Shattered Silence

Part 3

by Lily B.





Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The original characters and storyline are copyrighted to Lily B.





Laura couldn't have been happier when Rachel gave her the news. They were going back to stay at the Barkley ranch. No more buildings all close together, she'd get to walk about the open spaces and feel the grass between her toes. She'd watch behind the fence while Heath and Nick worked with a new horse. And she could help Silas feed the chickens and gather the eggs. She could hardly wait to ride Sheltie again; the pony was her absolute favorite animal on the whole ranch.

Now, if she could just get her sister and Heath to get married, then she could stay there forever. She wanted Heath and Nick to be her Pa's oh so very much! She was sure they could split the job between them. She had thought about Jarrod for a moment, she liked him, but he wasn't nearly as much fun as his brothers. Nope, Heath and Nick would make the perfect Pa's for her. She just couldn't understand why Heath and Rachel were taking so long, course this whole jail thing didn't help any but Rachel said that Heath would be outta there on Monday and then maybe, just maybe there'd be a wedding. Laura also liked the idea of Mrs. Barkley being her grandmother, she looked like a grandmother and she was awful nice to her, even though she was a bit fussy. Yep, Mrs. Barkley would make the perfect grandmother.

She knew that Rachel was her sister, but Rachel was her Mama too. Sometimes, she wondered if her Mama looked more like Rachel or more like her. Did she have curly or straight hair, what color were her eyes? Rachel had told her that she looked exactly like her Mama, but sometimes she wondered about it. How much of the bad man was in her? How much did she look like him?

When the bad dreams came, it was getting harder to see his face real clear and she was glad for it. Rachel never talked to her about the bad man anymore, but he still came at night when everyone was asleep.

Laura would go to bed at night and thank God for everything and then every night, she'd ask God for two things. To have Rachel talk again and to keep the bad man away. But some nights, the bad man would still come to her while she was sleeping. And every morning, Rachel still couldn't talk. Why? She was a good girl, most all the time she did what she was supposed to do and now she was going to school and she was doing real good. Why wasn't God answering her? She wanted to hear Rachel sing her songs at night again. But she didn't want to hear Rachel crying anymore.

Rachel didn't think she remembered and that was okay. Because it would make Rachel sad if she told her she remembered. She remembered the bad man coming up the stairs, she remembered hearing him opening up Rachel's door and Rachel begging him to stay away. Then later, she could hear her sister crying softly, trying to muffle the sounds, but she still heard her and sometimes she would cry until the sun came up and the bad man left for work.

But what Laura remembered most of all was who the bad man was, her Pa. He was the bad man that made Rachel cry. He was the one that would drag her into the cellar. And Laura remembered sitting by the cellar door and hearing the crack of a whip as it struck her sister's back and then Rachel's screams.

On their last night with the bad man, Rachel had gotten between Laura and him. Laura woke up and found him in her room, undressing. Laura had cried out for Rachel and she had come. She got between Laura's bed and the bad man. He had slapped her and knocked her to the floor and Rachel had spit out blood. The bad man pulled off her sheets and then crack! The bad man fell to the floor as Rachel held a heavy vase over his head. She helped her sister grab the rope ties off the curtains and tied up the bad man. She got dressed really fast and Rachel took her hand and they went outside in the dark, it was the last time she had seen the bad man. She never wanted to see him again, not ever.

Her home lie at the end of the carriage ride. The Barkley Ranch, this was her home. She didn't want to be anywhere else ever again. Now if she could only get her sister and Heath married.



  * * * * * * * *



The afternoon tea had passed by just as Heath said it would. The ladies of Stockton were quite taken with their newest resident and before she knew it, she had two more dress orders by the time the tea had ended. Victoria had introduced her to the ladies as her newest friend and an expert dressmaker.

Heath had spent the afternoon talking to Nick, or rather listening, and playing cards with Fred and Nick. But every few minutes, he was checking the clock in the corner and occasionally pulling his pocket watch from his pocket. Precisely thirty minutes before the tea was scheduled to finish, Heath instructed Nick that it was time for him to leave to pick up their Mother and Rachel. Sprite was back at the ranch spending time with Audra and no doubt looking on while Audra showed off her vast wardrobe and inordinate amount of accessories. Heath never knew that one woman could own so many shoes and hats.

Nearly an hour and a half later, just as Heath was beginning to worry, he heard Nick come in. Fred got up and let Rachel into the back room where the jail cells were. Nick waited outside in the front room but was anxious to get home to the ranch and to Sprite, just needed to make sure she was okay.

"Fred, any chance you could let this lady in my cell and give us a few minutes?"

Fred smiled, "I think I can manage that Heath. Just not too long, okay?" Fred's keys jangled as he searched for the right one and then opened the door to Heath's cell. "Afternoon Miss Rachel, Heath here has been clock watching you know, couldn't wait for you to get back."

Rachel returned his warm smile and went into Heath's cell. He met her by taking her in his arms and pulling her close. When the door closed and Fred had disappeared he thrust his mouth onto hers and kissed her hungrily. Her hands glided across his waist and around to his back. She felt every inch of his athletic body against hers and her heart pounded wildly from the sensations he caused to rise up.

When the kiss had ended, he put his lips to her ear, "I missed you."

"I've only been gone the afternoon." She told him once she pulled back slightly from him.

Heath took her hand and guided her to the cot where she sat down next to him.

"I know this isn't the place. But Rachel, I don't want to be apart from you anymore. I want the rest of my life to be with you. I want to have babies with you and I want to love you the rest of my days."

"What are you saying?"

He stroked her cheek with his index finger. "Be my wife Rachel, let me love you and be with you for the rest of our lives. I love you so very much. Marry me."

Her eyes grew wide and she stood up, pacing about the cell. "You don't know what you're saying." She told him with exaggerated movements.

"Yes I do Rachel."

"Heath, Heath I'm not..I'm not..I have…Heath I'm not an innocent." She scrunched her eyes tightly shut to fight back the tears.

He stood and went to her, "Oh Rachel, yes you are, you never have done anything like that willingly. I know that. You're innocent, you are. And you're the one I want to spend the rest the rest of my life with. Let me be your husband, I'll take care of you and Laura. You'll have a home that's filled with love and safe. I want a houseful of children with you."

"Are you sure Heath? Are you sure you want this?"

"I am, but are you?"

"Oh yes Heath, I want to be your wife. And I want a houseful of children with you too!" Her heart was fuller than she had ever allowed herself to even dream of. But this was no dream this was real. This man she loved wanted to marry her and make her his wife, his strong arms were around her holding her tight and she felt so safe. Heath was so loving and gentle and her little sister adored him as well. Rachel could never get involved with someone that didn't adore Laura and she, him. Rachel and Laura were a team, an inseparable pair; you couldn't have one without the other.

Heath closed his eyes, his cheek brushing her soft cheek and hair. Rachel was going to be his wife and he couldn't wait to start planning their life together, he allowed his own excitement to push back his worries. "I'm gonna build us a house Rachel, right on the property and not too far from the main house. A big house with lots of room for the three of us and all our children."

"All our children? How many did you have in mind, Heath Barkley?" She grinned at him slyly.

"Oh, I don't know, a houseful. Six maybe?" He looked at her sheepishly

"Six? I think maybe six would be okay. But not too big a house Heath, please. I want one that's still comfortable and cozy, not too many rooms, just enough."

"And our bedroom, it will face towards the sunrise. We won't even have to get out of bed to watch it come up, unless we want to." Nuzzling her neck, he placed small kisses along the side of her neck.

An image flashed before her mind and she was forced to leave her euphoria behind. "Heath, but what if something does come of that letter? What if they come after us and we have to run?"

"Then I'm going with you."

She stepped back from him, "Heath, this is your home, I can't ask you to leave all of this for Laura and I!"

"You're not asking. I'm telling you, I love you Rachel and I love little Sprite too. I'm not gonna let you go off by yourself. No matter what happens, we're going to be together. I promise you that, I'm always gonna be there."

"I know Heath, I do love you so!" Wrapping her arms around his back, she held onto him tightly not wanting to ever let go.

"Hey Rachel," Nick called. "Sorry but we best get going or we're gonna be late for dinner."

"Maybe I can bring you dinner later." She suggested to Heath.

