
By Patch


The Cartwrights aren't mine no matter how hard I wish they were. ;)


"Another please?" Hoss said sitting his glass down.
"Sonny, I think you have had enough tonight. Why don't you go on home?" the
bar tender replied rubbing his hands through his hair.
"No sir, I aint had near enough." Hoss replied, "pour me another."
The man silently obeyed muttering to himself.

"Now what could a handsome fellow like yourself have to be worrying about?" a lady wearing more paint on her face than Hoss had ever seen and showing more skin then he had ever seen asked taking a seat next to him.
"Well, ah ma'am....I have a lot to be upset about." he replied then downed his entire drink, wincing slightly.
"Well, now I am real good at cheerin' fellas up." she replied rubbing her hand down Hoss' chest.
"Um...ah...I am sure you...ah..." Hoss mumbled turning redder by the minute.
"Another drink for my friend, Tom!" She yelled suddenly. Tom brought two more drinks.
"Let me introduce myself. My name is Lily. And I like you ah what did you say your name was?" Lily said rubbing her hands through Hoss' hair. Hoss downed both drinks before replying. "Hoss, ma'am."
"HOSS? Well, now you do look as strong as a horse." Lily replied, continuing to play with his hair.
Hoss smiled at her, at least he thought it was Lily, he was feeling slightly dizzy.
"Lily! Honey, leave this one alone. He is just a boy." a lady said walking up. Hoss turned around at the sound, upset to be called a mere boy, ready to protest when he began to fall forward. He grabbed hold of the counter to steady himself and looked up. The lady, if you could call her that, reached out as if to catch him.
"You alright?" she asked, "maybe you should sit down."
"I'm fine!" Hoss replied, but sat down.
"Now Maggie. I saw him first." Lily whined, her lower lip sticking out in a pout.
"Well he is mine now. Get!" Maggie replied.
Lily was about to protest, but spotted a cowboy sitting alone in a corner. He'll do, she thought and walked off.

"Now, Hoss is it?," she asked, continuing at his nod, "I think you best head on home. You don't belong here."
"I can't ma'am." Hoss whispered.
"Sure, you can. It can't be that bad." Maggie replied patting him on the shoulder.
"I can't go home cause I don't have a home to go home to." Hoss replied and to Maggie's horror his eyes filled with tears.
"Oh no you don't, boy. I can't stand drunks that cry. Stop it!" Maggie said frowning.
"I'm not cryin'!" Hoss replied on a sob.
"Good! Now, tell me why you can't go home." Maggie ordered.
"I burnt the *sob* Ponderosa!" Hoss said crying harder.
"The Ponderwhat?" Maggie asked, but Hoss just cried harder.
"Please stop." Maggie asked desperately. She reached between her breast and pulled out a hankie.
"Here." she said handing it to the sobbing boy.
Hoss took it and blew his nose noisily, then proceeded to put it back where it came from, when he was satisfied the hankie would stay he laid his head down on Maggie's ample bosom and began to sob in earnest. "It's gone. Gone! Just like my doggie....all gone!"
"There, there." Maggie said patting him on the head looking around to see if anyone was watching, she glared at a few men who quickly looked away. "What is gone? Your dog?" she asked.
Hoss sobbed louder. "Yes, my puppy. It ran away *hiccup* when I was 4!"
"Now, come on Hoss." she said getting up and leading him out the side door.
"No, I can't go with you. Pa would kill me." Hoss said looking scared to death.
"Hoss, trust me." Maggie said rolling her eyes. "How do I get myself in to these messes?" she asked herself.
"I don't know!" Hoss replied crying again.

