The Collecting

By Tennessee


Hoss, Adam, and Little Joe were going to town. They were riding and talking and they did not see the team of horses coming until they were almost on them.

Adam saw the team first. He yelled, "Look out, Hoss, Little Joe!"

Hoss and Little Joe got out of the way just in time. So did Adam. When the team of horses passed, they got back on the road.

Hoss asked, "Adam, what do you think make them horses run so fast?"

"I don't know, Hoss," Adam said and they took off toward town again.

Hoss, Adam, and Little Joe were talking about the team of horses when Hoss saw something and pointed it out to Adam. Adam stopped his horse, and so did his brothers.

Adam said, "It's a man's hat." He got off his horse and went over to pick up the hat. When he reached for the hat he saw something down the hill. He could tell that it was wheels in the air, and he yelled for Hoss. "Come here!"

Hoss got off his horse and ran to where Adam was. Adam said, "Look."

"Uh oh, is that wagon wheels?"

"Hoss, get the rope off your horse and tie it to that big tree."

Hoss ran to his horse and got the rope and put it around the tree. He took the other part of the rope over to where Adam was. Adam said, "I'll use the rope to get down the hill. Hoss, you hold onto the rope."

"Be careful, Adam."

"I will."

Little Joe rode on to town. As he rode he saw something on the road. He stopped. It was a man. He rode quickly back to his brothers and told them what he'd found. The three boys went to investigate.

The man looked at them and said, "My children are in a wagon over the hill there."

Adam said, "Don't talk, we're . . ."

"My name is Al Ford. My wife's name is Christy. Our children's names are Holly and Franklin. We're from Walnut Woods. Please see that my children get to their ma."

Adam said, "We will."

"In the wagon are some rabbit furs for sale. Please sell them and give the money to my wife."

Hoss said, "We will."

"Tell my wife and kids that I love them." He died right after the last word left his mouth.

Adam looked at Hoss, and they knew the man had died. They got back on their horses and rode to where the wagon was. Adam tied the rope around him and Hoss guided him down the hill.

Adam said, "I'm down." He could see the wagon was on its side. It had a cover on the top. He looked in the wagon and saw two kids. Adam pulled the cover off and could tell that the kids weren't injured. Adam said, "Hi, my name is Adam Cartwright. You must be Holly and Franklin."

Holly said, "Our pa was driving the horses and they started going too fast. Pa yelled 'hold on back there' and then the wagon turned over. We yelled and yelled for Pa."

Adam said, "Let's get you two out of here." He carried the little girl and boy away from the wagon. "My brothers, Hoss and Little Joe, are up the hill. I'm going to put this rope around you so they can help you up." He yelled up to Hoss. "This kids are okay. They have a few cuts, but they aren't hurt. I'm going to put the rope around them one at a time. You pull each one up very slowly."

"Okay, Adam!" Hoss yelled.

Hoss pulled Holly up and then Adam held onto Franklin as Hoss pulled them both up. Holly hugged her brother when he got to the top. "Where is our Pa?" she asked.

Adam said, "Let's get you two to the Ponderosa and get you something to eat and drink. Hoss, put Franklin on your horse. Holly will ride with me."

Ben rode up about that time on his way home from town. He stopped and said, "What do you have there?"

Adam said, "Holly and Franklin were in that wagon that went off the hill. Their horses broke loose. We were just about to take the kids to the Ponderosa." Adam gave his pa a sad look and Ben said he'd seen the man on the road. Ben asked Adam to come over and talk with him away from the group.

Adam went to Ben's horse. "Pa, their father died."

"He's the man on the road?"

"Yes, Pa."

Ben said, "I will tell the kids."

"No, Pa. It's my responsibility. I will." Adam walked over to the kids. He put his arms around them.

Holly said, "Our pa is dead, isn't he?"

Adam said, "Yes, sweetheart."

Adam cried with them then Ben said, "Hoss, Joe, why don't you take the kids to the Ponderosa."

Adam put Holly on Little Joe's horse, and Hoss put Franklin on his horse.

"Adam and I will be home soon," Ben said. He and Adam gave Al Ford a funeral and then went down to the wagon and retrieved the rabbit furs. Adam told Ben about the promises they'd made to Mr. Ford.

"Where do they live?"

"Walnut Woods."

"I'll got sell the rabbit furs. You got to the Ponderosa and help with the kids."