"Thanks, but Fred's a pretty mean cook. 'Sides I think it’s a good idea if you stay in at night, just for now." Kissing her forehead he smiled at her and shooed her from the cell while Fred held open the door.

"Hey Nick!" Heath yelled.


"Best be mighty kind to Rachel, she's gonna be Mrs. Heath Barkley!"

Nick let out a whoop that could be heard clear down the street. He grabbed Rachel around the waist and lifted her into the air. "Bout time little brother! What took ya so long!"

Heath laughed, "Guess I was just waiting for the right time!"

Nick kissed the bride-to-be on the cheek. "Congratulations Rachel, Heath is sure one lucky man! Boy is Sprite gonna be happy!"

"Thanks Nick, I'm the lucky one." She signed.

"What?" He looked over to Heath for deciphering.

"Nothing." Heath smiled.

When Nick pulled up to the ranch, he helped Rachel down and then bounded up the steps and flung open the door. "Hey everybody! We got a wedding to plan!"

Rachel blushed tremendously as she was quickly surrounded.

"You're really gonna marry Heath?" Laura asked.

Rachel bent down in front of her, "Yes Laura, I really am."

Laura flung her arms around Rachel's neck and Rachel picked up her little sister into her arms. "I'm so glad Rachel! We're gonna be Barkleys forever now!"

Rachel put her down and her smile faded for a moment. Laura wouldn't be a Barkley, at least not legally. But she was a member of the family, before Heath had even asked Rachel to marry him; Laura had become a member of the family.

While Victoria happily talked about wedding plans at the dinner table; another dinner conversation was going on at The Cattleman's Restaurant.

"You said if I ever needed a favor Cyrus."

"Yes but Jim, we're not talking about some cowpoke fresh off the street here. We're talking about Heath Barkley." Judge Cyrus Parker said in whispered tones.

"Look I made that little indiscretion of yours disappear, didn't I? You owe me this Cyrus, unless of course you want your wife to find out?" Jim Hanson had the upper hand with the judge and he knew it. "I'm not talking about throwing Heath into prison for years. You can say that you need to make an example of him. Thirty days, that's all I need."

The judge rose from the table. "I'll think about it and you'll have my answer tomorrow morning, after church."

"Sure judge, you think about it. But I already know your answer." Hanson leaned back in his chair and lit a thick cigar. With Heath out of the way, the reward was his, along with the prestige of helping return a kidnapped child to her aggrieved Father.


  * * * * * * * *



Early Monday morning and Stockton was already bustling with activity. Hanson fixed his tie in his office mirror then added his hat to his expensive ensemble and headed to the courthouse.

Nick halted the carriage in front of the courthouse for Jarrod to disembark. He then headed towards the schoolhouse to drop off Laura. Once they pulled up in front of the school, Laura tried yet again to convince Rachel and Nick to let her go to court with them but was unsuccessful. She thrust out her bottom lip and hung her head as she walked extremely slowly to the school. Victoria had opted not to go in with them this morning; she'd been through this before and fully expected Heath to be home in time for dinner.

Nick parked the carriage and escorted an edgy Rachel into the courthouse. Thy walked to the front row of the gallery and seated themselves directly behind where Heath and Jarrod would soon be sitting. They weren't waiting long in the half-empty courtroom before Jarrod and Jim Hanson emerged through the side doors and took their seats at opposite tables. Jarrod turned back to them and smiled slightly, aware that he was still very much in disfavor with his two brothers. Hanson sat down and unbuttoned his jacket; he then turned sideways and looked directly at Rachel with a large grin. It was all Nick could do when he saw him, not to jump from his seat and throttle the man. She turned away from Hanson's stare and Rachel patted Nick's tightened fist. She felt his fist relax and he squeezed her hand very briefly.

The side door was opened again and the sheriff held the door for Heath as he walked into the courtroom and took his seat next to Jarrod. He said a glum good morning to his eldest brother then turned to the gallery.

"Morning Heath." Nick grinned. "So how much does Fred owe ya now?"

He returned his brother's grin in kind, "Eighteen dollars now, like I said, it's just too easy." Heath reached out his hand and took Rachel's delicate hand in his. "So how's my future bride this morning?"

Rachel gave him a brave smile and a nod, something that Heath could see right through.

"Dontcha worry Rachel, this will be over in no time and tomorrow morning I'll be watching the sunrise with the prettiest girl in all of California!" Stroking her hand, he grinned at her lopsidedly then turned forward towards the judge's desk as the judge entered the courtroom.

Judge Parker looked over the gallery and exhaled, quite relieved to find that Victoria Barkley was not in attendance. He feared that he would be unable to fulfill his return of favor to Hanson, had she been there. Still though, he would have to deal with Jarrod Barkley, quite the formidable attorney and in his opinion, far superior in knowledge and abilities to the district attorney.

Jarrod patted his jacket pocket; he had whatever money that would be need for the fine, stored neatly inside. Heath was furious with him still, he knew that and so was Nick. His mother, well he supposed the word he could use to describe her feelings would be disappointed. He knew he had done the wrong thing, letting his curiosity get the better of him and he was determined now to make it up to all of them. But most especially to Rachel and Laura and he had spent the last few nights burning the midnight oil, trying to find a legal way to keep them both safe and in Stockton. He had never had cause before to research laws regarding child abuse of all types and found himself reeling when he came to the realization that there indeed was absolutely nothing in the books to protect children.

"Your Honor," Hanson began, "We have a growing problem here in Stockton, one that once again brings us before you. The problem of violence in our towns, our streets, the problem of men being unable to control their own anger and physically lashing out at the innocent members of our society. How long can we allow this to continue? How long before our fair city turns to a state of anarchy as violent men are allowed to freely attack others. I know your honor that you have levied fines, very large fines on people who use violence to try and solve problems or create them. But for some families, such as the Barkleys, these fines have little impact." Hanson grinned to himself then pointed to Heath, "What we need your honor is to set an example. To clearly say to every man in this community that violence will not be tolerated in our fair city. What we need is not to hit their wallets but their very lives with time served in our jail. Now I do realize that this might seem a bit drastic, however, this latest event perpetrated by Heath Barkley only goes to prove that fines are not enough." He paused allowing what he had said to sink in with his small audience. "I am asking that Heath Barkley serve thirty days in our Stockton jail." Hanson returned to his seat with a wide grin that stretched across his round face.

The smile made Heath shift uncomfortably in his chair. Hanson was far too happy right now, a fact that was not lost on any of his brothers, especially not Jarrod. Jarrod knew that Hanson rarely smiled in court, unless he was fully sure that he was holding the upper hand. He was beginning to like this familiar scene, less and less.

Jarrod stood and slipped his hands inside his vest pockets, he approached the bench where Judge Parker sat grimly staring down at him. "Your honor, my client Heath Barkley, is truly sorry for his actions and is prepared to pay any fine that you feel is necessary. I can assure you that he is a man that rarely loses his temper, unless he has been severely provoked by someone or something."

"But he did lose his temper Counselor Barkley and in a public establishment, did he not?" Judge Parker rebuked. "And this is not the first time that you have appeared in my court with one or both of your brothers seated next to you."

"No sir, this isn't the first time." Jarrod crossed his arms and felt sweat beginning to bead on his forehead. "But I can assure your honor that this won't happen again!"

"Counselor Barkley, I'm afraid that when it comes to the temper of your two brothers, your assurances carry very little weight in this courtroom." Judge Parker picked up his gavel and pointed it at Heath. "Heath Barkley please rise. Heath Barkley I am inclined to agree with the district attorney in this matter. An example needs to be set against public violence. You are hereby sentenced to serve thirty days in the town jail."

The gavel came down hard onto the bench and all of the Barkleys and Rachel felt as though it had struck their very souls.

"No!" Heath said out loud. How would he protect Rachel and Sprite if he were in jail?! He couldn't allow anything to happen to them and thirty days, anything could happen in that huge amount of time.

Jarrod slapped his hand hard against the judge's bench. "Your honor, I must protest this!"

"Protest all you like Counselor Barkley, but if you don't get your hands off of this bench right now, you will find yourself in contempt and sharing a cell with your brother. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes sir."

"Very well then, if you care to discuss this further, you may escort me to chambers." The judge rose from his seat and exited out the side door with Jarrod following closely behind him.