Maggie led him to her room. She put on a pot of coffee and ordered him to sit down.
"First thing we gotta do is get you sober enough to start making sense." Maggie said placing a cup of coffee in front of him.
"I am sober." Hoss replied sniffling "I drink all the time."
"Umhmm." Maggie replied, "drink."
"No, don't wanna." Hoss replied, crossing his arms.
Maggie raised her eyebrows and pointed at his drink. "Now." She looked and sounded so much like Pa, Hoss didn't even hesitate and began to drink it. Two pots later, Hoss was ready to talk.
"Now, why don't you start at the beginning." Maggie said picking up some knitting.
"Well, it really isn't my fault. It's all Paint's fault!" Hoss began.
"Paint? Who is that?" Maggie asked.
"He's a horse." Hoss replied.
"Well, what did your horse do?" Maggie tried again.
"No not mine, Little Joe's." Hoss replied.
"Who is Little Joe?" Maggie asked.
"My little brother. He threw a shoe." Hoss replied remembering her earlier
"Why did your brother throw his shoe?" Maggie asked completely confused.
"NO, not my brother. Well, he did throw his boot once. He was really mad at Pa and he chunked it at the door. Unfortunately for him, Pa had decided to come in at that exact moment and the boot got him right in the breadbasket. Needless to say, after Pa was through with him, Little Joe never wanted to see his boot again much less throw it." Hoss replied.
Maggie rubbed her temples. This was going to be a long night.
"You got a headache ma'am. It could be your coffee. It is a might strong. You could.........
"HOSS!" Maggie yelled interrupting him "please continue your story."
"Oh, well see it all started when Paint threw a shoe....

Hop Sing sat the last dish on the table.
"Food ready." he said to Ben. Ben nodded and went to the door to call everyone in. Adam and Hoss were washing up at the basin when Joe and Mitch came running inside.
"Phew! We made it!" Little Joe said shoving Adam out of the way and splashing water on his face.
"Excuse me little brother. Didn't mean to get in the way there." Adam said sarcastically, drying his hands.
"That's okay, Adam." Little Joe replied snatching the towel from him.
The boys finished up and sat down for lunch, Mitch squeezing in by Little
"Little Joe since you have a guest why don't you ask the blessing?" Pa asked.
Little Joe frowned but decided to not make a scene in front of Mitch.
"Sure thing, Pa." he waited for everyone to bow their heads, "Thank you God for this day. Thanks for my family and for Hop Sing and oh yeah for Mitch. Help me find my horse shoe and ah bless this food. amen."
"Amen", Hoss echoed, "pass me those rolls."
"so what is this about a horse shoe?" Adam asked Little Joe.
"Paint threw a shoe today. You think you could help me fix that Hoss?" Joe asked hopefully.
"Sure, little buddy." Hoss replied in between bites.
"We gotta find that shoe." Mitch added while buttering a roll.
"Why? We have extras." Adam replied.
"But it is my lucky horse shoe, Adam." Little Joe replied.
"Your lucky horse shoe?" Pa asked.
"Right and I have to have it for tomorrow." Little Joe answered.
"What's tomorrow?" Pa asked.
"The horse race!" Mitch replied excitedly. Little Joe scowled at him. "oops" Mitch said looking sheepishly at Ben.
"What is this about a horse race, Joseph?" Pa asked.
"Well, see Pa it isn't a real horse race....not a bad one." Little Joe began.
"It's either a horse race or it isn't." Pa interrupted.
"Well, okay it is a horse race. Mitch and I are going to race tomorrow and all the guys are going to be there and we already told everyone and it's okay cause Mitch's Pa will be there to supervise and he said it was okay and um Adam said he would watch us, Pa and that it would be okay." Little Joe said all this in one breath ignoring Adam's scowl.
"Oh well if Adam said it was okay...." Pa replied, looking at Adam who quickly looked at his plate.
"Oh Pa please let us!" Little Joe begged.
"Your father says it is okay?" Ben asked Mitch.
"Yes sir." Mitch replied deciding it was best not to mention that he only agreed after they promised that Ben had said it was okay.
"Alright. You can but you be careful." Pa admonished.
"Yay! Then the bet isn't off." Little Joe said excitedly.
"Not a real bet Pa but a bet bet." all three boys said at the same time.
"I see." Ben said smiling at Hop Sing.
"So, Hoss will you help me find my horse shoe?" Little Joe asked a few seconds later.
"Little Joe, Adam and I still have chores to do and a fence to mend." Hoss replied.
"Yeah, little brother, some of us didn't get the day off to spend with our friend." Adam replied a little bitterly.
"OH alright! You and Hoss can have the afternoon off." Ben said sighing.
"You mean it Pa?" Hoss asked excitedly.
"Yes, I do. You guys have been working really hard. I need to go into town anyway. But all three of you make sure you do your regular chores tonight--without complaint!" he added.
"Yes sir Pa" they replied, Joe winking at Mitch.

