Back to School Blues

By Gail G.


Disclaimer: I do not own the Cartwright characters.

Special thanks to Laura for doing a wonderful job beta-reading. Thanks Laura for all your help!!


I’m not sure when things started to go wrong for me. I mean I was sure havin’ a fun summer, playin’ with my friend Mitch, ridin’ my horse Paint, swimmin’, you know fun stuff. I mean I had to do chores with Adam and Hoss before I could go play, but that wasn’t too bad.. If’n I don’t do my part, Pa makes me stay in the house. I know ‘cuz I tried it once. He made me do my chores and some of my brothers’ chores. Then I had to sit at the table for not obeyin’ him. I was real bored sittin’ there. Pa said next time I would ‘member to do what I know to do.

If I think real hard, I guess it was a few weeks ago that things started to happen. This is when Eagle Station ‘cided to use the town hall as a schoolhouse. Mrs. Green, Pa, and some of them other townsfolk raised money to hire a teacher.

I could tell by Pa’s smile that he thought this as a good idea. Boy was he wrong. I still clearly ‘member that day Pa came home to tell us the news. We were all sittin’ at the dinner table eatin’ the nice fried chicken dinner Hop Sing had fixed. Pa informed us that he had an ’portant ‘nouncement.

"What is it Pa?" I asked eyes wide and my voice sounded all excited. Hoss tried to act like he didn’t care none. But by the way Hoss had his eyes held open real big, I could tell he wanted to know.

"Eagle Station has decided to hire a school teacher,." Pa began. "We already have someone picked out and school will start next Monday."

Adam, Hoss, and me were shocked, well I know I was, ‘cuz I didn’t want to spend the rest of the summer goin’ to school.

"Paaa...." Hoss started whinin’. "Don’t ya think I’m too old for school?"

Pa sorta chuckled at Hoss, then he started frowin’. I could tell Hoss was gettin’ nervous, ‘cuz he shifted in his chair.

"Yes, Hoss I do. Neither you nor Adam will be attending." Hoss looked real happy when Pa said that. "Joseph, however, will start next Monday." Pa had turned his eyes to me, waitin’ for my reaction.

I don’t think it was what he was expectin’. I set there like I was dumb or somethin’. I couldn’t even speak. I’m guessin’ it was just the shock of it all.

I finally started to mutter, "" I couldn’t get my lips to move. Pa was starin’ at me like I swallowed a spider or somethin’.

"Joe, are you all right son?" Pa reached over and put his hand on my forehead.

What happened next even surprised me, and I was the one doin’ it. I stood up and started throwin’ one of them tantrums. I used to do that when I was younger, but it had been a long time since I acted like that..

I started yellin’, stompin’ my feet, and smackin’ the table with my fork. The next thing I knew I knocked my plate of food into the floor. This is when I noticed everyone was starin’ at me.

Pa musta’ been in shock, ‘cuz at first he didn’t say nothin’. When he finally did, I knew I was in a buncha trouble.

"Joseph Frances Cartwright." His voice was real low and soft. "You clean this mess up, NOW." Pa was standin’ over me, as he pointed to the food in the floor. But did I listen? Nope, I just kept on a screamin’ and yellin’. At one point I even kicked Pa in the shin, and that’s when all heck broke loose.

Pa’s face was as red as an apple, and he was standin’ with his hands on his hips. All of the sudden I heard him yell louder than ever before. Pa usually don’t yell, that much, but when he does he gets your ‘ttention. "ENOUGH!!!"

All it took was that one word, well not so much the word itself, but rather the way Pa had said it. I stopped my fussin’ and stood breathin’ real heavy. Adam and Hoss’ eyes were as big as saucers and they had their mouths hangin’ open. I think they were scared to move. They sit real still at the table, not sayin’ one word.

Pa was so mad, he could hardly speak. He mumbled for a minute ‘fore he found his voice. "Joseph, go stand in the corner, right now." Pa’s voice was still real low and he had his finger pointed to the corner near the bunk room door.

"Yes sir." I turned and real quick like went to stand in the corner he was pointin’to.

Pa then took some real long steps and in a flash he was out the front door. I looked up from the corner and asked Adam where Pa was goin’.

Adam said Pa was goin’ to take a walk. Hopefully for my sake, a really long walk. With that I stuck my nose back into the corner and started cryin’. I knew I was goin’ to get it and I was goin’ to get it real good.

All I keep wonderin’ about, was if I would be able to sit on the bench when school started on Monday. Just the thought of it made my tail tingle.

After what seemed like a long, long time, Pa came through the front door. It felt like I had been standin’ in that corner for a week. My left leg was numb, and my right leg was starting to fall asleep. Once Pa was standin’ inside. Adam and Hoss’ almost broke their legs tryin’ to get out the door to do chores. They ain’t usually so happy ‘bout chores.

"Joseph," Pa’s voice broke the silence, "Come here please." I mustered up all of the courage I had and walked to stand in front of him. "First of all young man, you will clean up that mess." Pa was pointin’ to the floor, where I had knocked my dinner."Get to it, now."

I went over and fetched a bucket of water and a towel, I then got on my hands and knees and scrubbed the food off the floor. It was real hard to get it off the wooden floor, it had sorta dried while Pa had been on his walk. When I was all finished, I emptied the bucket. I then went over to stand back in fronta’ Pa. You know Pa’s real tall, and I get real nervous when I have to stand and look at him When I was able to look up at him, I could tell he was real mad. His eyebrows were drawn real close together, so that it looked like a caterpillar had crawled on his face. His eyes were real black and shiny, and he had his hands on his hips. I stood before him wipin’ my hands up and down on my pants. My hands get real sweaty when I know I’m in trouble.

After a couple of minutes Pa cleared his throat. "Joseph, would you like to explain what happened?"

Well I didn’t know what ta say. I ain’t even started school yet and here I am in trouble, ‘cuz of school.

I had started starin’ at the floor when I heard Pa sayin’ my name again.

"Jo-seph." Pa said my name real slow like. My head jerked up quick.

I spoke so low, Pa hadta lean over so he could hear me. "I don’t wanna go to school." My answer was simple and too the point.

Pa crossed his arms. "I’m not asking if you want to go to school son. I am informing that you are going to school next Monday. Am I understood?"

"Yes sir." I was still mad about havin’ to go, but I sure didn’t want to argue with Pa.

"I believe a few extra chores will work off some of the extra energy that you have. I’ll have a list for you in the morning." Pa pulled out the chair and sat down, leaning his head back so he was a lookin’ at me from the bottom of his eyes. "Why don’t you go get ready for bed. I’ll be there in minute to tuck you in."

