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By BJ Carter


Closer to Bonanza ages and setting.
Adam back from Boston about a month, 25. Hoss, 20. Little Joe, 14.
Ranch going well. Timber, mining, ranch all making money.

Same thanks to the people who gave birth to these stars and for the use of them for my enjoyment. PG, for little things.


Adam was sitting on the front porch, reading his newspaper, drinking another cup of coffee. This was one of the things he had missed being away so long, the quiet , the smells, and the peace he felt just being home. He missed his grandfather, sure, but the city was not home. He wasn't sure where the rest of his family was this morning. Pa had been letting him sleep in most days since he had been back home. He was helping with the books and some things around the house, but as Pa had said, "We are just glad you are home, there will be plenty of time to get back into the saddle."

Hoss was glad to have him home, too. He could not see the point in all the book lern'in, but if it made Adam happy he could go along with it, after all big brother could do no wrong where Hoss was concerned. Little Joe on the other hand was acting very different. He seemed angry at Adam from the time he stepped off the train at the ranch spur line. Adam wasn't sure what the problem was, the two times he had been able to come home during the past four years, Little Joe had seemed fine. The last time had been two years ago. He just could not make it during the break last year. He had been offered a job designing a multi-business company's main office. It took him the whole break to come up with the designs, but they were accepted by the owner (a very wealthy gent) and they were under construction when he left Boston. He hoped someday to see his designs standing in a corner of the business section of Boston with the plaque stating "Office Design by Adam Cartwright".

Hoss came out of the barn cleaning his hands on a rag. "Well good to see you up and around big brother, get your sleep, did ya?" Adam laughed. Hoss came over and sat down with Adam.

Suddenly a whirlwind came flying into the yard. Sitting on top of it was Little Joe. "Dadbame you Joseph, Hoss yelled, Pa has told you a dozen times not to ride into this yard like that, your going to break your neck!"

"Never happen, and I am in a hurry, mind your on business." with that he ran into the house letting the door slam behind him.

Hoss looked over at Adam, "I am sure glad you are back, he has been a real pistol for a while now an I ain't got the patience I had when I was younger."

Adam laughed, but then asked, "I thought it was just me, what has our younger brother been up too?"

"Awe shucks, Adam, he is disrespectful, comes in any ol' time he wants to, leaves when he wants, hasn't finished a chore in months, spends money like it's water, and in general just being a pain in the backside."

"What has Pa said to him?" Adam asked.

"That's just it, he either don't want to, or just ain't seeing it. If it had been us acting that way we would have already been trying to ice down our backsides from a trip to the barn, but not him."

"Have you talked to Pa about it, maybe something else is happening we don't know about?" Adam responded.

"Naw, when I say something, Pa just makes excuses for him, or says he will grow out of it, or my personal favorite, I need to have a TALK to him, but he never does."

"That does not seem like Pa," Adam said, just as Joe came back out of the house with a rifle and a box of shells, and wearing a side gun.

"Whoa, little brother, where are you going with all that fire power?" Adam asked.

"None of your business, Joe shot back at him, me and some fellas are going out."

"One of those fellas wouldn't be Mark Porter, would it?" Hoss looked over at Adam.

"Might be, Joe answered, might not. None of your business either, who I am with." That said Joe mounted up and took back off as fast as the little paint pony could run.

"See what I mean!" Hoss said.

"Yes I do, two questions, who is Mark Porter, and why isn't Joe in school, I know I finished early this year, school shouldn't be out for summer here already, should it?"

"Nope, and this is at least the third time this month that I know of that he is missing it. Mark Porter is a new kid around here, moved here about three months ago, folks bought the ol' Manning place, his ma, pa, and a couple of sisters all seem to be nice folks, but Mark and his younger brother, Nick, are hell with the hide off. Pa has told Joe more than once to stay away from him after they got into trouble with Roy Coffee in town the first month they were here."

"Why would Pa put up with this?" Adam was clearly puzzled. "I don't know, but you can ask him, Hoss said, just a Ben Cartwright rode into sight.

"Morning boys, Adam I need to talk to you about a purchase I just heard about in town, come on in and let me get cleaned up, I want your opinion. Hoss would you take Buck for me."

"Sure Pa, be glad to," Hoss got up and took the reins from his father and proceeded to the barn. Adam followed his father into the house.

Ben had told Adam about the land east of the Ponderosa that had just came up for sale, they hashed out the price and the benefits of the timber and other resources the land had on it. The two of them came up with a price they thought was fair and Adam volunteered to take the offer into town to the lawyer who was conducting the sale.

Now it was Adam's turn to bring up the subject of Joe.

"Pa, Hoss tells me that Joe is acting up lately, do you know what is going on?"

"Nothing to worry about Adam, he is just having the same growing pains you two experienced at his age. I am sorry Hoss said anything to you about it."

"Don't blame Hoss, he really didn't have to say anything, Pa, I saw it myself this morning." Adam answered.

"What do you mean saw it this morning?" Ben responded

"Joe came flying in here, took a rifle and hand gun with shells, back talked Hoss and me, then took off to be with some kid named Mark Porter. Oh, and as to the growing pains Hoss and I had, seems to me some of those pains came from a leather belt across our backsides."

Ben looked at his oldest and smiled, "Yes, I seem to remember applying that medicine to help you two get through some of those growing pains. I may have been a little to easy on Joseph lately, but with the ranch growing so fast and you being gone, I have had to rely on Hoss and Joe to make some of their own decisions."

