I really mean it, I’m sorry. Please don’t give up on me!" Sam went to his daughter and hugged her tight.

"I could never give up on you sweetheart never. You’re my shining star, my reason for living. We will find a way. I promise to get through all of this." He hugged her tighter.

Ben welcomed Joe with open arms, Little Joe wasted no time running into them. He needed to feel his father’s forgiveness. His father’s unconditional love, that no matter what the problem was his father would always be there for him. Helping caring and loving.

After seeing that the conversation had taken a more calmed turn Hop Sing was ready with some hot chocolate for Little Joe and Kylie and Adam and a shot of brandy for Ben and Sam.


Sam sat next to Kylie and held her and Little Joe sat as close as he could to his Pa.

"Little Joe now can you see why I was so angry? So many things could have gone wrong. I don’t know how many times we have had the same conversation about thinking first and the dangers." He hugged Little Joe.

"The same with me Joseph, I don’t know what I would ever do if something happened to you." Ben ran his hand over Little Joe’s curls.

"Son growing up comes with a lot of responsibility. Thinking ahead is one of them. And I know you can swim, I know you were able to hold Kylie while she was floating. But there were so many things that could have gone wrong. Then not only are you responsible for yourself, but another life too. I know you want to help Kylie do the things she wants to, but again the danger and safety issues have to come first. Okay son?" Ben looked down into Little Joe’s face and saw the tears shining again.

"Okay Pa. I’ll try harder I promise." He hugged his father again.

"Good boy. Now let’s move on to some happier news. Adam has an article to read to us." Ben turned the floor over to Adam.

Adam then started to read the article in the paper to Kylie trying to explain about the school and the advantages of going.

"You mean I would have to leave home?" She asked.

"Well for a bit Kylie, just for your education and training." Adam tried to convince her.

She re read the article again to make sure she had read it right. She could finish school and learn a trade too. Maybe she could even be a teacher like she wanted to before the accident. That’s what her and her ma had talked about. Her being a teacher.

"Papa do you think I could really go there?" Kylie’s eye’s lit up so brightly.

"I think it would be perfect for you honey. Let’s have Adam write the letter and go from there." Sam was so happy for his daughter, he would do anything it took to get her to that school.

It took two weeks for a letter to finally arrive for Kylie about the school. Ben brought it home from town and at dinner he gave the letter to Sam to read.

"Mr. Matthews. We would love to have your daughter attend our facility. We don’t require much in the way of an application some details for our records regarding her accident and physical status and that we have her medical records to refer to in case of an emergency." He paused to look at several smiling faces around the table.

Then Sam read down further and his smile faded. "Sam what is it?" Ben prompted.

Sam let out a hefty sigh. "It appears that there is a fee to house and for the training and such. $500.oo to be exact."

Moans and groans went around the table. Kylie knew immediately her that her dreams were gone. Gone!

Sam couldn’t stand the hurt and pain he saw in his daughter’s eyes. He got up and walked out.

"Mr. Cartwright would you mind taking me to my room. I’m really not very hungry right now." She was trying hard not to cry.

"Of course honey." Ben knew she needed some time to be alone right now.

Adam took the letter that Sam had thrown down on the table and read it again. Tuition. He never even thought about that part of the school. There had to be a way to get Kylie there, she needed to be at that school! That’s all there was to it, he would have to find her a way.


For the next few days Kylie spent most of the time in her room feeling sorry for herself. Little Joe tried several times to draw her out but she was unresponsive.

Sam had gone round and round trying to figure out how to come up with the money, but even if he sold his homestead it still wasn’t enough. Ben felt bad that he didn’t have any reserve to help out much either.

At supper one night things were rather quiet, not unlike most other nights of late, when Hoss piped up his opinion. "Hey Pa ain’t there some kind of fund raising that can be done to help out? I mean we’ve helped folks out before with things when their houses burned or they couldn’t work their farms and such. And when we needed to build the town hall. Ain’t there some way we can help Kylie and her Pa like that?" He continued eating.

"I don’t know son." Ben shook his head, thinking.

"Pa, maybe one of them bake sales or something like that. You know like the ladies in the church do to raise money." Little Joe piped in his two cents.

"Don’t be stupid Joe, you can’t make no hundred dollars off a durn bake sale." Hoss told him.

"Hoss, don’t call your brother stupid." Ben automatically corrected him.

"Sorry Pa." Hoss kept on eating.

Adam snapped his fingers. "That’s it! A fund raiser!"

"Adam I don’t know about that." Ben was hesitant.

"But Pa why not? It’s as good a cause as any of them. We can have a bake sale, and games and quilt sales. Maybe even some sewing things and all kinds of other stuff Pa. Have people come and donate for each thing, whether a penny or nickel or whatever they can."

"Yea Pa we can do it! Bring it to the town council and see what they say." Little Joe was bouncing in his seat he was so excited.

"Ben I don’t know. I mean do you think it could work?" Sam picked at his piece of bread.

Ben gave a smile. "Well, all we can do is ask. I mean everyone knows you and Kylie and when we let them know the situation…yea I think maybe we can do it. What do you all think, are you willing to help?" Ben looked from son to son and to Hop Sing, and Sam and Kylie.

"I make much food for benefit." Hop Sing offered, already fixing menu’s in his head.

"Good. Then Sam and I will go into town tomorrow and request a meeting and set things in motion." Ben clapped his hands.


The next morning Ben and Sam went to town and called a town meeting. Maggie was the last to arrive. "All right Ben what's so important to drag me off the ranch?"

"Yea and what's your friend doing here. He ain't on the council." Shelby puffed on her cigar.

"Sam is here because this pertains to him and his daughter. I wanted him here to help explain the situation. So if no one objects, Sam go ahead." Ben handed the floor over to him.

"Thank you Ben." Sam cleared his throat. "Thank you all for letting me talk. I have a proposition to throw at all of you."

"This is gonna cost us money ain't it Sam?" Shelby rolled her eyes.

"Well indirectly." He replied.

"What does that mean indirectly?" She puffed on her cigar again.

"Well my daughter has been given an opportunity to attend a special school. One that helps out with her disabilities and the like. She could even learn a trade. She always wanted to be a teacher. That could be a possibility. But there is a problem." Sam took a deep breath. "There is a $500.oo registration fee."

"Uh huh, so you need money. Told ya." Shelby laughed.

"Shelby let him talk." Maggie stopped her. Shelby shrugged her shoulders and strolled off.

"Ben and the boys and I thought that well...maybe we could somehow organize a fund raiser of some sort to raise the money for her." He looked at their stunned faces.

"Yes, then we could have bake sales and organize games and such. It could be great with everyone pitching in! The meeting hall here would be for the bake sale and maybe some ladies can sell some sewing and quilting items. Have a horse race maybe, the possibilities are endless!" Ben walked around the members as he talked.

"I think that's a wonderful idea!" Eli slapped his hand down in agreement.

"Yes, that just might work." Maggie agreed too.

"Yea maybe we can even have a shootin' match. Sure why not?" Shelby agreed.

"I don't know about thes! What appens' if there is not enough money made from all of dis for the girl?" Frenchy added.

"Don't be thinkin that way Frenchy. It ain't right. This is a chance for this girl to make it in life. We can see how much we rake in and then maybe the council can match it if it ain't too much." Shelby nodded her head at her idea thinking it was a good one.

"We can cross that bridge when we come to it. We have to think on the positive right now. So is it agreed then, a fund raiser for Kylie all in favor?" Ben tried to close the meeting quickly.

He got agreed hands from all. The fund raiser would be put on one week from Saturday.


There was a lot of work for the townspeople to do. Mrs. Orowitz, Hop Sing and Maggie cooked and baked from dawn til dusk making cookies, pies, cakes and strudels. Other's helped also.

The men built several booths for quilt sales and embroidery objects. Adam and some of his friends even made a kissing booth. That of course got a lot of frowns from the women.

They had decided to have a horse race starting from one end of town to the other. Of course bets would be taken on the side.

There were going to be three legged races, and egg tosses and tug of war. People were encouraged to give donations at all the booths they visited too.

There were flyers spread to several other towns too, hoping to generate enough interest to make the fund raiser a success.

Surprisingly enough Little Joe and Kylie kept their mischief to a minimum. They put soap in Mr. Carters pipe and laughed while he blew bubbles instead of smoke. They exchanged one of Frenchy's cigars with an exploding one. Shelby laughed the hardest at that one. She threatened the two of them if they tried it to her there would be hell to pay. Neither one of them wanted to find out what kind of hell it would be. Shelby had a temper!

Kylie helped the women decorate the hall with streamers, and posters that had been made in Kylie's honor. There would be a dance in the hall in the evening to end the day.

Hop Sing helped Kylie decorate her wheelchair with streamers and ribbons. She felt like a princess on her throne. Little Joe wheeled her around showing her off.

By the time supper came around everyone was very pleased with the results of the days preparations. Booths were ready, the race track was drawn, the shooting gallery was set up and the hall was done.

Now all they had to do was wait for Saturday!


Morning brought sunshine and good weather. People came from everywhere to enjoy the fun. The town was buzzing with excitement.

Women mulled around looking at quilts and the embroidery and sampling each other's pickles and cucumbers and such.

The men hug around the shooting booth and waiting for the horse race to run. Frenchy and Shelby took bets off an on until the race started.

Several of the young men from around the area were competing. Adam had decided to run Sport too. Little Joe wanted to race too but Pa put a stop to that real fast. A good firm swat to the seat of his pants worked every time.

Even though he couldn't race he joined in the fun cheering the riders on anyway. Kylie kept spinning in circles whooping it up with him. Sam was so overjoyed just watching his daughter having a good time. It had been a long time since she had so much fun.

The day continued on with games that included tug of way and three legged races, egg tossing and bobbing for apples.

Little Joe and Kylie paired up for the egg tossing. Kylie was able to move back with each toss as did Joe. They were so close to winning when Kylie really let the egg fly! It soared through the sky at an angle and landed up hitting Mr. Orowitz smack in the face!

Being the good sport that he was he just laughed it off. Kylie and Joe were so glad. For once it wasn't something they had planned.

Kylie spent most of the day just going around meeting people and talking to them about the school. She secretly hoped that they would be able to make enough to send her there, but she never voiced her thoughts.

She knew that her Papa and Mr. Cartwright were keeping a tally so they could announce things at the end of the night. It was so hard for her not to ask every few minutes how much there was. Not that she wanted to be rude she just didn't want to lose hope again. The school was all she could think about if she couldn't she wouldn't think that way.

Supper time came round and people were everywhere eating. Some sat in the back of wagons, some sat on blankets and picnicked others sat in chairs that were all around town.

"Well Ben looks like things are a success. I haven't seen this many people in a long time." Maggie approached him.