What could I say, he was sittin’ in that chair with his knees in front. If’n he wanted to he could still pull me over em and swat me real good. So I just nodded my head and said, "Yes sir, Pa."

As I slipped into my nightshirt I ‘cided I would not be throwin’ no more of them tantrums. All that that fussin’ got me was extra chores. On top of it I still have ta go to school on Monday.

When I was all ready for bed, Pa came in to tell be goodnight. He told me that he loved me and kissed my forehead. He also told me that he won’t allow no tantrums, and next time I’d be gettin’ a lot more than a few extra chores. I’ll have to ‘member that, ‘cuz Pa never forgets a promise.


The Saturday before school started, my friend Mitch came over to play. Me and Mitch talked about havin’ to go to school and how we didn’t want ta. Mitch thought maybe we could play some pranks on the teacher. We figured the new teacher would probably be some girl and Mitch thought maybe we could scare her a little. I thought about if for a few minutes. I don’t think Pa would like me playin’ tricks on the teacher. So I told Mitch that, Mitch said we could just think’a some stuff we could’a done, just for fun.

Me and Mitch spent the day plannin’ some tricks. I figured it would be fun to think’a some stuff, I mean we would never do them. We gathered up some stuff, such as spiders, glue, and we caught one little mouse. I told Mitch that I wasn’t goin’ to take that mouse in the house, no way, nope. The last time I did that I ended up cleanin’ Pa’s whole room. Well Hoss had to help me, but it was plum awful.

Mitch thought it would be real funny to see if any of our jokes worked.

So, I looked around to find a victim, The first person we seen was Pa. He was choppin’ wood, I don’t know why he makes us chop so much wood, but Adam and Hoss learned not to ask him about it. Adam told me it had to do with somethin’ from Pa’s past, but he wouldn’t tell me what. Well no matter, I was not goin’ to play no jokes on Pa. He was still kinda mad at me for that fit I through the other night. I ain’t taken no chances.

The next person we saw was Adam. Hmmm, better not play one on him, his temper is almost as bad as Pa’s. Then I saw the perfect bulls eye come in sight, Hoss. Me and Mitch climbed the ladder up into the hayloft with a jar of big water spiders. We laid real close to the openin’ and waited for Hoss to come in the barn.

But when Hoss walked in, he wasn’t alone. Tess was with him. She’s just a dumb old girl, but Hoss likes her a lot. That’s when it hit me like lightnin’, Tess would be a much better test subject. So, as Hoss and Tess stood lookin’ at one of the new fillies, Mitch took the top off the jar. I then leaned over as far as I could without fallen out of the loft. I then shook the jar and the spiders fell out. I didn’t mean for all of them to come fallin’ out of the jar, but they did.

I felt the heat risin’ in my cheeks, and I hurried to sit up and scoot behind a empty crate. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea after all.

All of a sudden Tess started screamin’.She was holler’n so loud, I bet they could hear her all the way in town. Me and Mitch got real brave and peeked down the opening. That’s when Hoss noticed the spiders crawlin’ all over Tess and he started swattin’ at em. Me and Mitch started laughin’ and rollin’ around in the loft. The surprised look on Hoss’ face was enough to make anybody laugh.

Hoss started knockin’ some spiders off of Tess’ front side. This is when Pa walked in and caught what Hoss was a doin’. "What in tarnation is going on in here, HOSS?" Pa’s voice was low but yet he sounded confused. My brother froze in place, " ain’t what it looks like, I swear."

"Well, then I suggest you explain." Pa’s voice sounded real impatient. I could see that vein throbbing in Pa’s neck, so I knew he was gettin’ upset. I wonder if he was mad ‘cuz of the spiders or ‘cuz Hoss was hittin’ Tess.

Hoss looked at Tess and Tess looked at Pa. "Mr. Cartwright, Hoss he was just helping me. Somehow a bunch of spiders fell on my head. He was just helping knock them off."

Pa now had a puzzled look on his face, "A bunch of spiders? All at the same time?"

"Yes sir, I was standing over there when I felt them." Tess was now pointing to the area below the opening to the hayloft. I noticed her cheeks were real red, like a hot branding iron.

Pa walked over and looked up the steps. Me and Mitch pulled back from the opening and tried to be real quiet, but right at that moment Mitch sneezed. It didn’t take Pa two seconds to climb the ladder. He was standin’over me and Mitch like a big old bear.

With a frown on his face, he started askin’ me and Mitch if we knew what was goin’ on. At first I said no, but then I realized I was still holdin’ the empty spider jar. Uh, oh, spillin’ spiders on Tess was bad enough, but lyin’ to Pa was even worse.

Pa ordered for me and Mitch to get down from the hayloft, "NOW." When Pa gives ya an order in that tone of voice, you don’t dawdle, ‘cuz if’n you do, you might get yer tail swatted. Mitch went down the ladder first, then I headed down after him. When Pa got to the bottom of the ladder, he started to fuss at us. "You both will apologize to Tess, NOW!" I could tell he was real mad, ‘cuz when he was done talkin’ he held his lips in a real straight line.

We both whirled around to face Tess, "Sorry for pourin’ spiders on ya Tess." We both spoke at the same time while lookin’ at the ground.

Tess cocked her head to the side, "Why? Why did you do such a thing?"

Well this was a tricky question, we couldn’t say that we were practicin’ just in case we wanted to play a prank at school. So I said the first truthful thing that came to mind, "Cause, you’re a stinky ole girl." Mitch nodded his head in agreement.

Tess’ was gettin ready to say somethin’ but Pa held up is hand and stopped her. Pa told Hoss to escort Tess home, while he took care of us. Took care of us, I wondered what he meant by that?

Ever since Mitch and I have been friends, it has been a rule that if we are at one another’s house and we get in trouble, that either set of parents may do the punishin’. Mitch’s Pa swatted us once for trying to climb on the barn roof, then I got in trouble a couple of days later when he told Pa about it.

Pa don’t like find’n out about stuff we done wrong from other people. He says we should always do the right thing and tell ‘im ourselves. It’s real hard to tell on yourself, ‘specially if you know there’s gonna be consequences.

Pa pointed to the barn door. Me an Mitch turned to step outside. It was real bright outside, ‘cuz the sun was hittin’ the front of the barn. Pa wasn’t far behind. He stood and looked at us fer a second. "I think that the two of you could get a head start on school." He waved his hand for us to walk to the house.

I was sure confused. What’d he mean a head start on school? When we got inside, Pa had us both sit at the table. He went into his bedroom and I heard the trunk open. I knew it was the trunk, ‘cuz, the hinges are real squeaky.