"You mean like when to go to school and when not to, or who they run around with?" Adam asked trying to keep the sarcasm out of his voice. Ben looked at Adam, "This was a school day, I will speak to him about that, and remind him he is to stay away from that Porter kid, now you better get saddled up if you want to get our bid in for that land." Ben then turned and headed for the staircase to go up to his room. Adam shook his head, things had sure changed while he was gone, maybe he should have stayed back east, oh well, he could always go back.

The knock on the door came that evening just about supper time.

"Hello, Clem," Ben said to the deputy, "come on in, had supper yet?"

"Sorry Ben this ain't no social call, afraid there has been a might of trouble and Little Joe was in the middle of it."

"What's he done now?" Hoss ask as he was coming down the stairs. "Well, looks like him and the two Porter boys and Billy Kirk decided to stampeded a bunch of dairy cows over at the Dower place. They had some rifles and were whooping it up chasing the cows. Dower says they won't be fit for anything for some time. "

Ben looked pale and shocked, "Tell Dower I will see to it that he is paid for his losses, it is the least I can do, and I'm sorry, please tell him that too Clem. Where is Little Joe now?"

Roy is holding him and the Porters in jail at the moment, once Dower drops the charges, which I am sure he will do when you pay, they can go, Clem answered.

Adam asked, "Why isn't Billy with them Clem?"

"Oh, his Pa has already came for him, that is going to be one sorry young man when the captain gets through with him, you could see it on his face. The Kirks don't have money to toss around right now and this will slow down the work on their ranch."

Ben looked at Clem, "I will be glad to pay his share.... But before he could finish the sentence, Clem told him that the captain would not hear of it, the boy is going to be working off the debt.

"What about the Porter boys?" Hoss asked.

Their Pa has been notified too Clem told them, but he hadn't showed up before he rode out to let them know about it. Ben turned to Hoss, "Go get your brother, I'll go get my wallet."

Hoss went out to saddle up for the ride into town. Adam went over to his Pa. "Pa, why don't you leave him there tonight, might teach him something?"

"I'll handle this Adam."

(A few hours later)

Joe and Hoss came riding in, Ben was on the front porch waiting. Hoss took the reins of both mounts and went into the barn. Joe at least had the good sense to look sorry, at least a little. "What have you got to say for your self this time, young man?" Ben started.

"Awe, Pa we were just doing some target practice and we didn't even know those damn cows were out there, when they started running we were trying to catch them that's all."

"You are telling me that spooking them was not intentional?"

"Of course not Pa, they were just there." Joe answered.

Adam had came into the room just as Joe had started his story. "Sounds real innocent to me."

Joe shot him a look, but did say anything else.

"All right, Ben said, accidents do happen, get up to bed, it is still a school night."

You could have knocked Adam over with a feather. He looked at his father and wondered who this man was pretending to be Ben Cartwright.. Not being one who could keep quiet, "Pa, wasn't this a school day, too, and didn't Hoss say something about Joe not supposed to be with Mark Porter this morning? And as long as I am asking when did you start allowing profanity from a 14 year old?"

Joe whirled around at this big brother, "Shut your damn mouth Adam, just cause you got back from the BIG city don't make you anybody's boss around here. We did just fine while you were gone."

Ben stood up and took two steps toward Joe, "You will not use that kind of language in this house, your brother is right, and what he said is true, you were supposed to be in school today and I have told you to stay away from that boy! I want to hear an apology from you right now."

Joe looked at Adam, then his Pa, "Ok, I am sorry Pa."

"NO, I mean to Adam!"

That was more than Joe had planned., "No way, he had no business buttin' in, who does he think he is? Mr. College?"

Ben yelled "Joseph!" He grabbed his shoulders turned him around and swatted his backside, "Go to your room, and except for school, and chores, you don't leave this ranch until I tell you it is ok,understand?"

The stinging from the swat nowhere near matched the anger Joe was feeling, but he stormed up to his room and slammed the door.

"I am sorry Pa, I should have kept my mouth shut, but I don't understand him or you." Adam said just above a whisper.

"You were right to speak up," was all Ben said and he went over and sat down in his easy chair.


Adam went out to the barn where Hoss was brushing down the two horses, Adam picked up a brush and started to help. "Tell me what I am missing Hoss."

"Told you Pa just ain't like he used to be."

"You told me that, now tell me why," Adam continued to push.

"Ok, it started last summer when you didn't come home. Joe took it pretty hard, he had built your home coming up real high, the hunting trips, fishing. showing you how big he was and how he could do a man's job now, you know what I mean. Then we got the letter that you weren't coming. The more he thought about it the madder he got, and he started to be the kid you see now."

"So this is my fault for not coming home?" Adam asked.

"Just in the beginning, a little. You see Pa had got so wrapped up in making this ranch the best in Nevada, he kinda let me and Joe shoulder a lot of responsibility. Joe has even bossed some bunches of hands in some small jobs. He kinda has the impression he is a man, and Pa has let him get away with it for so long now it has just become a habit, I guess. You coming back moved him down on the peckin' order again to son number 3, and he don't like being baby brother again."

"Well at least he took a little action a few minutes ago." Adam remarked.

Hoss humphed, "I would guess maybe a swat and sent him to his room, with a ‘don't leave the ranch?’"

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"That is as far as it ever gets these days, Pa will forget it by morning. Wait and see." Hoss told him.