"Hoss, can you and Adam help us look now?" Little Joe asked as they watched their father ride further off into the distance.
"Sure short shanks. Tell me where Paint threw the shoe. It should be around there somewhere." Hoss replied.
"Well ah you see Hoss" Little Joe said looking nervously at Adam and then back at Hoss, "we aint really sure where it came off at."
"What? You ran your horse without its shoe!" Hoss yelled.
"We didn't know it came off." Mitch added quickly, "We would never do that."
"And how could you not know?" Adam asked looking at them both.
"Well, we were sorta kinda practicing for tomorrow." Little Joe said looking at the ground.
Adam gave them both his best Pa look. "You could have been thrown when that happened, Little Joe. You know how dangerous it is to race without an adult around. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't tell Pa. "
"Cause your my brother and you love me?" Little Joe asked hopefully.
Hoss began to laugh. "Alright Little Brother. Tell us where you guys were racing and we will go look." Hoss replied.
"Well, we raced by the lake and then in the north pasture and then back through the pines and...." Little Joe replied ignoring Adam's scowl.
"Alright. You and Mitch take the lake. I'll look in the north pasture and Hoss you go back through the pines." Adam directed.
"yes sir" Mitch said saluting him. Adam took a step toward him and the boys took off running.

"So, Miss Maggie that is how I ended up in the woods looking for a horse shoe." Hoss said sighing.
Maggie got up and refilled their drinks, nodding for him to continue.

"So, I had been searching for what seemed like forever when I saw something glistening in the sunlight. I hopped off my horse and made my way towards it when I slipped on some well, manure and fell right into a fresh patch. And there right beside me was that dang horse shoe. I stood up and surveyed the damage. My shirt was covered in it. I knew I would never hear the end of it, so I took off my shirt and rinsed it in a near by spring. I decided it would be wise to start a campfire to dry my shirt faster...after all it was close
to dinner and I was gettin' pretty hungry. I most have dosed off waiting because when I woke up, it was dark. So, I threw on my shirt, put out my fire and made my way to the house."
"Then what happened?" Maggie asked holding up the scarf she was knitting for Hoss to admire.
"Very nice ma'am. Pretty color. Well, right in the middle of dinner, Charlie, he works for my Pa, came running in yelling there was a fire. We all took off running and Pa made Joe go to town and get some help." Hoss rubbed the back of his neck. "A couple of hours later we got the fire out, but half our ranch had burned. I knew it was my fault but I didn't want to say anything. Roy told Pa it was started by a campfire and that confirmed my I took off and came here."
Maggie just looked at Hoss. "Well, Boy I guess you better spend the night here and we can discuss what you should do next in the morning."
"I can't stay here ma'am." Hoss replied.
"You got somewhere else to go?" she asked, pointedly.
Hoss shook his head, causing it to throb. Maggie smiled. "I have two bedrooms, Hoss. Follow me."
Ben surveyed the damage and then turned to his three sons. He saw the looks of shock on their faces. "Boys, let's go inside and clean up. Mitch you better go on home with your Pa" Mitch nodded and headed towards his father. Adam and Hoss followed their Pa, while Little Joe stopped and looked around. Roy came up behind him, placing his arm on his small shoulders.
"Come on Little Joe." He said leading him to the house.
"You want some coffee?" Ben asked Roy as he walked in.
"Might could handle some." Roy replied, "Ben, I gotta tell ya. Some of the men saw the remains of a campfire. We think that is what started this fire."
Adam, Hoss, and Little Joe gasped at the same time. Hoss looked at his father with tears in his eyes and took off for the barn, saddling a horse and taking off. Little Joe ran the opposite direction to the bunk room, throwing himself on his bunk and bawling. Adam looked at his father. Ben could see the anguish clearly on his face.
"I'm so sorry Pa. I never meant for this to happen." Adam whispered and then walked out the door.
Ben just looked at the spot where his three boys had once been standing.
"I think I will just pass on that coffee, Ben." Roy said letting himself out as Ben turned and made his way up the stairs to the bunk room.