"Yes it sure looks like we had a good turn out. I just hope it's enough. What's Sam going to do if there isn't enough money to send Kylie?" Maggie brushed a stand of hair off her forehead.

Ben smiled at her. "I guess we'll have to cross that bridge when we get there."


The evening was winding down and most of the people were at the hall dancing or just socializing. The day had gone on without many hitches. Ben and Sam kept on their toes for the most part but Kylie and Little Joe knew how important today was. They didn't want to rock the boat.

The only thing that caused a slight ruckus was the kissing booth. It started out as a good idea, several girls took turns. Sally Rodgers was in the booth the most. She gave longer kisses than the other girls.

It didn't take long for a brawl to break out over who was going to be in line first. Several of the boys got to pushing a shoving and pretty soon it came to blows. Big Dan and Ben managed to break it up before too much damage had been done. After that they decided maybe they needed to close the booth down.

Adam argued that they should leave it open just make sure the girls were taking turns and only giving light kisses. Take Sally out of the situation and things would cool down. Maybe have one of the older women at the booth with them to make sure it went smoothly. After all the booth was raking in the money and it would be a shame to close a money maker down.

Ben couldn't help but laugh at his sons reasoning of the situation. But he had to agree that it was a money maker, and closing it down would be a bad idea. After some thought he agreed to keep it open with Mrs. Jenkins watching over the girls.


Ben pulled Little Joe off to the side, "Son I want to tell you how proud of you I am for behaving so well today. Thank you." Ben hugged Little Joe to his side.

Little Joe smiled at his father, "Thanks Pa. I tried really hard. Didn't even get into any fights today either."

"Well that I'm glad of son." Ben smiled back.

"Do you think we made enough money for Kylie Pa?"

Ben gave a heavy sigh, "Son I sure hope so. I sure hope so."

Little Joe took off when he saw his friend Mitch Devlin. They went out of the hall pushing and shoving each in fun. Outside they met up with some more of their friends.

"Hey guys why don't we go see if we can see any going's on at Jack's? You know they got those girls there, the ones that the guys pay for. Don't you want to see what they pay for?" Tad McGovern looked at the rest of the boys hoping to tempt them enough.

"I don't know about that Tad. If Jack sees us we're dead meat." Micah Little pointed out.

"Aw he won't see us he's at the hall with all the others." Little Joe offered with more bravado that he actually felt.

"You sure Joe?" Mitch wasn't so sure.

"Sure I'm sure. Come on let's go!" Little Joe took off with the others following.

They made the short trek to the back of the Jack's place. They stacked some crates so they could climb up and look in the windows.

At first they couldn't see much, but then the ladies came around to the tables. They were half naked!!!

The boys couldn't take their eyes off of the girls as they sashayed around the place. They had never seen girls dressed like that before!

The boys grew silent when they heard someone coming. If they got caught! They quickly scrambled behind some barrels. Some old drunk came walking by them smelling something horrible. Cross between needing a bath and whiskey. He was so drunk he didn't even notice the boys as he slunk down in the brush and passed out, full whiskey bottle in hand.

Tad being the boldest of the group ran up and snatched the bottle out of the drunk's hand. He wiped the mouth of the bottle off and took a drink. God it burned as it went down but he fought back the urge to spit and sputter it out.

"Smooth. Who's next?" He waved the bottle toward the group.

Micah stepped up, he always wondered what it tasted like? "I'll try some."

Little Joe watched the two of them drinking he knew it was wrong his Pa told him enough times, but he didn't want to be called a chicken. That was worse.

"I'll try some too." Little Joe took a swig. As it went down his throat the burn was horrible! He spit and choked trying to get his breath. Tad and Micah laughed. "It went down the wrong way, give me another drink." Little Joe did not like being laughed at.

Mitch just watched as his friends were sealing their fate. He wasn't gonna have any whiskey, his Pa's skin him alive!

"What's a matter Mitch? Are you too good to drink with us?" Tad taunted him.

"No I ain't too good. I just don't wanna lose any hide tonight." He tried reasoning.

"Yer just chicken!" Tad teased him.

"Am not chicken!" Mitch yelled at him.

"Shh Mitch they'll hear you!" Little Joe went to his friend and put his hand over his mouth.

Mitch pushed Joe away angrily, "Give me that bottle!" He grabbed it out of Micah's hand.

He started drinking and drinking. Tad pulled it away from him, "Hey easy does it you'll get drunk like that!"

"Yea save some for us too!" Micah yelled.

Then boys passed the bottle back and forth. The more they drank the more they giggled.

"Wow did you see the bosoms on that girl in there?" Tad hiccuped.

"What girl? There's more then one?" Little Joe asked.

"Th...the one in the green?" Tad rolled his eyes and tried to whistle.

That set off gales of laughter from all of them. "SSshhh we gotta be quiet guys!" Little Joe put his finger to his lips.

"TOO LATE!" Came the booming voice of Mr. Devlin.

The boys turned and saw the very angry face of Mitch's father. Mitch dropped the bottle and the boys watched as it shattered on the ground around them.


Tom grabbed Mitch by the back of the neck with one hand and Little Joe with the other. Tad and Micah at this point were taking turns emptying their stomachs into the bushes.

"Now if you all are finished with you're little party, let's go!" Mr. Devlin pushed Mitch and Little Joe along watching to make sure the other two boys were following.

Micah and Tad's father's were standing around outside the hall talking to a group of other men. Mr. McGovern saw his son weaving back and forth as he tried to follow Mr. Devlin. He nudged Mr. Little. Both men went up to their son's and wrinkled their noses at the foul smell of vomit and whiskey.

"Tad when I get you home I'm gonna wear out your hide!" He led his son of with a none to gentle swat to the seat of his pants.

Poor Micah was already crying as soon as he saw his father's face. He knew he was gonna get it good too. "Pa I'm shorry!" He slurred.

"You bet you are boy! Even sorrier when we get home! Thanks Devlin." Mr. Little nodded at him.

"Sure. I found all of them out back at Jack's place. Lord only knows what they saw or how much whiskey they consumed."

"Let's go boy!" Mr. Little gave Micah a mighty swat too.

"Pa I don't feel too good!" Mitch was turning several shades of green.

Mr. Devlin turned his son to the bushes and let him empty his stomach. He watched to see if Little Joe was going to throw up too, but he just stood there with tears running down his face.


Mr. Devlin grabbed both boys by the scruff of the neck again and firmly sat them down on the bench outside of the hall. "Don't you even think of moving from this spot, do I make myself clear!"

"Yes sir." Little Joe sniffed and Mitch just nodded his head.

Mr. Devlin went inside the hall to get Ben, but he hesitated when he saw Ben up on the platform.

Ben clapped his hands together to get everyone's attention. "Everyone, please. I have an announcement to make." He waited until the chatter died down. "I would like to thank you all for coming today and donating to Kylie. She is a wonderful girl and really deserves this chance. Kylie would you like to come up and say a few things to everyone?"

Kylie was nervous but she knew it was her duty to personally talk to all of the kind people there tonight. She wheeled herself to the front of the hall. "I really don't know where to start. Um...I want to thank everyone for helping make this a dream come true for me. I know I gave some of you a run for your money with the pranks and all," Laughter rang out through the hall, "But I truly am grateful to all of you for your help. Even if I don't get to go, any money that was given here tonight will be donated to the town for anything they need. Well, thank you again."

"Kylie that won't be necessary. We have managed to make over $450.00 tonight!!!" Ben hugged her.

Kylie put her hands over her mouth to squelch a scream ,"Oh my God! Does that mean...?"

"Yes Kylie it does. The town council will meet the other $50.00 and you are going to school!" Ben cheered.

Sam ran to his daughter and hugged her tightly as she cried tears of joy. Never in his wildest dreams did he ever think that he would be able to send his daughter to the school. Finally one of their dreams could come true.

"How can we thank all of you?" Sam was trying to control his emotions.

"Just make sure she becomes that teacher she wants to be. Then some of the pranks she pulled won't seem so funny when they are pulled on her!" Laughed Shelby. The rest joined in again.

Kylie and her father went along and started personally thanking everyone they could.

Ben noticed Mr. Devlin standing by the back of the hall and he motioned for Ben to come with him.

"What's the matter? Is something wrong with Mitch or Joe?"

"Oh there is something all right. Nothing a good trip to the barn wouldn't cure. When they have sobered up." Mr. Devlin shook his head.

"What? They have been drinking! When, how did they get it?" Ben was getting madder by the minute.

"Found them out back of Jack's place bottle of near empty whiskey falling out of one of their hands. Micah and Tad were there too, I already got hold of their Pa's they took them home." He then pointed to the bench outside the hall.

There were two very sorry looking little boys sitting or rather weaving on the bench. Ben went up to Little Joe and tilted his chin up. "Joseph what have you done boy?" He couldn't believe his youngest son was reeking of whiskey.

"Pa...I..." That was all Little Joe could get out before he started crying.

"I'm taking my boy home and let him sleep it off then him and me are going to take a short trip out to the barn for a very long tanning." He grabbed Mitch by the arm and pulled him along.

Ben gently picked Little Joe up by the arm. "Can you walk son." He asked him through gritted teeth.

Little Joe knew from the way his father asked him if he could walk that he was really mad. That didn't make him feel any better. He couldn't stop the tears. Ben guided him over to the livery. He helped Little Joe on to a bale of hay and told him to lie down and stay put.

Ben went back into the hall to get his sons. Kylie rolled up to him as he was crossing the hall. "Mr. Cartwright where's Little Joe? I thought he would be here to hear the good news but I can't find him anywhere." She was all smiles.

"He's outside Kylie. I need to get him home." Ben stated but did not elaborate on the issue.

"Oh. Is he okay?" Kylie had the feeling Joe was in big trouble.

"Not for long." He spotted Adam and Hoss talking to some girls. "I need to get the boys honey, please continue enjoying your celebration." He patted her shoulder.

Ben told the boys that he had to get Joe home and why. they were stunned. He told them they could stay for a bit longer but to come home when Sam and Kylie do.

He then sought out Sam and told him the story. Sam was grateful that for once Kylie wasn't in this mess too. He promised to get the boys home with him.

Ben then went and got his youngest son and took him home.


Ben arrived with a very sleepy son. He knew he would get no where until morning. Then he would be able to make own up to his misdeeds. It was still beyond him to understand why his son would take part in drinking whiskey. He knew better. Well he would surly remember in the morning why drinking was bad for you.

