Adam Runs the Ponderosa

By Tennessee


Ben and Adam were working with the cattle when Ben fell off his horse. Adam saw him fall. He rode to him. "Pa, are you okay?"

"It’s my leg, son."

Adam helped Ben up and Ben made it onto his horse, but he was in a lot of pain.

Adam said, "Pa, just hold on. I’ll take you home."

Adam yelled, "Hop Sing! Pa is hurt!"

Hop Sing ran to the door. "What happened?"

"He fell off his horse."

"My leg, Hop Sing," Ben said, "it’s hurt bad."

They helped Ben to bed.

"Help father take off boots and pants," Hop Sing instructed. "I’ll be right back."

Ben was in bed when Hop Sing came in with some rags and warm water. He looked at Ben’s leg. It was black and blue. He had twisted his let, but it was not broken.

"You’ll have to stay off your leg for a while," Hop Sing said. "It will heal in time."

"I can’t stay in bed," Ben argued. "I need to sell some horses tomorrow."

"I’ll go, Pa," said Adam. "I’ll get a good price for them."

"All right, Adam. Don’t sell them unless they give you a good price."

Adam took the horses to a neighboring rancher named Mr. Woodland. He was a nice man. He gave Adam the price Ben asked.

The Ponderosa had two more horses to sell, and Mr. Woodland asked about them. "Would you sell them to me?"

"Do you want them?" asked Adam.

Mr. Woodland answered that he did and Adam said he’d go get the horses.

Ben was asleep when Adam got home. He put the money he’d gotten so far in Ben’s money box. He got the other two horses, and Mr. Woodland took them for the same price. Adam was so happy he could not wait to get home and tell Pa.

Ben was awake when Adam returned. He asked where Hoss and Joe were. Adam told him they were out feeding the stock.

"How are you feeling, Pa?" Adam asked.

"My leg’s real sore, but I’ll be fine."

Little Joe ran into the house. "We need you, Adam! Hurry!"

Adam ran out of his pa’s room. Ben yelled, "What’s going on?" But everyone was outside. He tried to get up, but pain shot up his leg.

Some leaves were burning next to where the cattle were. The cows were running all over the field, and Hoss was trying to put the fire out. Adam told Hop Sing and Little Joe to fetch water.

The burning leaves were next to a lot of trees. Hoss tried to stomp on the leaves to put the fire out. Hop Sing and Little Joe dropped water on the leaves and put the fire out.

Adam said, "Good job, everyone. Hop Sing, you better go tell Pa everything’s ok."

The boys rounded up the cattle and raked up the rest of the leaves.

Adam asked, "Hoss, can you and Little Joe ride around the fenceline and make sure we got all the cattle?"

Adam cleaned the barn and fed the horses and then went into the house. Ben was asleep with his leg propped up. The boys ate supper and went to bed early. They had to help with the wash and cut wood the next day. They got up early. The cleaned the barn and fed and watered the horses and cattle.

Ben didn’t like to stay in bed. He said his leg was feeling better and that he’d be able to help on the ranch in a few days.

Hop Sing made Ben stay in bed for a week. He did not see much of the boys because they were either working or in school. Ben’s leg felt weak when he finally put weight on it again. He got dressed and went to the table. He was drinking tea when the boys got up that morning.

"Hello Pa!" they called. "How are you feeling?"

"I’m better, thank you."

Adam smiled and asked, "Pa, have you seen your money box?"

"No, son. Why?"

Adam grinned. "Go get the money box, Hoss," he requested. Hoss got it and gave it the Ben. Ben opened it and gasped in surprise when he saw the money.

"Mr. Woodland took all four horses and there’s what I got."

"Same price for the extra two?"

"Yep. He loved the horses. C’mon, Pa, we have a lot to show you."

Ben walked slowly. He looked at the barn and the yard and the cattle. All were well taken care of. The boys smiled proudly.

Hoss said, "Pa, you know Adam ran the ranch just like you."

Ben said, "Adam, son, you did a great job running the ranch."

Adam said, "I learned from the best, Pa."

"Oh yeah," said Little Joe, "there was a fire. Adam told us what to do."

Hoss said, "Adam was great. He did a bunch of the work himself."

Adam smiled. He motioned to his brothers. "They did a lot of the work too."

Ben smiled too. "You boys worked together, and that makes me so happy. Adam, son, you’re old enough now to run the ranch." He leaned back and grimaced. "I think we better go inside now. My leg’s hurting."

Ben went into the house and the boys put their horses up. Adam smiled. How good it was to see Pa up and around and to live on a place as wonderful as the Ponderosa.


The End