(At the same time in Joe's window)

"Psst. Hay Joe, you in there? Psst. Psst."

Joe rolled off his bed and went over to the window, "Mark what are you doing here?"

"Climbed up the tree to the roof, my Pa was madder than hell when we got home. He took Nick into the barn and blistered him good with his leather belt. His butt was buck naked, too. I snuck out the side and made it over here a ‘fore it was my turn. You got to hide me till he cools off."

"That must have been awful, how do you know what he did to him?" Joe asked.

"I was peeking in the side door. You are gonna help me, right?"

"Yeah, you know I will. Nick is only 12, we are 14. That is too old to be tanned," Joe added.

"What did your Pa do?"

"Oh, he hit me, once, but like a man, not a child," Joe was good at seeing things his own way. He wouldn't have done even that if it wasn't for that big brother of mine buttin' in. You know what I think, it is time we showed them we were too old to be treated like kids, I know a line shack up in the hills, lets go there for a few days, by that time your Pa will have cooled off, and mine will miss me so much, he will be sorry he listened to Mr. College."

Adam's foot had just touched the bottom step when the pounding started on the front door..bam, bam, bam. Adam opened the door, in rushed a man about the size of himself, red faced and out of breath. "Where is he?" he was demanding.

"Where is whom?" Adam asked.

"Joe Cartwright and my son, that's whom!"

About that time Ben came down the stairs, "What is all the ruckus about?"

"This man is looking for Joe and his son, my guess is Mark Porter." Adam answered.

"Ah, Mr. Porter, I can assure you we don't know the whereabouts of your son," Ben told him, "what makes you so sure he is here and with Joseph?"

"Ever since we moved here, that son of yours had gotten Mark and Nick into some kind of trouble, I told them the last time if I caught either one of them with him, I would blister their backsides, well you know what happen last night, I made good my promise with Nick, but Mark has vanished."

"Whoa there, are you trying to tell me Joseph is behind all this trouble lately?" Ben asked. "I was under the impression that your son Mark was the trouble maker."

"All I know is that before we moved here, Nick and Mark were good boys, I had never tanned either one of them more than once or twice, and they had never skipped a day of school in their lives."

Ben was shocked. He knew Joe wasn't an angel by any means, but to think he was the source of the trouble, and to top it off, he lied to him about who was the cause.

"Mr. Porter, I am sorry, but to my knowledge your son is not here," was all he could manage to get out.

About that time Hoss came down the stairs with a note in his hand, "Pa I think you had better read this."

Dear Pa: I am goin' away for a few days, Mark Porter is with me. You have the college man home now so you won't miss me. Mark and I can take care of ourselves we ain't kids no more, so don't be looking for us. Tell Mark's pa he is ok. We will be back when we are ready. Joe

Mr. Porter read the note, "Now do you believe me about who is the leader? Mark may think he isn't a kid anymore, but when he gets back, he will be eating standing, and sleepin on his stomach for a month of Sunday's, by gosh."

With that said, Mr. Porter stormed back out of the house the same way he had came in.

Ben walked over to his desk, stopped and was looking at the wall. "He'll be ok Pa, Hoss said, be back before we can miss the little toad."

"Yeah, Pa, Adam added, you know him, one night on the ground and he will be ready to come home to his bed."

Ben turned around and the look on his face would stop an 8-day clock. "When he gets home, Ben said through clinched teeth, I am going to make Steve Porter look tame." With that he turned and went up stairs.

Hoss looked at Adam, Adam looked at Hoss. They didn't speak for what seemed like a lifetime. "Adam, I think the dam has busted." Hoss said in a whisper.

With out thinking Adam responded, "watch your language, Hoss, but I agree it looks like the damn dam has busted."

A short time later, Ben came down the stairs, with his saddle bags packed and toting his rifle. "I'll be back I am going looking for those two, two, two, young men."

"Pa, Adam asked, do you want some company?"

Ben looked at both of them, "Saddle up!"


Joe and Mark had reached the line shack a little before dawn. They put their stuff in the cabin and slept for about an hour. "Joe, did you bring any food with you?" Mark rolled over and asked.

"Don't need any, that stream has a lot of fish in it, and we can go do a little hunting this afternoon." Joe was feeling full of himself, he had all the answers.

They saw the smoke coming from the chimney on top of the shack as they hiked back up the knoll from the stream. "Think you Pa found us this quick?" Mark looked at Joe. "Naw, I doubt it, let go see who it is," Joe answered.

Meantime, Ben, Hoss and Adam were on their way, riding east from the ranch. "Pa what makes you so sure they came this way?" Hoss was riding a little behind his father.

"I am not sure of anything, Hoss, just trying to cover a little territory and get some idea of which way Joe might have headed."

Adam was following close behind the two of them. The Navy Colt on his leg felt right at home, but after not having that weight on his leg for the past few years would take a little time to adjust to again. Ben had started letting the boys put on a sidearm when they turned 16, for target practice, when they were working on the ranch, or very special times, but he would not let them wear one all the time. "When you turn 17, out of school, and IF I think you are acting mature enough, you can strap on a sidearm. But remember, I can take it back any time I see fit."

That was Ben's rule when Adam left, but he had seen one on Joe ever since he had been back. He had asked Hoss about it, and was told that during one of the many trips Ben had made to San Francisco, Joe had took to wearing a gun all the time, when Pa came back, he just never seemed to get around to taking it away from him, that was about five months ago.