When Adam got home he went in and found Holly and Franklin eating hotcakes and drinking milk. "Hoss, will you take care of my horse, please?" he asked.

"Sure will, Adam."

Little Joe asked, "Where's Pa?"

Holly and Franklin started to cry then. Adam went over to them and said, "We're all very sorry about your pa. My ma died when I was born, Hoss's ma died when he was a baby, and Little Joe's ma died not so long ago, so we all know how you're feeling." He put his arms around them and they cried and cried. Adam said, "Our pa is going to sell the rabbit furs from your wagon in town. So you live in Walnut Woods?"

Holly said, "Yes, in a cabin our pa built."

Little Joe said, "We built this house and barn too."

Hoss came in then and joined the conversation.

In town, Ben went to the store and traded the rabbit furs. Ruth even gave him some extra money when she heard about Holly and Franklin. When Tess came into the store, Ruth told her about the children. Ben told Big Dan. They decided to have a collection at the Ponderosa for the family.

"Tell everyone to come tonight," said Ben. He then went to see Shelby and invited her to the meeting.

"Where is the ma, Ben?"

"She's at home in Walnut Woods. Know where that is?"

"Yeah, it's about four days from here."

"Can you draw a map?"

"I think so. I'll bring it to the meeting tonight."

As Ben was riding home he thought of his sons' mothers and how much he missed them. At home he found Little Joe's puppy by the barn door and the kids in the barn. Ben said hello to the kids as he took his horse to its stall. "I sold the furs to Ruth. She and the others gave me some money for the Fords. Tell Hop Sing we are having a meeting here tonight. Ask him to please make a cake, cookies, coffee, and tea."

Little Joe said ok and ran to the house. Ben, Adam, and Hoss were talking when they heard a little voice say, "Our ma needs us." They looked behind them and Holly was there.

Ben said, "We know, sweetheart. We will get you to your ma soon. I found out where Walnut Woods is and a nice lady is making us a map right now."

Holly said, "Our ma is having a baby."

Ben looked at her and then at Adam and Hoss, who had tears in his eyes.

Holly, Franklin, and Little Joe were playing with the puppy when people started arriving. Holly ran to Adam and asked him who all the people were. Adam said, "Friends."

Ben got the kids together and introduced Holly and Franklin. Everyone said hi to them. Ben walked around and talked to everyone, and almost everyone gave a little money to help out the Ford family.

Ben asked Big Dan, "Where is Shelby?"

"She said to tell you she went to get the kids' ma. She knew they needed her. She will be back in eight days."

"Thanks, Big Dan. I can care for the children until then." That night Ben put the kids in his bed. He said, "Everyone gave some money."

Little Joe took off one boot and said, "I want 'em to have my birthday money, Pa." He gave the money to Ben.

Adam said, "Here Pa, I want them to have this money too."

Hoss handed over his small savings too, and then Ben put some money in himself. Hop Sing came in with some tea and gave some money too. Adam counted all the bills and coins. "It's $150," he said.

"Golly!" Little Joe exclaimed. That's a lot of money.

Ben said, "You're right, son. That will really help this family. Shelby is going after the kids' ma. She'll be glad the kids are in a town that is glad to help people."

After that, they went to bed. Ben slept on the floor next to the fire. In the middle of the night he heard someone yell, "Pa! Pa!" It was Holly. He work her up and she started crying.

"I want my ma."

"Someone is going to get her."

Indeed Shelby rode all night. The moon was so bright she could see, and she rode most of the next day too. When she got to Walnut Woods she asked a man working in a field if he happened to know where the Ford family lived.

"My name is Ford. Who are you looking for?"

"Al Ford's place."

"That's my brother. His wife is at my house right now."

Shelby said, "There's no easy way to say this, but your brother Al is dead. He was killed in a wagon accident. The young'uns are fine, though. I've come to fetch their ma."

The man shook his head solemnly. "My name is Larry."

"I'm Shelby." She got off her horse and went to the house with Larry.

Larry introduced his wife. "This is Cindy, and this is my sister-in-law, Christy. Shelby's come to see you, Christy."

Shelby quietly told Christy what had happened to Al. Cindy put her arms around Christy as Christy sobbed.

"My . . . my children?"

"They are with a family named Cartwright."

Christy said, "I need to go to them."

"That's why I'm here."

Larry said, "We will go in the morning."

"It will take us for days."

Cindy said, "Christy, you'd better rest. You've got a long, hard eight days to come."

