Congratulations, It's a Girl . . . Or Two?

By Gail G.


I want to thank Laura for doing my beta-reading. Also a big thanks to Sheryl M. for helping come up with this fun story idea. Thanks to both of my special friends.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Cartwright characters. I did, however, invent Juliet and Jessica O'Malley.


Who would have known that the Cartwright household would be turned upside down within the next few hours. I was sitting at the supper table with my sons and family friend Hop Sing. As we discussed the horses that were getting ready to be trained, there was a knock on the door.

At first everyone sat at the table waiting to see who would be the one to answer the door.

"Little Joe, would you please ge. . ." My sentence was interrupted my a great sigh from my youngest son.

"Paaa. . .Why do I have to be the one to answer it?" Joe had a disgusted look on his face. I raised my eyebrow for effect as I pointed my fork toward my youngest son. "Because I asked you to."

"Oh, yes, sir." Joe rose from table with a defeated look. He walked to the front door and slowly opened it.

I heard a familiar voice ask Joe if his father was home. Joe jerked his head back toward the table where I sitting. I was getting ready to get up from my spot when Shelby walked through the open doorway with two small girls close behind.

"Shelby, what a pleasant surprise. Would you care to join us?" I waved my hand to the empty chair, offering for her to have a set.

Shelby grinned. "No, Ben, not tonight, thanks. I’m here on some official business." Shelby then proceeded to slightly push the two young girls a little, so that they had to take a step forward.

"This here is Jess and Julie." Shelby first pointed to the oldest of the two girls.

"It’s very nice to meet you both." I nodded as I spoke to each of them.

I could tell by the looks on their faces that they were very frighted. Their eyes were very wide, and the youngest of the two had tears in her green eyes.

Shelby broke the silence. "Um. . .Ben, I don’t know how to tell you this. But these two came on the stage addressed to you."

"To me?" I heard myself blurt out. All three of my boys were now paying full attention of what was going on. Hoss had stopped his fork inches from his mouth, while Adam began choking on whatever his last bite of food had been. Joe simply sat with his mouth hanging open.

"Yeah, Ben, the stage driver said they were to be delivered to one ‘Mr. Benjamin Cartwright.’ That is you, ain’t it?" Shelby lifted her hand to tuck a loose piece of hair behind her ear.

I’m sure I had a puzzled look on my face. "Who would be sending me children?" I found myself rising to my feet.

I moved over and studied the young ladies. I guessed the oldest around Little Joe’s age maybe a year or two younger. She had dark auburn hair and light blue eyes. The other young lady must’va been two or three years younger than her sister. She had curly red hair and green eyes. Her face was dotted with red freckles. I noticed she had a note pinned to the front of her dress.

I glanced back at the auburn haired girl to see if she had a note, but I did not see one. When I looked down I noticed she held a crumpled envelope in her right hand.

"Shelby, did the stage driver tell you anything? Like who they are or who sent them here?" I turned my head to look at my friend.

Shelby shrugged. "Nope. He said the notes would explain it all."

I crossed my arms across my chest. "Boys, please finish eating, then go and do your chores."

They all three answered together, "Yes, Pa."

I could tell by the expression on my sons’ faces, that they would rather stay and listen. But even with all the excitement, the animals needed to be cared for.

Within a few minutes my three curious sons made their way out the front door to the barn. They each gave me a quick glance before stepping out into the moonlight. I do believe that they were each hoping I would say they could stay.

Hop Sing started clearing the table, and I turned my attention back to the situation in front of me.

I reached down to unpin the note from the younger of the two girls when I felt a smack on my hand.

I turned my eyes to the older child. She had a sour look on her face. She finally started to speak the first words I had heard since their arrival. "Just what do you think you are doin’, Mister?"

I didn’t care for her tone of voice and I started to frown as I spoke. "I am getting the note so that I might read it. And in this house, young lady, we talk to adults in a respectful tone."

Her facial expression did not soften. "Well, if you want to know about us, why don’t you just ask?"

I nodded, "Fine. Tell me what I need to know." I moved over to sit down at the table. Shelby followed. In an instant Hop Sing had placed fresh cups of coffee on the table for us. He then handed the little girls each a glass of cold milk.

They each took the glass as they muttered a quick "Thank you."

The auburn hair girl took a large swallow of milk and then began to speak. "My name is Jessica Suzanne O’Malley. This here is my sister Juliet Rose O’Malley. Our friends call us Jess and Julie." Jess took another large swig of her milk then continued. "I’m ten and Julie is eight. Our Ma died four years ago of the fever. Our pa was shot during a bank robbery. He wasn’t robbin’ the bank, he was just in the way. Before pa died he said that we were to come live with Mr. Ben Cartwright. And here we are."

Well that did answer some of my question; however, there were a lot of gaps to be filled in. I grinned. "Jessica, could I please have those letters? Maybe then I can figure out what is going on."

Jessica walked to her little sister and unpinned the letter from her dress. She then walked over to where I was sitting and handed me the envelopes.

"Thank you," I said. "Are you two hungry? Hop Sing, could you get these two a bowl of stew?" I then motioned for the girls to come sit at the table. I could tell by the way they licked their lips that they must be starving.

Hop Sing set a bowl of stew in front of each of the girls. He then placed fresh bread on the table and refilled their milk glasses. The girls waited till I nodded my head letting them know it was okay to eat.

I turned my attention back to the letters as Shelby waited patiently.

"Well, Ben, what do they say?" By now Shelby was sitting on the edge of her chair.

"They say about what Jessica stated. Their father was John O’Malley; their mother was Meg. John was shot during a bank robbery and died from his injuries. Before he passed away, he made sure that his final wishes were followed through. His girls were to come live here with me. All his funds when his business is sold will go toward the raising of his children." I folded the letters and placed them back into the envelopes. I then placed them into my vest pocket.

I could tell by the puzzled look on Shelby’s face that she was quite confused. "Ben, did ya know their father?"

I looked up with sad eyes. "Yes, Shelby, I did. He had a shipping company in New Orleans. I had met him several times and we had become friends. It never occurred to me that he would leave me the custody of his two children. I knew they looked familiar when they came into the house. It’s hard to believe that such a wonderful couple is gone." I rubbed my hand down my weary face.

"Ben, whatcha goin’ to do with ‘em? I mean ya can’t keep ‘em. Can you?" Shelby looked concerned, her eyes traveling from me to the girls and back.