Joe opened the door to the shack, sitting in the room were three men, each one looked meaner than the other one. "Howdy, what are you doing here?" Joe asked the one sitting closest to him.

"These must be the two them horses in the back go with, Abel, sucks, they ain't nothing but a couple of young whelps."

The one called Abel was a very big man, nearly as big as Hoss. He stood up and walked over to Joe, he reached over and took a look at the fish he was holding on a stick in his hand. "Well, get them cleaned up and fried, we're hungry."

Joe didn't move and Abel turned him around and with the instep of his boot kicked him in the backside over toward the fireplace at the same time taking his gun, "when I say something you move, BOY!"

Joe almost lost his temper, but the size of the man and the fact he had two others with him slowed his rage. Mark picked up the fish and carried his and Joe's over to start getting them read to cook.

"That's better, hey Buford, Abel said to the one who spoke of the horses, where you think these to whelps came from?"

Before Buford could answer, the third man told them the pinto pony had a pine tree brand on it's rump, had to be Ponderosa stock.

Abel then turned to him, "Casey, you and Buford go make sure the horses are secure and where they can get to some feed. We will stay here today, then tonight figure what we will do with these two afore we leave here. Buy the way, young’us, we are the Kern's out of Kentucky, Able, and my two brothers, Buford and Casey."

Joe just whispered to Mark, "we'll see who they are when they meet up with my two brothers, Adam and Hoss."

Ben had decided that they could cover more territory if they split up. He sent the boys east he went west.

"Think Pa really didn't want us with him when he finds Joe?" Hoss asked Adam.

"I don't know, my question is what is he going to do when he does find him?"

A mile or two down the path where they were riding, Hoss got off his horse and was looking at the trail for a sign. "Dadburn it, I told that kid to get that horseshoe fixed." Hoss griped.

"What are you taking about?"

"Cochise has a shoe on that has a slight hump on it, could make his hoof sore, but right now it just makes following the little bugger that much easier," Hoss said with a slight laugh. We are on their trail big brother."


"What do you think they will do with us?" Mark was whispering to Joe.

"Don't know, but what ever it is I don't think we will like it." Joe responded.

The three brothers had eaten everything the boys had fixed, then Able and Buford when to take a nap, leaving Casey to watch their captives. Casey was about half asleep, Joe motioned to Mark to move closer to the door.

They eased over to the door as quitely and slowly as possible. Just as they got there Casey's eyes opened and he made a grab for them. Mark made it out the door, Joe was not quite as quick. The commotion woke up the other two brothers. Abel ran to the door and pulled his gun, he shot out after Mark. Joe was in the arms of Casey now and could not break free.

"Don't shoot him!" Joe screamed.

Adam and Hoss were about half-a-mile from the line shack. "Joe knows about this place I bet he took them there, plenty of fish and game, could stay as long as they liked." Hoss was saying.

Something caught Adam's eye, just a slight movement near one of the trees lining the path. He stopped and dismounted. By this time, Hoss had seen what Adam was looking at in the bushes. They both pulled their guns and started over to the spot.

"Don't shoot it's me Mark!"

"Come out from behind the tree, Adam said, right now!"

"I can't I have been shot."

The two Cartwrights moved like deer getting over to the boy. Sure enough he had blood running down one of his legs. Hoss was there and before Mark could say anything he had him picked up and was taking him over to the clearing near the horses. "Get the canteen, Adam, and my saddlebags, I have some stuff in there to work on this." Quickly the big man caught the end of Mark's pants leg and ripped it up to the wound. The bullets had gone through the leg clean, the most important part was getting it cleaned up and stop the bleeding. Hoss cleaned the holes and packed some bandage wrapping on each one, then wrapped them up tight. Mark was strong and obviously quite brave, he never made a sound while Hoss was working on him.

After he was done, Adam started the questions. The first one, "Who the hell shot you and is Joe ok?"

Mark told Adam and Hoss all about the men and what had transpired during the course of the day since the Kerns had moved in on them at the line shack. He told them that Joe was still with them as far as he knew.

"After I got out, they started shooting at me, when I got hit all I could figure to do was try to find help." Mark looked like the strain was getting to him and he was about the burst into tears.

"You did just fine boy," Hoss said, he then picked him up and started over to the horses. He held Mark like a small infant in his arms as he and Adam started toward the shack.


Joe was tied feet and hands, they had, and not to gently, put him in the corner of the shack. The brothers were talking softly. Joe could hear part of the converstion. He knew they were deciding if they should, kill him, leave him, or try to get money for him, after all he was riding the Ponderosa brand he must be worth something.

"Hoot, hoot," that was all Joe needed to hear his bothers were somewhere close by, it was something Pa had taught each of them, he had learned it from an Bannok indian a long time ago. Joe struggled to sit up.

"Be still over there you little @#$&@& or I'll come over there and make you wish you had," Able said, your Pa must be a sorry excuse for a pa, didn't seem to have learned you nothing."

"Don't you say anything against my Pa, Joe yelled, he could take any one of you with out breaking a sweat, all three of you he wanted to."

Buford laughed, "Shut up, you can't scare us, besides if he's so great why did you run off from him?"

"Who said I ran off?"

"Don't be stupid, you ain't nothing but a kid,who was with another one, hiding in a line shack, had to have run off, no parent would a let you go by yourself."

"I am not a kid!"

"Oh, yes you are, Casey said, and a spoiled brat at that, what your pappy should have done is tan that backside of yours a few times, then you might not be here in this shack with us."