Ben slowly opened the bunk door. Little Joe lay face down on his bunk, his
little body shaking with silent sobs.

"Little Joe.." Pa said walking towards him and laying his hand on his back, "whatever is the matter? We will bounce back from this. Come on tell me what is wrong."

Little Joe shook his head and began to cry harder.

"Joseph, tell me what is wrong." Ben said a little firmer, but still Joe continued to cry. Ben scooted him over and sat down on the bunk. "Joseph, look at me." he waited till Little Joe rolled over and looked up, "tell me what is wrong. I'm not asking."

"Pa, it's all my fault! All mine!" Little Joe managed to get out between sobs.
"What's your fault?" Ben asked gently.
"The fire, Pa. I am so sorry!" he replied as more tears streamed down his

"Joseph, I think you better start from the beginning." Ben said sitting him up. "Here, blow." he said handing him a handkerchief. Joe obediently blew.
"You mad at me Pa?" Little Joe asked looking at him out of the corner of his
"Not yet. Now start from the beginning." Ben replied.
"Okay, well it is actually all Paint's fault, Pa. See, he lost his shoe..." Joe began.
"I'm aware of that, Little Joe. What does that have to do with this fire?" Ben asked interrupting.
"I'm getting there, Pa. See, we, that is me and Mitch, were looking for my lucky horse shoe and we had been searching for hours and hours, Pa, honest and we were so hot and tired so we stopped by the lake . . .

"Mitch, I am sooooo tired." Little Joe said stopping. "I can't take another step."
"Me neither, Little Joe. Let's take a break." Mitch said plopping down beside the lake. Little Joe joined him.
"You think Mean Ole Jones is gonna make us take that test on that war?" Mitch asked laying down and resting his head on his hand.
"You know it and aint nothin' we can do about it. She even makes wars boring." he replied leaning back against a tree.
"I wish Adam was our teacher. He tells the greatest stories. Remember the one about the boys running off to join the war and they got to make their own bullets and everything?" Mitch asked.
"Oh yeah, boys back then had all the fun. Fighting and stuff, no school, no one to tell them what to do." Little Joe replied.
The boys fell silent, both lost in their own thoughts.
"JOE!" Mitch yelled sitting up, causing Little Joe to jump." We could make our own bullets. All they did was melt some metal down and I have that metal horse Pa gave me here in my pocket."
"You sure you want to melt it down?" Little Joe asked.
"It's a baby toy, Joe." Mitch said all superior, "all we need is something to make it round to melt it in."
"How about an acorn shell?" Little Joe asked picking one up. "we can scrape out the nut and then put the horse in it. Then after it melts just peel the shell off."
"Great idea!" Mitch said excitedly.
In a few minutes the boys had their shell all ready and a small campfire going. Little Joe carefully stuck the shell on a forked stick, then Mitch placed the small horse inside and they held it over the fire and waited and waited and waited.
"I'm tired of holding it. It's your turn." Little Joe said holding the stick out to Mitch, when suddenly the acorn fell, taking the horse with it right in the center of the fire.
"LITTLE JOE!" Mitch yelled.
"Quick put out the fire." Little Joe yelled. The boys began to throw dirt on the fire. Soon it was out and Mitch carefully rolled his horse out with the stick.
"Dang thing still didn't melt." Mitch said laughing.

"Then we rolled it into the water to cool it off and came back here." Little Joe finished looking up at his father. To say his father was angry would be a gross understatement. Little Joe's eyes filled with tears again. "I guess you are gonna want me to leave now, huh Pa?"
Ben's anger melted. "Joseph, this ranch will never mean more to me than you or your brothers. I love you more than anything."
Little Joe wrapped his hands around his Pa's neck. "I love you too, Pa."
"Now, get some sleep" Ben replied sitting Joe back down, deciding to deal with this in the morning when they both were not so tired.
"Okay, Pa." Little Joe agreed laying back down. "Hey Pa, is this going to be one of those things were I have already punished myself enough so you wont need to?" he asked hopefully.
Ben stood up. "What do you think, Joseph?"
"Oh" Little Joe replied. "goodnight Pa."
"Night Joe."