Ben tucked Little Joe in and sat down and ran his hands through his graying hair. It wouldn't be long before he was completely gray. He took the picture of Marie Joe's mother, and studied it. "Oh Marie, why is it that our son has to learn the hard way all the time. He sure has your stubborn streak." He laughed and touched the photo, "Okay, our stubborn streak. I really hate to see how he feels in the morning. I know it's going to depend on how much whiskey he drank but a headache is nothing compared to how his backside is going to feel." He sighed as he put her photo down. "It's so hard to punish him sometimes Marie, but I know if I don't he will never learn. And that is part of my job to make sure he grows into a good man." He got up and put another log on the fire and got himself a cup of coffee and waited for the rest of the family to come home.

A couple of hours later the rest of the family came home. Hoss and Adam put the horses up so Sam could help Kylie to bed. She was so exhausted she barely made it to bed before she fell asleep.

"Papa," Kylie said as she yawned.

"Yes honey." Sam was tucking her in.

"Papa thank you so much for everything tonight. Can you tell Mr. Cartwright thank you too. I'll be sure and tell him again in the morning." She yawned again.

"Sure sweetie I will. And you are welcome for tonight. I am so glad everything went off as we had hoped." he smiled at his daughter as she drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

Sam went out to the living room and gladly accepted the cup of coffee Ben offered him.
"So want to talk to me about Little Joe?"

"Devlin found him and his son and two other boys with the whiskey bottle in hand behind Jack's place. God only knows what else they were up too." Ben got up and started pacing. "I swear I don't know what gets into him sometimes. He knows better!"

"So did we Ben. I myself was a little older when I tried whiskey. But as for painted women, who wouldn't be tempted to peek in a window at that age?" Sam smiled at Ben knowing full well Ben had done it too. All young boys tried it at one time or another.

Ben couldn't help but chuckle himself, "Yea I remember all too well. I also remember the hiding I got when I sobered up."

"Oh yes, big time. I think that was one of the worst whippings I ever got when I was a kid. Pa wasn't as angry until Ma got to put her two cents in. The sin of it all. Boy I didn't sit for a week after that." Sam shook his head and the memory.

"Yea, I try not to remember. Well Little Joe will know soon enough about all of it. The headache I'm sure not to mention the tanning I plan to deliver tomorrow." Ben drained his coffee cup. "Well I guess in spite of everything the fund raiser was a success."

"Yes it was. I can never tell those people thank you enough for what they did for me and Kylie. I never thought it would happen. Now Kylie can have her dream. Ben again thank you for all of this. You're the best friend a person could ever have." Sam got up and went to the kitchen to put his cup into the sink trying to stop his tears of gratitude from falling.

Ben went up behind him and patted his back. "You're more than a friend to us Sam. You and Kylie are family. We would do anything for family remember that." Ben squeezed his shoulder. "Well don't know about you but I'm turning in for the night. See you in the morning." Sam nodded.

Hoss and Adam were finishing up with the stock hesitating about going into the house. "Ya think it's safe to go in now Adam?"

Adam put down the curry comb and slapped his hands together. "I guess so brother. I didn't hear anything coming from the house so I'm guessing that Pa won't blister Little Joe until morning."

"Aw Adam you sound like your glad that he's in trouble." Hoss hung his head.

"Hoss you know as well as I do what Pa did to us when we snuck whiskey. He let us sleep it off and then..." Adam looked at Hoss waiting for him to finish.

"I know then he tanned us good. I remember. It don't mean I want the same for Little Joe." Hoss hung his head.

"I don't want it either Hoss, but Little Joe needs to learn. Same as we did." Adam slapped his brother on the back and pushed him toward the house.

"Yea well I still don't gotta like it." Hoss kicked at the dirt.

Ben slept fitfully that night. He hated the fact that he had to punish one of his sons, it never sat well with him. Soon he heard Hoss and Adam come in and head for bed so he relaxed some and fell asleep.


Morning came all too soon for Little Joe. He woke up startled wondering where he was. His head hurt a bit and his stomach was a bit upset. then the dawn broke! He remembered the whiskey. Oh God was he in trouble! He figured he had better get up and move before Pa came looking for him.

Ben was at the table waiting for Little Joe. He was sipping his coffee when his son appeared. He just watched Little Joe as he slowly slid into his spot at the table. Everyone else was gone. This was not a good sign.

Hop Sing put some toast and a cup of some kind of herbal tea in front of Little Joe. "Eat, drink you feel better to face day."

Little Joe looked up at Hop Sing, "Thanks." He just nodded and then shook his head at the boy knowing what was in store for him.

Ben was just watching his son as he slowly ate his toast and sipped his tea. Little Joe couldn't stand it any longer, "Pa ain't ya gonna say nothin'?"

Ben winced at his son's grammar, "What would you have me say son?" He waited to see if Little Joe would offer anything.

Little Joe looked at his Pa and then back at his plate, "I don't know Pa." He almost whispered.

"Finish your toast and tea and I'll wait for you in the barn." Ben got up and walked out. Little Joe nodded his head as tears filled his eyes.

Ben went to the barn and had the boys go about their chores elsewhere. They didn't even say a word both of them knowing what was coming.

Shortly Little Joe was making the trek to the barn to face his father. It was a trip he dreaded but he knew he had it coming. He had heard his brother's talk of their doing with whiskey and how Pa had dealt with them. He knew his fate was the same.

Little Joe opened the barn door and stood in front of his father. He out of habit put his hands behind his back.

Ben looked at his son, "Well we both know why you're here. Let's get on with it young man." Ben pulled his belt from their loops and doubled it in his hand.

Little Joe walked to his father. Ben pushed Joe over the bales of hay and proceeded to tan his son. Little Joe tried to be brave and not cry, but it was more than just the pain of the whipping that hurt, it was the knowing that he had let his Pa down. He knew what he was doing was wrong but he let others influence him once again. He disappointed his Pa. That was worse than the pain of the whipping.

Ben finished and was putting his belt back on letting his son get control. Little Joe took one look at his father and put his arms around his Pa and held on for dear life. He sobbed out his sorrow and hugged his Pa as tight as he could.

"I'm sssorry Pa. I'll never drink again." he sobbed into his Pa' shirt.

Ben rubbed his back in soothing circles, "It's okay son, it's all over now." He held Little Joe and let him sob out his pain and frustration.

Little Joe finally calmed down and wiped his sleeve over his nose and eyes. Ben smiled and handed him his handkerchief. Little Joe blew his nose and wiped his eyes again.

"Pa I really am sorry for everything, really." He sniffed.

"I know son I know. But you were the one that chose to do the drinking no one twisted your arm. You knew the consequences when you started. You came very close to ruining Kylie's night." Ben told him.

Little Joe looked up at his Pa startled. "I forgot Kylie! Oh Pa I'm so sorry. I forgot about that! Is everything okay, is she gonna get to go to the school?" He forgot his own sorrows for the time being.

"In response to your questions, yes she is fine, and yes she is going to get to go to the school. We made enough son."

"Wah hoooooo!" Little Joe let out a whoop of happiness. He went to sit down and jumped back up rubbing his backside.

Ben couldn't help but laugh. "Why don't you go see Kylie and talk to her a bit. Then you may stay in your room for the rest of the day except for meals and chores." Ben tapped his nose.

"Yes sir. And Pa I really am sorry about everything. Really." He smiled at his father and hugged him again.

"I now son. You know what to expect if you ever pull something like again right?" Ben wanted tomake sure that Little Joe knew the seriousness of what he had done.

"Yes sir I know. No whiskey until I'm older, much older." He rolled his eyes.

"All right let's go and see Kylie and Sam and see what things they are going to need for her trip." Ben gave Little Joe one more squeeze.


Little Joe spent the remainder of the day with Kylie helping her get stuff organized for her trip. He apologized over and over again to her for his behavior at the fund raiser. Kylie just laughed it off. If it hadn't been her party she probably would have joined him.

They made a list of things she would need to buy too. Pencils, paper, note books a slate and a satchel to keep them in. That would mean a trip to the trading post.

"Kylie let's wait on that a day or two okay? I don't think I could sit a horse right now." Little Joe said as he rubbed his still stinging backside.

"Yea we can wait. Adam said he needed to write the letter to the school and let them know we have the entrance fee now and find out when I can start. So we can mail the letter at the same time." Kylie continued going through her clothes. When she got to her personals Little Joe made a quick exit.

A few days later the letter was written and they were ready to head for town.

"Adam is there anything else I might need for supplies?" Kylie was getting so excited. Her mind was working over time and she was a bundle of energy.

"I think you have everything pretty well covered. We'll just have to wait until the school returns our inquiries. They will probably have a list for you of any things you will need." Adam knew the excitement Kylie was feeling. To be able to continue her education, how wonderful.

"How long do you think it will be before we get an answer?" Kylie started biting her nails.

Adam gently pulled her fingers out of her mouth. "It took about two weeks the last time, so maybe about the same."

"Two weeks! I'll go crazy!" She rolled her eyes.

Adam just laughed. "Kylie it will go by so fast you won't even notice. Now come on and let's get you in the wagon. She laughed with him as she rolled herself to the door.

Sam and Kylie went and mailed the letter as soon and they got her down and out of the wagon. She was rolling her chair so fast Sam had to almost run to keep up.

As soon as they were done Adam helped Kylie collect some of her supplies. She found a satchel that she really liked, some pencils her slate and slate pencil, paper pen and inkwell. All she had to do was wait for an answer.

Ruth had invited the bunch of them for lunch. She wanted to celebrate spend as much time as she could with Kylie and Sam before they had to leave. Ruth would miss her. Kylie had a lot of the same personality traits that her daughter had.

After Ruth had served dessert, her apple strudel, Little Joe and Kylie asked if they could be excused to go and visit Mitch for a bit.

"I guess so but you two behave and I mean it." Ben warned the pair of them.

"We will Pa!" Little Joe pushed Kylie out the door.

"How long do you think it will take them to get into mischief?" Adam smiled.

"Let's hope after the last adventure of your brother's he'll think twice." Ben sipped his coffee.

Little Joe pushed Kylie fast down the boardwalk again and hopped on the back of the wheelchair and coasted with her.

They didn't get very far when Shelby stepped out of her saloon and stood in front of them and stopped them short.

"Now didn't you too get told about this before? You coulda run someone down."

"Yes ma'am. I guess we just kinda got lost in the fun." Little Joe gave her his best puppy dog look.

"Well you two better watch out. Slow down. Now git!' She tapped Little Joe on the head. He smiled and pushed Kylie at a much slower pace.

"Whew that was close!" Kylie thought for sure they were going to get in trouble.

"Yea me too. Better watch out. Come on let's get to Mitch's." He pushed her along.

Mitch was out playing catch with his little brother. He saw them coming up the road and took off running to greet them.

"Hey guys! Long time no see." He slid to a stop.

"Yea long time!" Little Joe punched him playfully in the arm.

"Yea thought it would be longer before I could sit down again." Mitch rubbed his backside.