Joe hated to admit it, but he was right.


The three were quickly up guns drawn and against the wall.

"Adam we are in here!"

"Shut up, kid or I'll give you to him dead."

Adam moved over to the edge of the big rock he was behind. "Let the boy go, and they won't be any more trouble, don't make us start shooting."

Even as he said it, he knew, they know I am bluffing, we wouldn't shoot with Joe in there, but he had to get their attention. Suddenly, shots started coming from the shack.

Hoss and Adam squatted down further behind the rocks.


It seemed like an eternity, the door flew open and out stepped a big man holding a very small boy in front of him. "You shoot and I will kill him." He was moving to the pen where the horses were his brothers right behind him.

Hoss had started moving toward the edge of the house the moment he saw the door open. Before the Kerns could know what was about to happen, he sprang into action. Adam shot Buford in the shoulder, and the gun from Casey's hand. It had been a while, but he had not lost his touch with his gun. Hoss was on Abel, He caught is arm with the gun and bent it back, forcing him to let go of Joe and the gun. Then the fight was on, two big men, it looked like to grizzle-bars going at each other. As they fought, Adam came down the edge of the hill and kicked Buford's gun away from him. Now that those two were taken care of he could watch Hoss.

First Abel was winning then Hoss, they struggled and fought, but finally Hoss took his mighty hands and caught Abel on both sides of his head. A straight punch to the jaw and the big man went down hard. Hoss moved quickly over to Joe, "you all right short shank?"

"Just fine now that you two are here, did you see Mark, Abel shot at him?"

"Yeah, he got hit in the leg, but he will be fine in a few days."

"This is all my fault, Joe said very softly, I caused all of this. Where is PA?"

Ben had run into Roy Coffee and a few riders a few miles down the road after he and the boys had split up. Roy told him they were looking for the Kern Brothers, the three of them had robbed a stage and killed one of the passengers. Their trail was leading them up through the Ponderosa. He asked Ben if there was a place he thought they could hide out for a few days anywhere near. Ben shook his head, but then like a bolt from the blue, that old line shack, I bet that is were they are. Of course Roy had no way of knowing that Ben could have just as easily been talking about his boys.

They were close enough that when the Kerns opened fire at Hoss and Adam, they heard the shots. The fight was just over as they topped the knoll and looked down on a sight that sent a chill through Ben Cartwright. Adam holding a gun on two men, one with blood pouring down his shoulder, and the third man laying flat of his back on the ground. Hoss too, was covered in dirt and had obviously been the cause of the third man's demise. Hoss was taking the ropes off of Little Joe's wrists.

"Howdy Pa, glad you could join us," Adam said as his father and the others rode up.

Ben looked over at Adam. "College did nothing for your smart mouth did it son?", Adam put his gun away, with Roy there he had no need to cover the other two men. Just as Ben started to say something more to Adam he saw Joe, quickly he covered the distance between them. He stopped about two feet from Joe. Joe looked up at his father, his big doe eyes were filling with tears."Pa," was all he got out before Ben grabbed him in a bear hug. Both were holding on for dear life, Joe felt like his pa was going to squeeze him apart, but he didn't care, he was just glad to be in his father's big arms.

Roy and his posse got the others ready to ride back to Virginia City.

"Thanks for your help, boys, there may be a reward for the galutes.

Adam answered for him and Hoss, "Give it to Mark Porter, Roy, he lead us here or we wouldn't have know they were holding Joe." Roy nodded.

Ben pushed Joe back and looked down at him. "You ok, boy?"

"Yeah, I'm fine now that you are here." he answered.

"I am glad to hear it," Ben responded. Joe turned and started over to Hoss, Ben pulled back his hand and smacked Joe, not like the night before, this time is was with all the power in his right arm. Joe came up off the ground. Adam had been on the receiving end of some of those licks, and he knew that "little brother" felt that one and would be feeling it for awhile.

Joe looked back at his father in shock.


Ben turned when to his horse and mounted up. "I will see you boys at home, Adam you and Hoss get Mark back to his folks, tell Steve I will see him in a few days to discuss all of this. Joseph, I expect you home soon as you get this shack cleaned up and secured." He rode off towards the ranch.

Hoss with a big smile and thinking "Pa's back" walked over to where he had left Mark to carry him over to his horse. Adam just leaned against the hitching rail and adjusted his hat then folded his arms across his chest. Joe stood there in disbelieve. He didn't know what to do first, so he just stood there.

Adam finally looked up at him, "Boy, if I were you I would not keep him waiting for long, I remember that tone, and the look on his face, you do not want to make him any angrier than he is right now. I'll saddle Cochise, you better get things ready to go here."


Mr. Porter was saddling his horse as the boys rode up, they had split up down the road, Hoss and Adam with Mark, Joe heading home. Mr. Porter had the same look Ben did when he saw Joe. He pulled him off of his horse and hugged him hard. Mark winced with pain because of his leg, but said nothing.

"Mr Porter, Hoss said, you might want to take care he has been shot in the leg, and he ain't to steady."

For the first time, his father noticed the leg, he quickly picked up his son, and took him to the porch and set him down. "What happened!"

Mark could not speak at first, his mother, sisters, and Nick came flooding out of the house. "I'm sorry," came out first then the tears he had been holding for so long.

Hoss and Adam filled the family in on what took place. Adam told Mr. Porter that his son was very brave and a hero, that reward money might be forth coming, and give him Pa's message.