It didn't take Ben long to find Adam. He always went to the same spot when he was upset. Adam sat with his back against a tree looking at the remains of the Ponderosa. Ben sighed and made his way to his son.
"Adam" he said sitting down beside him, "What's wrong?"
"Pa...this is all my fault." he said swinging his arm out.
"How could this be your fault Adam?" Ben asked, "please look at me."
Adam looked up but quickly looked down again. He couldn't look, because he didn't want to see the look of disappointment he knew would be there. He had single handedly destroyed all they had worked so hard for. He couldn't forgive himself, how could he expect his Pa to.
"Adam, please tell me." Ben whispered placing his hand on his son's back. He hated to see his son in so much pain.
"Pa...I...well to be honest I'm not really sure what happened. I started a campfire and well I think I put it out...I can't remember." Adam said so quietly Ben had to lean down to hear.
"You can't remember, Adam that makes no sense...wait! Tell me you weren't with Beth!" Ben replied suddenly.
Adam didn't dare look at his father.
"ADAM! You know you go plumb to foolish when she is around." Ben said running his hands through his hair.
"I know Pa. I thought I could handle it this time. I don't know what happens." he answered sneaking a peek at his father. He was glad to see he didn't look angry, but amused.
"Why don't you start from the beginning, son." Ben said getting comfortable.
"That's the problem, Pa. I can't remember. I's kinda silly...I was looking for Little Joe's horse shoe and come to think of it this is all Paint's fault!" Adam said suddenly.
"So I've heard." Ben replied dryly.
"Well, I was searching when I came across Beth and she was reading this book, Pa on ‘surviving on the trail’. She was trying to make a campfire and doing it all wrong. So, I had to the gentlemanly thing and help her. So, I think I made a fire and I don't really remember what we talked about. I am pretty sure I put out the fire though, Pa. I would remember that. Right?" Adam said all this in one breath.
"I would think so, son." Ben replied seriously hoping, when Beth was around it amazed him that Adam could put one foot in front of the other.
"So, see Pa. This is al my fault. I am so sorry." Adam said looking down at his hands.
"Adam...look at me. This ranch will be fine. We have made it through worse things. We can make it again. I don't blame you at all. If you started this fire, I know it was an accident." Ben said taking Adam's chin in his hand. "I love you Adam. I am so proud of the man you have become and I would not have made it this far with out you."
Adam smiled at his Pa. "I love you too Pa. Thank you."
"Why don't you get some sleep." Ben suggested standing up.
"Sure Pa. See you in the morning." he replied making his way to the house, already feeling better.
"Well, two sons down, one more to go." Ben muttered following his eldest.

Ben sat down on the porch steps. He had tried to get some sleep, but to many memories had been running through his head--memories of his boys. He loved each of them so much and he couldn't understand how they could think this ranch would ever mean more to him than them. He sighed and rubbed his hands over his eyes. The sun was about to rise and they had a lot of work to do. He slowly got up, his back popping and muscles protesting. 'When did I get so old?" he thought. As he was turning into the house he saw Hoss returning. He watched his son, slowly descend and take his horse into the barn. He
smiled as he thought of how gentle Hoss was with each of the animals on the farm. Inger would be so proud of their son. Ben sat down and waited for Hoss.

Hoss took his time, putting off this meeting with his Pa. Finally, he knew he had to get this over with. He straightened his shoulders and made his way to the house. He was a little surprised to see his father sitting on the steps.