It was the last thing Fred had expected to happen and he was clearly dumbfounded by the entire situation. "Come on Heath, it'll give ya a chance to get more money outta me in poker."

"Fred, could ya give me just a minute?" Heath asked and Fred stepped back to allow him the time he needed.

Heath turned around to the frightened face of Rachel and the still shocked expression of his brother Nick. He stepped closer to her and cupped Rachel's face in his hands. "It's gonna be okay, I swear it. It won't be thirty days, you watch Jarrod will have me outta jail in no time flat." He pulled her closer and whispered in her ear. "I love you Rachel, I promise it'll be all right." Heath dropped his hands from her face and turned to his brother. "Nick, please..."

"I'll look after the both of them little brother, dontcha worry, okay?" Nick put his large hand on his brother's shoulder and gave it a healthy squeeze.

"Thanks Nick." Heath replied.

"I'll bring you supper later, your Mother was having Silas fix a big pork roast." Rachel told him, trying so hard not to let her fear show through.

"I'll look forward to it. Just make sure you don't come alone. Bring Nick or Jarrod or even Ciego with you. Promise?"

"I promise Heath." She watched Heath being led away by Fred and even though she knew he was just right in town, it scared her half to death. The way this whole courtroom scene had played out, something didn't seem right to her. The judge appeared to have already decided what would happen before they had even gotten there. She shuddered involuntarily as Nick led her quietly from the courtroom.


  * * * * * * * *



Laura stopped halfway between the school and the carriage that awaited her. "Where's Heath?" She asked wide-eyed.

Rachel didn't quite know what to say. What she wanted to do was yell and scream at how unfair all of this was. How could they put Heath in jail for thirty days when all he was guilty of was trying to protect her from further advances by that district attorney? But she couldn't yell or scream, her voice had been stolen from her and it made her all the angrier.

"Come on up Sprite," Nick jumped down to lift her up into the carriage. But Laura didn't budge, she wanted an explanation and she wanted it now. "Afraid Heath's gonna be staying in town a bit longer than we thought Laura, I'm sorry."

"But Jarrod said he would be home in time for dinner! Boy, Mrs. Barkley's gonna be mad!"

Nick hadn't thought of that yet, what on earth was he going to tell Mother when he got home. She would be incensed, disappointed and no doubt saddened. But she wouldn't say very much, she would wait until Jarrod was home and she could try to get more information from him. "Yep Sprite, you're right Mrs. Barkley isn't gonna be very happy."

"Rachel, you and Heath are still getting married right?" She stared at her sister with wide doe eyes.

"Of course we are Laura! There's nothing that can stop that from happening, not a thing!" Rachel put her arms around Laura and squeezed her tight. "Don't worry, everything's going to be just fine."

"I hope so."

"Off we go!" Nick said with a forced smile that didn't show in his eyes Anger boiled just beneath his skin as he gave the reins a hard flick and headed out of town towards home. He had words for Jarrod whenever his big brother decided to reappear at the house and even harsher words if Jarrod returned home without bringing Heath with him. Nick blamed Jarrod completely for this mess, if he hadn't struck up that deal with Hanson then Hanson never would've gone to the dress shop and Heath would've never had to punch him. He had it all reasoned out in his head and he was gonna let loose with it on Jarrod just as soon as he saw his big brother again.

Jarrod paced in front of the judge's large desk. "I don't understand this, perhaps you can explain it to me. Thirty days? For one punch? Thirty days for what would normally be a five or ten dollar fine? Why?" Jarrod stopped directly in front of Judge Parker.

"I..I told you Counselor Barkley; it's time that an example was set. Time to stop the lawlessness in this town." Parker shifted uncomfortably.

"No judge, that's what Hanson said, not you."

"Well, I'm inclined to agree with him this time."

"You know Heath, you know our whole family! Heath isn't given to overreacting; he isn't given to violence for no reason. Jim Hanson provoked him, incensed him into punching him."

"I realize that, frankly I was a bit surprised to see Heath in my court this morning. I wouldn't have been a bit surprised if it had been Nick, now him I've grown accustomed to seeing. Perhaps, Heath shouldn't hang around Nick so much."

"That has nothing to do with it and you know it. Dammit, you've known my family for years. You're wife is good friends with my mother and you were very good friends with my father. Why are you doing this!" Jarrod's temper swelled and his blue eyes burned at the judge.

"Jarrod, I had to!" As soon as the words were out he wished he could take them back.

The lawyer froze, "What do you mean you had to?"

"I mean...I mean I had no other choice. The violence in this town has to stop."

"I don't think that's what you meant. No, I don't think that's what you meant at all." Jarrod put his hands on Parker's desk and leaned over it, putting his intense blue eyes directly in the judge's face.

"I told you..that is what I meant. Now you better leave Counselor Barkley before I cite you for contempt."

"But judge.."

"Now! Leave now!" Judge Parker turned around in his chair and faced the wall.

Slamming his fist into Parker's desk, Jarrod grabbed his hat and left the room, slamming the door behind him. The words of the judge still echoed in his ears, 'had to do it.' He walked down the street towards the jail and Heath. Parker seemed almost afraid; at the very least he was overly nervous. Something that he didn't see from the judge often, the man was always cool even under the most challenging circumstances.

He arrived home an hour later to find his Mother waiting for him by the front door. With long angry strides, Nick soon met him at the front door as well, but his stance was far less welcoming than that of his Mother.

"Where's Heath?" Nick said in a loud voice.

"Jarrod's shoulders drooped, what should he tell him, the confident lawyer had failed? He didn't know and he fumbled for his words. "I couldn't convince Judge Parker to release Heath. But I will try again tomorrow."

"I know you tried.." Victoria started but was interrupted by an irate son.

"Tomorrow?! Exactly how did you try Jarrod?" Nick stepped closer to Jarrod, till he stood toe to toe with him.

"I did try to convince him to release Heath, that thirty days was far too harsh a punishment for one punch. But he wouldn't hear of it, wouldn't listen to what I had to say." He spoke to his Mother and completely ignored Nick's angry stares. "Mother, if I didn't know any better I would think that this had been setup before we even got into the courtroom."

"What do you mean?" Victoria stepped in between her two sons and directed Jarrod into the parlor where Audra was sitting with Rachel and Laura.

"He said he had to do it."

"But he could've meant he had to set an example."

"I suppose so, but it wasn't the words, it was how he said it, how he looked. Mother he was nervous and I don't think I've ever seen him this nervous before. He was sweating and edgy, kept fidgeting with the things on his desk."

"Really?" Victoria sat down. "That doesn't sound like the Cyrus I know. He's always been so sure of himself, sometimes overly confident even. Oh the arguments he used to have with your father and both of them so stubborn that neither of them would back down."

"I know Mother. Something's going on and I'm going to find out what it is."

"Yeah, figured you would jump at the chance to play detective again, wouldn't ya Jarrod. After all that's what got Heath in this mess to begin with, you having to play detective!" Nick slammed down his glass and stood up, going over to the fireplace, he leaned against the mantle and stared into the flames.

"Nick, I'm not the one who threw the punch at Hanson. That was Heath, not me!"

"Oh don't you dare! Don't you dare start with that!" Nick's jaw tightened and he pointed an angry finger at his brother. "It was your need to know everything that landed Heath in jail and you know it! Just weren't satisfied with finding things out in a natural course, oh no, you had to go digging up trouble didn't ya!"

Jarrod rose from his seat and stood in front of Nick, "Look Nick, you can't blame all of this on me!"

"Oh I can't can I? Just watch me!"


Rap, Rap, Rap! Rachel slapped her hand on the coffee table to gain their attention and it worked. She stood up and went between the two brothers.

"She said stop it!" Laura deciphered. "What's done is done, getting Heath out of jail is the only thing you two should be concerned with, not fighting over the who's fault it is, that won't do him any good right now."

Nick and Jarrod both stepped back and looked towards Rachel.

"Rachel said that you should take her now to bring Heath dinner Nick. It'll give you a chance to cool off!"

Nick looked at her and Rachel nodded and crossed her arms. "Yeah, you're right Rachel. Silas should have that basket ready for him by now and I asked him to put in a dinner for you and Fred too. I figured ya might wanna eat with him."

