Cartwrights’ Camping Trip

By Tennessee


Ben asked Margaret if some of her ranch hands could help on the Ponderosa for a few days so he and the boys could go camping and have a family weekend. And she said, "Sure."

Ben said, "Hop Sing will be at the ranch to help them." Ben had everything ready for their camping trip. He had not told the boys yet because he wanted to make sure they all could go first. That night at supper Ben said, "Boys, how would you all like to go camping and take time off from the ranch?"

Adam said, "Who will take care of the ranch when we go camping?"

Ben said, "I talked to Margaret and some of her ranch hands are going to help

Hop Sing run the Ponderosa and Big Dan will go by the Ponderosa and make sure everything is all right. We leave for our camping trip in the morning so get a good night’s sleep."

Ben said good night to them, and he got up from the table and went to bed. The boys soon followed. The boys where up and ready when Ben got up. He asked them to get the horses ready. Hop Sing already had all their food together, and the boys took the food and all their things outside and tied them to the horses.

"The horses are ready, Pa," Little Joe said.

"See you in a few days, Hop Sing," Ben said. "If you have any trouble with the ranch hands, go get Big Dan." And Ben walked out the door and got on his horse. The boys were already on their horses, and they said bye to Hop Sing, and then they were off for their camping trip.

Ben and the boys rode for a long time. Finally, Ben said, "We’re here, sons. What do you think?" And they all loved the camping spot. Ben said, "Let's set up camp and then we can go fishing."

When camp was ready they all went fishing. They did not catch anything, but they had a great time. Ben heated up some food for all of them. Adam read a book to them after supper. Ben said looked at the stars in the sky. And they all looked and Little Joe said, "Pa! A falling star!"

Hoss said, "Make a wish, little brother." And Little Joe made a wish.

"What did you wish for?" asked Hoss.

"I'm not telling you."

And Ben said, "We should all get some sleep now." And they all said goodnight and went to sleep.

The next day they went on a long walk and had a horse race. Hoss won the race. They went fishing again. Hoss got two fish and Little Joe got one fish. Ben said, "We will have fish for supper." And then Hoss got another fish.

"I’ll clean the fish for supper," Ben said. "Why don’t you boys wash up for dinner."

They went to wash up in the creek, and when they got back the fish were done and it was time for supper. Adam read to all of them and they all

had a great time that night. They had one more night and a day on the camping trip. Ben thought about the boys and how much he loved all of them. The next day went about the same, and they had a lot of fun. That night Ben heard something, and he looked at Adam. Adam and Ben went to go check. They where gone along time. Little Joe said, "Hoss, where are Pa and Adam? They have been gone a long time."

Hoss didn’t know. They sat by the fire all night, and Ben and Adam did not come back. Finally Hoss said, "Little Joe, we need to look for Pa and Adam."

"Ok, Hoss, where should we look first?"

"I don’t know, little brother. We just have to look everywhere, I guess."

They looked all day and did not find Pa or Adam.

"Let’s go back to camp," Hoss said. "They might be there looking for us."

When Hoss and Little Joe got back to camp Adam was there, but he was hurt. They ran to him. "Adam, where’s Pa? What happened?"

Adam shook his head. "I don’t know. When I woke up, I was here."

Hoss helped Adam clean up. He was a mess. He had a cut on his arm and his leg. "I’m ok now," he said. "But we have to find Pa."

The all got on their horses and looked for Ben, but they didn’t find him. At the Ponderosa everything was going great with the ranch. Big Dan was there talking to Hop Sing when he saw one of the ranch hands run and yell, "Mr. Cartwright!"

Hop Sing and Big Dan ran to Ben. He was hurt but was able to tell them what had happened. "I head something, and Adam and I went to see what it was. It was a bear. I didn’t have my gun, so we just started to run. Adam fell over a rock and hurt his arm and leg. I helped him and put him in a cave, and then the bear came after me. I ran all the way here."

They helped Ben into the house. He washed up and found he wasn’t hurt badly. Big Dan checked him out and said he’d be fine.

Ben said, "We need to go find my sons."

"I’ll find them," said Big Dan. "You rest now. Where did you all go camping?" Ben told him.

The boys were back at the campsite. Adam finally remembered what had happened, and he told Hoss and Little Joe about the bear. "Pa put me in a cave, but I thought about the bear coming to camp, so I was trying to get back to you. When I got here my leg and arm were hurting, so I sat down and fell asleep.

Hoss said, "We need to get you back to town, Adam. And we need to get people to help us find Pa."

Hoss and Little Joe quickly picked up the camp and put everything on the horses. Hoss helped Adam get on his horse. And they started for town. Big Dan was looking for them when he saw three riders coming. He stopped and saw it was the boys.

Big Dan asked, "Are you all right, Adam?"

"I hurt my arm and leg," Adam said. "But I’m ok."

"We can’t find Pa anywhere," said Little Joe.

Big Dan answered, "You Pa walked out of the woods onto the Ponderosa."

"Is he ok?" Hoss asked Big Dan.

"Your pa will be fine. He got hurt too, but he’ll be fine."

They rode together to the Ponderosa. When they got to the Ponderoa Ben was trying to get on his horse, but Hop Sing would not let him. When Ben saw them all he had a tear in his eye. Ben said, "Adam, are you ok?

"I hurt my arm and my leg, but I’m ok. Are you all right, Pa?"

"I will be fine, son." And he smiled at Adam. Hoss and Little Joe ran to Ben too.

Little Joe was crying. "Pa, we looked and looked for you."

Ben put his arms around Little Joe. "Everything is all right, son. Adam and I are ok. And we are all home now. Thank you for everything, Big Dan."

Big Dan went back to town. At supper that night, Hoss said, "Thank you for the camping trip, Pa."

"You boys are growing up so fast. I thought we needed some family time together."

And the boys said goodnight to Ben. Adam’s arms and legs were sore, but he was ok. Ben was sore too. Ben told the boys they’d go camping again soon. And then the boys went to bed.

Ben thought about the boys and smiled and went to bed thinking about their next camping trip. They never talked about the bear. And they were all happy to be home again on the Ponderosa.

The End.