With Shelby’s words the girls looked up almost in shock. "Mr. Cartwright, me and Julie ain’t got nowhere else to go. You’re not goin’ to send us away, are you?" Both girls looked almost panicked.

I took a deep breath. "Of course not. I would never send you away–not the children of my good friend. We will simply have to work something out."

Jessica looked relieved. Juliet, on the other hand, still looked slightly panicked.

"Shelby, did they have any bags? The letters state some things will be shipped. They did have some things with them, didn’t they?"

Shelby got up from the table. "Sure they did, Ben. Their stuff is out on the buckboard. I borrowed a buckboard from Jack so I could bring them out here to ya."

Shelby turned to walk to the front door. I stopped her before she opened it. "Shelby, the boys can bring in their things when they are done with their chores. Come join me in one last cup of coffee before you leave." Shelby came and sat back down.

I looked over and noticed Julie almost asleep and Jess blinking her eyes to try to stay awake. "Girls, why don’t you both go wash your face and hands. Then the boys will bring in your things and you can get ready for bed."

"Where are we goin’ to sleep, Mister?" Julie spoke in a soft whisper.

"You both can share my room." I pointed down the small hallway. "I’ll bunk with the boys."

Suddenly the front door flew open. Adam and Joe came bounding inside. Joe was giggling about something. Adam had a frown on his face.

Adam started to speak. "Pa, do you know what Joe did?"

I lifted my hand to stop any further tattling. "No, Adam, I don’t and I don’t care to. Will you two please go get Jessica’s and Juliet’s things off Shelby’s buckboard."

Adam made a face and Joe looked a bit smug. I was, however, in no mood to listen to a drawn out story.

"Boys." I lowered my voice a bit. "Please do as you were asked. I would hate to have to repeat myself."

Adam and Joe turned around quickly and almost tripped over each other trying to get out the door.

Shelby chuckled. "Ben, I have to say, you have a good handle on those three sons of yours."

As the boys came back into the house each carrying a bag, Shelby stood from the table. "Ben, thanks for the coffee; but I have got to be gettin’ back. If you need anything, you let me know, okay?"

I rose from my chair and walked Shelby outside to the buckboard. "Do you want one to the boys to escort you back? I’m sure they wouldn’t mind."

"Heck no, Ben, I don’t need no man to escort me nowhere. Thanks anyway." Shelby jumped up into the seat and, with a swift flick of the reins, she was on her way back to town.

When I entered the house, Adam was sitting on the settee reading a book. Hoss and Joe, on the other hand, sat at the table asking Jess and Julie a million and one questions.

"Boys." As I spoke, Hoss and Joe became silent. Adam looked up from his book. "I think it is time for the three of you to get ready for bed." I pointed to the bunk room door.

"But, Pa. . . . ." Joe started whining. His goal was to talk me into letting him and his brothers stay up later.

I, however, was worn out from the day. "No buts, Joseph."

Adam closed his book and headed for the room, closely followed by his brothers. "By the way, boys, I will be bunking with the three of you tonight."

"Yes, Pa. Good night." The three disappeared into the bunk room.

I turned my attention back to Jess and Julie. "Well, girls, let’s get you two into bed." They got up from the table and followed me down the short hallway.

I lit the lamp beside the bed. "Do you two need help changing?"

I turned around to look at the girls. They had a look of horror on their young faces. "I suppose not. I tell you what, you two get changed and I’ll be back in a minute to say goodnight. Okay?"

"That’s fine, Mr. Cartwright," Jess said as she moved to her bag and started searching for a nightgown.

When I thought they had an ample amount of time to get changed, I went back to my room. I entered and noticed the girls were already piled into the bed. I walked over and started to tuck the blankets in tightly around them.

I noticed they both smiled at me. "Mr. Cartwright, thanks for not sending us away. Me and Julie really are glad you didn’t."

I leaned over and kissed them on their foreheads. "You are very welcome. Don’t worry, we will get everything straightened out."

They both looked completely relieved as I spoke those words. I then got up and moved to the door. "Goodnight, Girls."

I heard whispered responses, "Good night, Mr. Cartwright."

I headed across the main room to the boys, bunk room. Before I stepped inside I heard giggling and muffled yelps. As soon as I opened that door, there was complete silence. I’m not sure why, but the boys hate when I sleep in the room with them. They act as if I am upsetting the balance of nature. I think they would prefer that I slept in the barn.

As I moved across the room, I noticed Joe was on the top bunk above Adam thus leaving his normal lower bunk for me. I suppose they think I am too old to get on the top bunk, but I didn’t bother to ask

After I undressed and was lying comfortably in bed, the boys started asking various questions. Such as what are we going to do with the girls? Why did their father choose me to be their guardian? And if they did stay, where the heck are they going to sleep?

After I answered each of the questions to the best of my knowledge, I turned to try to get some rest. However, those three kept whispering. I had to threaten each of them with a week’s worth of extra chores before they would go to sleep.

Over the last several days I have gotten to know Jess and Julie better. I learned quickly that Jess has a temper–one not to be messed with. She is extremely hot headed and sassy. I have a feeling that we will have future encounters if her behavior does not soon improve.

Julie is quite the opposite. She is very reserved, and hardly ever has to be asked twice to do something. She is very prim and proper and prefers to be clean. She is somewhat sassy, but not as bad as her older sister.

Another problem that I have with Jessica is that she insist on wearing pants. I told her that for now I would tolerate it; however, I have a feeling this will be discussed further in the future.

I also decided that ‘Mr. Cartwright’ was too formal for two little girls to use all the time. I informed them that they may call me ‘Uncle Ben.’ They instead started to call me ‘Mr. Ben.’ I did not correct their choice. I don’t feel that it is disrespectful, so I don’t mind it at all.

The boys and I also discussed the sleeping arrangements. None of the trio were sleeping well because I was in the room with them. I determined that since I have decided to keep custody of the girls that they would need their own room.

Adam drew the design and we have started to build the addition. Adam was very excited at the fact that he would get to do the floor plan for the additional space.

Hoss and Joe, on the other hand, did not feel that it was fair that the girls got their own room. I had to remind them that the girls would be sharing the space. And if we did not build the addition, then I would have to sleep in the bunk room forever.

With this new information they rapidly changed their tune and started to chop the timber that would be needed faster than ever before.

Building the new section on the house brought the first of many disagreements between Jess and Joe. It started when Joe dropped a beam of wood on Jessica’s foot.