Pa then walked back into the room and he had the schoolbooks that Ma used to use when she was the teacher in Eagle Station.

He handed us the books, "Do the work on the first five pages in each book. When you’re finished, I’ll check it over. Then you may be allowed to play again."

"Paaa..." I started to poutin’. Pa raised his eyebrow, I ‘cided not to say nothin’, ‘cuz, I was afraid Pa might decide to do somethin’ worse. Instead me and Mitch got busy doing the work Pa gave us. There ain’t nothin’ worse than bein’ stuck inside doin’ school work when ya could be playin’and havin’ fun.

Pa made us stay inside the rest of the day anyway. It was sorta our fault, I guess. We did all that school stuff real fast, and got most’v it wrong. So, Pa made us start all over from the ‘ginning and do it again. Me and Mitch were real unhappy about it too. Mitch fussed that he never wanted to get in no trouble at my house again. He said Pa was real mean. Normally, I mighta’ hit Mitch for sayin’ that, but at the time I was feelin’ the same way.

Well, about an hour later Mitch’s Pa came to pick him up. Pa told Mr. Devlin all about our ‘ventures for the day. Mr. Devil had a scowl on his face when he looked at me and Mitch still sittin’ at the table. I heard Mitch swallowed, I guess he was all worried that his Pa would punish him again.

Mr. Devlin started lecturin’ Mitch right there in front’a me. I glanced over at my friend and he was blushin’. Mr. Devlin and Pa ‘cided that Mitch couldn’t come over for the next couple of Saturdays, since we couldn’t behave ourselves.

When Pa had Mr. Devlin was all finished talkin’, he told Mitch to get his hat so they could head home. Pa asked Mr. Devlin if he could wait till he checked over our work. Mr. Devlin nodded and sat down at the table.

Pa took our papers and checked over them. He said we had done a much better job, and that we could go back outside now. This made me kinda mad, ‘cuz Mitch was gettin’ ready to go home. So we didn’t have know more time to play.

Pa could tell I was kinda upset. He looked at me and said, "Joseph, is there something you would like to say?"

I shook my head back and forth while I answer, "No, pa"

Pa then turned his ‘tention back to Mr. Devlin, who had gotten up from the table. "Son, it’s time for us to go home. Thank Mr. Cartwright for having you over to visit."

Mitch looked up at Pa and said, "Thanks Mr. Cartwright." He then looked over at me, "bye Joe, see ya at school on Monday."

I was gettin’ ready to get up to go walk outside with my friend, but Pa told me I could wait at the table till he got back.

"Yes Pa." I sat back down and started tappin’ a pencil on the table top.

When Pa came back in, he had me stand in front of him. He told me he was not happy that I told him a lie about not droppin’ the spiders on Tess. I started get real jumpy, cause Pa don’t like us lyin’ to ‘im and if he wanted, he could still give me a spankin’.

But instead of a spankin’ me Pa gave me a lecture about lyin’ that made my ears burn. I stood real straight tryin’ not to wiggle to much. I wanted to be real respectful so Pa wouldn’t have no reason to give me a spankin’. Pa don’t spank me too much, but if’n he decides too he can sure make it hurt. I reckon Adam has had more lickins’ than any of us, ‘cuz he is the oldest He used to get in all sort’a trouble when we lived in New Orleans. Well that’s what Hoss says, I really don’t ‘member it too much.

At supper that night Adam and Hoss started teasing me about havin’ to go to school on Monday. Believe me I was in no mood to be picked on. Finally, Pa told them to leave me along or he would change his mind and make them go with me. I’ve never seen my brothers get so quiet so fast. Adam would like to go to school. But not to my school, he wants to go to col. . .college someday.

After I went to bed that night, Pa came in and gave me a hug and kiss. He wanted to let me know that he wasn’t mad at me no more. He also reminded me that he don’t tolerate lyin’ and next time I would get more than a lecture and that was a promise. I told him I understood, and then I rolled over and went to sleep.

Sunday morning the smell of bacon cooking woke me up. I threw my leg over the side of my bunk and sat up. That’s when I ‘membered that I had to go to school tomorrow. I slid out of bed and got dressed, then I went out to the table.

Adam and Hoss was already sittin’ at the table when I came in. They said if I hadn’t came soon, that they were goin’ to eat without me. I knew they were just jokin’, cause Pa don’t let any of us eat until we are all at the table.

When are meal was finished we all hurried to do our chores. The thing I like best about Sundays is that we only do the things that have to be done. Before we can go play Pa makes us read a story from the Bible, then he discusses it with us. Pa is real big on living by the Bible, and since there ain’t no minister in Eagle Station right now, we have our own lessons at home. I learned along time ago to pay ‘ttention to Pa when he is talkin’ about he Bible.

Pa will even punish ya on Sundays, if he feels like you earned it. After we do our Bible lesson, its time to eat lunch.

When we are finished eatin’, we are allowed to go do what we want. As long as we don’t go to far and are home in time for dinner and to do our evening chores. I ‘cided to spend the rest of my day playin’ and enjoyin’ the time I had left ‘fore I had to go to school.

I was havin’ such a good time by the pond, I lost track of the time. I had’a run all the way back to the house. When I ran into the yard, I saw that Pa was stackin’ the wood. Uh, oh, that was one of my chores.

Pa raised his head when he seen me come into the clearin’. I started walkin’ a little slower. Pa stopped stackin’ the wood and he stood waitin’ for me to get closer.

When I reached him, he had that look on his face. I really cain’t describe that look, but it’s one of those looks that ya know Pa ain’t happy.

"Joseph." Pa said in that tone I knew only to well. I had heard it a lot over the last couple of days. Adam stopped choppin’ the wood, and I saw him shake his head at me.

I scrunched up my face, and looked up at Pa. "Yes Pa."

"Did you forget that you had chores to do?" Pa wiped his hands on his pants, then propped them on his hips.

"No sir, I just lost track of time." I put my hands behind my back.

"I see. Well you can finish yours own chores, then you may help your brothers with theirs."

I took a sigh of relief, boy I was havin’ a hard time stayin’ out of trouble. "Yes Pa."

Pa then reach down and ruffled my hair. He grinned then turned and headed for the house.

"Boy Joe you sure are lucky." Adam picked up the ax and swung at the wood on the chopping block. "When I was your age, Pa would have paddled me for being late for chores."

I rolled my eyes at Adam. Do you know how many times I’ve heard about when Adam was little?? More times than I can count.

At dinner that night, Pa informed me he would be taking me to school in the morning. I asked why, he didn’t trust me? He said that he trusted me just fine, but he had to register me and he wanted to make sure the teacher had everything she needed. He then told me that if I could behave myself, he would allow me to ride my horse Paint to school by myself. I thought that sounded fair, but boy do I have a hard time stayin’ out of trouble.