Victoria put her hand on Rachel's shoulder. "Thank you." She whispered. "It's not the first time those two have gone at it and I'm sure it won't be the last." Rachel nodded in agreement, sometimes she found it hard to believe that they were brothers, they were so intrinsically different from one another.


  * * * * * * * *



The door creaked open and Heath got up from the cot. No doubt it was Fred checking on him again. But his frown disappeared and a wide smile replaced it and lit up his whole face. "Rachel."

Fred tousled his keys about and upon finding the right one, opened the cell door to allow Rachel inside. She had a large picnic basket with her and Heath took it and placed it on his cot.

"You didn't come here by yourself, did you?" He asked.

She shook her head no, "Nick came with me. He and Fred are going to eat their dinner out in the front office."

"Umm Heath, 'bout an hour okay? You need anything just holler." Fred closed the door behind him and started through the door to his office. He felt awful about Heath being stuck there for thirty days and tried to do his best to see he was comfortable.

Pulling her close, he breathed in a faint whiff of roses and soap. He stepped back realizing that his own scent must be something terrible. "I must not be too nice ta get close to right now. Seeing how's it’s been a few days since I've had a bath."

"Oh, you're not all that bad. At least it’s not hot in here, then I might not be able to hug you." She grinned back at him.

"How 'bout a kiss, think you can do that?"

"I think I can manage that."

His arms went around her small waist and he kissed her tenderly. For the first time, Rachel's lips parted and allowed him to explore her mouth. His grip tightened around her as their kiss deepened and he felt every curve of her body against him. Her breath was caught in her throat and every part of her body tingled with excitement. His hands roamed over her back, caressing her in a motion that was both soothing and exhilarating. His mouth left hers and went to her cheek, then down her neck in a series of small kisses.

"Rachel." He moaned out in a whisper. "God, I miss you." He had to stop when he opened his eyes again and saw that he was still in the jail cell. "So, what's for dinner?" He asked with a lopsided grin.

Rachel needed a second to regain her composure and her breath. "Pork loin roast, potatoes and carrots." She signed.

Heath went to the cot and sat down. He patted the empty spot next to him and opened up the picnic basket. Rachel took a seat next to him and he handed her a cloth napkin.

"Boy howdy! Silas must think I don't get to eat a thing in here! Look at all this food." He served up the meal, not letting Rachel help and took to eating it as soon as he had filled their plates.

"I'm sorry that Jarrod didn't get you out of here today."

"So am I, but he will. I won't be in here thirty days, the judge will come around."

"You think so?"

"Positive, I mean how on earth can we plan a wedding if I'm in here?" He smiled and tweaked her nose.

"You're Mother seems to want a very big wedding."

"Well kinda figured she would. First one getting married and all of that."

He looked at Rachel and saw the expression on her face. "You'd rather have a small one wouldn't you?" She nodded in reply. "Now that I think about it, small one seems just right."

"What about your Mother?" She asked.

"I think Mother will be just as happy with a small wedding. Maybe we can have it outside somewhere."

"I know just the place."

Heath laughed. "You had just the place in mind all along, didn't you?!"

Rachel grinned sheepishly at him. "I suppose I have. Remember when the four of us went riding and we had the picnic by the lake?"

Heath put down his fork and put the plate on the floor. "That would be a nice spot, I like the way you think Rachel." His strong hands cupped her face and brought her to his lips.

Nick bounded through the door, "Heath, we best get going...oh..sorry."

"It's okay Nick. Rachel and I were just making some wedding plans."

"Oh...right. Umm, Rachel I think we best head back to the ranch soon. Mother will have my hide if I don't get ya home early."

"Just give us a minute Nick."

"Sure, sure. I'll be right in the front office." Nick closed the door and shook his head with a smile.

"I don't want to leave you here." She told Heath sadly.

"Oh don't worry about me. 'Sides, I'm making myself a passel of money here playing Fred in poker." He drew her to him and hugged her. "You git now, go on home to the ranch."

"Sunrise won't be the same without you."

"You watch the sunrise and then tell me all about it, okay?"

Rachel smiled bravely, "I will Heath, every detail."

Fred came back in and escorted Rachel out of the cell area. She looked back at him for one moment before the door closed. Heath sat back down on the cot and drew his knees to his chest.

Across town, Hanson was enjoying a whiskey with the two Federal Marshals. "So when is Mr. Simpson arriving?" He asked

"First train in the morning, about eight o'clock."

"Good, good. I do look forward to meeting him. What's he like?"

Morgan drank down the last of his whiskey and wiped his mouth with his sleeve. "Mr. Simpson, well he's quite a big man, over six feet easily. Sturdy."

"And he gets what he wants, when he wants it. Ain't that right?" Hadley added in.

Morgan gave an exaggerated nod. "Yep, he's rich and big. Not someone ya ever wanna cross. Not ever! I hear tell that he likes the ladies real young though."

"Really?" Hanson eyed the saloon girls looking for a suitable candidate to entertain Mr. Simpson if need be.

"Really. Ya know," Morgan leaned in close to Hanson, with his hot whiskey breath. "Rumor has it that the girl Rachel and him were ummm, mighty close."

Hanson's eyes grew wide, "But isn't Rachel his stepdaughter?"

"Yep but it ain't like she's is real daughter or nothing."

Hanson slugged down another whiskey to calm the knots he found suddenly forming in his belly. "If you'll excuse me gentlemen, I think I'm going to retire for the evening." He grabbed his coat and walked quickly from the saloon. Now this was a feeling that he hadn't been counting on. The idea of this Mr. Simpson taking advantage of his stepdaughter caused his stomach to churn. He found himself growing very uncomfortable with the arrangements he had made and wondering to himself what he had done.

Rachel watched as Nick carried Laura upstairs to bed and helped her tuck his little Sprite in. He kissed his favorite little girl's forehead and bid them both goodnight.

"Rachel?" Laura asked after Nick left the room. "Is the bad man coming?"

"What? Oh no honey, what gave you that idea?" Rachel lied to her and she hated doing it but she hated the idea of Laura being scared again even more.

"Just some things I've heard around the house. We're safe here aren't we?"

Rachel brushed back her sister's hair. "Of course we are. There's no place safer than this ranch. You think Nick or Heath is going to let anything happen to us?"

"No, I guess not. Rachel?"


"I love you."

"I love you too, now get some sleep. You have school in the morning." She kissed her cheek and left the room. Going down the hall she went into her bedroom and closed the door. Before crawling into bed, she got down on her knees and silently asked God to keep the both of them safe and to look after Heath while he was in jail.

A few hours later she was awakened to the terrified screams of her sister. She grabbed her robe and went running down the hall to her sister's room. Nick was the first to arrive on the scene and had quickly caught up the little girl in his arms.

"The bad man! He's gonna take us away!" She cried large tears on Nick's chest.

"No honey, no there's no bad man here. Just a bad dream, okay? Just a bad dream." Nick's heart broke at Laura's shaking and crying.

Rachel came into the room and Laura immediately went to her. She rocked her sister back and forth in her arms while Nick sat on the bed and watched Laura slowly begin to calm down. Victoria stood in the bedroom doorway, her shoulders grasped securely by Jarrod as they looked on at the saddening scene.

Rachel looked up at Nick then pointed at herself, then the bed.

"You'll stay here with her tonight?" Nick asked. At her nod, Nick touched the little girl's cheek as she slowly drifted back off to sleep. "Goodnight Sprite." He whispered.


  * * * * * * * *



While the mansion was still and dark, Rachel quietly got dressed in her riding clothes. She pulled on her gray split skirt and a black turtleneck that came to just underneath her chin. She kissed her now soundly sleeping sister and tiptoed from the room, carrying her riding boots in one hand.

She went downstairs and crossed the front hall quietly, hoping that Silas wasn't awake yet. When she got to the barn, she patted Charger's head. "How would you like to go see your rider today?" She mouthed the words to Heath's horse and could swear from Charger's reaction that he had understood her. "Let's just hope that Heath is more pleased to see me than angry, okay Charger?" She finished putting on his saddle and fixed the stirrups to her leg length then mounted him for the ride into Stockton.

First light was just breaching the horizon as she made her way into town, fairly confident of the road before her. Quietly, she walked Charger into the town's main street, hoping to not be seen and feeling her heart pounding in her chest. She reached the jail and dismounted, tying Charger up out front. She tiptoed to the side alley and looked in the small barred window of Heath's cell.