"I know what you mean." Little Joe rubbed his own.

"For once I wasn't involved. Wish I would have been though. It sounded like you had some fun." Kylie watched both boys as they were wide eyed thinking she was crazy.

"Well not the trouble part. But the drinking. I still can't believe that you guys did that."

"Well I ain't gonna be drinking any whiskey any time soon." Mitch told her.

"Me either!" Little Joe agreed.

"Come on up to the house. We got some cookies. Ma was making them when she made me take my brother out to play." Mitch slapped his forehead, "My brother! Jakey! Jakey where are you?" Mitch took off in a run. Little Joe pushed Kylie as fast as he could being careful not to flip her.

"Oh man where did that kid get to? Ma's gonna kill me if I lost him!" Mitch was looking all around.

Out of the trees here came the four year old, "Boo!"

All three of them turned at the sound. "Jakey I could clobber you!" Mitch yelled at him.

Jakey started to get teary eyed, "I was just playin."

Mitch grabbed Jakey by the shoulders and hugged him, "Oh it's okay, I just got scared cause I couldn't see you. Don't do that again okay?"

Jakey rubbed his hand over his eyes, "K, Mitch I won't."

"Come on and let's go get some of Ma's cookies. She should have some done by now." Mitch led the way.

Mrs. Devlin had a batch of cookies out of the oven cooling. She saw the children coming in and started pouring glasses of milk for them. She already had them on the table when they came stomping in.

"Hey Ma..." Mitch started. "Thanks Ma." He smiled at her when he saw the glasses of milk already on the table. The four of them sat down and had cookies and milk.


Mitch, Little Joe and Kylie finished their snack and started out of the house. Jakey started after them but his mother grabbed him.

"No Jakey, it's nap time for you." She scooped him up gave him a squeeze.

"No nap, no nap!." Jakey hollered. Mrs. Devlin just took him off to bed.

"Hey let's go outside guys and find something to do." Mitch headed to the door.

Kylie rolled behind him with Little Joe following. Mitch led them out to the vack of the house by the wooded area and stopped at the big tree.

"Look up guys see what me and my pa built." Mitch pointed up.

"Wow a tree house! That's great! Come on let's go!" Little Joe and Mitch started for the makeshift ladder.

Kylie cleared her throat. "Uh boys. Have you forgotten something?"

Both boys turned and looked at Kylie. "Oh Kylie we forgot. Sorry. Let's find something else to do." Mitch scratched his head.

"No wait a minute remember when Hoss rigged the hoist for you in the barn to get you on the horse? Maybe we can figure out something like that for here too." Little Joe's wheels were turning.

"I don't know about that Little Joe." Mitch always the cautious one.

"What? It worked for the horse didn't it Kylie?" He looked to her for confirmation.

She looked up at the tree house. The longing she felt to be able to go up there was too much. She was determined to get up there. "Yep it worked fine. Now we gotta figure out how to get me up there."

"Why don't I go get Hoss and see if he can help. He did before." Little Joe reasoned his brother would help again.

"Maybe he would. Okay, why don't you go get him and I'll stay here with Mitch and start brainstorming." She grinned at Little Joe.

He needed no other persuading, he took off like a shot.

Kylie and Mitch decided they would need some rope and wood for a seat.

Little Joe headed back toward the Orowitz's the last know location of his brother Hoss. He crept up to the parlor window and peeked in. He didn't see Hoss. Little Joe stood there looking around for his brother.

He spotted him finally over by the stables. "Hey Hoss!"

Hoss looked up and saw his little brother running toward him. "Hey what's on fire little buddy?"

"Nothin Hoss. Could you come and help me and Mitch and Kylie for a minute?"

"Help with what? Little Joe what are you up to now?" Hoss looked sideways at his brother.

"We got a little project we need some muscle for. Come on I'll show you!" Little Joe grabbed Hoss by the sleeve and pulled. Hoss followed him.


As Hoss was pulled to the tree he knew what his brother wanted him to do. Find a way to get Kylie up there.

"Joe you can't let her go up there." Hoss was thinking of how to get her up there even as he spoke.

"Sure we can Hoss, it ain't that far. With us pulling the rope from down here we can get her up to the edge of the tree house and she can scoot in. Simple see?" Little Joe could see that he was getting to his brother. Just a little more coaxing. He made eye contact with Kylie to get her to ask too.

She took her cue, "Please Hoss. It's one of my dreams. I won't be here much longer I may never get another chance to go up in a tree house again. Please, just for a little while?" She pleaded. Mitch had to admire her skills. She was good. Hoss folded like a house of cards.

"Okay I'll help ya." He went over to the contraption that Mitch had attempted to make. Hoss took the piece of wood that Mitch was using. He felt it. Yep it would hold her. He proceeded to saw the ends like the other board and then he strung the rope through it making a lift. He took the rope and tied a knot at the top the threw the other end of the rope over the tree branch and secured it to a nearby stump.

Hoss got Kylie maneuvered on to the seat and proceeded to pull on the rope being the counter weight. Soon Kylie was in the air heading to the tree house!

She squealed with delight as she was air born. This was as good as being on her horse. She felt so free. But her freedom was short lived as she looked over in the direction of town she saw Mr. Cartwright and her father coming up the road to Mitch's house.

"Guys, hey guys." She tried to whisper down to the three of them. "Guys, look!" She whispered louder as she pointed.

The three boys looked in the direction she was pointing. "Oh my God! It's Pa! Come on lets hurry and get her down maybe they won't see." Hoss tried in desperation to get Kylie lowered to the ground. In his haste he forgot about the broken branch sticking out and she got hooked on it. The swing banged against the tree jarring Kylie. Her weight shifted a bit and she started tipping.

"Hold on Kylie! Hold on tight!" Hoss hollered to her.

"Hurry Hoss I'm gonna fall!" She was deciding that this wasn't as good of an idea as she thought.

Hoss was struggling to shake lose the rope from the branch. He almost lost his grip when behind him he heard, "ERIC CARTWRIGHT!" He held on tight.

Ben and Sam ran over to help Hoss steady the rope. "Mitch you and Joe go and get a ladder quick!" Ben ordered them.

"Yes sir." Little Joe and Mitch took off like a shot.

Kylie was starting to get scared not only about falling but the look on her father's face when he saw her ws not good.

"Hang on honey, we'll get you down." Sam tried to reassure her.

"Did I or did I not tell you not to do something like this again!" Ben said to Hoss through grit teeth.

"Yes sir. I'm sorry Pa. But she wanted so much to go up there. I mean...well it was going fine until she panicked and then got hung on the branch. I could've got her down safe Pa." Hoss tried to defend his actions.

"As soon as we get her down you can get your tail and your little brother's tail home. You can wait for me in the barn do you understand me?" Ben glared at his son.

"Yes sir." Hoss hung his head.

Mitch and Little Joe hurried up with the ladder and handed it to their fathers. Sam climbed up to Kylie and got her to put her arms around his neck and he shifted her to his back as she held tight and he climbed down the ladder. He safely put her in her chair and then started yelling, "How dare you! How dare you pull a stunt like that! You could have been killed!"

"I...I'm sorry Papa, I just wanted to see the tree house that's all!" Kylie started crying.

"Sorry is right young lady. Let's go. You will not leave your room until we are ready to leave for you school!" He turned her around and headed to the wagon.

"JOSEPH!" Ben roared at him.

Little Joe swallowed, "Yes Pa." He struggled to look at his father.

"You get your tail home with Hoss now! Get to your room and don't you dare come out! Now move" He turned him around and landed a hefty swat on his backside. Little Joe took off with his brother.

"Mitch I will assume that you will inform your father about this." Ben towered over him.

"Um...yes sir Mr. Cartwright." Mitch stuttered.

"I will check with him So it's better he hears it from you first." Mitch nodded as Ben walked off.


Ben Cartwright was seething as he headed for home. How could he! Hoss of all people never needed to be warned twice. He always managed to let his little brother talk him into things. Didn't he raise them right? Didn't they learn right from wrong? Well they were both going to learn on the seat of their pants today.

Hoss stayed in the barn nervously pacing waiting for his father. He knew he had pushed his Pa farther than he had in a long time. He knew he was in for a whipping for sure. He was shaken from his thoughts by the arrival of his father.

Ben forcefully opened the barn door and walked his horse over to his stall. Ben then unsaddled him and brushed him down quickly and filled his oat bucket. Then he turned to his son.

Hoss then tried very hard to look his father in the eye, but when Pa had that angry look in his eyes it was almost impossible to keep eye contact. Ben stood there hands on hips feet spread slightly apart and just watched the emotions cross over his son's face. No need to drag things out. He then pulled a saddle blanket over the bales of hay and motioned for Hoss to get into position.

Ben then proceeded to strap his middle son. Hoss had tears running down his cheeks from the first blow of the strap. God he had forgotten how much that strap stung! Pa gave him twelve good licks and on the last one he made sure Hoss felt it. Hoss almost jumped at the force of the blow.

Ben then hung the strap back on the hook. He walked over to his son and rubbed his back in slow circles letting him know the whipping was over and all was forgiven.

"Hoss I want you to stay here for a bit and get yourself pulled together. I need to deal with your little brother right now. When you have yourself together start on your chores please." Ben gave his son a reassuring pat and then went to deal with his youngest.

Ben could hear Kylie crying as he entered the house. He knew that Sam had dealt with her severely. Irregardless of how his heart was torn, he knew that he had to take care of Little Joe.

He entered the bedroom and found his son staring out the window. "Joseph look at me please."

Little Joe turned around slowly and faced his father. Ben knew he had to proceed swiftly.

"Little Joe I know that you are aware of what you did and why it was wrong, we don't need to go over it again. So come here please." Ben motioned Little Joe over to where he was standing.

Ben then proceeded to pull his son over his lap and spanked him over and over. Ben knew he had to make this message get through to him. Putting himself and other in danger were not acceptable.

Little Joe kicked out at every blow. His Pa could hit hard when he wanted. Little Joe knew that this spanking would last him for a good while. He vowed to himself that he would stay out of trouble for the rest of his life if his Pa would just stop.

Little Joe didn't realize it when the spanking had ended, he just lay there sobbing over his father's lap. Ben was rubbing small circles over his back just as he had done to Hoss letting him know that the spanking was over and things would be okay. Ben let Little Joe's crying turn to hitching sobs as he pulled him to his chest hugging him.

Ben left his youngest son to pull himself together enough to go to his chores. As he walked out of the bed room he saw Sam walking out the back door. Ben went after him, he could see that Sam was really shaken.

Ben kept his distance for a bit realizing that Sam was silently crying. He debated whether or not to go to him but Ben knew how hard it was on the man to punish his daughter and decided to chance it.