The worst part of this Sunday was that I had to take a bath. I usually take one on Saturday, but Pa had me wait an extra day this week, so I would be clean for school on Monday. I can tell ya one thing, I don’t like takin’ baths on Saturday or on Sundays. I didn’t argue with Pa though, I remembered what he said about being able to ride Paint to school if I could behave.

Well the big day finally came. Pa got me up early so I would have time to eat a good breakfast and I could get my chores done. I then washed my hands and face and gathered up my school books. Pa had pulled the wagon to the front of the house, "Joe, hurry up! You don’t want to be late!" He yelled from the wagon seat. I then hurried outside, as I got ready to jump into the wagon, Pa looked me over.

"Little Joe, you need to go comb your hair, please."

"Paaa...." I started complainin’, "Ain’t it enough that I washed my face and my hands?" Gee ya would think that I was goin’ to church or somthin’.

Pa gave me one his "looks" and I sighed real deep and went back into the house to do as I was told. When I thought my hair was combed enough, I headed back outside. Pa nodded his approval, as I climbed back into the wagon.

On the way to town, he reminded me that I knew how I was to behave. "Joseph, I wouldn’t want any notes sent home, young man. And you would do well to keep out of trouble. Do you understand me?" Pa looked at me from the corner of his eyes.

"Yes sir, I know how to behave." I answered Pa.

As we approached the town hall, or the "school", I recognized some of the other kids. I looked around the school yard, ‘til I located Mitch. When Pa stopped the wagon I jumped down and ran over to my friend. "Joseph!" Pa called with a frown on his face. I stopped and turned around. "Yes Pa?"

"We need to get you registered, did you forget?" Pa motioned for me to come and join him. I looked back at Mitch and gave him a look that we would meet after I was finished.

Pa threw his arm around me as we walked up the steps into the school. Once we were inside, I noticed a lady sittin’ behind a small wooden desk. I suppose the desk had been moved into the town hall for the teacher to use. Pa went up to the teacher, and introduced us. "I"m Ben Cartwright, and this is my son Joseph." Pa began speaking to the lady. As the teacher began to ask him questions, I stared at her. She had dark hair that was stuffed up in the back. There was a few curls escapin’ and they bounced up and down as she spoke to my father. When she looked at me, I noticed that when she smiled she showed a buncha’ teeth.

All of the sudden I realized that Pa and the teacher were frowning at me. Finally, Pa’s voice got through to my thoughts. "Joseph?" I jerked as I understood that Pa had been speakin’ to me.

"Yes sir?" Pa’s frown eased on his face, I want you to meet Miss Abigail Jones. I looked up at the teacher and grinned, "Nice to meet you Ms. Jones."

She smiled back down to me, "It’s nice to meet you to Joseph." Miss Jones then checked the time and it was time for school to start.

"If you’ll excuse me, I must ring the bell." the teacher stood up from her desk and grabbed the hand bell that was sittin’ on the edge. She went over to the door and rang the bell. As she rang that bell all the kids ran and lined up at the door. Miss Jones then stepped to the side so all the kids could enter.

As everyone found a seat, Pa walked close to the edge of the wall and with a wave of his hand, he was gone.

Miss Jones spent most of the mornin’ getting the class in order. She started by having each of us read a page from a book and work a couple of math problems. Then she ‘cided what grade we were goin’ to be in. She placed the girls on one side and the boys on the other. I was real lucky, ‘cuz Mitch and me were in the same grade. We also got to sit by each other. Gettin’ to sit by Mitch didn’t last long. We kept talkin’ and gigglin’. So Miss Jones made Mitch move to another seat.

After everyone had a spot, Miss Jones passed out a few books to the kids that did not have any. After that we got to take a mornin’ break.

Me and Mitch ran out the door of the Town Hall, and meet under a nearby oak tree. I told him about my Sunday and how I had ta take a bath. Mitch told me his Ma made him take a bath too.

When break was over, we all went back inside. Miss Jones had us to the first two pages out of our readers and arithmetic books. This was real easy for Me and Mitch, we had done the same pages on Saturday.

At lunch we all went outside again to eat our lunch. Me, Mitch and a boy named Tommy all sat together.

"Boy school sure is borin’" Mitch said as he reached in his lunch pail and pulled out an apple.

I took a piece of fried chicken out of my lunch, and took a bite. "Yea, it is borin’, ‘specially since we already done them pages."

Tommy took a bite out of a biscuit. As he started talkin’ little bits of food went flyin’ in the air. "Yea, I’d rather be a fishin’."

I sighed, "Yep me too."

That’s when Mitch got this funny look in his eye. He started talkin’ real fast as he looked around the school yard. It was like he was waitin’ for someone to step up and tell us to get back to work.

"Joe, lets do it."

I squinted my eyes. "Do what?"

Mitch looked at me like I was bein’ stupid, "Go fishin’"

"Oh, sure we can go when you’re allowed to come back over." I took another bite of my chicken.

Mitch kinda grinned. I shoulda known by that grin that we were headed for some trouble. "No Joe, lets go now."

I jumped up to my feet, "And play hooky?"

"Sure, we already done that work. We really wouldn’t be missin’ nothin’."

Hmmm...Mitch was right we had already done those pages in the book. But Pa wouldn’t be happy if he found out I left school early on the first day.

I ‘member Adam skippin’ school once. He wasn’t very happy when Pa got done talkin’ too him.

"No, we better not Mitch, ‘sides Pa will be here to pick me up this afternoon. Anyways we ain’t got no fishin’ poles." I sat back down beside my friend. I could tell he was still tryin’ to think of away to go fishin’. His mouth was too the side, like he was thinkin’ real hard.

Tommy started talkin’, "I live on the outskirts of town, we can go get my poles. We can go fish and be back before school is out. Then you can wait for your Pa outside. He’ll never know that ya left school. You’ll be gone before Miss Jones figures it out."

Mitch’s started smilin’ real big, "Come on Joe, lets go."

I sit real still for a few minutes, I was tryin’ to think of the consequences if Pa found out. I made a face when I thought about what he would do.

"I don’t know Mitch." I was tryin’ to talk my friend out of it.

Tommy leaned his head to the side, "Whatsa matter Cartwright, are ya scared." He then chuckled.

Well that was it. I wasn’t gonna let know one tell me I was scared. I stood back up a look at Tommy in the eye. "I ain’t scared, lets go."

The three of us snuck away for the school. I had a real bad feelin’ in my stomach and I thought I was goin’ to throw up that chicken I had ate.