Rachel rapped her knuckles against the bars and when that didn't elicit a response, she found a small rock and tossed it through the window.

Heath heard the rock before he saw it and looked down at it from his cot. He then turned slowly to look at the cell window. "Rachel!" He spoke loudly then turned down his own volume, "Rachel, what are you doing here? Where's Nick?"

"He's not with me."

"You're not supposed to leave the ranch without an escort, you know that." He wasn't sure what he felt more, anger or happiness. She shouldn't be out by herself and he kept one eye on the alleyway. Still, he couldn't help but enjoy the fact that she had ridden all the way into town just to see him. But no, he needed to be angry with her, especially now, this wasn't the time for risk taking of any sort. "Go back home Rachel, better yet wait a minute and I'll get Billy to ride home with you."

"I'm sorry Heath, really I am. But I just wanted to watch the sunrise with you. It's not the same anymore when you're not there."

"Rachel!" Heath rubbed his chin and sighed heavily. His future wife certainly had a mind of her own, a mind that he loved early and at the moment, frustrated him to no end. "Aww, how can I stay mad when you go and say something like that." He extended his arm outside of his cell window and Rachel took his hand, putting a kiss on his palm.

He stood there with his arm outside the window and held Rachel's hand, even though he could barely see the first colors of morning, he had her there with him and it made it a beautiful sunrise.

With the warm glow of the new day shining on Rachel's face, he knew she had to get back to the ranch in a hurry. "Go on Rachel, you get home now before Nick realizes your gone. Actually, now that I think of it, he's probably already scouring the house looking for you."

"Oh no." Rachel brought his hand up to her face and leaned into it. "I'll come by later before we get Laura from school or maybe afterwards, she really wants to see you Heath."

Heath shook his head. "I'm not sure this is the best place for her to visit me."

"Thirty days is a very long time, especially to a seven year old."

"You're right. Okay, after school you can bring her by."

"She's going to be so happy to see you."

"So will I. Now go Rachel! Get home would ya please?! And no more sunrise visits until we know that everything is okay!"

"All right Heath." She replied.


Rachel made an x mark across her heart.

"Okay. See ya later. I'm glad you came Rachel, just don't do it again!"

She smiled at him and then left as silently as she had arrived.

Rachel arrived back at the ranch the same time that the morning train pulled into Stockton. The seventh and final car was a private one. Mr. Simpson never traveled with the regular passengers and he never traveled alone. Escorting him to Stockton were two men he had hired especially for this trip and Mrs. Ling, his personal maid and occasional mistress. He disembarked from the train to find the two federal marshals waiting for him on the platform. These marshals were being paid handsomely by him and were kept in his back pocket for whenever he needed their services. The two men accompanying him had far less scrupulous backgrounds than the marshals and were both well acquainted with the insides of prison.

Mr. Simpson was a very large man of over six feet tall and heavily built. He pulled off his fancy hat and raked his fingers through his coal black hair. "Good morning gentlemen, I take it that you are still keeping an eye on my daughter and Rachel?"

"Oh yes sir," Hadley replied. "But Rachel hasn't been in her store in days. She seems to be spending much of her time out at the Barkley ranch, along with Laura. I haven't seen either one of them without an escort. Except when Laura is in school, of course."

Mr. Simpson nodded, "So Laura's in school is she? That's where you'll take her. Rachel doesn't spend the day there with her, does she?"

"What? Oh no sir, she doesn't. Matter of fact, when she's not at the ranch she spends most of her time at the jail. Her beau is in there, thanks in large part to that DA that we met."

"Well done gentlemen. This should all go rather smoothly then and soon my daughter will be back with me in Chicago."

Morgan was worried, "I don't know if school is such a good idea. Broad daylight, teacher and a room full of children. Could get a little hairy."

"Well that's why you two are here and these two men that I hired. Wiles and Johnson, they'll be there to assist you should any problems break out."

"Would you like us to take you to the hotel sir?" Hadley asked. He looked over the men that Mr. Simpson had brought with him and could swear he'd seen one of them before on a wanted poster.

"No need, if you both do your jobs right. I shall have my daughter on a train home this evening and perhaps, Rachel as well."

"But I thought sir that you wanted Rachel arrested for kidnapping?"

"Oh I do indeed, go ahead and arrest her and if anyone tries to stop you or my men, shoot to kill. But I don't think Rachel will stay in a jail cell for more than a few hours. She won't leave Laura and she'll do anything I ask so she can stay with Laura and look after her. Isn't that right, Mrs. Ling?"

"Oh yes Mr. Simpson, yes you are right." Mrs. Ling answered very quickly. She was terrified of the large man that was her boss. When Rachel had taken Laura and run, she had tried to get Mrs. Ling to go with her, but she was too afraid to leave. Afraid of a day like today when freedom would turn to dust.

Jarrod opened the door again anxiously looking for any sign of Rachel. Laura had awoken to find her sister gone and when she couldn't find her in the house, she soon was pounding on Nick's door. As Jarrod finished buttoning his shirt, he saw Rachel ride up on Charger. "Nick, she's back!" He called out.

Nick came barreling down the stairs with Sprite on his heels; he brushed past Jarrod and went right to Rachel. "Where in the blazes were you? Didn't Heath tell you to stay close to the ranch and not leave without an escort?"

Rachel ignored him and went up the steps to the house, she smiled at Jarrod as she walked past him.

"Just a minute young lady." Jarrod said, "My brother was talking to you."

"Rachel, where were you I was so worried!" Laura grabbed hold of her sister's arm.

She leaned down and kissed Laura's head. "Its okay Laura, I went to spend the sunrise with Heath."

"What she say?" Nick asked, still angered over the entire situation.

"She was with Heath, they watched the sunrise."

"You were with Heath, so that makes everything okay, does it?" Nick stepped closer to her. "You're not deaf Rachel, answer me!"

Rachel signed something to Laura and giggled silently.

"Rachel said that it's a wonderful thing to have two future brother in laws that care so much about our safety."

With that Rachel kissed the cheeks of both Nick and Jarrod and walked from the room.

"Oh, we better keep an eye on that one Nick. She's a charmer!"

"Heath has surely got his hands full!"

"That my dear boy is a fact, it truly is!"

Laura just couldn't believe it; everyone was actually leaving the front hall. "You know it is a school day!" Her little fists sat on her hips and her bellow resembled that of a large cowboy that she had grown quite fond of.

After making many apologies for their memory lapses, Nick and Rachel took Laura into town for school. Rachel planned on stopping at the General Store after they dropped Laura off to get some new sewing supplies.

They arrived in front of the schoolhouse before the first bell had rung. Laura surprised Nick with a large impromptu hug.

"Well that was mighty nice! Any special reason for it?" He asked, grinning.

"Nope, just wanted to give ya a hug, that's all."

"Good luck on your test today Laura, I'm sure you'll do just fine." Rachel said.

"Just wish it wasn't a spelling test. Some of those words are so hard!"

"Aww you'll do great Sprite. Why you're the smartest little girl I know!"

Laura rolled her eyes at Nick, "I'm the only little girl you know!"
She grabbed her books off the seat and started towards her friends, turning back to wave at them. "Bye Rachel, bye Nick!"

Nick waved her off then gave a flick of the reins and headed towards the General Store. Neither Rachel nor Nick saw the small group of men watching them from between two buildings.



  * * * * * * * *



The new fabrics that had just arrived from New York were stunning and Rachel couldn't help herself. She bought several yards of the fabrics; including a new cream colored silk that she thought would make the perfect addition to her ideas for her wedding gown.

Nick waited as patiently as a man could and was wearing down the floor in one aisle as he paced it back and forth. She was more than fully aware of his patience and took an odd sort of enjoyment out of making him do it. She finally took pity on Nick and made her purchases.

Hanson stayed in his office, he didn't want to go outside, didn't want to meet this Mr. Simpson. He didn't sleep all night, his conscience ate away at him and now, the ten thousand dollar reward held little interest to Jim Hanson. He had always abhorred people that abused children, had wished for laws against it. But in the courtroom, wishing didn't get a man or lawyer very far.

The two marshals had come by early in the morning, wanting Hanson to join them in meeting the train. But Hanson had cowered in the back of his office and never answered the door. His mind was filled with conflict.