"You did that on purpose, Joe Cartwright!" Jess stamped her foot as she shouted at my youngest son.

"Jess, I’m sure it was an accident. Right, Little Joe?" I ran my eyes from one child to the next. I was trying to stop a fight before it started.

Jessica’s face was full of anger, while Joe’s was full of shock. Jess took a step closer to Joe and started to shout in his face. "You did it on purpose, and you know it!"

Hoss, Adam, and Julie stood with their mouths hanging open. I, on the other hand, was losing my patience.

"Jessica, that is quite enough, young lady." I placed my hands on my hips. When I do this with the boys they usually take the warning.

Jess took a quick look at me. Then without hesitation, she lifted her fist and socked Joe right in the nose. It happened so fast, I didn’t have time to stop it.

Joe stood completely shocked as a trickle of blood came from his nose. He then raised his arm in retaliation. I swiftly moved to stand between them. As I did so, Joe swung and instead of hitting Jess, he hit me square in the stomach.

When Joe realized what he had done, his face dropped and he took a quick step back. I could feel my face getting hot. I’m sure it was red as an apple. I heard Hoss and Adam gasp. Julie moved to stand behind Adam, as if she were hiding.

"Adam, Hoss, Julie, could you please excuse us." My voice was low as I spoke. I know that Joe knew he was in trouble. He started rubbing his hands up on down on his pants leg. I know he does this when he is nervous because his hands are sweating.

Jessica I have not yet learned to read. I could tell she was slightly flustered. She stood with her fist clenched and her head shaking. I’m not sure if it was because of the fight with Joe or because she thought she was in trouble.

Adam grabbed Julie’s arm and the trio left the unfinished room quickly. When I turned my head to see if they were out of sight, the last thing I saw was Juliet’s face. She had large tears rolling down her small freckled face. I’m sure she was aware that her older sister was in a bit of trouble.

When I heard the footsteps fade away in the distance. I motioned for Joseph and Jessica to come stand before me. Joseph did not hesitate. Jessica, on the other hand, stood and stared at me with her angry blue eyes.

"Jessica," I spoke in a stern voice, "please come over here." I pointed to the spot in front of me.

I could tell she took a deep sigh. She then slowly walked to stand beside Joseph.

Jess looked bothered that I disturbed her, while Joseph looked as if he was going to throw up on his boots.

I gathered my temper before speaking. "I would like to go over a few rules with you two. First, I do not allow fighting in my house. There is no excuse for it. Jessica, I suggest you find other ways to express your anger."

Jessica relaxed just a little, "Yes, Mr. Ben, I’m sorry."

"I’m not the one you need to apologize to." I nodded my head at Little Joe.

Jessica wrinkled her face. "I’m sorry, Joe." She blurted out the words so fast they sounded jumbled.

I then turned my attention to my son, who was looking hard at the floor. "Jo-seph." He brought his head up.

"Yes, Pa, sir." He looked as if he was just bit by a rattlesnake and was counting the minutes left in his life.

Now, the only thing that saved Little Joe from a severe tanning for hitting me was that he did not do it intentionally, even though I do not excuse the fact that he was planning to hit a girl.

"Joseph, I will not have you hitting girls. Next time you hit anyone, you will regret it. Do I make myself clear?" I wanted Joe to know how upset I truly was. I kept eye contact with him and straightened my lips until they were a fine thin line.

Joe licked his lips. "Yes, sir, I understand."

I did a quick nod of my head. "Good. Now I think you owe some apologies too."

"Yes, Pa, sir." Joe turned his head so that he was looking at Jess. "I’m real sorry, Jess. I didn’t mean to drop that wood on your foot. And I’m sorry that I thought about hitting you." He then turned his attention to me. "Pa, sir, I’m really, really sorry that I hit you. I....I....didn’t mean to."

Joe’s eyes were brimming with tears. I reached down and took hold of Joe’s chin, and I lifted his face so he was looking at me. "Joseph, I know you did not do it on purpose. All is forgiven. But I have to punish the both of you. I can’t let you get away with such things."

Joe sniffed, Jessica shifted from one foot to the other. "I think you both can go stand in the corner for awhile. This will give you some time to think about what you did. Then I can find some extra chores for the two of you to do."

"Yes, sir." Joe answered as he lowered his head so he was facing the floor.

Jess on the other hand looked as if she might protest. Her mouth was starting to open when I stopped her in her tracks.

"Jessica Suzanne, if you say one word about your punishment, young lady, I will give you what you truly deserve. And that is a promise." I then pointed to the main room.

Joseph and Jessica both hurried to go to a corner. As they each walked by me, they turned so that I would not be able to reach their small backsides. Joe knows that I will give a warning swat. Jessica does not, but she was following Joe’s lead.

When Joe and Jess were standing in their corner I called for the others to come back into the house. Julie walked in the front door and looked to the corner where her sister was standing.

"Lets get to work." I rubbed my hands together and headed back to the unfinished room. As I bent over to pick the hammer up from the floor, I felt a small tug on the back of my shirt.

"Mr. Ben, sir?" Julie’s small hand was filled with a wad of my shirt. I picked up the hammer and stood up.

"Yes, Julie?" I looked down at the small girl. She was tiny for her age and looked much younger than eight. I noticed tear streaks on her somewhat dirty face, and her eyes were red from crying.

"You’re not going to send us away ‘cuz Jess was bad, are you?" The concern on her face made my heart swell.

I bent over and gathered her in my arms. She instantly started to cry as her body went limp.

"No, honey, I would never send you away." She pulled away from me just a bit and looked at me like she was trying to decide if I was lying or not. I raised my hand and brushed the tears from her eyes.

"Thanks, Mr. Ben." Julie then ran over to help Hoss lift a piece of wood. Not that Hoss needed help, but he would never tell her that.

Within a few short days the small addition was completed. It wasn’t a large room, but there was room enough for two small beds. I placed a small chest of drawers between the beds under the window and put pegs in the wall behind the door. I made sure to leave enough room that when their trunks arrived, one could be placed at the end of each bed. Adam made small shelves along the back wall above Jessica’s bed. This would be a place for books, toys, and any treasures that may be found in the future.

Each bed had a matching blue quilt that Ruth had brought the girls as a welcome gift. Hop Sing helped hang a lace curtain above the window. He found the curtain in the trunk of things that belonged to Marie. It was nice to see a bit of her hanging within the new room. Marie always wanted to have a little girl. Now I have two. I wish she were here to help me and enjoy our new family.