Mitch and Me waited behind one of the stores at the end of town, while Tommy went to get the poles. We then went to creek behind the stores and found a spot that was blocked from peoples’ view.

Boy did we have fun, we splashed water on each other, fished and Mitch took a quick nap.

When we thought it was time for school to be out we headed back to the town hall. We sat under the oak tree till the bell rang. All the other kids came out of the school and ran for home. It wasn’t long after that that Pa showed up.

"How was the first day?" Pa asked as I ran over to him. " was fine Pa." I answered as I started to climb into the back of the wagon.

Pa looked over at me, "You wait right her Little Joe, I want to go have a word with Miss Jones, Ok?"

"Why Pa?" I’m sure my eyes were as wide as pancakes my voice trembled.

Pa gave me a real odd look, "Hop Sing wants me to invite her for supper."

"Pa can’t we do that some other night, I have lots of homework and I want to get home to do it." I licked my bottom lip. I just couldn’t let Pa go talk to Miss Jones.

"Joseph, it will only take a few minutes." Pa got down from the wagon and started walking to the school house. I jumped down and ran up behind him.

I grabbed his arm and he turned around and frown at me. He looked down at my hands holdin’ on to his arm. Then he looked me right in the face. I knew that meant I’d better let go. I let go of Pa’s arm, "Joseph, why don’t you go wait in the wagon."

Pa pointed to the wagon. I was gettin real upset, "Paaaa..."


"Mr Cartwright!!" I heard Miss Jones callin’ for Pa from the step of the town hall.

Pa turned around and called back, "Miss Jones, I’ll be right there."

I watched as Miss Jones turned and went back inside the school.

"Joe go wait in the wagon, I’ll be right back." Pa then turned and headed for the school.

What was I goin’ to do, I drug myself back to the wagon, and jumped up in the back. I sat sulkin’ waitin’ for Pa to come back out and pound me. Well he wouldn’t pound me right then, but I bet he’ll feel like it.

The whole time I sat there I kept thinkin’ about all the things Pa could do to me. I had myself all worked up when I seen Pa come back outside.

He took them real long steps like he always does. And before I knew it he was standin’ beside the wagon.

"Joseph." Pa’s voice was so quiet I could barely hear him.

I looked up and noticed that vein in his neck was stickin’ out real far, boy was he mad. When I looked at his face, his lips were set in a real straight line. I found the tips of my boots real interestin’.

"Yes Pa." I mumbled as I shifted my behind.

"We will talk more about what happened when we get home. And please look at me."

I glanced up, when I did I tried real hard not to cry. "Yes Pa."

Pa went to the front of the wagon and climbed into the seat. "It will be just a few more minutes, we are waiting for Miss Jones."

"Yes sir?" I answered in a whisper.

Who knew that Pa would be invitin’ Miss Jones to dinner tonight?

All of the sudden my thoughts shifted from my troubles to what the other kids would think about the teacher eatin’ as my house.

I just won’t say nothin’, if anyone found out that we had Miss Jones over for supper, well that would be plum awful. I was smart enough to keep my mouth closed though.

Before I knew it Miss Jones was sittin’ on the wooden seat of the wagon, and we were on our way home.

Miss Jones told Pa all about her first exciting day. She even brought up the fact that three of her students decided to play hooky this afternoon. I think she was tryin’ to make me feel bad. It worked.

When she stared talkin’ about it Pa got real quiet and I seen him glance over his shoulder at me. I was real tempted to jump out of the wagon and let it run over me. But with all the bad luck I have been havin’ It would miss and I would be in even more trouble for jumping out of a movin’ wagon.

So I sat real still in the back, while Miss Jones talked on and on about her day.

Arriving on the Ponderosa, we found Adam and Hoss finishing up the afternoon chores. Since we had waited for Miss Jones, I missed out on my share. I’m just real sad about that, ha ha ha.

Adam and Hoss came over to the wagon to see who we had with us. Pa introduced Miss Jones to my brothers. He then got down off the wagon seat, and went over to help her down.

"Little Joe, Do you have any homework?" Pa asked as we walked toward the house.

Since I had missed the second half of school, I wasn’t fer sure. Miss Jones stepped forward and handed me my books.

"Finish the lessons that I gave you this morning. There is also a list of spelling words you may study."

Miss Jones gave me a quirky smile, while Pa raised his eyebrow.

Pa told me that since I didn’t have any chores to do, I could go get started on that homework before supper. I was gettin’ ready to say somethin’ but changed my mind when I remembered what kinda trouble I was in.

So instead I walked to the house. I went inside and worked on my studies until it was almost time for dinner.

I looked up from my reader when the front door opened. First Pa came inside, he looked over and scowled at me. Behind Pa was Hoss, he had a big smile on his face. Probably ‘cuz it was supper time. Then Adam came in with Miss Jones on his right arm.

When I smiled at him, he rolled his eyes. Miss Jones was smilin’ real real big, showin’ all her teeth. Adam didn’t look real happy that she was talkin’ with him.

At six o’clock sharp, Hop Sing announced that dinner was ready. We all went and washed our hands. Then I went over and almost plopped down in my seat before thinkin’. But Adam saved me by running over and pulling me up before Pa and Miss Jones got there. Adam reminded me that we had a guest and I had better watch my manners. Adam, Hoss, and me then stood by our chairs while Pa pulled out the chair for Miss Jones.

Miss Jones, chose to sit in the chair closest to Adam, I wonder why?

While we ate our dinner, Miss Jones once again told the story of how her day went. And how three of her students played hooky. I just about choked on my stew. Why did she have to keep bringin’ that up.

I was so deep in thought I didn’t even hear Pa speakin to me. Finally, someone kicked me under the table. I heard myself raisin’ my voice, "Why did ya do that fer?" All of the sudden I realized Pa was frowning at me.

"Sorry Pa." I looked around the table tryin’ to figure out who had kicked me.

"Miss Jones was speaking to you son." Pa pointed his fork toward my teacher.

I blushed, "Sorry ma’am."

She smiled a big toothy grin, "It’s quite all right Joseph. I was just wondering how you enjoyed school today."

She cleared her throat, "Well this morning, how did you enjoy this morning."

Adam and Hoss turned their heads and looked at each other.

I didn’t know what to say, "ummmm....It was real fun?"

My answer must have been good enough, ‘cuz she turned her ‘ttention back to Adam. I breathed a sigh of relief. Adam, however, looked as if he was just thrown off a horse.

Later that evening, Pa had Adam escort the new teacher back to town.

Adam tried to talk Pa into lettin’ Hoss take her home, but Pa said he didn’t feel about Hoss’ drivin’ the wagon at night.