Ben put his hand on Sam's shoulder and Sam briefly stiffened, "Sam you want to talk about it?"

Sam ran his sleeve over his eyes and nodded yes. The two men took off walking. Sam ran his hand over his face trying to get control of himself. "Ben it was horrible."

"I know Sam when I have to punish the boys it's one of the hardest things to do. But I know it's for their own good." Ben shrugged.

"I know that Ben. I...Kylie started shouting at me after I smacked her hands with the ruler yelling at her telling her how dangerous the stunt was. She started yelling at me!" Sam sniffed and proceeded to tell Ben.


Sam went into Kylie's room and immediately started yelling and lecturing her as he picked up the ruler and proceeded to smack her hands.

Kylie took the punishment silently fuming, when he father was done she started yelling, "It's all your fault that Mama is dead! All your fault! If you had been with us that day you would have been driving not Mama! She couldn't handle the horses when they went out of control down the hill you know that! But you couldn't go because of your stupid crops! It's your fault! You wish it was me that had been killed and not Mama! I hate you!" She stopped her rampage and cried into arms.

Sam was so shaken all he could do was walk away.


Ben was at a loss what to say. He squeezed Sam's shoulder in support and sympathy. "Sam I'm sure she didn't mean it."

"Oh no she meant it all right. I have never heard such hate and anger come from her." He ran his hands through his hair. "I just don't know what to do. I'm not sure what I can say to her. She's right. I should have been with them."

"Sam no, don't start blaming yourself. That isn't going to help. Maybe Kylie is just angry and frustrated with herself and maybe she feels guilty at being the one that survived. Her guilt is making her do all the dangerous things she has done since you have been here."

Sam looked at Ben and let his words sink in. He shook his head yes, "I never thought about that. I...mean even if I had been with her I couldn't have helped with the wagon, the axle broke as they were going down the hill and it twisted and that's when it rolled. Ben even you know that it's almost impossible to handle a wagon and team in that situation. You jump off! But they didn't jump."

"That's what you need to tell Kylie. Talk to her about her guilt. Make her see what she is doing to herself as a result." Ben smiled.

"Yea, I'll talk to her." Sam headed back to the house.

Sam talked with Kylie for hours. She finally did see that her father couldn't have stopped the wagon either. It was one of the cruel hands that fate deals you. And yes she did feel guilty for surviving. She never realized it before, but that was what she was feeling, guilty.

She cried and her father cried until they both fell asleep, with Sam holding her in a protective cocoon.


The next week went on without any problems. Kylie and Little Joe did their chores without complaint. Hoss did his work with all his focus on the job at hand. He didn't want any further confrontation with his father. His backside was still a might sore to sit comfortably. It sure had been a long time since Pa had whipped him like that and he was gonna make sure it never happened again.

Kylie and her father spent several evenings just talking with each other on the porch. Kylie released a lot of her guilt and fears. Sam never realized how much baggage she was carrying around with her. He wished he could take away all her pain. This school was going to be the best thing for her. It would give her focus on something else besides herself. He was so proud of her.

It didn't take long for the letter to arrive. Sam came riding up to the house waving the letter, "Kylie it's here! The letter from the school!"

Kylie rolled herself on to the porch as fast as she could. Ben and Adam came out of the barn hearing the excitement.

Sam jumped from his horse and went up to Kylie and handed her the letter. Kylie took it with shaky hands. "Oh Papa, I...what if they won't take me? What if they say..."

She was cut off by her father, "Sweetie you won't know anything until you open the letter." She nodded her head, took a deep breath and opened the envelope.

She slowly read it, and then read it again. "I got in! They accepted me!" She squealed.

Sam hugged her and Ben and Adam followed with hugs too. Hop Sing heard all the noise and realized that Kylie had been accepted.

"I will fix a special supper for tonight in honor of Miss Kylie getting into school in San Francisco." Hop Sing bowed to her and smiled.

"Oh Hop Sing thank you. That would be wonderful." Kylie clapped her hands.

"When do you have to be there Kylie?" Adam asked her.

"Um, let's see. It says that I have to be there...I have to be there in less than two weeks! Oh my God two weeks how will I ever get ready by then!" Kylie was horrified at the idea of having to get ready so fast.

Ben and Sam laughed, "Sweetie you are already ready. All you have to do is pack your trunk. Every thing else is ready." Sam pat her shoulder.

Kylie looked at her father and burst out laughing with him. "I guess you're right Papa."

"Now we have to make the travel arrangements. Find out when the stage can take you on your journey. Find out where the next stops are and how long for layovers and such. Frenchy should have all that information." Ben offered.

"Right Pa I can go into town first thing tomorrow and help make the arrangements." Adam offered.

"That would be a big help Adam thank you." Sam smiled at Adam.

"Oh Papa can I go too? I want to look at some new dresses, please?" Kylie clapped her hands together.

"Well I guess I can't have my little girl going to school in the same old clothes now can I?" Sam smiled at his daughter.

"Thanks so much Papa. Mr. Cartwright do you think that Little Joe could come too?" Kylie couldn't go to town without her cell mate. They had been stuck home ever since the tree house incident and she really felt that they both could stand for some free time.

"Why don't we all go tomorrow, make a day of it.

With that settled they went and washed up and got ready for Hop Sings feast.

Kylie was so excited about going to town she couldn't get to sleep. She slid herself off the bed and got into her chair and rolled out into the main room. She glanced around looking for a book to read anything to occupy her mind. She wheeled around to look some more when her chair caught the edge of the table and knocked the lamp off. It crashed to the floor shattering!

Ben and Sam came running in from the porch. The boys flew out of their room after hearing the crash.

Kylie was bending over trying to reach the broken glass to pick it up.

"Kylie! Leave that you'll get cut!" Sam ran up to her pushing her out of the way.

"I'm sorry Papa! I didn't mean to break it honest!" Kylie wasn't sure what king of trouble she was in right now.

Ben had grabbed a broom while Hop Sing brought in a new lantern and lit it so they could get all the glass.

"Kylie what were you doing out here. I put you to bed an hour or so ago?" Sam checked her hands over to make sure they weren't cut.

"I couldn't sleep so I came out here looking for something to read. I'm sorry." She had tears in her eyes.

"Hey now, it was an accident honey. Ben and I know you didn't mean to break it. It's okay." Sam brushed her cheek with his hand.

"That's right Kylie. It was an accident. Don't worry about it. Now why don't we get you a book so you can relax and get some sleep okay?" Ben smiled at her.

"Thank you." Kylie smiled back at him.

"Come on Kylie let's get you a good book." Adam offered. Kylie nodded at him and followed him.

"I'm goin back to bed." Hoss ran his hand through his hair as he turned and went back to his room. He pushed Little Joe along with him.

"Yea nothin exciting about a broken lantern." He yawned.

Finally they all made it to bed Kylie barely made it through the first few pages of her book when she dropped off into an exhausted slumber.


Little Joe and Kylie were so excited about going to town they were practically bouncing in the wagon. Ben had to remind Little Joe at least 4 different times to sit down and sit still. It was the longest ride Ben had ever taken.

Finally they arrived and Little Joe jumped down out of the wagon urging Kylie to hurry up.

"Joseph we are getting her as fast as we can. Now settle down or you and I will sit in the wagon and wait for everyone else."

Little Joe knew his Pa meant business. So he stopped fidgeting and replied, "Yes sir."

"Now Sam and I will go and make the travel arrangements. You and Kylie go into the trading post and help her look for anything else she needs. And Joseph, behave." Ben shook a finger in his face.

"Yes sir we'll behave." He followed Kylie into the post.

"Come on Little Joe let's check out the dresses Mrs. Orowitz has."

"I ain't looking at no dresses. I'm gonna check out the pocket knives he has." He turned and went to the other side of the post.

"Ah Kylie. How are you today?" Mrs. Orowitz smiled at her.

"I'm fine thank you. Papa sent me in to see about getting some new clothes for my new school." She started looking over the dresses.

"You are such a lucky girl to go to a school like that. And in such a fine city!" Mrs. Orowitz clapped her hands together in excitement.

"I know. I can't thank all of the towns people enough for all their help. If it wasn't for all of them I wouldn't be going."

"Well we were all happy to help. It gives you a good feeling inside here." She gestured to her heart. "So now what can I help you with today?" They were off comparing dresses.

Little Joe was checking out the knives. He really admired the one with the carved wooden handle. Boy oh boy he would sure like to own one of those one day.

"Hey Little Joe what ya lookin at?" Seth Thomas punched him in the arm.

Little Joe rubbed his arm where Seth punched him. Seth was one of the bullies from school and no friend of Joe's. He avoided him at all costs.

"Cat got yer tongue?" Seth laughed at his own humor.

"No, I'm just looking at the knives here that's all."

"Yea looking all right. You ain't never gonna have enough money fer one of them." Seth snickered.

"Yea well neither will you!" Little Joe spat at him. "Your pa never has no money less he spends in Shelby's saloon."

"You shut yer trap Little Joe." Seth clenched his fists ready to let one go on Little Joe.

Joe stood there not backing down from the bully. He was daring Seth to punch him. But Seth backed down. Last fight he got into made his pa whip him good. He didn't want a repeat of the incident.

"Don't get so riled. Jeez, you can't take a joke." Seth heard a couple of boys giggling at him because of backing down. That didn't happen. He'd get Little Joe back. He saw his perfect opportunity. Mr. Orowitz was helping a customer by dry goods, and the Mrs. was with the girl in the wheelchair. Little Joe had forgotten about the knives for a moment and was looking at the candy. Seth made his move.

He slowly crept up to the counter and ever so carefully he slipped his hand around the wooden carved handled knife and removed it from the case. He walked up behind Little Joe and bumped him as if by accident, dropping the knife in to his pocket.

"Hey do ya gotta keep hitting me and knocking me around?" Little Joe recovered his footing.

"Touchy ain't ya. Well gotta go for now, talk at ya later." Seth strolled out.

Little stood there rubbing his arm where Seth had punched him before. Why did he have to always hit! Pa always said there was one in every crowd. Just ignore him. Yea right! Easier said than done when you were the one getting the pounding.

He was jolted from his thoughts by Kylie yelling for him. "Little Joe come on I'm done. Mrs. Orowitz said she could alter them for me so I can leave them with her for now. Let's go find my father and yours and see about getting something to eat, I'm starving."

"Yea I could eat too, come on. Bye Mr. and Mrs. Orowitz." They waved as they went out.

"Bye children, have fun." Mrs. Orowitz called to them.

They met up with their families and headed for the restaurant. Mrs. Bettes ran the place and her food was outstanding. Even as picky as Little Joe was he even managed to clean his plate.

With all the arrangements made and Kylie's shopping finished and full belly's for all, they decided to call it a day and head for home.