Ben and the boys kept the children busy for four days. When Holly asked when he ma would be there, Adam told her it would be another four days. One morning they heard someone coming. Adam opened the door.

"It's Shelby. She's got some people with her."

Holly and Franklin said, "Ma! Ma!" and ran out of the house with the Cartwrights and Hop Sing behind them.

When Shelby and the others stopped, Larry helped Christy down and she ran to her children. "My babies, my babies!" Tears were running down her face.

Christy said, "You two all right?"

"Yes, ma. But Pa died."

"I know."

Larry and Cindy got off their horses and walked over to Christy and the children. They all hugged. Shelby introduced Ben, Adam, Hoss, Little Joe, and Hop Sing.

"I can't thank you enough for taking care of my children," Christy said.

Ben said, "We are so sorry about your husband."

She said, "Thank you."

Ben asked Hop Sing to fix their guests some food, and they all went inside. After they ate Ben said, "I sold the rabbit furs and all the townspeople took up a collection for you." He gave the money to Christy and she looked at it.

Adam said, "There is $150 there."

Christy had tears in her eyes. "Thank you. And please thank all the people who contributed."

Larry said, "We need to start home."

Ben said, "Please stay the night."

"Thank you, but no. We need to get back to Walnut Woods," Larry said.

Christy said, "I want to go to Al's grave first."

Ben said, "We gave the kids two ponies as a gift. Adam, Hoss, get our horses ready and saddle up the ponies for the children. Give the Fords' horses some water and oats." Ben turned to Larry. "Your horses need to rest."

Larry said, "We will go slow. Christy needs to get home before her baby is born."

Ben said, "When is the baby due?"

"In about two months, but the other two were born early."

"Oh," Ben said.

Shelby said, "I need to get back to town."

Christy hugged her. "Thank you so much for coming to get us."

"You're welcome," Shelby said as she went out the front door.

Adam said, "The horses are ready."

"Okay, son."

Adam turned to Christy. "Mrs. Ford, your husband said to tell you he loves you. We told him we would tell you."

Holly and Franklin said goodbye to Hop Sing, and he gave them a big hug. Then they got on their horses and rode to Al's grave.

Christy said, "I want a minute alone at the grave. Then send the kids over."

Adam got down and helped her off her horse. When she got to Al's grave she was crying. She sobbed, "Al, I love you so very much."

Adam helped the kids to the grave, each on one side of their ma.

"Say goodbye to your pa," Christy said.

Holly said, "I love you, Pa."

Franklin said, "I will take care of Ma and my sister and the new baby."

Larry said, "I will look after Christy and the children."

Cindy said, "Come, Christy, it's time to head home.

Ben and the boys were by their horses. Christy said goodbye to them, and Larry thanked them for everything. Holly hugged Adam, Little Joe, and Hoss. She said, "I will never forget you or the Ponderosa." Then Adam helped her onto her pony.

"Write to us, okay?" Adam said.

Holly said, "I will."

Franklin hugged the Cartwrights and said goodbye. Hoss helped him onto his pony.

Holly and Franklin both looked back one time and then they were gone.

The Cartwrights got a letter from Christy eight days later. They'd made it home safe and sound.

Holly wrote to the Cartwrights two times. One was to tell them she'd one the spelling bee and the other was to tell them she missed them. Franklin wrote once to tell the Cartwrights his pony was doing fine. Larry wrote to thank them again for all they'd done.

For a month they didn't hear from the Fords. Then one day they got a letter from Christy. She had a twin girl and boy. Their names were Andy Cartwright Ford and Ann Cindy Ford. After that they did not hear from the Fords for six months until Ben went to town one day and found a letter from Christy that said, "Dear Ben and sons, Holly, Franklin, Andy, Ann and I are moving with Larry and Cindy. We don't know where we'll end up. So this is goodbye. We will never forget you or what you did for us, but we need to move on. Al would want us too. I will tell Andy and Ann about you when they grow up. Goodbye, my friends. Love, Christy."

Ben had tears running down his face as he put the letter away. When he got home, he read it to the boys and Adam said, "She's right. They need to move on and start new lives."

Little Joe said, "But why leave all their friends behind?"

Hoss said, "To start a new life, Little Joe."

Ben said, "See, son, they won't forget their friends. They will be in their hearts always. But they want new opportunities."

They all went to bed thinking about the Ford family. They never heard from Christy or her children again, but they thought of them often.



The End