Hoss’s Lonely Day

By Tennessee


Hoss was working on the ranch when Tess rode up. She had tears in here eyes, and Hoss ran to her. "What’s the matter?"

"It’s my grandmother, Hoss. She is not doing well."

Hoss knew she had been sick. Tess’s ma had traveled back east for a few months to be with her. "Tess, sweetheart, if there is anything I can do, please let me know." He put his arms around Tess as she cried. She looked up at him, with tears running down her cheeks, and he kissed her.

"I haven’t seen my grandmother since I was two years old, but for some reason, I can’t bear the thought of losing her. I’m leaving on the stage this afternoon."

"I’ll go with you."

"Oh, it’s a long way from here, Hoss."

"I don’t care. I want to be with you."

"Hoss, I don’t know when I’m coming back. Your family needs you. My ma and my grandmother need me. But I’ll be back, Hoss."

Hoss started to say something about Isabella, who had promised she would come back to Adam but then ended up married to someone else.

"I love you, Hoss," Tess said.

"I love you." Hoss put his arms around her one last time.

"I’ll write to you," Tess said.

Ben and Adam rode up as Tess left. She had already asked them to take care of the Greens’ ranch. "I know what your brother is thinking, Adam," Ben said. "He’s concerned Tess will do the same thing as Isabella."

Hoss walked up to them. "What if she doesn’t come back?"

Adam said, "You’ll see her again, Hoss. She’ll be back. Now let’s go get some lunch."

After lunch, Adam rode over to the Greens to check on things. A ranch hand said, "Tess wanted me to give you this."

Adam opened the letter.

Dear Adam,

I know Hoss will just sit around and wait for my letters. Please keep him busy and keep telling him I will come back and how much I love him.


Adam made sure things seemed to be running smoothly at the ranch and then went back to the Ponderosa. Hoss was sitting under a tree. Adam went to him. "Hey, brother, I have an idea. Why don’t you and I go to Green Valley and clear that part of land where Tess wants to put more cattle. That way, it’ll be all ready for her when she comes back."

The next day, after chores, Hoss, Adam, and Little Joe all went over to the Green ranch and started clearing the section of land. They worked every day until supper. It took them three weeks to get all the rocks, weeds, and bramble cleared. They burned off a portion of it so good grasses would grow back. They also had several trees to cut down.

One night at supper Ben gave Hoss an envelope. "It’s a letter from Tess."

Hoss smiled. He opened the letter and started reading.

Hoss, my love,

I miss you so much. My ma was glad to see me. So was Grandmother. She is so sick that the doctor says she won’t be with us much longer. I told her all about you and she said she was glad I found you. I love you and think about you all the time. I look forward to the day I return to Eagle Station and you. I hope you are keeping busy. Not much for me to do here but think about you and home. I told Ma your family was watching our ranch and she said to tell you all thank you. Please make sure the hands are doing their jobs. I’ll close for now. I love you.


When Hoss put the letter down, Ben asked, "How is Tess’s grandmother?"

"Not good, Pa."

"How’s Tess?" Adam asked.

"She’s fine. She said she misses me and wants me to keep an eye on the ranch hands at her place."

Ben nodded. "That’s a good idea."

Hoss left the table and walked to his room. He got out a tablet of paper and pencil and sat down to write.

Tess, I think about you every morning and night. I dream of you a lot. I’m so sorry your grandmother is not doing well, but I’m glad you are with her. I’m keeping busy. Adam sees to that. I will keep an eye on the ranch hands. I can’t wait until you are home, my love. I want to hold you in my arms again.


The next morning Ben took Hoss’s letter to town, and after their chores were done, the boys went to Green Valley to work. The land had been cleared so Adam asked, "What should we do now?"

Hoss said, "Their barn could use some repair."

"Good idea," Adam said.

The cleaned stalls, replaced rotted board, fixed the barn door, and made sure all the tack had been oiled and hung properly.

Hoss missed Tess more when he had time on his hands. Ben and Adam noticed and were always trying to think of things for him to do.

That night, Adam said, "Hey, Pa, why don’t we clear the garden for Hop Sing? He’ll want to plant vegetables soon."

"Great idea, Adam."

The next day the family worked all day readying the garden for Hop Sing. It had been three weeks since Tess’s departure. When Hop Sing came back from town, he had a letter for Hoss.

Hoss grabbed it and ran a few yards away. He tore open the letter.

Dear Hoss,

My grandmother passed away. I’m so sad. My ma cries a lot but she said Grandmother is not sick anymore and that is good. We will stay here for a few days to tie up some loose ends. Ma’s brother is here with us. I love you and can’t wait to come home.

Love, Tess

Hoss told his family that Tess’s grandmother had died.

"That means she’ll be back soon," Little Joe said.

"They have to stay a little longer to take care of things," Hoss said.

All the Cartwrights helped Hop Sing plant the garden. When they were done, they went up into the hills to round up the cattle and check for new calves. Hoss could think only of Tess.

When Adam went to town, Hoss asked him to see if another letter had arrived. Instead, when Adam got to town, he saw Tess! He ran to her. "You’re back!"

"Ma told me I could come back while she handled Grandmother’s estate. She’ll be back soon, too."

"It’s good to see you. My brother will be so happy."

"Where is Hoss?"

"At home. I’m sorry about your grandmother."


Adam got what he needed in town and went home. As soon as he walked in the front door, he said, "Hey, let’s all go to the Green ranch and see how things are going."

Hoss said, "You three go. I don’t feel up to it today."

"You’re coming too, Hoss," Adam said. "I’m not letting you stay here to mope."

When they got to the ranch, Adam suggested they check the barn. All four Cartwrights walked into the barn.

Hoss said, "Everything looks ok."

Tess stepped out of the shadows. "And what about me?"

"Tess!" Hoss ran to her and took her gently in his arms.

"Welcome home, Tess," Ben said. "We were all sorry to hear about your grandmother."

Little Joe said, "We fixed your barn and cleared that land you was going to clear."

"You did?" Tess asked.

"Yep, for you," Hoss said. "I love you and I’m never going to let you out of my sight again."

Tess laughed and said, "I never want to leave this place again. Thanks, Adam, for keeping Hoss busy."

Adam nodded. Then he, Ben, and Little Joe went home. Hoss ate supper with Tess. Tess said to him, "I talked with my grandmother about you. She told me if I loved you and you loved me that time away from each other would make us love each other even more. Oh Hoss, I missed you more and more every day."

"Me, too. I told Pa if you didn’t come back, I was going to you." He kissed her.

It was late then, and Hoss went home, but he slept great that night, thinking about Tess.

The End