"Ruth, have you been handling the pocket knives?" Eli rechecked the counter and the surrounding floor.

"No Eli I haven't been near them. Why?"

"One seems to be missing and I know I didn't sell it today." Eli scratched his head.

"I didn't sell it I know that for sure. Maybe it fell behind the counter." She walked over to help him look.

"I already checked under there and all through the shelves too I don't...oh no it couldn't be." Realization set in. "Little Joe was in here today looking at them."

"Oh Eli Little Joe wouldn't take it." Ruth waved her husband off.

"I would hate to think so. He did seem to really like the carved handle. I didn't see him put it back though. I had to help some other customers. I'll take a ride out to the Cartwright house and see if maybe Little Joe took it, you know by accident." Eli tapped his wife's nose. She smiled and nodded.


Eli arrived at the Ponderosa not really sure how to tell Ben. He slowly stepped down off his horse and started for the house. Ben saw Eli from the barn and stepped out. "Eli, what brings you out here?"

Eli smiled nervously, "Well Ben I have some business I need to discuss with you son."

"My son? Which one Adam?" Ben took off his gloves.

"Little Joe. Is he around anywhere?" Eli looked around.

"No he isn't, he went off with Hoss rabbit hunting. Something I can help you with?" Ben didn't know what to make of this.

"Well, Ben Little Joe and Kylie were in the store today and he was looking at some of the pocket knives I had. He seemed really taken with the one with the carved handle. It was a nice one too. I can see how Little Joe picked that one." Eli shifted his feet a bit.

"All right Eli you said the knife was, was past tense. What's going on?" Ben tilted his head as he looked at Eli.

"Yes well, you see Ben, the knife is gone now. I looked everywhere for it Ruth helped too. I just thought maybe Little Joe might have accidentally put it in his pocket testing it out, you know for the feel of it." Eli wanted to make sure it didn't sound like he was accusing the boy.

"Well, that could be. He does get distracted easily. I'll talk to him when he gets back and if he has it on him we'll bring it back in tomorrow. How would that be?" Ben dusted off his pant leg with his gloves.

"Yes, yes, that would be fine Ben. Thank you." Eli let out a breath he was holding.

"Now how about a cup of coffee before you head for home."

"That sounds nice."

Ben slapped him on the back and they headed for the house.


Later the evening Little Joe and Hoss came come with three fine looking rabbits. Hop Sing was happy. He was going to make rabbit stew for one and all.

They were washing up out back when Ben heard them laughing and walked up behind them. "Good hunting boys?"

Little Joe started in on how they set up the traps and of course it was his trap that caught the biggest rabbit.

"It was great Pa you shoulda been there." Hoss noticed his father was a bit distant. "Pa is there something wrong?"

"Well I don't think so. That depends on Little Joe."

"Me Pa?" Little Joe was racking his brain trying to figure out what he had done.

"Eli came by this afternoon. He said that you had been looking over some of the pocket knives he had." Ben watched Little Joe's face for any sign of guilt.

"Yes sir. I was looking at them while Kylie was going ga-ga over the dresses." He rolled his eyes. He never understood why females got all goofy over clothes. Now a new horse, that he could see.

"Which one did you like?" Ben queried him.

Little Joe looked at his father wrinkling his brow, "Um the one with the carved handle. It was the nicest. Why Pa?"

"Because Eli came out here this afternoon and mentioned that that particular one was missing." Ben watched Joe's face closely.

"Missing? What do you mean missing? It was there when I got done looking." Little Joe didn't like where this was going.

"Are you sure you put it back?"

"Sure I'm sure pa."

"Why don't you go check your pockets in the clothes you wore to town? See if maybe it's there. Maybe you just thought you put it back." Ben instructed his son. Ben wanted to give Little Joe the benefit of the doubt.

"I didn't take it Pa I swear!" Little Joe was already becoming defensive.

"I didn't say you did son. Please watch your tone." Ben still wouldn't tolerate disrespect from his sons.

"Sorry Pa. But I didn't take it! I didn't!" He stormed to the house.

Ben shook his head and followed his son. Hoss came along just for moral support for his brother.

Little Joe flung the door open and stomped to his room and grabbed his town clothes and shook them. He stood there with his mouth open as the knife thudded to the floor. Upon landing the handle broke. Ben walked in just in time to observe the handle breaking off the knife.

Ben walked over and picked up the broken knife. He looked at his son waiting for an explanation.

"Well son?"

"Now you gone and done it little brother. You not only took it you broke it." Hoss grimaced.

"I did not take it! I didn't know it was there!" Little Joe yelled.

"Calm down son." Ben tried to calm him before he ended up in a full blown tantrum.

"Why should I! You think I took it anyway! Now it's broke and I can't give it back like this, I can't pay for it either!" Little Joe was out of control at this point.

"Joseph I'm warning you." Ben spoke to his son.

"Fine! I took it are you happy now! I did it, you think I did anyway! I might as well say so!" He started crying.

"That's it young man. You can stay in your room until you can calm down I won't get anywhere with you like this." Ben turned to walk out.


"Fine I'll stay here! You ain't gonna get anywhere with me later either!" Little Joe barely got the words out of his mouth. Ben grabbed his son by the arm and turned him around and delivered several sharp smacks to his backside.

That settled him down real quick. "Now young man you can sit there on a sore backside and think." Ben walked out of the room and made Hoss follow him.

"Wow Pa, do you really think he stole the knife?" Hoss couldn't believe that his little brother would steal especially from Mr. Orowitz.

"I didn't think so son, but now I just don't know." Ben took the two pieces of the knife and tried to see if they could be fixed. It couldn't. The wooden handle was sheared off. Now he would have to figure out a way to pay Eli.

Hoss went off to do his chores still not believing his little brother could do such a thing.

Hop Sing came up to Ben and handed him some coffee. "Little Joe is no thief. He was just as surprised as you were when he saw the knife was he not?"

Ben let out a sign, "Yes he was surprised. I don't know why he flew off like that."

"Little Joe was just reacting as any boy would when caught with the evidence. Defensive."

"I know all that Hop Sing. But he was rather out of control. I won't tolerate that." Ben sipped his coffee. "I know there is more to the story, and I have always listened to them."

"But must wait until he calms down enough to reason with father. Little Joe a good boy, he would not steal from Mr. Orowitz." Hop Sing walked off.

Ben sat there a minute or so just trying to figure things out. He started to take a sip of his coffee when a movement from the corner caught his eye. He turned his head slightly and saw that it was Joe. He stood there rubbing his eyes and sniffing. Ben turned all the way around and smiled at him. Little Joe ran to his father's open arms.

"I'm sorry Pa. I didn't mean to yell at you." He mumbled into his father's chest.

Ben smoothed Little Joe's hair, "I know you didn't mean to son. Now that you have calmed down why don't we talk about this." He pushed Joe back so he could at his son.

Joe sniffed again, "Pa I just don't know what to say. I don't know how the knife got in my pocket, honest."

"Okay let's retrace your steps today. You went in the store with Kylie, you were looking at the knives and then..." Ben prompted.

"I looked at the knives and then the candy, and then Kylie called me over." Little Joe's face lit up, "Wait Pa, Seth was there too! He was right next to me when I was looking at the knives. I bet he took it and put it in my pocket!" Joe smiled figuring it out.

"How would he have gotten the knife in your pocket son?"

"Well he came in and punched me in the arm and I told him to stop, he was teasing me about not being able to afford the knife, and I snapped back at him and told him the same thing cause his Pa..." He stopped in mid sentence realizing what he had said and Pa wouldn't like it much.

"His Pa what?" Ben was trying to keep track of the conversation.

"That his Pa spent all his money at Shelby's. I know I shouldn't have said that Pa but he is always picking on me." Little Joe said in his defense.

"Okay son, go on." Ben's head was starting to hurt.

"He acted like he was going to punch me but I didn't back down either, but he changed his mind and backed away. Some kids laughed at him. Then I went over by Kylie and...and oh yeah he bumped into me on purpose. That's probably when he dropped the knife in my pocket!"

"That sound like it could have happened that way."

"But Pa the knife is broke now, how will I pay for it? What do I tell Mr. Orowitz?"

"First thing tomorrow we got see Eli. He never for a minute thought you took the knife. I didn't either son. I know you know better." Ben pat his son's back. "Then we talk to him about how you and Seth can work off the damages."

Little Joe looked at his father in horror. "How are we gonna get Seth to admit he took it?"

"Oh ye of little faith." Ben laughed.

"Huh?" Little Joe was lost.

"I'll take care of it son. We will go see Seth and his father before we go to town and probably end up bringing Seth with us." Ben stood Little Joe on his feet. "Now we have some chores to do."


As dinner was served Ben announced his plans to go to town again and the reason behind it. Adam and Hoss were going to check on the herd and Kylie wanted to pack. Sam decided to go with Ben and Little Joe to pick up a few items he forgot to get.

He wanted to get Kylie a journal so she could keep daily records of her time in San Francisco. Then also some stationary so she could keep in touch with the Cartwrights and him of course.

Ben rousted Little Joe out of bed the next morning. He was slow getting started, dreading having to face Mr. Orowitz.

"Come on son let's get going. We have a lot to do today. Breakfast is on the table."

"I'm comin Pa." Little Joe rose to his feet and reached for his pants.

Thirty minutes later they were on their way. Sam had decided to head to town while Ben and Little Joe confronted Seth and his Pa.

Little Joe was getting more nervous the closer they got to the Thomas ranch. He slowed his pace a bit.

They approached the house and got down and tied up their horses. As Ben started to knock on the door Mrs. Thomas opened it. Ben almost knocked on her face.

"Oh sorry about that. Mrs. Thomas. Are your husband and son Seth home?"

"Yea they are around the barn somewhere. Henry! Seth!" She yelled.

Ben tried not to wince as she shouted next to his ear. He looked toward the barn and saw them coming out.

Seth took one look at Little Joe and started to turn back to the barn. His Pa caught the movement of his son and grabbed him by the sleeve and pulled him over by Ben and Little Joe. "What did you do boy?" Seth just shrugged his shoulders.

"What can I do for you Mr. Cartwright?" Mr. Thomas wiped his hands on his handkerchief.

"Well I think Little Joe and Seth have some business to discuss. Son go ahead." Ben looked at Seth start to squirm.

"When we were at the trading post yesterday we were looking at the pocketknives Mr. Orowitz had out. Well I think I made you mad and the other guys saw you back down so's you didn't hit me and they laughed at you, well I think that when you bumped into me kinda hard that you put the carved knife in my pocket so it looked like I stole it." Little Joe got it all out in one breath. Ben squeezed his son's shoulder in support of him.

"That what happened boy?" Mr. Thomas turned to his son.