Morgan turned to Simpson and asked, "How do ya wanna do this?"

Simpson leaned his large frame up against the building. "Morgan, you and Hadley will retrieve my daughter from the school. You both being Federal Marshals should make that go pretty smoothly. Do it nice and legal like, go talk to the teacher, tell her who you are and why you're there. If ya show her the wanted information from home, there shouldn't be any trouble. Even if she does get the sheriff, he'll have to be on your side in this. When you get Laura, bring her back to the train station and my private car. One of you will have to stay with Mrs. Ling to watch her. Rachel's poisoned her mind by now I'm sure and she might try to get away."

"Yes, sir. Don't you worry; we'll get her back to you. What about Rachel?"

"My two men here are going to follow Rachel and that Barkley fellow she's with. When they are far enough away from town and no one's around, that's when they'll take her."

"I dunno." Hadley added in, "That Barkley family is about the richest and most powerful family in the valley. One of them's a lawyer, darned good one from what I hear."

"I don't really care about that Hadley. The law is on my side in this. If the man she's with gives you any trouble, shoot him." He directed his two hired gunmen. "He's obstructing justice and you're within the law if something should happen." Mr. Simpson lit a thick cigar, a perfectly circular cigar that matched the perfectly circular burn that Dr. Merrar had seen on Rachel's back.

Miss Timmons stood up from her desk and went to the front row to collect the spelling tests from her pupils. Laura sat in the front of the classroom and collected the papers from the children behind her. Everyone turned around and gawked when they heard the sound of the door opening and two men walked inside.

Heidi elbowed Laura, "Look Laura, they got badges on!" She whispered.

"Yeah." Laura replied, "I'd say someone's in really big trouble!"

The students silently watched their teacher whispering to the men with the badges. After several minutes of discussion, Miss Timmons called her eldest male pupil to the front and whispered something in his ear.

The boy's mouth dropped open and Laura realized that he was now staring at her. He raced from the classroom and went down the street to the sheriff's office.

Heath was deeply embroiled in a game of checkers with Fred, while Billy looked on. Fred stood when the front door flew open and Timmy Walters came barging inside, gasping for breath.

"Hold on there now Timmy, what's got you all a fire?" Fred asked.

"It's Miss Timmons, she said to come get you right away, there's two marshals at the school and they want to take one of the girls."

"What girl?!" Heath demanded.

"Laura, the new kid. They said she was kidnapped!"

Heath stood up quickly and knocked over the checkerboard in the process. "No, she's not been kidnapped!"

"Laura, you mean Rachel Jone's sister? How can that be?" Fred looked at Heath. "There something I should know about?"

He had to get out of that cell, had to get out quick. "Fred, ya gotta let me outta here! They're in danger, Rachel and Laura, please you gotta let me out!"

"Hold on Heath, calm down! Now come on, you are holding something from me and I need to know what it is. I can't help if I don't know what's going on."

Heath considered Fred a friend, he was a good man and he knew it. But Fred was also a man of the law and there wasn't a thing he could do in this situation. He hesitated before saying anything, but at this point, he didn't feel he had any other options but to tell him the truth. "Fred, Rachel and Laura are on the run. But it wasn't kidnapping."

Fred listened intently to a brief version of all that Heath knew about the two sisters and all they had been through. It sickened him to no end to think of someone hurting his own child or stepchild. But his hands were tied; both he and Heath knew that. The law was clearly on the side of the father.

"I don't know what I can do Heath. I will try and stall them for a while though. Billy, I want you to find Jarrod, ride as hard and as fast as you can. Bring him here, understand?"

"Yes sir, I'm on my way." Billy grabbed his hat and rifle and headed off towards the Barkley ranch.

"Heath, you try and stay calm. I'll do everything I can, I'm going to the school right now." When Fred opened the door the sounds of a little girl screaming echoed into his office.

Heath grabbed the bars of his cell, his knuckles turned white and his face grew red. "LAURA!!!!!!" Oh God, please no this can't be happening. "LAURA!!"

Rachel and Nick were nearly half way home when Nick leaned into her and said very quietly. "Rachel, don't look back but I do believe we're being followed."

Rachel's breath caught in her throat and she gripped her skirts with her fists. She looked to Nick, anxious and very frightened.

"I'm gonna pick up the pace a little bit and see if they pick up as well." Nick reached behind him and took the rifle off the floorboard of the carriage, putting it up next to him. Then removing the gun from his holster, he inconspicuously put it in Rachel's lap. "Think you can use this if ya need to?"

Rachel nodded, though deep inside she wasn't really sure if she could ever pull the trigger against another person.

Nick flicked the reins and their horse gained speed. Turning just slightly, he drew his breath between clenched teeth as he saw the two riders keeping up with their quicker pace.

"They've spotted us." The hired gunmen told the other.

"Let's go!" They kicked their horses into a full gallop.

Nick saw them and try as he might, a horse and carriage was no match for two men on horseback. One of the men rode ahead of him slightly and grabbed the reins of their horse, pulling the carriage to a halt.

Both men drew their guns and aimed, one at Rachel and the other Nick.

"Don't try anything stupid. All we want is Miss Knight here and you're free to go."

"Whatcha want her for?" Nick asked.

"She's wanted for kidnapping Laura Simpson and we plan on taking her in, mighty big reward for her capture."

"That so? Well maybe I wanna get in on that too."

The hired gunmen glanced at each other, giving Nick enough time to reach down and grab the rifle. But not enough time to get a shot off.

A single bullet exploded from a gun and hit one of the men in the shoulder. Rachel's hands trembled from the shock of firing at someone for the first time. The two men took aim and fired back. Rachel's gun was shot from her hand and the bullet grazed her wrist. The other shot pierced skin, then muscle and grazed a lung. Nick Barkley slumped over in the seat.

Rachel grabbed the back of Nick's vest and pulled him up. Blood was staining his white shirt, seeping across it far too quickly. She shook him slightly trying to wake him up. Two arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her away from him. She kicked and fought; trying to get back to Nick but it was no use.

"This will get her to calm down." The man turned his gun around and struck her in the head with the butt. 'Be much easier to take her to jail now!" He chortled.

"What do we do about him?" The other asked pointing to Nick.

"Leave him, the buzzards will have a feast."



  * * * * * * * *



They had both been told that at least for now, they needed to stay on the right side of the law. So grudgingly, they did as the young deputy ordered them to do. Billy had come upon the two gunmen as he was riding out to the Barkley ranch. He drew on them when he saw Heath's lady friend tied up and slung over the horse like a saddlebag.

After some convincing, one of the men was allowed to withdraw a piece of paper from his pocket. A wanted poster with a very clear drawing of Rachel along with a written description of her younger sister. According to the poster, Rachel was wanted for kidnapping Laura and there was a ten thousand dollar reward on her head. He would have to get this straightened out with the sheriff. He had listened to Heath's story of how the two girls had been badly abused and if Heath believed it, well so did he. But then there was the matter of the law which was clearly not on the side of Rachel and Laura.

"Wait a minute!" Billy said alarmed. "Rachel doesn't go anywhere by herself! Who was with her?"

"Some tall fella, he drew on us though, had to shoot him." The elder man replied.

Billy demanded to be taken to where they had left the man. Nick lay unconscious in the carriage, blood barely coming from the wound now. The young deputy couldn't believe that these callous men had left Nick Barkley there to die. He pulled a clean handkerchief from his pocket and placed it over Nick's wound to stem any further loss of blood. Nick winced and moaned, his eyes fluttered for a moment but then he drifted back into unconsciousness. Finding a blanket underneath the carriage seat, Billy covered Nick's cool frame with it. His anger towards the two men grew as they offered him no assistance.

"Give me the girl!" Billy demanded. He pulled Rachel off the horse, her ankles and wrists tightly bound. The deputy caught his first glimpse at the injury to her head, spying a small amount of blood caked in her hair. "All right now, you say that with Nick Barkley it was self defense. Mind telling me what happened to her?"

The man shrugged, "It was an accident, she tried to run away but she tripped and hit her head on a rock."

He didn't believe a word of what they were telling him, not one single word. Billy carefully laid Rachel down in the back seat of the carriage and pulled out his pocket knife, cutting through the ropes they had tied her with.

"Hey if she gets away now boy, we're gonna get that reward money from you!"

