The Punishment

By Tennessee


Little Joe loved to spend time with the horses. He thought he was old enough to break a horse himself one day when his pa, Hoss, and Adam were cutting wood. He went out to the horses. He picked a horse and tried to put his saddle on it. He tried to climb on the horse, but the horse ran away. He tried again but couldn’t catch the animal.

Joe ran it in a circle and managed to take off the saddle. He didn’t lock the fence and all the horses got out. When Ben and Joe’s brothers got home all the horses were gone.

Ben asked, "What happened?"

Hoss said, "I must not have locked the fence." He saw Little Joe behind a tree and knew Joe had let the horses out.

Ben said, "We need to round up the horses now." He looked at Hoss. "I thought you were old enough to take care of the horses, Hoss."

"Sorry, Pa."

They got all the horses back inside the fence. Ben and Adam went into the house. Hoss saw Little Joe in the barn. "I covered for you this time, little brother, but that’s it."

A few days later Little Joe got on Paint and went to the field where the cattle grazed even though he knew he was supposed to stay away from the bull. He was running the cattle when a bull saw him. He ran Paint as fast as he could, but the bull got closer.

Adam and Ben were checking on a baby calf when all the cattle came running at them.

"Watch out, Pa!" Adam yelled.

Adam saw Little Joe and Paint riding out of the field when all the cattle passed. Ben looked at Adam. "What caused that?"

Adam answered, "I don’t know. Sure was strange."

When they got home, Little Joe was in his room. Adam walked in. "I saw you in with the cattle, Little Joe. Pa said you aren’t supposed to go there alone. I didn’t tell Pa this time, but I will next time." He walked out.

Little Joe wasn’t supposed to mess around near the fireplace but he wanted to put some more wood on so he got wood for fireplace and put one log in the fire so that one end was in the flames and one end was on the floor. When Hop Sing saw it, he yelled, "Fire! Fire!" Everyone came out running, but Little Joe was in his room with the door locked. The others put out the log.

Ben demanded, "Who did this?" He could immediately tell Adam and Hoss were trying to cover up for Little Joe by the way they looked at him.

Ben said, "You two were outside with me. Hop Sing didn’t do it." He stomped toward the bunkroom. "Open up this door, Joseph. Now."

Little Joe unlocked the door and lay back down on his bed. Ben stood next to him. "Son, did you get the wood and mess around with the fireplace after I told you not to?"

"Yes, Pa."

"Did you leave the horse fence unlocked?"

"Yes, Pa."

"Did you go near the cattle by yourself after I told you not to?"

"Yes Pa."

"Then you know that you’ve earned yourself a talking to. Stand up, son."

Ben sat on Joe’s bunk and put his son across his lap and gave him a whipping. He then told Joe to get up and talked to him about obedience and the dangers on the ranch. "I haven’t whipped you before, but this time you earned more than just a spanking, Joseph. I hated to do it, but you’re old enough to know that there are serious consequences to disobedience."

Little Joe tried to brush his tears away. "I’m sorry, Pa."

"Now, son, don’t ever go into the horse fence or near the cattle without me or one of the your brothers with you. You’ll stay in your room until supper, is that clear?"

Joe nodded and lay back down on his bed, crying.

Adam and Hoss heard Little Joe getting a whipping. They knew their pa was doing the right thing. Ben came out of the boys’ bedroom. He sat at the table and asked Adam and Hoss to join him. "You two always take up for him. That’s not right. He has to learn to stand on his own two feet. He needs to learn to deal with the consequences of his actions."

Adam and Hoss nodded.

"You two lied to cover for him. You’ll have extra chores this week."

Adam and Hoss looked at each other and then at their father. "Yes, Pa."

Ben went outside, and when he returned to the house, supper was ready. He yelled for Little Joe to come to supper. It was hard for the boy to sit down but he did without a word. He stayed quiet for the entire meal and went back to his room right after supper. He was crying and when Ben went in to kiss him goodnight, he turned his face to the wall.

Ben said, "Son, look at me." Joe turned to his pa. "Little Joe, I love you, son, but when you get in trouble, I will give out punishments."

Joe nodded.

"Good night, Joe. I love you."

Joe smiled, and Ben smiled back at him.

For a week, Joe came home right after school until Ben told him his punishment was over.

"Really, Pa?" Joe asked excitedly.

"Yes, son. Just mind what I said about the horses and cattle."

"Yes, Pa."

"Adam and Hoss, you did a good job on the extra chores I gave you. Your punishment is over too."

"What did they get in trouble for, Pa?" Joe asked.

"For telling me lies. Hoss told me he had left the fence open even though he knew you’d done it and Adam saw you in the cattle field and pretended he didn’t know what sent the cattle running. Boys, I’m very glad you all are close, but from now on, no more covering up for each other."

They all said ok.

That night in bed Little Joe smiled when he thought of his brothers trying to help him stay out of trouble. He went to sleep with a smile on his face, knowing his brothers would always take up for him.


The End