Keeping a handle on my new enlarged family has been a difficult task. I was trying to give the girls some time to adjust to the new surroundings. They quickly fit right in as if they have lived here forever. You would think that Joe and Jess were blood related brother and sister. They are in constant battles of wills. It won’t be long that I will have to take them both to task for their behavior. If I let things continue as they are now, I am afraid I will lose complete control of all my children. I will never allow things to go so far that I do not have the upper hand.

My next run in with the girls did not occur until Saturday night. I explained to them that every Saturday night is bath night; and if there is a minister in Eagle Station, then on Sunday the family will attend church.

Now my sons are very aware that I will not argue over either subject–not that I don’t have my scuffles with Joseph when it comes to regarding baths. Every Saturday is the same thing. Joe and I discuss why or why not he needs to have his bath. He usually ends up becoming disrespectful when he does not think I see his point of view to be within reason. Then we will argue for about five seconds. I usually end up swatting my young son’s behind. Then and only then will he give in and take his bath. You would think he would learn by now that this is a argument that he would not win.

Only God knew that I was now going to have a battle with three children over bathing. By the way the girls were acting, you would think I was getting ready to dip them into a pot of boiling oil. Jess stood with her hands clenched tightly against her hips. Her face was twisted into a massive frown. Julie’s stance was similar, however, she was not quite as stiff. Since Julie is not usually the one in trouble, I had a feeling she was just following her sister’s performance. Of course, I would not want to forget Joseph. He was already starting to argue his view on bathing.

"That’s enough." I was speaking in my best firm voice. This was actually hard to do. Seeing Julie trying to act brave was almost funny. I knew, however, that she was meaning to be defiant.

Joseph’s head shot up. "Pa, I ain’t that dirty. I can wait till next week for a bath." Joe held his small dirty hands out so that I could see them.

I could see Jessica and Julie out of the corner of my eye. I suppose they were waiting to see what happened to Joe before pursuing their fight.

"Joseph, you could plant seeds in the dirt on your hands. And what is worse, I think they would sprout. Hop Sing has your bath water all ready. Be a good boy and go get a clean nightshirt and take your bath." I pointed to the bunk room door. Joseph, however, did not move.

"Fine. While I have a talk with Little Joe. Jess you may go take your bath." Jessica looked at me as if I had lost all sense.

I heard a small boot stomp on the floor. "Mr. Ben, I speak for Julie and myself. We are not taking a bath and you, sir, cannot make us."

I felt all eyes in the room fall upon me. I’m sure Adam and Hoss already had some idea where this was all going to lead. They have seen me scuffle with Joe every Saturday for the last twelve years. Adam and Hoss both seem to forget the days that I had the same disagreements with them.

I scanned the room wanting to see where everyone was. Suddenly, I heard three chairs from the table slowly scrape across the hardwood floor.

"Pa, umm...., Hoss, Hop Sing, and I are going to go finish the chores outside. . .away from the house, in the barn." I watched as Adam and Hoss grabbed their hats off the pegs behind the door. In a blink of an eye, the three were out the door heading for the safety of the barn.

I then turned my full attention back to the three at hand. "Jo-seph. I think it would be wise if you did as you were told. I do not understand why we go through this every weekend. Is all of this really necessary?" I had bent slightly at the waist so I was looking Joe directly into the eyes.

Joe turned his eyes and looked at the girls. "Pa. . . . I ain’t that dirty, honest."

I straightened back up and ran my hand down my face. "Joseph, please just go get in the tub."

"No. If they don’t have to take a bath, then neither do I." Little Joe pointed to the girls who were standing slightly behind him.

Jess still looked as defiant as Joseph. However, Julie seemed to look more concerned.

"Julie, honey, would you please go take your bath?" I looked at her big green eyes. She looked at her sister before she answer.

"Yes, Mr. Ben." She then walked into her bedroom and retrieved a clean night shirt. Jessica was furious. Her face was red as fire.

"Julie, you don’t have to take no bath. You don’t have to do what Mr. Ben says. He’s not our pa." Jess walked swiftly behind her sister.

I took a couple of big steps and grabbed the young lady by her arm. "I think there might be some things we need to get cleared up." I then waved my hand for Julie to come back into the room. I wanted her to hear the same things as her older sister.

"First of all, I may not be your Pa, but your father left me in charge of you. So you will do as I say and you will follow instructions. I know that all of this change has been difficult, but I will treat you both like you are one of my children. And I assure you if one of my children back talked the way you just did, young lady, they would be in a mess of trouble." Jessica seemed to be absorbing this new found information. She stood very still as she listened to every word. Julie stood beside her, almost in tears.

I noticed Joe gulped. He was thinking about what the consequences are for telling me no. I could see in his eyes that he was frightened.

"Now, Juliet, you go get in the tub. When you’re done make sure you dry off really well and put on your nightshirt. Make sure you wash behind your ears and wash your neck. Okay?"

Julie ran past me and headed for the bunk room. "Yes, sir. I’ll wash up real good, Mr. Ben. You’ll see." With the slam of the door she was out of sight. Just a moment later I cringed when I heard water splash onto the floor.

I looked back at Joe and Jess. "You two, find a corner." I pointed to the other side of the room. They each obediently walked to their normal spots. They both seem to stand in the corner more and more lately.

After about ten minutes Hoss, Adam, and Hop Sing came back into the house. Adam and Hoss decided to play a game of checkers while they awaited their turn to bathe. Hop Sing began warming more water so when Julie was done we could dump the dirty water and refill the tub with fresh.

I smiled broadly when the small eight year old bounded out of the bunk room. Her freshly washed hair laid in large ringlets of curls. Her cheeks were red and rosy. She smiled as she scurried into the room, sporting her fresh clean nightshirt.

"Adam, Hoss, please go dump the tub." I nodded as I spoke.

They each quickly rose from their chairs to go do the task they were asked. When they were finished they came back into the room to finish the game of checkers they had started as Hop Sing refilled the small tub.

"Mr. Ben." Julie came and stood before me as I sat on the settee.

I smiled and widened my eyes. "Yes?"

"I washed real good, see." She put her tiny hands in front of me so I could inspect them. I reached out and turned each hand over and looked at it carefully. I then checked behind her ear and her neck.