Billy ignored the man's comment and finger pointing and took the reins of the carriage. With two hired gunmen beside him, he began a slow ride back to Stockton and Dr. Merrar's office. Once Nick and then Rachel had both been carried into Dr. Merrar's office and were under his care; Billy hightailed it back to the sheriff's office.

He burst through the front door, "Sheriff! Nick Barkley's been shot!" Billy stopped in his tracks at the sight of Fred talking to two Federal Marshals.

Heath spoke from his cell before Fred had a chance to respond. "What happened? How bad is it?" He demanded to know, he gripped the bars and tried to shake them, frustration was building inside him quickly.

"It's bad, took one in the chest, maybe hit a lung I don't know. He's at the doc's now. And..." The young deputy really didn't want to be the bearer of any more bad news. "Rachel's there too Heath."

"What?! Why? What's happening?"

"I don't know. Two men found them; they had the wanted poster for Rachel. They said that Nick fired first and it was self-defense. They had your lady all tied up and she was knocked out, they told me that she fell and hit her head. But I dunno sheriff, don't think I believe them."

"Where are these men now?" Fred asked.

"They're at the doc's office."

"And Rachel Knight is there as well you said?" Morgan asked.

"Ummm, yessir, she is."

"Good, then as soon as the doctor is finished with her, she'll need to be brought to a jail cell here sheriff."

"What? I don't keep women here in my jail?!" Fred was clearly horrified by the thought.

"Until it's decided how to transport her back to Chicago for trial, she's gonna have to stay in your jail."

"She didn't do anything wrong!" Heath yelled at the men. "Don't you know they were trying to get away from the man that was hurting them, Rachel was trying to save her sister. Not kidnap her!"

"I don't know anything about that Mr. Barkley, what I do know is that Laura Simpson is the daughter of Mr. Simpson and therefore, his property. She is going to return home to Chicago this evening." Hadley told him matter of factly.

Fred put on his gun belt and with a sigh told the two marshals "Follow me, the doctor's office is just up the street." He then turned to Billy and whispered, "Get Jarrod here and get him here fast. I don't care where he is or what he's doing, get him here!"

"Fred! Please, you've got ta let me outta here! You can't let them take Laura back to Chicago!"

"Heath...there's just nothing I can do about that right now. Pray that you're brother Jarrod can help them. Just pray Heath."

Heath was left alone in the small cell. He paced it back and forth before fury took over and he grabbed the metal cot and flipped it over yelling out in a primal rage. He was trapped in that damnable cell and everything was falling apart. Nick had been shot, Billy said it was bad. Laura had been taken and if they didn't do something fast, she would soon be back in Chicago with the 'bad man'. And Rachel, how could he let this happen?! He was in love with her, madly in love and wasn't he supposed to protect her? Didn't he promise to always be there? Where was he now, trapped in a jail cell because of one punch, one punch he should have never thrown. Rachel, Laura and Nick; they were all paying the price for his stupidity. The thought of it enraged him even more, his own stupidity. "Damn yourself to hell Heath Barkley!" He muttered to himself.

"Heath! Heath!" Jarrod found Heath in the corner of his cell, pounding his fist into the wall. "Heath what's happened? Tell me what is going on!"

Heath turned around slowly, his face filled with rage. 'What's going on? What's going on is that your letter to Chicago has destroyed lives. Rachel and Laura's lives and now maybe Nick too."

"Nick?" Jarrod hadn't heard any of the story except to get to the sheriff's office immediately.

"That's right, Nick's life. He's been shot Jarrod! All because he was trying to protect Rachel. They shot him and he might not make it!"

"Where..where is he Heath?"

"At Doc Merrar's being worked on right now, along with Rachel."

"Oh dear God."

"Rachel was knocked unconscious. And Laura was taken from the school by force by two marshals Jarrod. I hope you're proud of what you've done big brother!" Heath turned his back to him and refused to listen to anything his brother had to say.

After promising that he would find out everything and do all he can and not knowing if all of it had fallen upon deaf ears, Jarrod left the office dejected. He slowly walked up the street towards the doctor's office. As he rounded the corner, he came upon the two marshals and Fred, escorting a very dazed looking Rachel out of the doctor's office.

Jarrod took hold of Rachel's arm; she looked as though she would pass out at any moment. "Rachel! Rachel, what happened?" He asked anxiously.

She struggled to focus and clear her head, having only been conscious for the last hour. More than anything, she wished she had the strength to slap Jarrod Barkley hard enough to knock him to the ground. But right now, it was all she could manage to stand and glare at him, letting the expression on her face speak volumes to him.

Rachel pulled herself from Jarrod's grasp and looked away. He stood alone in stunned silence as he watched her being led to the Sheriff's office. Nick, he thought. He went into Dr. Merrar's office and found Dr. Merrar emerging from an examining room.

"Oh Jarrod, I'm glad you're here. Nick's just waking up. He's quite lucky you know."

"How so? What happened?"

"The bullet hit the far left of his chest had it hit any further to the right, you'd be burying him. Fortunately your Barkley luck seems to have paid off, the bullet entered and exited without damaging any major organs. Still he did lose quite a bit of blood, I'm gonna keep him here overnight and make sure he gets lots of fluids into him. I think he'll be just fine."

"Luck." He said quietly. "Thanks Doctor, can I see him now?"

"Of course you can."

While Jarrod went into the examining room to check on Nick and beg his brother's forgiveness. Rachel was escorted into the sheriff's office.

"Rachel! Rachel, are you okay?" Heath had to know; she didn't look well as the marshal took her into the jail cell across from him.

Slowly she looked up at him as the marshal locked the cell door. "Heath, where's Laura?"

"She wants to know where Laura is!" Heath told them.

"She's going home to Chicago, that's all she needs to know."

"Heath they can't do that to her, please do something! I don't care if I have to stay here, but please they can't take her back there!"

"Listen to me," Heath turned his attentions to Fred and the two marshals. "If you take Laura back to Chicago, he's going to hurt her. Her father will hurt her, like he hurt Rachel. Fred, you can't let this happen!"

"Heath, Rachel, I just don't know what I can do...the law is clearly on the side of Laura's father. I just don't know." Fred had never felt so frustrated with the law as he did at this very moment.

Rachel leaned her head against the cell bars and began to cry. No sounds, just the tears that fell onto her cheeks and the trembling of her body; it broke Heath's heart in two.

Fred and the marshals left the cell area and returned to the front office, leaving Heath alone with her. At that moment, he would give his own soul to be able to reach out and hold her. A mere few feet apart from one another, he was unable to touch her or comfort her.

"Rachel, we'll figure it out. Please Rachel, I love you. We'll figure this out together. I know we can, don't lose hope." He repeated the words over and over again, but she had no response, she wouldn't even look at him.

Jarrod returned to the cells a short time later. Nick had made him promise that he would do whatever he could to keep Laura from leaving town. It was a promise he made easily, if he could find a way, he would keep them here in Stockton. Somehow, he had to find a way.

"Heath, Rachel, I'm on my way now to see Judge Parker. I'm going to try and get a writ that will prevent the marshals from taking Laura out of town. I'll be back as soon as I have more news."

The door into the cell area opened again and Jarrod looked up at the large man entering.

He brushed past Jarrod and stood in front of Rachel's cell. "Hello Rachel."

Heath didn't need to be told who the man was; he knew it as soon as he saw Rachel's face. She looked up at the man and her face became ashen. She took small steps backwards trying to get as far from the man as possible.

"You stay away from her!" Heath threatened.

Jarrod realized then who the man was, Rachel's stepfather and Laura's father. "Mr. Simpson, I gather. My name is Jarrod Barkley and I'm going to be representing Rachel. I'll have you know that I have no intention of allowing you to leave this city with Laura."

"You can't stop me, she's my daughter and I'll do whatever I want with her." Mr. Simpson replied snidely.

"I wouldn't count on it." Jarrod told him. "I've got an appointment with the judge right now. I will stop you." Jarrod put on his hat and gave a nod to Heath, "I'll be back soon."

Mr. Simpson just chuckled, knowing full well that he had the upper hand. "Rachel, you really didn't think you could run from me forever, did you? If you did, you are truly more foolish than I thought!"

She mouthed her sister's name.