So even though Adam wasn’t real happy about it he went and hitched up the wagon and took Miss Jones home. Pa then asked Hoss to go finish the evening chores.

He was tryin’ to get everyone out of the house so he could talk to me. It was fine by me if he never got around to it.

Hop Sing excused himself and went out the back door. He said he needed to do somethin’, but I don’t know what.

Pa went and sat down on the settee. He then raised his hand and waved for me to come stand in fornt’a him. Seems like lately, I’ve been standin’ in front’a Pa a lot.

I went over and stood in front’a the fireplace, Pa was rubbing his chin.

"Would you like to tell me what you were thinking?" Pa had a real serous look on his face.

I kept on openin’ my mouth but nothin’ would came out. "Pa I tried to think real hard about what would happen. But then Tommy told me I was scared, and well I was, but I didn’t want Tommy to know that I was. Soooo Me and Mitch and Tommy left the school yard and Tommy went and got his fishin’ poles and...." I stopped for a moment. "I ‘pose I wasn’t thinkin’ real good Pa."

Pa told me that it was a..par..ant that I wasn’t thinkin’ at all. He said he was real surprised that we played hooky on the first day.

I told him I was real surprised too. You know he didn’t think I was very funny. "Cuz when I said that his frown got deeper and then that other vein on his neck started throbbin’.

Pa had me step closer, I kept taken little steps. I didn’t want to be any closer than I had to. When I was finally close ‘nough, he grabbed my left arm and turned me around. I closed my eyes real tight ‘cuz I knew he was gettin’ ready to swat my hind end. He doesn’t grab my arm like that unless that is what he is goin’ to do.

Sure ‘nough, he swatted me four times. Not ‘nough to make me cry, but ‘nough that my tail would be stingin’ for a while.

"Joseph, I very disappointed in your behavior. I’m not sure what has gotten into you lately, but I hope your attitude changes and fast." He then let go of my arm and turned me back around.

I was so ‘shamed of myself, I hate when Pa is disappointed in me. On top of gettin’ my tail swatted, I am now restricted to the yard for two extra weeks and I have to ‘pologize to Miss Jones. And if Miss Jones wants to punish me Pa says I have to take her punishment without fussin’.

Pa pulled me into his arms and gave me a big hug. "I think it’s time for you to go to bed young man."

I answered in a real sad voice, "Yes Pa."

I walked to the bunk room and took off my clothes. I slipped on a cool night shirt and went to bed.. The next thing I knew it was morning and the sun was shining into the bunk room window.

I hurried out of bed and got dressed. I then went outside to do my chores. Adam and Hoss had already started doin’ theirs.

Adam stopped at looked at me, "Over slept again, I see."

I yelled back at Adam with my eyes squinted, "Well if ya would wake me up, I wouldn’t"

Pa had overheard us in the barn, and stepped out to put a stop to the fight ‘fore it got started. "We don’t have time to argue boys, there’s to much to do. Joseph, I don’t want you late for school, so hurry up and get your chores finished. Then you may go in the house to get some breakfast."

I did my chores as fast as I could, and then went and ate. When I was finished, Pa had the wagon hitched up so he could take me to school. "Pa......" I began to pout, "When are you gonna let me ride Paint?"

"Joe, we’ve already discussed this. If I remember correctly, I said that when you could behave you could ride Paint." Pa motioned for me to get into the wagon.

"But Pa....I’ve been real good for ...........well, never mind Pa." I hadn’t been good for a whole day in along time.

When we arrived in town, Pa pulled the wagon to a halt in front of the school. He got down from the front while I was gettin’ out of the back.

"Pa, what are you doin’?"

Pa walked around the wagon and placed his hand on my back. We then started to walk toward the building.

"I’m walking you inside. I want to make sure you apologize to Miss Jones."

I stopped and looked up at him. "Pa I promise I’ll ‘pologize."

Pa looked down at me, "I can’t trust you right now Joseph. I think it would be best if I walked inside with you." It made me feel real sad that Pa didn’t think he could trust me. I didn’t like that feelin’ at all.

We walked inside and Miss Jones raised her head at the sound of our boots.

She smiled, "Good Morning Mr. Cartwright, Joseph, is Adam with you?"

Pa cleared his throat a little, "um, no he is not."

Miss Jones face fell. "Oh, well then what can I do for you?" Her eyes moved to me.

"Joseph has somethin’ to say to you, don’t you Joseph." Pa pushed me a little so I had to take a step forward.

I licked my lips, I hate ‘pologizin’ to someone, "Yes sir."

I looked over at Pa he raised his eyebrows. I then looked back at Miss Jones. "I’m sorry for playin hooky yesterday." I was talkin real quiet.

Miss Jones leaned over the desk, "I’m sorry Joseph, I didn’t hear what you said."

I lifted my head up, and spoke a little louder. "I’m sorry for playin’ hooky yesterday."

She sat back in her chair, "Well, I’m glad you are sorry."

"Yes ma’am."

Miss Jones shifted a little and crossed her arms in front of her. "Well what do you suppose we should do about this?"

Pa spoke up, "Miss Jones I’ve already punished him at home. What ever you decide is fine by me."

"Well let me see." I could tell Miss Jones was thinkin’ real hard, cause she had her nose all wrinkled up.

"You missed three hours of school yesterday. I think you should stay after school for one hour for three days. This way you will make up your lost time. If it makes you feel any better Joseph, Mitch and Tommy will be joining you."

Well it didn’t make me feel any better, but I just answered, "Yes ma’am."

"You may start staying after today. If that is fine with you Mr. Cartwright."

Pa nodded his head, "Yes that’s fine." He then turned his head to look at me. "Someone will be here to pick you up this afternoon."

"Yes Pa."

"Miss Jones, I must be leaving now. I hope you have a nice day." Pa grinned at the teacher and then turned and started to leave the room.

He stopped for a minute in the doorway. "Joseph, please try to behave today." Pa was tryin’ to sound real serious.

"Yes Pa." I felt my face gettin’ hot.

I learned from Mitch that his Pa did about the same thing my Pa did.. Funny how my Pa thinks like his. The morning went by real slow, it wasn’t until lunch time that things started goin’ wrong.

Me and Mitch was havin’ lunch under our tree when Miss Jones came up to us. "I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed dinner at your house last night, Joseph. Please tell your father that I said thank you once again."

Mitch gave me the surprised look and Miss Jones smiled at me real big. She then turned and walked back to the school house.

"You had the teacher eatin’ at your house?" Mitch asked in a real nasty tone. "I didn’t know you liked Miss Jones."

"Quit teasin’ me Mitch, I didn’t invite her, my Pa did." I started hollorin’.