"Hey Pa."
"Hello Son." Ben replied calmly, "thought you would spend a night in town?"
Hoss swallowed hard. He knew to an outsider that would sound like a simple question, but not with his Pa. "Well, uh's like this." he looked around at the ranch, "see....
"You left your brothers and I here to deal with the ranch, without thinking of any one else. You made me worry myself sick about you and what could of happened to make you so late!" Ben said interrupting.
"But don't understand." Hoss tried again.
"Yes I do son. You ran away from your responsibilities." Ben interrupted once more angry now.
"But Pa! I did this! I burnt the ranch down. It's all my fault..well mine and Paint's!" Hoss said looking at the ground. When his father remained quiet he slowly looked up. He was shocked to see the anger in his father's eyes. He knew his father would be mad but he had hoped he would put his arm around him and tell him all was forgiven.
"Erik! You have been drinking haven't you?" Ben asked looking him up and down.
"Pa, don't you hear what I am saying to you? I burnt the ranch down." Hoss said once more.
"I don't care about this ranch! We are not discussing that right now. I want to know where you were last night. I know Shelby would not have given you anything to drink. Where did you spend the night?" Ben yelled.
Hoss looked down again. He couldn't understand why his Pa was not getting this. Did he not understand that he had caused the fire?
"Erik, I am waiting for an answer." Ben said quietly.
He had called him Erik again. "I went to Tom's place in El Paso, sir." Hoss replied hoping his father would not ask him for all the details, "Pa, I'm sorry."
Ben nodded. "I see. We will discuss this later. We have chores to do and two more people to wake up."
"But Pa....don't you wanna know about the fire?" Hoss asked.
"Not really, son. I know you would never purposefully start a fire like that, Hoss", he put his arm around Hoss' shoulders, "You know that you mean more to me than this ranch ever will, don't you?"
When Hoss didn't reply right away Ben spun him around. "Don't you?" Hoss looked deep into his father's eyes and saw the love and acceptance there.
"Yes sir. I do." he whispered.
"HOSS!! YOU'RE BACK!!!" Little Joe yelled, leaping off the porch, the tail of his night shirt flying behind him. He tackled Hoss in a giant bear hug.
"Miss me did ya, little brother?" Hoss said laughing.
"Little Joe! You do realize the sun is just now rising?" Ben asked raising his eyebrows. "You secret is out now, boy. You can get up this early!"
"Pa!" Little Joe said rolling his eyes.

The Cartwrights gathered around the table for breakfast, Hop Sing joining them. No one was speaking much. Adam was still not awake, having spent most of the night thinking of the fire and how he was responsible for it. Little Joe and Hoss did everything in their power to keep the attention off of them, not wanting to remind their father of his promised discussions. Hop Sing respected everyone's moods and remained quiet. Ben had just refilled his coffee when there was a knock on the door.
"I'll get it, Pa!" Joe said taking off towards the door. "It's Dan....I mean Mr. Dan!" he yelled as Dan made his way into the kitchen.
"Um Ben. Boys...I have something to tell ya." he said nervously twisting his hat in his hands.
"Yes?" Ben asked concerned.
"Well you see, I started that fire." he whispered.
"What?" All four yelled.
"It weren't my fault. I was up there with a 'friend' and we was enjoying the sunset and it got chilly and I started a fire. I was sure I put it out, but I didn't double check it and it is all my fault...I'm sorry." he replied.
"You didn't start that fire, Dan." Adam replied.
"No, you didn't! I did!" Hoss said standing up.
"YOU?" Little Joe and Adam asked at the same time.
Before anyone else could respond, Shelby came busting in. "Benjamin. Boys. I have something to tell you." she took a deep breath, "I started that fire."
"No you didn't! I did!" Big Dan said turning towards her.
"No, I did it." Adam and Shelby said at the same time.
Little Joe decided it would be wiser to stay quiet. Everyone began to speak at once all claiming they were the one's responsible for the fire as Mitch made his way into the kitchen. He had knocked twice but no one could hear him. He tried to yell over everyone but no one was listening. Finally, he placed his two fingers to his lips and whistled. Everyone froze and turned towards him. Ben glared at him. "Um sorry sir, but I have an announcement." He looked apologetically at Joe. "Mr. Cartwright. I started that fire."
"No you didn't!" Shelby yelled and that started it again. Ben listened for a while amused, then slowly stood up. He held up his hand and one by one everyone stopped talking.
"Well now, seeing how you all are responsible for this fire, you can all do the cleaning up. I am going fishing!" and with that he turned around and headed for the door, "oh and Joseph, Erik I would like a word with each of you when I return."
Little Joe and Hoss both groaned and sat down. Ben smiled, reached for his hat and left the room whistling.