Brother in the Middle

By Tennessee


Ben and the boys were working on the ranch, and Hoss did not say anything. He just did his work, and then went for walks. Ben knew Hoss had something on his mind. But he did not know what. He asked Adam and Little Joe about it, but they said they didn’t know either.

That night at supper Ben asked Hoss if he was ok. Hoss said, "Yes, Pa."

After supper Hoss went to see Tess at the Green ranch. When he got there he asked her to go for a walk with him. And she said yes.

Hoss said, "Tess, I’m thinking about leaving the Ponderosa."

Tess asked, "Why, Hoss?"

"Adam is the first son, and he always gets his work done faster than I do, and Pa always tells him how good he did. Little Joe is the baby, and he always gets to do what he wants when we are working on the ranch. If he tells Pa his work is too hard, Pa will always tell me to do it for him. He never asks Adam to. I’m the middle son, and Pa never tells me what a great job I’ve done. And Adam thinks he can tell me what to do. And I don’t like it."

Tess said, "Have you talked to your Pa about it?"

And Hoss said, "No."

"Well, you should."

"I will," Hoss said. "When I get home."

When they got back to Hoss’s horse, he said "I love you, honey" and kissed her. And he started for home.

On the way home, Hoss thought about how to tell his pa what was on his mind. Ben and Hoss’s brothers were talking to each other about why Hoss was so upset, and they did not hear Hoss come in.

Hoss said, "I’ll tell you all why I’m upset."

And they all turned around and Ben said, "Hello, son. Come sit down and you can tell us."

Hoss sat near his father. "I love all of you..."

"Go on, son."

"Pa, I do just as much work as Adam, but you always tell him what a good job he done. Little Joe never does all his work but that is ok with you. You just tell me to do it for him. Pa, Adam is your first born, and Little Joe is your baby. I’m in the middle, and you forget all about me. And Adam you’re always telling me what to do, and I don’t like it. I’m thinking about leaving the Ponderosa."

Ben said, "Son, the Ponderosa is your home. We can work this out as a family."

Hoss said, "But Pa..."

"I’m sorry you feel like this. I never realized I did that. Hoss, son, I love you just as much as I love your brothers."

"And I’m sorry for always telling you what to do, brother," Adam said. "I didn’t know it was bothering you so much. I will never do it again."

Little Joe said, "I will do my own work from now on. I want you to stay, Hoss."

Ben said, "What we are trying to say is we are very sorry, Hoss, and we love you." And they all smiled at him.

"The Ponderosa would not be the same without you," Adam said.

Ben said, "Just because you are my middle son does not mean that I care more about your brothers that you. I love you the same, Hoss, and I always will."

When Hoss went to bed he was feeling better. And the next day Adam did not boss him around. Little Joe did his work by himself, and Ben told Hoss what a good job he did with his work. Hoss was glad he’d told them about it now. He was glad he was the middle son now. And he no longer thought about leaving the Ponderosa and his family.

One day Hoss told his pa, "You know, it’s not so bad being the middle son."

Ben said, "I’m glad you feel like that now. Adam is my eldest son. You are my middle son, and Little Joe is my baby son. I love you all the same. Maybe I don’t say it all the time, but you are a kind boy with a good heart, son. I wanted you and your brothers to be close. That’s what family and love is all about."

Adam and Little Joe walked up about that time and asked Hoss if he wanted to go fishing. "Sure," he said. "You coming, Pa?"

Ben shook his head and told the boys to have a great time fishing as they rode off. Ben sat and watched them and thought of when they were younger. He went into the house smiling, thinking of how much he loved all his sons. When they came back from fishing, they acted like the best of friends.

That night Hoss said, "I’m so happy to have brothers like you two. Good night, Adam. Night, Little Joe."

His brothers answered that they were glad they were all brothers too, and they said good night. Hoss went to sleep thinking about his family and the ranch. He smiled and thought, "There’s no place like the Ponderosa."

The End