"I guess since you’re the teachers pet now, you ain’t gonna have to do your homework." Mitch yelled as he started standin’ up.

"I ain’t the teachers pet Mitch, and you better take that back" I had jumped to my feet, my hands formed into fists. "And if you say one more thing like that, I’m going to punch you good."

"Yeah?" Mitch answered as his eyes narrowed.

I answered back in a nasty tone, "Yeah!"

I don’t know why but Mitch just had to say it."Teachers pet!! Joe’s the teachers pet! Joes’ the teachers pet!!!" All the other children started to gather around us, and I noticed some of them had started laughin’.

Well that’s all it took, I lifted my left arm and in one swing , I socked my best friend right in the nose.

Mitch reached up and discovered blood was drippin’ from where I had hit him. Before I knew what was happin’ Mitch threw a punch. In no time we were rolling around in the dirt, swingin’ punches.

Our classmates started to shout, "Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight....." as we continued to fight in the middle of the street in front of the town hall.

In the distance I heard one of the other kids say, "You better stop, her comes Miss Jones."

Just then a hand yanked me up by my collar. Then I noticed that Mitch was also jerked to his feet. At first I was thinkin’, boy Miss Jones is sure strong. But then I noticed that she was standin’ in front of us. She had a scowl on her face and was pantin’ from were she ran from inside the buildin’.

If Miss Jones was standin’ over there, then who was holdin’ onto us? My question was answered as I heard a voice I knew only to well.

"JOSEPH, what I on earth are you doing, son!!" Pa’s voice was echoing down the street. Shear panic went all the way down to my toes. Oh oh....Pa had seen me fightin’, boy was I in trouble, again.

As Pa keep a strong grip on our collars, Miss Jones told the other students to go back in to the classroom. I heard her give ‘structions to the class, telling them to read to themselves. She then stepped back outside, so she could handle the situation at hand.

"Mr. Cartwright, thank you so much for breaking up this fight. I just don’t know what has gotten into some of my students." she spoke to my father, even though she was looking directly at us.

To me, she was the least of my problems. Pa was not goin’ to be happy that I had been fightin’ at school. It was just this mornin’ that he dropped me off and told be to behave. Well I tried, a little.

Pa’s voice answered back as he let go of mine and Mitch’s collars. "Just lucky that I had come back to town. If not I would not have seen what was happening. I’ll leave these two to you Miss Jones.." Pa was gettin’ ready to walk away when she stopped him.

"Ummm....Mr. Cartwright, may I speak to you for a moment." She motioned for Pa to come closer.

"Of course, what is it, Miss Jones." Pa was now standing next to my teacher, he looked at Mitch then at me. I could tell he was mad, he had that "look" on his face.

I heard the teacher whisper, "I’m not sure exactly what to do with them. I just need your advise of how to punish them."

"I see." Pa shifted on his feet, "What ever punishment you think of , I’m sure will be appropriate."

"Well that’s just it Mr. Cartwright, what do you think it should be?"

Pa thought for a moment, "I think they both should stay after school, and send a note home to the parents. Believe me, I will be discussing this with Joseph at home."

"Mr. Cartwright, they are both already staying after school." Miss Jones had a scowl on her face.

"Well they can stay after next week too." Pa glanced over at me and I looked down at the ground.

Pa headed back to the tradin’post. He said he would be back to pick me up later.

Miss Jones moved over to stand by Mitch and me. Mitch was sniffling and I was kickin’ the dirt with my boots. "Boys." she sounded like she was nervous, "I must say I am very disappointed with the both of you. I will be sending notes home to your parents, and you both will write 500 times "I will not start unnecessary fights with my classmates." And no recess for the rest of the week." Miss Jones pointed to the school, so me and Mitch would know that she wanted up to go start on them sentences.

I hate writtin’ on ‘ccount that I’m left handed. My words are kinda slanted and messed up. I was real scared about goin’ home, ‘cuz Pa knew about the fight. Mitch didn’t look any happier than me. As I set written’ my sentences I kept wonderin’ if I would ever be allowed to ride Paint to school. "‘Member Pa said I had to be real good before I could ride Paint to school by myself. Well I sure haven’t been good lately.

I was glad when the end of the day arrived. I just needed to get out of that stuffy old school house. When Miss Jones finally rang the bell I got up to leave.

I heard Miss Jones clear her throat. "Joseph, I think you have forgotten that you have to stay after school". I groaned as I turned back around and took my seat..

Miss Jones made us clean the blackboard, sweep the class room, and empty the trash.

That was the longest hour of my life, I don’t even do them chores at home, unless Pa makes me. When she finally told us it was time for us to leave, we both ran for the door.

That’s when it occurred to me, that I wished I was back in the school. When we stepped outside, Mitch went and saddled his horse, he then headed home slowly. His Pa wasn’t goin’ to be any happier than my Pa.

I turned around and started walkin’ too the wagon. As I got closer I could see Pa was frownin’ at me from the wagon seat. "Joseph...come on son, we need to get home."

I licked my lips, then answered real slow, "Yes Pa." I jumped into the wagon and we were on our way home. Pa didn’t say nothin’ about the fight, instead he just sat there kinda quiet. I think he was tryin’ to think about what he was goin’ to do when we got home.

I was startin’ to feel real bad, ‘bout all the stuff I had done lately. I sat with my head hangin’ real low. When we pulled into the yard, Pa was gettin’ ready to jump off his seat.

"Pa?" I whispered real soft.

Pa stopped and set back down. "Yes, Joseph?"

"I’m real sorry Pa. ‘Bout the way I been actin’ lately." I was so ‘shamed of myself I couldn’t even look at Pa in the face.

I then reached in my pocket and pulled out the note Miss Jones had given me. "Pa, here’s the note Miss Jones gave me, you know ‘bout the fight."

Pa unfolded the paper real slow, he then read what Miss Jones had wrote. I was real nervous ‘bout how Pa might punish me. He don’t like fightin’ in school.

"What was the fight about?" Pa folded the paper and stuffed it back in his pocket.

I took a real deep breath, "I hit Mitch "cuz he called me teacher's pet."

I looked over and Pa raised his eyebrow, "Do you think that is a reason to hit someone?"

"Pa...he was makin’ fun of me, then he had all the kids doin’ it too."

"I see. But that’s not what I asked you. Do you think that is a reason to hit someone?" Pa had turned so he was lookin’ at me from the side.

"No. I mean, no, sir." I could feel his eyes on me so I did not look up.

"Joe look at me please." I hate when Pa makes us look at him, it’s the hardest thing I gotta do. But I think Pa knows that and that is why he makes us do it. When I looked at his face I didn’t see anger like I thought I would, instead he looked disappointed. Then I started feelin’ even worse.