"You did a fine job." I reached out and tickled her stomach and she giggled with glee.

"Tub ready, Mr. Cartwright, who next?" Hop Sing asked as he carried the empty bucket out of the room.

"Jessica." I spoke in my firmest voice.

She turned around so she was looking at me. "Yes, Mr. Ben." She spoke in a clipped tone.

"I believe it is your turn." I waved my hand to the door. Adam and Hoss had stopped playing checkers so they could watch the show. Julie moved and sat beside me on the settee.

Jess took a step from the corner. I thought for a brief moment she was going to do like I had asked her. Unfortunately, this was not to be the case.

"I’m not taking a bath." Her voice was low and full of bravado.

I sighed to myself, would this day never come to an end?? I said no more. I got up from the settee. I went over grabbed her arm and drug the young girl into the bunk room. Once the door was closed behind us, I swatted her small backside a few times.

"Jessica Suzanne O’Malley, I want you in that tub, NOW." I then turned to leave the room.

"Mr. Ben?" Jess whispered.

"Yes." I turned back around to face her. She had a few small tears trickling down her face as she rubbed her rear.

"I. . .I didn’t get a clean night shirt, sir."

"I’ll get you one." I then turned and gathered a clean shirt for Jess.

After I took Jess the item she needed I sat back on the settee. Two down one to go. I thought to myself as I watched the flames dance in the fireplace.

"Mr. Ben?" Julie stood with her hands on my knees.

"Yes?" I smiled.

"Can I sit in your lap?" She started to climb in my lap as she asked the question. She snuggled her warm body against mine, and laid her head on my chest.

I draped my arms around her and held her tight. It’s been awhile since one of my children have allowed me to do this. As Julie and I sat in front of the fire, Jess came out of the room. Like her sister, her dark hair laid in long ringlets of curls. Her face glowed like a freshly lit candle and she looked fresh and clean.

"Jessica, come over here please." Jess came and stood at my feet. "Let me see your hands."

"Mr. Ben, I’m not a baby. I know how to wash properly." She took a deep breath as if she were annoyed.

"Jess." I spoke her name real slow. She placed her hands in front of me and turned them in front of me.

"Very good, young lady. I think it’s time for you to go to bed. I’ll be there in a moment." I could tell Julie had fallen asleep. Her body had become heavy and she was slightly snoring.

Jess headed for her room as I once again asked the boys to empty the tub. Hop Sing repeated the same steps as earlier, filling the tub for its next occupant.

I stood up from my comfortable spot, holding tightly onto the wee one that was in my lap. I carried her to the girls’ room and placed her gently in her bed. I pulled the covers up on Juliet and kissed her on her forehead before, turning to Jessica.

"Good night, Jess." I also bent and kissed her on her forehead. By the look in her eye she was almost surprised.

"Good night, Mr. Ben, sir." Jess then pulled the covers up to her chin and closed her eyes.

I had one more child to deal with tonight, and I was not looking forward to it. I walked back into the main room. Hop Sing was finished with the refilling of the tub.

"Joseph, son, it’s your turn." I walked so I was standing directly behind my youngest son. He turned around slowly and raised his head up so that he could look into my face. I think he was hoping that I would have forgotten about his earlier transgressions. I, however, was about to ruin his day.

I placed my hand on his shoulder and guided him into his room. Once behind closed doors, I lectured him about appropriate ways to speak to me and that telling me no was never an option. I then gave Joe what he seems to receive every Saturday night. I swatted his behind just enough times that he started to squirm.

"Get in that tub and take your bath. NOW." I pointed to the fresh water. Joe stood with his mouth slightly open, rubbing his backside with his left hand.

When I started to frown he answered with a very respectful, "Yes, sir."

I was so glad that I had survived the three youngsters. I was also thankful that I no longer had to fight or fuss with Adam or Hoss over taking a bath.

When I emerged from the room Adam brought me a fresh cup of coffee.

"Pa, please tell me I never acted like that." The edge of my oldest son’s mouth curled up on the corners.

I grinned ever so slightly then chuckled. "No, Adam, you were ten times worse." I then started to laugh out loud and Hoss and Hop Sing joined me.

Adam’s face became firm. "Pa that isn’t funny."

"It wasn’t meant to be funny." I continued to grin. I could tell my very reasonable son was getting slightly upset. He had his eyebrows furrowed and his lips set in a severe line. Adam does not like to be reminded of his behavior from the past.

Just as Adam was about to speak, the boys’ bedroom door flew open. "Joe walked out all nice and clean. He also had changed into a fresh nightshirt. His hair was damp and his face was lighter, due to the dirt being gone.

He trudged over and stood in front of me. Adam and Hoss once again went to empty the tub, while Hop Sing filled it.

"Pa?" Joe licked his lips. By the way he was chewing his lip, I could tell he had something important to say.

I raised my eyebrows as I scooted myself down farther onto the settee. "Yes, Little Joe?"

"I’m real sorry for actin’ so bad. Next Saturday I ain’t gettin’ my tail busted, honest." Joe absent-mindedly reached back and rubbed his left butt cheek.

I reached up and tousled his hair. "I sure hope not, Joe. You make your own choices, son."

I patted the settee and had Joe sit down beside me. He sat down with ease, so I knew I had not done the damage that he acted like I did.

We both relaxed as Adam and then Hoss took their baths. Hop Sing had taken his bath earlier in the day. So I would be the last to bathe. We moved the tub into the main room by the fire. Hop Sing filled it up, while I tucked the boys into bed. I then enjoyed my warm soothing bath. As I soaked my weary body, I could not help but wonder what the future would bring.

Adding two more children to the family is not the easiest task. But I found myself already falling in love with them.

Once I was done bathing, I emptied the tub for one last time. I then headed to bed. I slipped under the inviting covers and fell asleep. I do believe I fell asleep before my head hit my pillow. Good thing that I did, because Sunday was going to be yet another interesting day. So I would need all the rest that I could get.


When I awoke the next morning, it was a beautiful day. I could tell because the sun was shining through my bedroom window. I had the window slightly ajar, so I could smell the sweet summer breeze coming into the house. I rolled out of bed, leaving my comfortable mattress behind. I dressed in a hurry. I wanted to get the boys and the girls out of bed soon.

There was a minister in town today, so the family would be attending church. This meant I would have to get all the children awake, fed, the chores done, and everyone dressed properly before we could leave. This was a much bigger task than I first anticipated.