His father looked down at him. "Do anything to try to get out of a tanning wouldn't you boy?"

He turned back to the Cartwrights, "Joe ok?"

"He's fine for now, but he is on his way home to face Pa, I can't say how he will be by the time we get home." Hoss replied.

Steve Porter laughed, probably the first time in days. Tell Ben I will look forward to his visit. Also, tell him to bring Joe with him when he comes, we might as well get all of this took care of at one time." "If he is up to travel, sir, I will." Adam laughed as he mounted his horse and the two headed home.

As they rode back to the ranch, Hoss came along side of Adam, "brother, what do you think Pa is going to do to our little brother?"

"I can't say, if it had been us, I have no doubt, but Pa is crafty and you just don't know which way he will turn. I can't see Pa not giving him that ol' so called necessary talking to, but it kinda depends on how Joe reacts to it."

"What do you mean, reacts?"

"Well if he takes his punishment, and don't try to get bigger than his britches allows, Pa may not be as ruff, but if he tries to be a big shot, Pa is going to bring him back to size."

"Yeah, the hard way."


Joe had ridden back into the yard, this time slow and not kicking up dust. He went into the barn and unsaddled Cochise, picked up a brush and started to rub the pretty pony down. "Well, gal, I guess your going to get tired of this ranch same as me for a while, I am bettin' we won't be leaving it for a good long time. You know I kinda wish I had the rump on me you do, Pa would have more territory to cover and I wouldn't have to sit at a dinner table on it. (Cochise just listened and raised her head up and down). Oh, I know I deserve it, broke all of the rules this time, topping the list with all three of Pa's number 1 rules, that sounds kinda funny don't it. I have lied to him, disrespected every one in my path, and I won't even start at the times lately I have disobeyed him. I am not sure even why, just got on that hill rolling down and couldn't stop myself. You would think after all the times I saw Pa bust Adam's backside and Hoss's, and how many times I have been over his knee, I would have learned better by now. I know one thing the look on his face when he came up to me at that shack, I know just how badly I frightened him by being there, and then the look after he hit me, oh, well, guess I better go in and face him and see what he looks like now." With that he dropped the brush and turned to go into the house. The man standing and listening just outside the barn made it back in just ahead of his son.

"Well, glad you made it back, come over here and have a seat with me." Ben said.

Joe did as he was instructed.

"I have been thinking about this ever since I left the shack, and I am not sure we can settle all of this in one evening. I want you to know right from the start that I don't blame you totally for what has happened."

This surprised Joe. "Why not?"

"Because, son I have failed you as a father over the past months. My job is to see that I raise men that will be honest, trustworthy, disciplined, and strong. I mean men that others would be proud to know and call friend. By letting you do as you pleased recently, I have failed to keep my promise to your mother and God."

"What do you mean by that, I am the one who caused the trouble, not you."

"But it is my responsibility until you are full grown and a man, to see to it you do the right things, this may mean I have to use my voice or my belt, but either way it is my job as your father to be there when you are good and bad. I was given this job by God and your mother when you were born. I want to tell you I am sorry for not being there lately."

"So are you saying I am not in trouble, because it is your fault?" Joe asked and just as suddenly wished he had kept his mouth shut.

Ben smiled big, "Not on your life, you are still in BIG trouble, with me, school, Roy Coffee, Mr. Porter, and not to mention your brothers. You knew better than to act the way you have been acting, I taught you the rules a long time ago. I just want you to know that the free ride is over, I am taking your life back over in my care until I think you can handle it and do a better job next time when I give it back to you, understood."

"Yes sir, and I think I am really glad your back in charge, for the most part anyway."

About that time they heard the boys ride up. "Joseph, it has been a long, and eventful day, I know you are tired and so am I, would you be opposed to postponing our "talk" to tomorrow after Church?"

Joe thought a minute, "No sir, I don't think I will mind that a bit, the waiting will be hard, but I can stand it if you can."

Adam and Hoss came in the front door and stopped suddenly, "do you want us to go back outside?" Hoss asked.

"No that won't be necessary, Hop Sing tells me he has a fine supper fixed, let's just sit down and enjoy it, shall we." He put his arm around Joe's shoulders and together they walked to the dining table. Adam looked at Hoss, Hoss at Adam, puzzled looks on both their faces.

Ben left his room and was going down to breakfast, Adam had just came out of his room dressed, except for his jacket, and was behind him. "Adam would you make sure Joseph is up, please?"

With a sign he thought "nothing ever changes", Adam went into Joe's room. There stretched out on his bed, bottom up was Joe. He had made no attempt to get up or start to dress. Adam walked over to the bed, and with the most evil grin smacked is little brother on his upturned butt. "YEOW" Joe jerked over and threw his hand back to this throbbing behind. A nightshirt gives very little protection and Adam didn't pull his swat one bit.

"Dammit, Adam, what did you........."

"JOSEPH FRANCIS CARTWRIGHT!" came from down stairs.

"Sorry, Pa, it just slipped out."

Adam could hardly contain the laughter building up in him. He turned and started down the stairs. Ben was standing on the other side of the rail at the bottom. As Adam descending he looked straight ahead and said, "Woke him up, Pa." Just as he stepped off the last step, WHACK, Pa caught him on the back of his head with an up swing of his hand. Hoss shook the table laughing so hard. Ben was still standing at the bottom of the stairs waiting for Joe. Adam approached and sat down at the table, Hoss whispered, "Great your home from college a month and Pa smacks you, Joe is a little pill for months and get's away with it." Adam reaches up and rubs the back of his, head, "It was worth it, he whispers back to Hoss."