"Naw that ain't so Pa! I never put it in his pocket. We was just looking at that's all. If it ended up in his pocket he had to of took it." Seth maintained his innocence.

"That ain't true Seth and you know it. You bumped into me on purpose. You wanted me to get into trouble. That's what you always do." Little Joe was getting so frustrated.

"Seth! You look at me!" Mr. Thomas yelled at his son.

Seth couldn't hold his father's stare, he looked down at his feet. His father grabbed his arm and shook him.

"Aw Pa it was just for a laugh. I didn't mean nothin by it." Seth was trying to squirm out of the situation.

"Didn't mean nothin! You stole from Eli! You don't steal for no reason!" He slapped Seth on the back of the head.

"I'm sorry about this Mr. Cartwright. Seth can go and take the knife back. I'll see to that." He glared at his son. "What you gotta say now boy?"

"I'm sorry Mr. Cartwright." Seth kicked at the dirt.

"I'm not the one that needs the apology." Ben gestured toward Little Joe.

It almost killed Seth to apologize to Little Joe, but one look from his father made him do it quick. "Sorry Little Joe. Didn't mean to get you into trouble." He looked up at Little Joe. "I'll take the knife back."

"Well that would be all well and good but there's one problem. The knife got broke. It fell out of Little Joe's pants and broke when it hit the ground." Ben watched the look of horror cross Seth's face.

"What! I ain't got that kind of money for foolish things." Henry smacked Seth again.

"I don't either. So I figured the boys could go and talk to Eli and see what kind of jobs they could do for Eli to pay for the knife." Ben looked from Joe to Seth.

"Yea that sounds reasonable. Think Eli'd go for that?" Henry put his hands on his hips.

"I think so. Eli's a very reasonable man. Little Joe and I are on our way to town now so if you'd like us to take Seth with us he's welcome to ride along."

"No need. I'll be bringing him myself, after me and him have a long talk in the barn." He grabbed Seth by the collar of his shirt and pushed him toward the barn. "Git!"

Ben shook his head in understanding. "Okay, then we will see you both a bit later." Ben tipped his hat and started walking toward their horses. As they mounted they could hear the unmistakable sound of a belt being applied to Seth's backside. Ben glanced at Little Joe and they exchanged a knowing look.


Sam reached town and went into the trading post. "Morning Mrs. Orowitz."

"Ah Mr. Matthews good morning. Back so soon?" Ruth walked over to him.

"Yes well I was wondering if you had any journals and stationary. I'd like to surprise Kylie with them."

Sam blushed a bit. He never was a good one for shopping for a woman.

"Yes we do as a matter of fact." She led Sam over to the school supply section.

"Right here we have a small selection of journals. We started keeping a small supply on hand, with all the minors and families traveling. Here is the stationary too. Some very pretty too. Perfect for a lovely young lady." She picked up some with little roses in the corner tied up in a pink ribbon.

"Oh that's perfect. Kylie will love it. And I think I like this leather bound journal too. It should hold up for her for a while. Yep, I'll take these." He smiled at her.

"Very good. Let's wrap them up special for her. A surprise if you will." Ruth loved surprises, all females loved surprises.

"Thank you very much Mrs. Orowitz. Kylie will love it." He pulled out his money and handed it to her.

"Why don't you come back in a little while and I will have these wrapped up special for her."

"If it wouldn't be too much trouble?" Sam didn't want to put her out.

"No trouble at all. I would love too. Come back in an hour and I will have them ready for you." She walked around the counter and pushed him toward the door.

"All right I'll be back. Thanks again." Sam was so pleased at how the people in this town were so kind to him and his daughter. It would sure be hard to leave.

Sam started to walk to the hardware store and just look around in there until Ben and Little Joe arrived. He was walking across the street when he heard a fight breaking out by Shelby's. He turned to look and see who it was when he saw one of the men pulled out a gun. The two men wrestled to gain control of the gun and it went off. Sam watched to see which of the men had been shot. Neither of them fell so he figured it was okay; no one got hurt.

Sam felt something running down his shirt, he touched it and looked. It was red and sticky. His legs started to buckle, and he fell to the ground. The bullet had hit him in the chest.


Ben and Little Joe arrived in town and started looking for Sam. They noticed a crowd had gathered around Shelby's. They started over to see what all the commotion was about.

"Hey Dan what's going on?" Ben slapped him on the back.

"Oh hey Ben, it's your friend Sam. He's been shot. He's in the back room."

"Sam, shot! How did that happen?" Ben started in. Little Joe started in with him. "You stay here with Big Dan son. Let me see what's going on."

"Pa please can't I go with you? I don't want to be out here please?" Little Joe had a bad feeling about Sam.

Ben saw how anxious Little Joe was so he relented and let him come too.

They hurried to the back of the saloon and found Shelby trying to clean out the wound. She turned and saw Ben standing there with Little Joe.

"I don't know Ben, he's lost a lot of blood and I can't get it to stop."

Ben looked down at Sam bleeding and pale. "How Shelby? Who did this?"

"Far as I can tell he got shot by a stray bullet. Two fella's got into a fight outside and one of 'em pulled out a gun and they fought for it and it went off. Sam was just in the wrong place at the wrong time."

Ben sat down on the edge of the cot, "Sam, Sam can you see me?"

Very slowly Sam opened his eyes trying to focus on who was calling his name. "Ben?"

"Yes Sam it's Ben." Ben said softly.

"It's bad isn't it?" Sam hoarsely croaked.

Ben looked at Shelby and she nodded yes. "It looks that way Sam. were hit in the chest."

Sam tried to take a deep breath but coughed, "Kylie." he managed to get out.

Ben placed his hand over Sam's. "Don't worry. We'll take care of her Sam. You have my promise on that."

Sam turned and noticed Little Joe. "Keep out of trouble son." He managed a week smile. Little Joe just nodded with tears streaming down his face.

"Tell Kylie I love her. I...I" Sam drew a shuddering breath and then he was gone. Ben squeezed his hand as if trying to send his life force to the man. Ben heard his son starting to sob. He turned to Little Joe and went to him and held him while he cried.

Eli and Frenchy came in and offered to make the body ready for burial. Ben thanked them and said that he would talk to Kylie about burial arrangements.


"Come on son. We have to get home." Ben steered his weeping son out of Shely's.

Ruth spotted them and gently touched Ben's arm. "Ben, Sam bought these items for Kylie and I wrapped them for him. He bought her a journal, and some beautiful stationary. Would you see that she gets them?"

"Of course Ruth. Thank you." Ben was struggling to keep the lump down in his throat.

"If there is anything you need Ben for Kylie please let me know." Ben nodded a thank you. Ruth pat his arm and ran her hand over Little Joe's face.

Now Ben had to tell Kylie.


The ride home was quiet except for a few sobs that escaped from Little Joe. Ben hugged his son close to him trying to ease his pain.

Ben had Little Joe put up the horses so he would have something to do. Ben trudged up to the house to take care of the horrible task at hand.

Ben opened the door to the house and called for Kylie. Hop Sing came out of the back room, "Miss Kylie go with Adam to visit friends. Be back soon." Hop Sing saw the troubled look on his boss' face. "What wrong?"

Ben let out a deep breath, "While we were heading to town after stopping to talk to Seth's father, Little Joe and I saw a crowd gathered around Shelby's. We got there and Sam was in the back room. He got hit by a stray bullet when two drunken cowboys went at it. Hop Sing, Sam's dead."

Hop Sing couldn't believe it! "Dead? Kylie's father dead."

Ben nodded his head yes. "Now friend must tell friends daughter. It is good to have friends close in time of sorrow." He nodded knowingly.

"Yes it is. I need to go through Sam's things to find something suitable for his funeral. I better get to it."

Hop Sing followed Ben.

They went through his suitcase and the few items he had hung up. Ben handed the suit coat to Hop Sing hoping he would be able to get out the wrinkles. He dug in the pouch of the suitcase looking for a tie and pulled out an envelope. It was addressed to him.

"Hop Sing look a letter addressed to me." Ben was puzzled.

"I will leave you to read it." He started out of the room.

"No stay Hop Sing." Ben patted the chair by the desk.

Ben opened it and took a deep breath and began. "Ben, my friend. I am writing this letter to you in case anything would happen to me in my life time that would make me unable to care for my daughter Kylie.

My lawyer back home has a copy also. You can write to him for affirmation. I have made you guardian of my daughter Kylie." Ben paused and reread the last few lines. "Me her guardian?" Ben couldn't believe it he had no idea.

"A honor for you to be named guardian. He thought very highly of you. He trusted you to take care of his most prized possession." Hop Sing simplified it for Ben.

"Yes, it is an honor." Ben turned back to the letter. "When we talked about sending Kylie to school I made modifications to my will. My lawyer has those changes too.

So if you are reading this letter my life is at an end. I leave the privilege of raising of my daughter into adulthood to you Ben Cartwright my friend.

The rest of my possessions are to be given to my daughter to sell as she sees fit with you supervising her to make sure she is able to finish her education.

Until I see her again I know she is in good hands and in the company of a loving family. Thank you.

"That's it, I mean he signed his name to it. Kylie, how am I going to tell her Hop Sing?"

"Tell me what Mr. Cartwright?" Kylie wheeled herself closer to him Adam ringing up the rear.

Ben cleared his throat, "Well Kylie, I...there is something I need to talk to you about."

Kylie chuckled and looked back at Adam, "I didn't get into any trouble honestly Adam was with me the whole time."

Adam noticed the serious expression on his father's face. He didn't like the feelings creeping over him. He noticed that his Pa had Sam's belongings out on the bed and he was holding a letter.

Kylie sensed a change in the room herself. She looked at Ben's face and then her eyes strayed around the room and noticed her fathers things also.

While she was noticing the room Hoss burst inside with a sobbing Little Joe. "Pa what's wrong? What's got Little Joe so upset?"

"Everyone out in living room now." Hop Sing started pushing them out the door. Ben sat for a minute longer before he rose to spread the bad news.

Ben went up to Kylie and squatted down in front of her and took her hands in his. "Kylie, I have some bad news to tell you. I really don't know how to say it except to just say it. Your father got hit by a stray bullet in town, it hit him in the chest. He died Kylie."

Kylie looked at him for a brief second or two until his words sank in. "Papa? Shot?" She looked from Ben to Little Joe and saw him crying and knew it was true. "Papa dead?"

"Yes honey, I'm so sorry." Ben put his arms around her drawing her into a hug. She didn't respond. She just sat there numbly.

Ben released her and watched her face for any coming emotion. She just stared across the room. As if in a trance she started to wheel herself to the porch. He let her go. She needed some time alone, he knew all about that.


Little Joe ran to his Pa's side, Ben picked him up and sat with him on the settee. Adam and Hoss followed and sat in chairs opposite sides of their father.