Getting everyone out of bed was the easy part. Everyone jumped out of bed and scurried to do their chores. It was a lovely day, so I believe this is why everyone was willing to get up.

As we ate breakfast, I announced that we would be attending church in town. I looked around the table at everyone’s reactions. Adam and Hoss seemed to be glad. I think they are hoping to run into some young ladies in town. Joe groaned--he hated sitting still more than anything. He did, however, keep his opinion to himself.

Julie seemed excited--she was jumping up and down on her chair. She is very easygoing and, as long as she is part of whatever is going on she is quite content.

Jessica, on the other hand, had the most bizarre look on her face. At first I could not read what she was thinking. She, however, never keeps me in the dark for long. She is quite vocal and is more than willing to share her voice.

"I’m not goin’." Jess spoke in a flat tone.

Adam, Hoss, and Joe turned their heads and stared at Jess as if amazed.

I leaned my head to the side as I spoke. "I beg your pardon?"

Jess took one deep breath. "I’m not going, Mr. Ben, sir." I think she could tell by the way I had started to frown that I was getting angry. I do believe that is why she added the ‘sir’ to the end of her last statement.

"Jessica, I didn’t ask you if you wanted to go. I’m am telling you that you are going. We worship God every Sunday in the house, if not in town, then we read a verse from the Bible here at home." She looked as if she was going to protest my words.

I, however, stopped her before it started. After last night’s bath ordeal, I was in no mood for an argument. I raised my hand and spoke in a low soft voice.

"Jessica, I warn you now; I am not in the mood to argue. You will finish your breakfast, and you will go get dressed for church." I picked up my cup to see if there would be any response.

Jess glanced around the table. I saw Adam shake his head ever so slightly. He was trying to let Jess know to keep her mouth shut. Thank goodness it worked this time. Jess picked up her fork and started to finish her breakfast.

Have any of you ever tried to get five children ready for church along with yourself? Well, let me tell you it was an adventure. It is usually enough of a task just to get Joseph to put on a clean shirt and tie. Adam, of course, is always dressed and ready. Hoss, too enjoys going into town. Now, mind you, I did not say church--I said town. Nevertheless, he too gets dressed quickly. Adam and Hoss waited patiently at the table and watched me fight with Little Joe over his tie. This was a usual occurrence, so neither of them paid much attention to us.

However, little did I know the real fight would not began until I told Jessica O’Malley that she would be wearing a dress to church.

When I told Jess that she would go get dressed for church, I suppose that I should have been more specific. Julie emerged from their bedroom wearing a blue calico print dress. Her hair was nicely brushed and pulled to the back.

Julie stepped into the main room and twirled around, so that we could admire her from all sides.

"How do I look?" Her small round face gleamed as she waited for our answers.

Hoss and Adam both answered together. "You look real pretty."

I could tell by the smirk on Joseph’s face that he was about to say something not so kind. He, however, stopped when I frowned at him.

Instead he cleared his throat. "You, ummm.....look real nice." He glanced at me to see if I approved of his comment. I nodded my head so that Joe would know that everything was fine.

"Jessica, are you ready?" I called to the closed bedroom door. Julie went and sat at the table with Adam and Hoss. Joe sat on the settee and scooted down so far into the seat that I thought he was going to lie on the floor.

"Coming, Mr. Ben." Jess called. About two seconds later she stepped out of her room.

My mouth fell open. I heard Hoss gasp and Adam mutter, "Oh my." All this brought Joe back to full attention. He sat back up and turned around.

As soon as he saw Jess, he blurted out. "Jess, you’re wearin’ pants." I turned my head to look at Joe. His eyes were as wide as a full moon.

I could feel my nice relaxing day slowly slipping away. I ran my hand down my face as I shook my head.

"Jessica, please change into something appropriate. Young ladies do not wear pants to church." I waved my hand toward the bedroom. Jess, however, stood and stared at me.

"What’s wrong with my pants?" Jess asked. I could tell I was in for a fight. She had her hands on her hips and the ‘look’ on her face. Well, all I can say is I knew.

"Jess, honey, there is nothing wrong with your pants, even though I have been meaning to talk to you about them." I was now rubbing my forehead with my hand. I do think I feel a headache coming on. Wonder why?

"What about ‘em?" She looked down at her legs and then dusted the knee of her pants off.

I took a deep breath. "Pants are not for young ladies to wear to church. As a matter of fact, I do not agree with ladies wearing pants at all."

Her eyes widened at my statement. "You’ve got to be joking, Mr. Ben.?"

"I assure you that I am not. Please, go change. We can discuss this more after we get home." I again pointed to the bedroom door.

"But..but...I don’t see why I can’t wear them." The young girl stood firm in her spot.

"Jess-ica, please. I do not feel like going into a huge discussion. Go and change your clothes." I took a couple of steps closer.

Jess threw up her arms. "Fine, I’ll change. But I do want to talk about this later." I closed my eyes as Jess retreated into her room to change her clothes.

How was I going to explain to this young girl that I did not approve of her wearing pants? And not only that, I was not going to allow it. I suppose I will deal with that when the time comes.

On the way to church I gave all my usual lectures on behavior. I made it very clear how everyone was to act and what the consequences were if they did not behave like they were taught.

I don’t have to worry about Adam--he learned long ago about behavior and consequences. I hardly ever have to correct him now. And the few times that I do, I can make that young man feel so guilty he will sulk around for a week. Sometimes, making him feel guilty is worse than the actual punishment.

Hoss has always been easy going and well behaved. I believe I have only had to punish Hoss a few times in his young life. However, when that young man finds trouble, believe me, it will be a mess of it.

Now, the ones that concern me the most today are Joe, Jess, and Julie. Joe knows he will be punished if he misbehaves. That, however, has never stopped him before.

We arrived at the town hall. This building doubles for the church, school, and any social events that occur in town.

Everyone unloaded from the wagon and headed inside. This is where my first mistake of the day started. Since we were running a bit late, the children hurried ahead to find our seats. By the time Adam and I had walked in the building, services had started. I found Hoss, Joe, Jess, and Julie sitting in a row. Okay, I know what you’re thinking. What’s wrong with that?

Well, Hoss was on the end. Joe sat next to Hoss. Beside Joe was Jess, and then Julie. It’s bad enough to let Hoss and Joe set beside each other, but Joe and Jess we were asking for trouble. It was, however, too late to move them around.

