The Secret



All the usual disclaimers; thanks to all the writers and story people and most of all to the Father of Bonanza.

"The Secret"

What do you get if you...

sneaking out = lecture, possible confinement to ranch

sneaking out, going to town = lecture and confined to the ranch, possible


sneaking out, going to town, learning to fight with real swords =

lecture, confined to the ranch, and "the talk"

add it all up = dishonest, disrespect, deceit--dang it!!!

final score - for sure a TANNIN' YOU WON'T OR CAN'T FORGET

Is it worth it- ? Oh, heck yes - after all, I might not get caught...

* * *

"Wake up Little Joe, Adam called for the second time, Pa is going to have a fit if you are late again."

"Awe, shut up, Adam, I'll be up in a minute." Joe replied still rolled up in his blanket on his bunk.

Adam shook his head he was tired of trying to keep Joe out of trouble, maybe it would do him good for Pa to come after him, but that put Pa in a bad mood----"JOE UP!"

Sitting at the table Hoss was filling his second plate, Adam was on his second cup of coffee, Joe was just trying to keep his head out of his plate.

"Joseph, Pa said in a normal tone the first time, louder the second, "JOSEPH!" The third. "What is the problem with you son, you can't seem to keep your eyes open, I know you went to bed early last night, are you sick?"

"Ah, no sir, just tired, maybe to many chores," with that he looked up at this father, the expression was not the one he wanted.

"I don't think so, maybe you need a tonic, HopSing, do you have something you can give him to perk him up?"

"Oh, yes, Mr. Ben, it not taste good, but it will perk him up, beet juice, herbs, and castor oil." With that he left the table to get the bottle from the shelf.

"PA, I don't need that, I will be fine," Joe had been given this before and Blattttffffff.

Hoss was controlling himself, but not Adam. He had a smile from ear to ear. "Told you to get up."

Joe was pure "green".

He didn't know how he made it through the day, but finally the day was over and he was sneaking out the window from the bunk room.

* * *

Mr. La Platte had came to town several weeks ago. He was staying at Jack's hotel. Mr. La Platte was an acquaintance of Miss Jones the school teacher. She had asked him to speak to the class of his adventures on the sea, fighting battles in the wars for the freedom of France, and most of all it gave her a chance to be with a MAN even if he was quite a bit older. If nothing else maybe it would make a certain Adam Cartwright jealous. Well, a girl could dream, couldn't she?

Little Joe wasn't sure how the topic came up, but suddenly five of the local boys were now in private lessons with Mr. La Platte. Learning how to fence with real swords. Oh, and of course with their pa's permission, at least that is what they told Miss Jones.

The classes started out right after school, that was easy to explain, but now Mr. La Platte was making them come late at night, he had started working as a bookkeeper for Jack, and it was the only time he had to work with the boys.

* * *

Ben and Adam had gone to town for some supplies, it had been quite a while and they needed almost everything. As Ben walked down the street,

"Louie!, is that you?" The man going into the hotel stopped.

Mr. La Platte turned, "Ben-ja-min!"

* * *

All Pa would say was we are having a guest for dinner. All the boys were curious, but they all knew not to push it.

Finally they heard a horse outside...

"Boys, this is an old friend of mine, Louis La Platte."

Adam extended his hand, then Hoss. Joe fainted.

* * *

The room was still fuzzy when he opened his eyes. He was lying on the sofa with a towel on his forehead. "Don't move to quickly son," Pa was saying.

Slowly he was allowed to rise, "Hello, Mr. La Platte," he said, looking as green as he had when he took the tonic.

What happen next?? Ever known Pa not to keep his word?

Little did Little Joe know how many times he would get to use those fencing lesson when he was older. Showing off for the girls.



The End