Pa jumped down off the wagon, he then waved for me to follow. As we started unhitchin’ the horses he started lecturin’ me ‘bout fightin’.

"You will apologize to Mitch and Miss Jones. Understood?" Pa led the first horse into the barn as I followed slowly behind.

"Yes Pa."

"Joseph, name calling is not a reason to start a fight. I don’t want a repeat of today’s behavior." Pa picked up the curry-comb and started brushin’ the horses.

"Pa? Are ya goin’..." I hesitated. "Are you goin’ to spank me?" My stomach felt like it was doin’ flips.

"No, not this time." Pa glanced over at me when I sighed with relief.

"But you will still be punished." A frown came back onto my face as I watched Pa finish up brushin’ the horse.

He stepped out of the stall and moved to the next one. I stood real still, waitin’ for my punishment.

"First, you will apologize." Pa looked at me to make sure I was payin’ close attention.

"You will fulfill your punishment at school."

I shifted my feet, "Yes Pa. Is that all?"

"No, young man it is not. You are not to ride Paint until your punishment is over at school."

I could feel myself gettin’ mad, but I didn’t let Pa know. "But Pa..." I was goin’ to try to fuss, but I stopped when I noticed Pa had put down the curry-comb and was standin’ with his hands on his belt.

Not gettin’ to ride Paint at all was an awful punishment. That means I won’t be able to ride her again till the week after next.

"Joe, you will became a very unhappy little boy if you don’t try a little harder to stay out of trouble. You’ve only been in school for two days and you have played hooky and were involved in a fight." Pa finished up the second horse.

We then walked to the house together. I looked up at Pa, "I don’t mean to get into trouble Pa, It just happens."

Pa grinned, "I know Joe, but you’re just going to have to try harder."

The next mornin’ Pa told Adam he was goin’ to have to take me into town to school.

Adam was not happy, "Paaa...Miss Jones....well know..."

"Yes, son?" Pa raised his right eyebrow as he cleared his throat and grinned.

Adam rolled his eyes, "Never mind Pa" He grabbed his hat and went out the door.

Pa turned his ‘ttention to me, "Joseph, don’t forget Adam will walk you in so you can apologize. One of us will be there to pick you up this afternoon. And please stay out of trouble." Pa then went out the front door while I followed right behind him.

Miss Jones was so happy to see Adam that I had a hard time gettin’ to apologize.

"Oh, Mr. Cartwright." Miss Jones said as she ran up to my brother.

I seen Adam take a deep breath and close his eyes. "Miss Jones, its nice to see you again."

Miss Jones grabbed my brothers arm, "You must come inside." She dragged him inside the school. The whole time he was squirmin’ like a worm on a hook.

I just stood to the side tryin’ to act like I didn’t notice.

I did the ‘pologizin’ that had to be done. Then Miss Jones sent me outside so that she could talk to Adam. Poor Adam he looked like he just got shot.

I few minutes later Miss Jones stepped out on the wooden sidewalk, she was smilin’ so big you could count her teeth. Adam came out behind her, he was rubbin’ the top of his nose. He does that when somethin’ is gettin’ on his nerves.

Miss Jones rang the bell and we all ran to go inside. Adam stopped me before I made it to the door.

"Joe, Pa will be back to pick you up." He said it like he was goin’ to tell Pa that.

I shrugged my shoulder and went inside, took my seat, and started to study my spellin’ words. All day Miss Jones kept tellin everyone how nice Adam was. I really thought I was goin’ to throw up.

That afternoon Pa came to pick me up. I asked him where Adam was and he told me he was back at the ranch doin’ some extra chores.

I was real curious why Adam didn’t come to get me. I mean he said Pa was goin’ too, but I thought Pa would make him come.

"Pa. Why is Adam doin’ extra chores?" I ‘pose I was being nosey.

All Pa would say was his sons know a might better than to be sassy. I was guessin’ that meant Adam told Pa he wasn’t comin’ to get me. Pa told me to worry about myself, ‘cuz I had my own problems.

I could tell by the frown on his face he was gettin’ irritated. So I quit askin’ questions.


Over the next few weeks, Pa and Adam took turns takin’ me back and forth to school. I didn’t play hooky no more, even though Tommy tried to talk me into it. But I thought about it real hard and I ‘membered what the con..sequences would be. So I told him no way.

Miss Jones came by the Ponderosa a lot, she always said she was lost. But I think she was lookin’ for Adam. Every time she showed up Pa would frown at me. I guess he thought I was in some sort of trouble. But I was bein’ real good. I didn’t get in to any more trouble, well not much anyways.

When Miss Jones told Pa I had been real good at school, he puffed up like an ole bullfrog. I could tell that he was real proud of me, ‘cuz his face got real bright and he smiled at me. I was proud to, ‘cuz I stayed out of trouble for so long. That night at supper Pa said he had a ‘prise for me.

"What is it Pa?" I was so excited I couldn’t sit still.

Pa pointed his fork at me, while Adam and Hoss watched. "I think since you have learned to behave yourself. On Monday you may start riding Paint to school."

I just about jumped out of my chair ‘cuz I was ‘cited, "Thanks Pa!"

Adam looked real happy too, ‘cuz that would mean he didn’t have to talk to Miss Jones at school anymore.

So here I am saddling paint gettin’ ready to go to school. I feel a lot better now, ‘cuz Pa told be I learned from my mistakes and he trust me again. It sure is a nice feelin’ for Pa to feel that way.

I led Paint out of the barn and jumped on her back. I waited for Pa to come over to tell me goodbye.

"Little Joe?" Pa looked up at me, and I could tell Pa was real proud by the look in his eye.

I felt my chest puff out a little, "Yes Pa?"

"Behave yourself, and straight to school and back, understood?" Pa had grabbed the reins of my horse.

I thought for a second ‘fore I answered. I don’t ever want to lose Pa’s trust again or my horse Paint.

So I smiled at Pa real big before I started talkin’. "I’ll be real good Pa. Honest."

Pa had a big grin on his face, as he stroked Paints neck, "Joe I hope your right about staying out of trouble. I am running out of punishment." He then chuckled and let go of the reins.

I rolled my eyes and nudged Paint. We slowly started trottin’ out of the yard to head for school. I turned my head and yelled back at Pa. "Bye, Pa, see ya this afternoon."

I knew Pa would never run out of punishments. Even though I hope he will every time I get in some sort of trouble. Maybe today I’ll be lucky and won’t get caught doin’ nothin’ I ain’t suppose to. But with Miss Jones as the teacher who knows.


The End