So, Adam and I sat on the bench behind them. As I sat down, the four pairs of eyes turned and looked at me, each child had a smiling face. I did not say a word. I, however, gave them my sternest look.

The first hour went by without any problems. I did have to put my hand on Juliet’s shoulder once to remind her to sit still. But besides that, it was fine.

The second hour did not go by without incident. It started with Joe swinging his legs. Now, he knows not to, but he did anyway. I touched his shoulder twice to remind him to stop. The third time he started swinging them, he accidently kicked Jess who in turn kicked Joe. Then Joe elbowed Jess, and Jess elbowed Joe.

I grabbed them both by the back of their arms as a warning. They, however, chose not to listen. The next thing I knew, those two were rolling around on the floor of the town hall. The preacher had stopped his sermon and all the townsfolk had turned to watch the fight.

I, myself, was fighting my own battle. I was trying not to lift those two up and wallop them right then and there. Adam just shook his head. He sat with his eyes closed and his mouth formed a ‘o’ shape. He did not speak aloud.

Hoss’ eyes were huge as he watched them roll on the floor. Julie started yelling, "Go, Jess. Go, Jess. You can whip him."

I had had enough. "Adam." My oldest opened his eyes and looked at me. I jerked my head at the mass of arms and legs on the floor. I did not need to speak words. Adam knew what I was talking about. He slowly rose from his bench. He smiled slightly at the people who were staring at us.

He then moved over and grabbed Jess and pulled her up from the floor. I in turn grabbed Joe and pulled him up. They both were breathing heavily and their clothes were a mess. Joe’s nose was slightly bleeding and Jess had a cut on her chin.

I looked over where Hoss was seated. "Let’s go." I turned myself and Joe to the door and we left the building. Adam followed behind, holding tightly to Jessica. Behind them were Hoss and Julie. Hoss was holding Julie’s hand as they walked to the wagon.

I was so angry that I could not speak at the moment. If I had, I would have spoken things that I would regret. I instead lifted Joe off his feet and placed him not too gently in the back of the wagon. I did the same with Jessica when Adam stepped beside me.

Hoss lifted Julie into the back and then he jumped up to join them. Adam sighed and moved around to the front of the wagon. He then climbed into the seat and waited for me.

I almost jumped into the seat. I grabbed the reins and within a moment, we were on our way. No one spoke on the way home. I glanced once into the back of the wagon. Hoss had taken his handkerchief and gave it to Joe for his bleeding nose. He then turned his attention to the cut on Jessica’s chin.

Julie sat as quiet as a mouse. This is the first real trouble she has been in, and I think she could feel that I was angry.

When we finally arrived back at the Ponderosa, I pulled the wagon to a stop in front of the barn. "Adam, Hoss, please take care of the horses." I then started to walk away.

"Yes, Pa." I heard them answer as I disappeared behind the barn.


After I had calmed down considerably. I headed back to the house. When I entered, Adam and Hoss were sitting at the table indulging in a game of checkers. I glanced around the room; however, I did not see Joseph, Jessica, or Juliet.

"Where are you brother and the girls?" I spoke to no one particular. Adam began to speak. "I sent them to their rooms. I figured you took a walk to calm down." Adam proceeded to jump three of Hoss’ checkers.

"Are the afternoon chores done?" I asked in a still agitated tone. Hoss glanced at Adam with a concerned look. I knew the answer before either spoke.

"No, sir, Pa. We were going to do that right now." Adam said. He then got up from his place at the table and headed for the door, grabbing his hat on the way out.

Hoss did not need to be told to go with Adam. He jumped up quickly and said, "I think I’ll go help Adam, Pa." He too grabbed his hat and practically ran out the door, almost slamming it behind him.

I moved to sit in front of the fireplace. Hop Sing brought me over a fresh cup of hot tea. "Bad day, Mr. Cartwright?"

I blew on the cup of hot liquid, then I took a small sip. "Hop Sing, I don’t even know where to start."

Hop Sing grinned. "I think I know it involve little boy and little girls. I do not know what happen. But Adam send them to their rooms. I think you have a hard thing to do now. So Hop Sing will go out and work on garden."

"Thank you, Hop Sing."

"You are welcome, Mr. Cartwright." Hop Sing then walked down the short hallway to the back door. I heard the door open and close behind him. I knew what I had to do, but having to do it was another thing.

I hate having to physically punish any of my children. When I was a boy, my father always told me it hurt him as much as it hurt me. I, of course, at the time did not believe that in the least. How, when my tail was on fire could my father be hurting as much as me.

Having children of my own, I now understand. It may hurt their small backsides. But it hurts my heart and soul. I hate to see my children crying or upset. If, however, I never punished them, they would not grow to be the honorable men and now women that I want them to be. They deserve the best; and even though they do not understand that now, hopefully, when they become older, they will.

I had put it off long enough. I set my cup on the table beside the settee as I lifted myself up. I walked and knocked on the boys’ bedroom door. I, of course, did not wait for an answer. I walked right in. Joseph immediately jumped to his feet. I moved to stand in front of him. I could tell by the look on his face that he knew that he was in trouble. He was chewing on his bottom lip and looking everywhere except at me.

The consequences had been laid out quite clearly that morning on the way to church. Each and every child knew what would happen if they, in fact, misbehaved.

"Jo-seph, please look at me and not the floor." Joe slowly brought his eyes up to look me in the face. There was already a single tear rolling down his young freckled face.

"Would you like to tell me what you were thinking? You know fighting in church is not acceptable." I crossed my arms across my chest as my youngest son thought for a moment.

"Pa, it was an accident. I didn’t mean to kick her. Really." Joe blurted out the words.

I nodded. "I know it was an accident, Joseph. However, are you suppose to be swinging your legs at church?"

Joe’s expression changed ever so slightly from concern to puzzlement. "No, Pa, I’m not. But, I didn’t kick her on purpose."

"Joe, I know it was an accident. But it would not have happened if you had not been doing something you should not have been in the first place." I watched Joe as he took a small step back.

"You also did not have to fight. You could have just ignored Jessica when she elbowed you."

Joe took a deep breath when it occurred to him that it was not only Jessica’s fault but also his. "Pa, ummm, are you gonna spank us?" His voice quivered.

He was well aware of what the punishment was going to be.

