The Cave

By Tennessee


Little Joe and his friend Sue loved to spend time together going fishing or riding horses. One day they found a cave. Weeds were blocking part of the opening of the cave and they pulled them away and went inside.

"We need light to see in the cave," said Sue.

"I'll go in a little ways and see if I can see anything," said Little Joe. He walked into the darkness. He was in the cave for twenty minutes when Sue yelled for him. Little Joe was so far back in the cave that he couldn't hear her. Then Sue heard a noise in the cave and she ran into the cave.

Little Joe did not see there was a rock loose where he was stepping and he fell in a hole and hurt his leg. Sue tried to make her way through the dark cave a little at a time. She kept yelling for Little Joe, but he was far down in the hole and couldn't hear her. She knew she had to get help. She ran to her horse and rode as fast as she could to the Ponderosa.

Adam and were on the barn roof fixing it when Adam heard someone coming. Sue yelled when she saw them. "Little Joe is in trouble!" The both got off the roof and ran to her.

"Calm down, Sue, and tell us what happened," Adam said.

"We found a cave. Little Joe went in and never came out. I think he is in trouble."

"Hoss, get our horses," said Adam.

"Adam, we need to go get Pa in town," Hoss said.

"Not yet," said Adam. "Let's see if we can help Joe first." Adam got lanterns and then he and Hoss followed Sue to the cave. They went in the cave and called for Little Joe. They walked farther and saw Joe's hat. They heard a noise.

Adam yelled, "Run, Hoss! The rock --" And then a large rock fell and Hoss and Adam could not see anything.

Hoss found the lantern he'd dropped and looked around. There was rock everywhere. Hoss made his way back outside the cave. Sue was sitting on her horse. Hoss told her to go to town and get Pa. "Tell him Adam and Little Joe are in the cave." She took off and Hoss went back to where he'd last seen Adam. "Adam! Adam! Help is on the way. Do you hear me?"

Adam moved rocks, trying to get free. Adam still had his lantern and decided he'd try to find Little Joe. He walked real slow.

Little Joe was still in the hole, and he was crying a little now. He thought they would never find him.

Sue was riding to town when she saw Big Dan. She told him what had happened.

"Where is the cave?" Big Dan asked.

She told him and he went to help. Sue rode on to town and rang the school bell. Ben and all the other men and woman ran outside to see what was going on. Sue said, "Mr. Cartwright, Mr. Cartwright! Little Joe and Adam are in a cave! Rock fell in the cave! Hoss can't get them out."

Ben ran to his horse. All the other townspeople did too. Mr. Goodman said, "Sue, honey, we will follow you."

"OK, Pa."

Sue and the others rode as fast as they could.

Big Dan was at the cave. He could see a light in the distance--Adam's lantern. Big Dan started moving rocks.

Adam was still looking for Little Joe. Joe was crying, and Adam could hear him, and as he got closer, the crying got louder until Adam was right on top of the noises. With his lantern, he could make out the hole. He shined his light down the pit. Little Joe saw the light and looked up. Adam smiled, "You OK, little brother?"

"Adam! I thought no one would find me."

"I'm here, brother. Let's see if we can get you out."

"Adam, don't leave, don't leave."

"I'm not. Joe, do you think you can walk?"

"I think so, but my leg hurts."

"Can you stand up and reach my hand? I think I can pull you up."

Little Joe slowly climbed the wall of the pit. Adam told him where to put his feet and hands. Soon Adam was able to reach out and grab him and pull him up. He hugged him. "Now let me look at your leg. Hold the lantern, Joe." Joe took the lantern. "You cut your leg, but you'll be fine."

The townspeople got to the cave. Big Dan and Hoss moved rocks one by one.

"Hoss," Ben said, "I know Adam and Joseph are behind the rocks. Are they all right, son?"

"I don't know, Pa. We never found Little Joe."

All the men started moving rocks.

Adam said, "We need to get to the cave entrance. We need to get where they can find us."

Little Joe looked at him, confused.

"There was a rock slide. Rocks are blocking us, but I think Hoss is working on getting us out. Pa, too, probably by now. Little Joe, lean on me."

They walked slowly.

Ben yelled, "Adam, we're coming, son!"

Hoss said, "Pa, I haven't heard a sound from the other side in a long time, but if I know Adam, he went to get Little Joe."

Ben smiled and said, "You're right, son."

Adam and Little Joe made it back to where the rocks had fallen. "Here we are," he told Joe.

"Will they be able to get us out?"

"Yes. We'll just have to wait." Adam knocked on the rocks, but there was no response from the other side. He talked to Little Joe to take the boy's mind off the situation. He got up and started to move a few rocks. Adam saw a little light in between the rocks. He kept moving more rocks and then he heard some noise. "We're going to get out of here, Little Joe."

Hoss saw Adam's hand. He moved another rock and then he could see his brother. He looked through the opening. "Hey, there. We'll have you two out in a minute." He smiled. He moved more rocks and made an opening for Adam and Little Joe to crawl through.

"You first, Joe," said Adam. "Watch his leg," he told Hoss.

Hoss pulled Joe out and gave him to Ben, who took him outside the cave so Hop Sing could tend his leg. "It's just a cut," said Hop Sing. "Will heal quickly." He cleaned the would and wrapped it in a clean cloth.


"Yes, son?"

"I'm sorry."

Ben shook his head. "Here, son, get a drink of this cool water."

Hoss helped Adam out too and they and all the men came out of the cave.

"Adam, son, are you OK?" Ben asked.

"Yeah, Pa."

"Here, get a cool drink."

Little Joe said, "I'm sorry, Adam. If I wouldn't have gone in the cave, this never would have happened."

Adam smiled. "It's OK, little brother."

Big Dan said, "Men, let's block up this cave for good."

Hoss went to help and when he came back he was carrying Joe's hat. "Here's your hat, Little Joe."

"Thank you, Hoss."

Sue said, "I'm glad you two are OK."

Ben said, "Hop Sing, take the boys home. I'll stay to help the men close off the cave. Take Sue to her house on the way."

Hop Sing and the boys saw Sue home and then rode to the Ponderosa. Hop Sing made them some tea and snacks then Adam and Little Joe went to bed.

Ben, Hoss, and the other men blocked up the cave so no one could get in it anymore. Ben and Hoss got home just before dark and went to bed.

The next day Adam was so sore he could not move. Little Joe's leg was sort too, and they both stayed in bed that day. But the next day Hop Sing told them to get up and move around. They did, and a week later they were both fine.

They had a dinner to thank all their friends for their help, and everyone came. Ben said, "Thank you for all of your help. This is a great town and you are great friends. Thank you."

That night in the bunkroom, Little Joe said, "You know what?"

"What?" said Hoss.

"I'm glad we are a family."

Adam smiled. "I'm glad we are all a family too."

"You too, Hoss?" asked Joe.

Adam laughed. "He fell asleep. Good night, little brother."

"Good night, Adam." Little Joe said. He smiled and rolled over to go to sleep.


The End