Pa had one of the hands get the large buggy ready for them, and it was ready when they walked out. Hop Sing was standing on the porch. "Will have dinner at church by time you all get finished, Mr. Cartrite. Hop Sing has fixed enough for even Mr. Hoss to get full this week." Adam looked over at his father, "What is he talking about Pa?"

"To tell you the truth I had forgotten it was this week, oh, the preacher started a new practice of having dinner on the ground the last Sunday of each month. We didn't come last month because you had just arrived home."

"What is the purpose?" Adam asked.

"He thought it would be a good way for new arrivals in the area, as well the founding families to get together, meet, visit, and help the town's people get to know the ranchers and farmers in the area. If they can only come once a month to church, this would be the day to come."

"Boy I tell you Adam, there are some good cooks in this town." Hoss was saying, his tongue covering his lips. "Hop Sing fixes a bunch of food and brings it over to us after his service at the church in Chinatown."

"Sound's like fun."


As they pulled up in front of the church, Joe saw Billy Kirk, he wasn't moving very fast, and Joe jumped off the wagon to go talk to him.


"Be right back Pa, I need to talk to Billy, ok?"

"Right back."

Joe went over to Billy, "I came over to say I am sorry I got you in so much trouble with your Pa, over the cows. I really didn't think we were hurting them."

"Little Joe, it will be a whole lot easier to forgive you when I can sit down again, just a tip, stay away from my Pa, he is still steaming mad. Heard you and Mark had something to do with the Kern's getting captured, should be a good story," he winced as he took a step.

"Billy, I gotta ask, what did your Pa DO?"

"First he yelled, then he took me to the barn, and used the buggy whip on my back and backside. I am working for free at the ranch, for the next two months, my spending money is to go to pay for the damages, and I can't leave the ranch except for school and church. How about you?"

Joe was real glad to see Billy's father coming toward them, "Can't talk now your Pa is coming, see you in school." How could he tell him he got a swat and sent to his room.

Joe saw Mr. Porter come in with Mark and Nick, his wife and the two girls came in after them. Mark was still limping, and Nick had a hard time sitting down on the church bench. Mark just looked at him and winked. Joe didn't know why, but that made him feel better.

Adam and Hoss were still bewildered. "Pa had not even mentioned yesterday, Hoss complained. It is like it never happened. Joe is just hopping around, talking, and doesn't seem to have a care in the world."

"I know, I don't get it either, we would still be in the barn with Pa!" Adam added.

Ben had gone over and talked to Steve Porter for a few minutes, they shook hands, and Pa walked off. He never said a word to anyone about what they talked about, more frustration for the older Cartwright boys. Finally everyone said their good-byes and started home. Ben left with appointments made with two of the new ranch owners for stock sales, Adam came away with a date with Mary Sue to go riding on Tuesday, Hoss came away full of fried chicken, and Little Joe was very suddenly quiet. When they got home everyone went up stairs to change clothes. Hoss went into Adam's room after he was done, "You got to ask Pa what he is going to do about JOE!"

"Why me?"

"You're the oldest."

"You always use that excuse."

"No, I don't."

"Yes, you do."

"No, I don't."

"Yes, you do."

"No, I don't."

"Yes, you do."

"No, I don't!"

"Yes, you do!"

"Boys," they hadn't noticed Pa walk up, "I got tired of this a long time ago, stop arguing! what is this about?"

Both looked down at their boots, a habit long established when being scolded by Pa.

"Ok, I want both of you to go count the horses up on Ranger Hill, I need a count for the deals I made today at the dinner."

"Yes, sir, Hoss answered." But not Adam.

"Why does it take both of us?"

Ben sighed, "I should have hit you harder this morning, because I asked you to that's why."

Adam decided not to push his luck or Pa, and followed Hoss to the barn to saddle up.

Sounded more like he told us, than asked us, was going through his mind as he walk off. rubbing the back of his head.

The boys had been gone about 30 minutes, when Pa told Joe he would meet him in the barn. No he had not forgotten.

Little Joe wasn't sure he would make it to the barn, his legs were shaking so hard. He knew in his heart of hearts that he deserved everything he was about to get, maybe even more. BUT, he just couldn't get past the idea he was about to be tanned. He was 14 and about to get tanned.

Pa was standing over by a stack of hay bales. One of them had a horse blanket already over it.

"I know we talked about this to some degree last night son, but I think I need to tell you a few more things. You seem to have gotten it into your head that age has something to do with being grown up. All age is, is the number of years you have lived. Some people are grown at 14 some at 41. The way you conduct your daily life determines if you are grown, or still a child. Do you remember the Baker girls? The oldest one brought out the worst in your brother Adam. He went from grown back to child every time he was near her. He never expected a tanning at 21, I never expected to give him one, but it happened. Hoss was about, oh, 17 or 18, his last time in this barn over a hay bale. There is no magic number you reach and you are grown and to big to punish. If my Pa was to have seen the way I was raising you the last six month, he would have wanted to blister my butt, and I can't say I would have blamed him either, He wouldn't have of course, but he would have wanted too. Wouldn't say I would have liked it either, you understand what I am saying, son?"

Joe was almost in tears already, "Yeah, ah, Yes sir, I do, I think, maybe."