I moved my hands to my hips. "Joseph, after I spank you, I want you at the table. You are to learn fifteen bible verses. Also, since you and Jess seem to have too much time on your hands, I believe some extra chores will keep you out of trouble. I’ll let you know in the morning what they are."

I moved to the chair that sat in the corner. I motioned for my son to come over and stand in front of me. He walked as slow as he could. In fact, if he walked any slower he would be standing still.

"JO-SEPH." I said in my firmest voice. Joe looked up at me and then he hurried along just a bit faster.

I pulled my naughty son over my knee. I then applied ten swift swats to his small backside. When I was finished, I put him back on his feet. "Joe, you know I love you. Right?"

Joe shook his head as tears streamed down his face and dripped off his chin onto his shirt. I reached up and wiped away a tear. "Joseph, the next time the minister is in town you and Jessica will apologize to him and the congregation. Do you understand?"

Joe sniffed, "Yes, Pa, I understand."

"Good. Wait here until I talk with Jess. Then you may join her at the table to learn those bible verses." I then lifted my tired body from the chair. Before I left the room I turned and gave Joe a big hug. I felt his body relax against my chest.

"Joe, I really do love you." I reached down and tousled his hair.

Joe put his arms around my waist and squeezed. "I love you too, Pa."

After, Joe, released me, I went into the main room. I had two more children to discipline and there was no sense in prolonging their punishment.

I went to the girls’ room and knocked once. I then entered and, as I did, they both flew to their feet. Julie’s eyes were already red from crying. Jessica’s eyes were full of worry and her face was pale. She looked almost as if she might throw up.

"Juliet Rose, please go wait for me in my room. I need to talk to your sister alone." I held the door open. Julie scooted past me looking up with her green sad eyes as she did.

This is the first time since Jess has been here that she looked as if she was sorry. She stood with her head hanging low, her hands behind her back.

"Jessica, would you like to tell me what you were thinking?" I moved into the room and shut the door behind me.

"I think that I should have hit Joe harder." Jess’s sorrowful looked had turned to anger.

I should have known that this was not going to be simple. Jess has that Irish temper, one that she is going to have to learn to control.

"Jessica Suzanne O’Malley, you should not have hit Joe at all. And hitting him in church only made things worse. Did I not tell you the consequences if you bisbehaved?" I moved over and sat on the edge of the bed.

I took a deep breath. "Jess, in this family we don’t fight to settle our differences. If you have trouble with Joe, you need to tell either me or Adam. If we are not here then you can talk to Hoss or Hop Sing. I will never, however, allow any of my children to fight. Do you understand?"

Jessica had now crossed her arms and her face was turning red. "It’s all his fault, Mr. Ben. He kicked me!"

"That was an accident. I’ve already talked with Joe about not sitting still in church. It was not necessary for you to elbow him. I was watching from behind. If his leg swinging had gotten out of hand, I would have taken care it. You, young lady, need to leave the discipline to me. Do you understand?" I waved my hand so Jess would come stand in front of me.

"I’m telling you the same thing I told Joseph. When I am finished, you are to go to the table and learn fifteen bible verses. You will also have extra chores to do. Maybe this will work off any extra energy. The next time the minister is in Eagle Station, you will apologize to him and the congregation." I said nothing else.

I pulled Jess over my knee and delivered ten firm swats to her backside. I then stood her to her feet. "Jess, I love you. You do know that, don’t you?"

Jess stood with tears streaming down her face. She then did something that surprised me. She walked over and started hugging me as she cried into my shoulder. I placed my arms tightly around her. "Do you want to talk about it?"

I felt her shake her head. "No, Mr. Ben. I’m sorry. I’ll try to control my temper better."

"I know you will. It’s all over now. I want you to clean your face and go get Joe. You both have some bible verses to learn." As she pulled away I reached up a tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear.

I then got up from the bed to go deal with the last small delinquent. I walked across the hall to my bedroom. As I walked inside, I noticed Julie was standing in front of the window looking outside. When she heard the door close, she turned around.

I went over the same things with the little girl. We discussed behavior and consequences. She, of course, had not fought. I was punishing her for her part in rooting on her sister, yelling in church, and not sitting still.

I handed out my third spanking for the day. I gave Juliet four swats. She cried as if it was the end of the world. After I held Julie for a few minutes I sent her to the corner for the rest of the punishment.

A few days later, Shelby once again came to the Ponderosa, this time to deliver some mail that I had received. She thought it might be important, because it was addressed from New Orleans. After Shelby left, I stood on the porch and opened the letter.

It contained a note from a bank in New Orleans. John had left enough money for his girls to be taken care of–not a lot of money, but enough they will be taken care of.

As I studied the paper, Adam, Hoss, Joe, Jess, and Julie were playing some sort of Cartwright game in the yard. A Cartwright game is one the they have all gotten together and made up. There are usually a limited amount of rules.

The five of them chased each other around the yard. My head shot up as I heard someone call to me.

"Pa, look at me run." Joe was running past the porch. Adam was close behind getting ready to tackle him. I grinned at the sight of my twenty one year old playing in the yard with his younger brothers.

As Joe and Adam ran out of sight, I heard a gale of giggles. Hoss was chasing Jessica and Julie across the yard.

"Hey, Pa." Hoss called as he ran past the woodpile.

Jess disappeared around the side of the barn, right as Hoss caught Julie in a bear hug.

"Look, Pa, I done caught me a monster." Hoss tickled Julie on her stomach and she squealed

The little girl gasped for breath. "Pa, Pa, look at me." She then giggled again.

My face lit up as Hoss became very quiet. Did I hear her right? Did she just call me ‘Pa’?

Jess ran from the barn. She tagged Hoss from behind. "You’re it, brother. Pa, he’s it, right? I done tagged him fair and square. Right?" Jess bent over slightly trying to catch her breath.

"Yes, you did. You tagged him fair and square." I folded up my letter and tucked it carefully into my vest pocket.

In a flash, all three children were once again running around the yard.

I stood in bewilderment. When had it happened? When had we became a family? When had they accepted me as their father?

From that day on they called me ‘Pa.’ There was never a question as to whether or not I would allow it or if it was okay. It was done and I would never break the bond that had been formed.

I also decided at that very moment that I would use some of the money that John O’Malley left for me to use for his girls, to legally adopt them. This would make us the true family that we had become.

I stepped off the front porch and joined the boys and girls in their game, knowing that each day will bring new adventures, hardships, and pains, but also knowing I would be loving every minute of it.


The End