"Pa..." Adam started.

"Son all I know is that he was walking down the street when the fight broke out at Shelby's and one of them pulled a gun and they struggled for it, and during the struggle it went off hitting Sam in the chest. He died a few short minutes later. I got to talk to him briefly. Then he was gone." He hugged Little Joe closer.

"What are we gonna do Pa?" Hoss wondered.

"Well I found a letter from her father he must have written either on his way here or while he was here. It says that if anything happened to him I was Kylie's appointed guardian." Ben choked at the last bit.

"Wow." Hoss couldn't believe it.

"Yeah, so now I have to try and do what Sam would want for her." Ben rubbed Little Joe's back.

"She is going to be upset for awhile so we need to give her some time alone. Don't pressure her to talk. She'll let us know when she is ready." Ben looked each of his son's in the eye. They agreed.

"I know it's going to be hard, but we'll get through it. I will talk to Kylie later and let her know what her father's requests are."

Ben let Kylie have a while to herself before he went looking for her. She didn't go far, just down to the pond.

Ben walked up to her quietly, "Kylie?"

She just kept watching out over the pond.

"Kylie, we need to talk honey." Ben tried to turn her face toward him. She resisted. He let her for now.

"Did you ever really notice how beautiful things look when they reflect on the water?"

"Yes I have noticed. I have several spots that I like to come to and just sit and watch." He put his hand on the back of her chair.

"Like where Marie is buried." She just kept staring. Her voice monotone and flat.

Ben swallowed down a lump, "Yes like where she is. Marie loved being by the lake. So she can look at it every day."

"Can I bury Papa by her?" Kylie finally looked up at Ben.

"I think that would be nice Kylie." Ben tried to smile at her.

"Thank you." She turned and rolled off back to the house.

Ben looked off into the distance and then at the sky, "Marie please help me with this." He too turned and back toward the house.


Dinner came and went the same for the next few days. They had the funeral and buried Sam by Marie per Kylie's request.

Kylie just sat in her wheel chair stone face and non moving. She didn't even cry for her Papa. She listened as Ben said kind words over Sam, and she watched them lower him in the ground.

Someone placed some dirt in her hand and she mechanically threw it over the coffin. She sat there and watched them fill the hole, the deep dark hole where her father would be for ever.

Ben and the boys stayed by their wagon so Kylie could have some alone time with her father. After it started going on an hour he went to get her.

"Kylie it's time to go honey." Ben gently ran his hand over her hair.

She didn't say a word, she just let Ben wheel her to the wagon. He lifted her up and placed her in the back, then he covered her with the lap blanket. Again she sat there and never moved or talked.

Ben helped her get into bed and settled. During the whole process she was silent. Ben bent down to give her a kiss on the forehead.

"Was he in much pain?" She startled him by talking.

"Um no he wasn't. It happened so fast, he didn't suffer." Ben brushed her forehead with the back of his hand. She nodded and that was all.

A week went on like that. Kylie in her room all the time. She wouldn't come out even for meals. Ben was getting worried but Ruth told him it was her way of grieving just give it time. How much time? She never cried or mentioned her father. Ben knew she needed to express her sadness and soon before it ate her up inside.

By the end of the week Ben had decided after another silent confrontation putting her to bed, he was going to get her to cry and grieve or else the next day. Even if he had to sit by her and talk about her father all day.

The family had been asleep for several hours when they were one by one shaken from their slumber by someone singing a song at the top of their lungs, completely off key.

Ben got up and followed the singing, he met up with Hop Sing and his sons.

"What is that awful noise Pa" Hoss rubbed his eyes.

"It sounds like it's coming from outside." Ben started to the door. "I think Kylie is drunk." Adam looked at Hoss.

"Drunk! Pa's gonna kill her! That's what he did to me when I got drunk." Little Joe couldn't believe that Kylie would do that after his last experience.

"Think we oughta go help Pa?" Hoss was really uncomfortable.

"No I think the best thing we can do is go back to bed. Come on guys." Adam pushed them back to their room.

When Ben stepped outside he saw Kylie wheeling around in her chair making circles. She was giggling and trying to sing.

"Old Dan Tucker was a fine ole' man washed his face in a fly..." giggle, giggle, "Frying pan." Hic-up. She wheeled around again and saw Ben," Hey there Ben!"

Ben was shocked by her condition. The closer he got to her he could smell the brandy. She was drunk!

"Hop Sing better get some coffee ready, strong coffee!"

Ben went up and took the bottle from her, empty! Great!

"It's Mr. Cartwright to you young lady." Ben reprimanded her.

"OOOOhhhhhh yea, Mr. Cartwright! Hey.." hic-up again, "Any body ever call you Mr. Cartwrong!?" She fell into fits of giggles.

Ben knew he had to handle things and quickly. He reached down and picked her up and promptly dropped her in the horse water trough.

She spit and sputtered, "Hey! That's cold!" She spit out some more water.

"Yes it is. Now let's get you out and dried off." He reached down and picked her up again.

"Well, if you didn't want me to be wet why did you put me in that1" She limply pointed to the trough.

Ben just shook his head as he carried her toward the house. "Oh no, I think I'm gonna be sick!" Kylie barely got the words out of her mouth and she proceeded to throw up over Ben's shoulder. He managed to get her to down on the porch and he sat there with her holding on to her as she finished throwing up. Soon there was no more coming from the girl. She leaned on Ben's chest and started sobbing. Once she started she couldn't stop the flow. Ben just held on to her tightly. Finally after a bit her tears changed to occasional hitching sounds.

Ben knew he wasn't going to be able to talk to her in her present state, she was exhausted. So between Ben and Hop Sing they got her cleaned up and tucked into bed. It was going to be a long day tomorrow.


The next morning Kylie woke to find Hop Sing placing a cool rag on her eyes.

All she did was moan at the movement of her head. "I'm gonna die." She mumbled.

"No today. Have bad headache though and sour stomach. Should no have had brandy."

"I know, I know. Is Mr. Cartwright real angry with me?" She squinted her eyes as removed the rag to look at Hop Sing.

"Yes. He be in soon. Now drink tea good for you. Help head and stomach." He handed her the cup.

Kylie didn't like the smell of the tea but one look at Hop Sing she started sipping.

"Ah, so you have come back to us have you?" Ben gave her a cold stare.

Hop Sing left the two of them alone. Ben pulled the chair up to the bedside and straddled it. "Feel better?"

"Not really, my head is killing me." Kylie moaned into her arm as she put it up to shield the light.

"Good. Maybe you'll remember why it's not a good idea to drink, especially at your age."

"Yes sir. I'm sorry." Kylie's eyes were brimming with tears. "What is going to happen now? Papa was all I had?"

"Well honey, your father put me in charge of you until your grown. So you are now a member of our family. I will do my best to take care of you. Treat you as if you were one of my own children." He pat her arm.

"Really?" Kylie stared at Ben.

"Yes really. I found a letter in his belongings naming me your guardian. He must have written it before he left and added to it after he got here. Hi lawyer was given copies also."

"Are you mad at me?" She was afraid to ask.

"Yes I am. Mad about you taking the brandy. You know better. I know you do. It didn't solve anything did it?"

"No sir." Kylie shook her head no and then regretted it.

"Well the only good thing out of it is that good is the fact that you were finally able to grieve. We need to try and move on now. Your father would want that for you."

Kylie couldn't stop the flow of tears that streamed down her face. "Now we still need to make arrangements to get you to school."

"I still get to go?" Kylie never dreamed that she would still be able to go.

"Of course. You're father would want you to don't you think? We will get you there." Ben tipped her face up so he could into her eyes.

"By myself? I have to travel there by myself?" That thought frightened her.

"I have been thinking about that. I don't want you going alone that's for sure. I'll have to think on it a bit." he smiled at her, and for the first time in a long time she smiled back.

Ben mulled it over in his mind for several days and decided the only logical choice was for Adam to go with her. He always wanted to see the city again, and he enjoyed traveling. Adam was a very responsible man. Yes that was the answer.

At dinner that evening Ben announced his decision. "Kylie is still going to San Francicso to the school. She can't go alone, so I have decided to let Adam go with her." He waited for his words to sink in.

"Me Pa?" Adam was stunned.

"Adam?" Kylie was just as stunned.

"Yes Adam. Well?" Ben grinned at the two of them.

"I'd love to go Pa! Are you sure you can spare me?" It was hard for him not to jump up and down with pleasure.

Ben laughed, "Yes son. I can always get Daniel to help if I need him. Now to make travel arrangements for you too son. We will let the stage master know that you are taking Sam's place and he knows that you are responsible for Kylie." Adam shook his head in understanding. "I'm serious about this Adam. You are responsible for her."

"Yes sir, I know. I'll take care of her."

"Sure Mr. Cartwright, I won't give Adam any trouble." Kylie winked at Adam.

"At least it ain't Little Joe goin along with them, they'd be in jail!" Hoss laughed.

Little Joe sneared at him, "Very funny, ha, ha." Little Joe stuck his tongue out at his brother.

"Alright that's enough boys. Now let's get you packing son."

Several days later Adam and Kylie were ready to go. The rest of the family went with them to town to the stage depot to say their good byes.

Ben handed Kylie the beautifully wrapped gifts her father had bought for her on his last day. "Kylie these are from you're father. He bought them for you to have at school."

Kylie shakily took the packags and opened them ever so carefully. When she saw the stationary she just sat there tracing the flowers thinking of her Papa.

"Hey ain't ya gonna open the other one?" Hoss never could wait.

Kylie slowly opened the second one. It was the journal. Kylie flipped it open to look at it and noticed some writing.

"It says, for my daughter, may all your dreams come true. Write down everything new you learn then you will never forget how far you have come. I'm proud of you sweetheart. I know you'll go far. Love forever Papa." Kylie hugged the journal to her breast. "I'm gonna make it, for you Papa, for you. I'm gonna make you proud."

It took about twenty minutes for their good-byes to end. Ruth and Eli came out to her and gave her a gift of pencils and a quill pen to have for extra. The rest of the town waved as she boarded the stage with Adam.

"Well, were off Kylie."

"We sure are Adam. I can't wait." Kylie started crying again. Adam reached in his pocket to grab his handkerchief for her and screamed "JOSEPH! I'm gonna get you when I get back!"

"What on earth did you do son?" Ben tugged on Little Joe's hat.

"Me? Oh nothin Pa. just a little ole frog that's all. Just a frog."

"Nothing is ever going to change." Ben laughed and pulled Little Joe off with him. "Let's get something to eat."

"Yea I'm starvin' Pa!" Hoss' answer to everything.



Kylie did great in her school. She graduated at the top of her class. She decided to stay at the school and teach others as she had been taught. Her dreams were fulfilled.