Adam’s Promise

By Tennessee


Little Joe loved to spend time with his brothers, but his favorite time of all was when he and Adam went fishing. They went fishing a lot, hoping to catch the evening meal. Adam would read to Joe as they fished.

Little Joe loved Hoss and knew he’d always be there for him, but his big brother Adam was his hero; he meant everything to Little Joe. Hoss looked up to Adam too, but sometimes Joe’s hero worship of Adam made Hoss upset. Pa said Joe was just going through a stage.

One day Little Joe followed Adam everywhere. "Stop following me, Joe," Adam told him.

"But you said we could go fishing today, Adam."

"Well, I changed my mind. I’ve got a lot of work to do."


"I just do. Stop following me."

"But you promised."

"Well, I lied," Adam said.

Tears came to Little Joe’s eyes and he turned and walked back to the house. His eyes were read and tears ran down his cheeks. Ben and Hoss saw him. "I thought you went with Adam," said Hoss.

Little Joe looked up at him and said, "Adam told me to stop following him. And he lied." His tears continued.

Ben said, "Son, maybe Adam is busy or has something on his mind."

"He yelled at me, Pa," cried Joe. "I thought Adam liked spending time with me. He told me he did when we were fishing for El Monstro."

Ben put his arms around his youngest son and held him.

Hoss said, "I would love to spend time with you, Joe. Come on, let’s you and me go fishing together." He looked at Pa to make sure it was ok.

Little Joe smiled. "Yeah, let’s go fishin’."

Hoss and Little Joe got their poles. They both got a fish, but Little Joe was quiet all afternoon. All he could think about were Adam’s unkind words. His big brother didn’t like him anymore.

When they got home they gave their fish to Hop Sing. Adam was late for supper and when he came in the house he threw his coat and hat down and said, "Sorry, Pa."

Little Joe didn’t look at Adam. He just sat there and ate his supper.

Hoss noticed a tear on Joe’s cheek. He said, "Me and Little Joe are gonna stay in the barn tonight."

Adam looked at Hoss in surprise.

"Come on, Joe, let’s get our stuff," said Hoss.

Little Joe got up without looking at Adam and left the room.

"What’s going on?" asked Adam.

"Don’t you know, son?" Ben said. "You promised to take Joe fishing and then you didn’t. You hurt your brother’s feelings."

Adam looked at Ben. "I didn’t mean to hurt his feelings, Pa. But sometimes he makes me angry. All he does is follow me around all the time."

"That’s what little brothers do sometimes, Adam. You know that. He looks up to you."

Adam said, "I’ll go talk to him, Pa."

"Give him some time, Adam. He’s not very happy with you right now. When you make a promise, you should keep it."

"I know, Pa," Adam said.

Hoss came out of the bedroom with blankets for him and Joe.

"Where’s Little Joe?" Ben asked.

"He climbed out the window in the bedroom."

Ben laughed. Since when did Joe climb out the window in the bedroom? He’d have to watch that youngest boy of his. "I’ll come out and say goodnight in a few minutes."

"Ok, Pa." Hoss gave Adam a look. "Joe’s awfully sad." He went outside.

Adam looked down. "It breaks my heart to know I hurt him."

"I know, son. Let’s go tell your brothers goodnight."

Little Joe and Hoss were talking when Pa and Adam came in. Little Joe stopped talking and stared at Adam.

"We’ve come to say goodnight," Ben said. "Hoss, I need your help outside a minute."

"Ok, Pa," Hoss said.

When Ben and Hoss left, Adam walked over to Little Joe. "Can we talk a minute?"

Little Joe didn’t say anything.

Adam continued, "I’m sorry, little brother. I broke my promise to you. I had something on my mind and I took it out on you. I love you and I enjoy our time together."

"Me too," said Little Joe softly. "If you need time alone, tell me. I’ll leave ya alone."

"Ok," said Adam. He smiled and Little Joe smiled back.

"Next time we go fishing, I think we should ask Hoss to come. What do you think?"

Joe nodded. He ran to Hoss when he and Ben stepped back into the barn.

"I’m sorry, Hoss," said Little Joe.

"For what?"

"For forgetting about you. You’re my brother too." He hugged Hoss.

Ben smiled. "Brothers are always there for each other."

Little Joe said, "Yeah, that’s for sure, Pa."

Adam said, "And brothers keep promises. I’ll always keep my promises to you from now on."

Ben said, "Adam’s right. A promise is very important, and you should always keep it."

Joe ran and hugged Adam and then Pa. "I think maybe I decided I want to sleep in the house tonight," he said and everyone laughed.

Ben smiled as he got ready for bed, thinking about his sons.



The End