Joe noticed Ben had a leather strap in his hand about three inches wide.

"Pants and longjohns down, over the hay," he told him, Ben wasted no more time on talk.

By the time the boys got home, Joe was back in his room, night shirt on and was asleep. Ben had helped him get ready for bed, and then he had just held him next to his chest for what seemed like a long time, letting him cry and say he was sorry for all that had happened. To Ben he seemed much smaller, more like when he was about six or seven. Ben tried hard to make him understand that he was forgiven in his Pa's yes. "You still have to face Steve Porter and your teacher, what ever they think is fair you will accept."

Joe just nodded.

As he went out the door he turned, "Oh, and we still have to discuss the extra chores and you are still restricted." Joe moaned.


Thursday morning came. Four days, Joe thought, it has been four days since Pa had given me his "necessary talking to" and I still can't sit down without a pillow. Of course it didn't help that Mr. Beckman, the school teacher gave him 10 licks for skipping school. Pa had been fairly helpful all of his extra chores had been ones he could do standing up. He had been working so hard and between school and chores, he was ready to go to bed early every night. It also helped that lying down on the bed was easier, too.

Adam and Hoss were surprised Monday morning when Joe came slowly down the stairs to breakfast, and when they noticed Pa had placed the familiar pillow in his chair the jig was up, Little Brother had been to the barn.

"Hey, Adam, do you feel, well, kinda bad that we were sorta hoping Pa would, well a you know, bust our little brother?"

"Yeah, I kinda do, but all I have to do is remember the reason we were wanting it and the feeling gets better." Adam answered.

"That is what I like about you big brother, your so kind hearted and loving, HAHA."

Once as Adam was going to his room, book in hand, Joe was polishing the bannister, whap, the book made contact with Joe's backside, he yelped.

"DA....ah, looking around....dadburn you Adam, that hurt." Adam just laughed, "I am sorry Little Joe, it was just to tempting to pass up."



That afternoon, Pa had came by in the wagon to pick up Joe from school.

"Hop in son we have to stop by and see someone on the way home."

Joe was standing in the wagon behind his father, talking a blue streak, suddenly he realized he was heading toward the Porter place.

"Why are we going here, Pa?" Joe asked.

"Remember I told you, that you would have to talked to Steve Porter as part of your punishment, and see if he has something to say or do to you for all the trouble you caused his family."

Joe sighed, this had all the earmarks of a bad thing.

As they pulled up in front of the house, Joe saw Mark and Nick on the swing on the porch. "Howdy," they said.

Ben got off the wagon, and turned, Joe jumped off the side, he couldn't let them see him getting helped off the wagon now could he?

Ben went inside to talk to Steve.

"How is the leg Mark?" Joe asked.

"Fine as frog hair, doctor said I could go back to school tomorrow, but Pa thinks I should wait until Monday. I don't plan on arguing with him. You ok?"

Joe looked at Nick, "Bare backside tannings, ain't no fun are they Nicky?" It seemed like the easiest way to tell them what happened. Joe looked at Mark, "I also got 10 licks from ol' man Beanpole, too. He told me if I saw you to say he is waiting for you to get back."

"I guess that will be soon enough"

About that time the men came from the house. "Joseph Mr. Porter wants to talk to you, why don't you go over to the barn so you can have some privacy."

Joe and Steve Porter started to he barn. After they go in Mr. Porter sat down on one of the bales of hay in the open. Joe could not believe this was happening.

Mr. Porter said nothing, just looked Joe straight in the eye.

Finally, Joe asked him, "Over your knee, sir?"

It caught him by surprise. "What did you say son?"

Joe gulped, "I asked if you wanted me to bend over your knee. Ah, sir"

Steve Porter looked down, trying hard not to pop his buttons. "I am sorry Joe, I really do just want to talk. I am sorry I lost my temper at you three boys, I kinda forgot you were 14. I mostly wanted to just tell you, I have reconsidered and you and Mark can be friends, Nicky too if you want. But I also want you to know that if I had my way the first time I saw you, your backside would still be burning."

"Well, sir if it gives you any kind of a piece of mind, it is." Joe answered. Mr. Porter laughed.

They stayed in the barn for nearly an hour just getting acquainted. It ended and as they started to leave, Steve gave Joe a swat, of course it hurt more than it should, but only because of the condition Joe was in to start with. "I just wanted you to know that I can and will bust your butt if you get my boys in any more trouble, understood?"

"Yes, sir, loud and clear."

"Mark, is still looking at the trip to the barn, I promised him and he is not going to get out of it, I just have been waiting for the leg to get better. Hard enough with a sore rump you don't want to sit on, and have a leg you don't want to stand on."

The said their good byes, and started back to the ranch.

"Well, Joe, I think it is time I finished this little story." Ben said.

"What do you mean?" Joe asked.

"I told you thinks would be different, here it is, you won't be wearing the gun anymore, you will not skip school, you will follow the house rules, you will not ride your horse so hard into the yard, you will not use profanity, you will speak civil to your brothers, and do as they say. There will be no more disrespect, deceit, or disobedience on your part or you will be right back standing again. Clear?"

Over the next two months, Joe stopped counting how many times he had been in the barn, or in his room. He did not miss school, he rode slower, he even tried to be respectful of his two brothers. But for some reason, the accidental profanity, and his ability to get control of his mouth got him in trouble real often.

Adam was right Pa had brought him back to size, the hard way. And Joe thought, "maybe a size smaller than before."