"Oh yes, you're worried about Laura aren't you? Well, she is coming home with me this evening and you my dear, will never see her again. I'd say it’s a good bet you'll be spending at least the next five years in prison."

"No, she won't!" Heath interjected. "I'm not gonna let you get away with this! I swear I won't!"

He completely ignored Rachel's supposed beau and spoke to her in whispered tones. "You know, you don't have to go to jail Rachel. You can stay with your sister."

Rachel looked up at him and waited to hear what he was going to offer, but she already knew deep down what he would say next.

"All you have to do Rachel is come with me. Willingly give yourself to me. Of course you will have to be punished for running off like you did. But, you'll be able to stay with Laura. That's all you have to do and you can be with your sister to look after her. What do you say?"

Heath had heard every word, even whispers echoed in the small cell area. "No! Rachel, don't you listen to him!"

Rachel shook her head at her stepfather. No, she would never give herself to him willingly. Listen to Heath, she told herself, they'll find a way.

"Very well Rachel, but if you change your mind, you can get a message to me. I'll have you released immediately. But you only have till eight tonight, that's when the train leaves and so does your options." Mr. Simpson strode confidently from the jail, firmly believing that Rachel would soon be with him again and this time, she wouldn't put up a fight.

Two hours passed before Jarrod returned to the jail.

"Well?" Heath asked. "What's the news? How long is that writ for?"

Jarrod leaned his back against the cell wall with Fred standing beside him. "There is no writ."

Rachel got up from the narrow cot and stood as close to him as she could.

"What? What do you mean no writ?"

"I'm sorry, Heath, Rachel. There's no precedent for anything like this. No laws to protect Laura. They are going to allow Mr. Simpson to return to Chicago with Laura tonight."

Rachel's legs gave out from under her and she dropped to the floor, sobbing.

"Jarrod, you can't let them do that! You can't let them take her, you know what he'll do to her."

"I know, I know."

Rachel motioned to Fred to come to her and he did. She made a motion of writing on something.

"You want to write something?" Fred asked.

She nodded in reply.

Jarrod produced paper and pencil from his valise and handed it to her. Her hands shook as she wrote. When she finished, she folded the paper in half and wrote on the front: Mr. Simpson. She then handed the paper back to Fred.

"You want me to take this to him?"

She nodded again, her eyes pleading with him.

"Rachel? What is that?" Heath asked but there was no answer. She silently went back to the cot and sat down, turning away from him.

In a short while, Mr. Simpson returned to the jail triumphantly. "So Rachel, I got your message. Did you mean it?"

She nodded her assent under the watchful eyes of Jarrod and Heath.

"Very well." Mr. Simpson turned to Fred, "I won't be pressing charges against this young woman. Please release her."

"Are you sure Mr. Simpson?" Fred asked, not knowing what was going on.

"Quite sure, aren't we Rachel?"

Fred fumbled with his keys and turned the cell door.

"Miss Knight will be returning with me to Chicago. So we will now bid you all farewell, for you won't ever see her or myself again."

Rachel exited the cell slowly and Mr. Simpson wrapped his arm tightly around her waist.

"Rachel! What are you doing?"

She looked at Heath for a moment, "I love you Heath, don't forget me." She then closed her eyes and turned from him.

"Rachel, no! Don't do this! We'll find a way, don't go with him!" Heath reached out his arm but couldn't quite touch her. "Rachel! Don't!"

"Rachel, " Jarrod said, "Heath's right, I strongly urge you not to do this. We'll get Laura back, I know we will. If you leave now, I don't know how I'm going to be able to help you!"

"Rachel, come with me now!" Simpson tightened his grip around her and made her wince.

"I'm sorry Heath." Rachel told him and then left the cell area with her stepfather.



  * * * * * * * *



Audra held her brothers large hand in hers.  She turned it over and ran her fingers across the large calluses and multiple small scars; she never realized how hard working his hands looked.

Nick stirred and grunted as he leaned too far onto his left side. Slowly his eyes opened and he squinted in the lamplight. He saw his baby sister smiling down at him, "Audra." He whispered hoarsely.

"Hello there." She replied with a soft smile. "You gave all of us quite the scare."

He tried to sit himself up in bed and Audra helped prop him up with a few extra pillows. "Better?" She asked.

"Yea, think so." The laudanum had done a good job of dulling the pain, but it had also put his head into a fog and it was several minutes before the fog cleared and the days events came flooding back to him.

"Audra, Rachel and Sprite! What time is it?"

"It's almost eight Nick."

"Jarrod stopped them, right? They're not going anywhere."

Audra looked down at her skirt and brushed away an imaginary piece of ling or dirt. She didn't want to tell him, knew how close Nick was to the little girl. "Nick...they..they.."

"No!" He knew the answer from the look on her face; he twisted and tried to get himself out of bed.

Audra grabbed hold of his shoulders in an attempt to get him to lie back down.

"Audra! Let go of me! I've got to stop them!"

Audra panicked, "Help! Dr. Merrar, help me!"

Dr. Merrar came into the room and between himself and Audra they managed to restrained the large and agitated cowboy.

"Nick, stop this at once!" Dr. Merrar ordered.

"You don't understand Doc! They're gonna leave soon if I don't do something!"

"No Nick, you are the one that doesn't understand. You get up now and you just might rip those new stitches right out! You've lost a lot of blood already Nick; you can't afford to lose anymore! What good are you going to be to those two girls if you bleed to death!"

Heath looked out the small jail window. The sun had set now and there wasn't much left for him to look at but he still leaned into it and looked outside. Victoria had come by earlier and she now sat with him inside the cell, on the small cot against the wall.

"Heath, please talk to me. Don't shut me out, not now."

"Mother, I just don't know what to do anymore."

"I know Heath. I can't imagine what this must feel like right now. I just know that I'm hurting too, we all are." She went to him and stood beside him.

"Mother, they'll die back there. Maybe not right away, but they will both die there. If you had seen the look on Rachel's face when she left. I guess I would've done the same thing as her, protected my sister. "

"She did the only thing she could do Heath. She had to go with Laura."

"I know that. But the whole thing is, neither of them should be going anywhere! Don't you see, I should be there to protect them and I'm not. I'm here in jail and now Rachel and Laura are going to pay the price for my stupidity."

"You weren't stupid Heath. Angry yes and you had every right to be. Jim had no right to treat her that way, you acted as any man would have."

"But Mother..."

"But nothing, you're not to blame for this Heath. And you know, I do believe that once you are out of this jail, a trip to Chicago would be in order."

Heath sighed and looked directly at her, "If I go to Chicago, I won't be coming back here. This is the first place they would look."

Victoria put her hand on her son's cheek. "I know that. And I know how much you love Rachel and Laura too. Do you want to spend the rest of your life with Rachel?"

"Yes..yes I do."

"Then you have to go there and you have to make a new life for the three of you."

"I may never be able to come back, if they don't change the laws, I may not come back."

"I know that. And I know that you have to do the right thing by Rachel and Laura. I've always known what a good man you are Heath. I've always known that you would sacrifice everything for the right thing if you had to. You're a good man Heath and I would understand if you had to leave."

"Have I told you how much I love you Mother? How glad I am that you're a part of my life?"

"Yes you have Heath, in so many ways, yes you have."

The sound of a train whistle carried across the breeze and into the jail. Heath hugged his Mother tightly and allowed a tear to fall upon his cheek.

Jarrod had been half waiting for that sound to come. The train whistle that signaled Laura and Rachel being taken back to Chicago. Buried in law books, he lifted his head when the sound came and it served to strengthen his resolve to rescue the two of them from this Mr. Simpson.

Jarrod knew that Heath and Nick were both being looked after. His baby sister was sitting with Nick and his mother with Heath. Neither his sister or Mother had said anything derogatory to him about what had happened, but he knew they felt it. They felt it just as he felt it down to the pit of his stomach. He was the sole reason that all of this had happened; if he just hadn't allowed that letter to be sent, and then everything would be fine. Heath and Rachel would soon be married and little Laura, Sprite, would continue to wrap all of the Barkleys around her little finger.

Close to midnight, he slammed shut the eighth law book that he had poured through. There wasn't a thing to help him or the girls, not one glimmer of hope amounts all of the books. He was half tempted to take a match to all of them, how could the law completely ignore the child? He felt as though all his years of fighting on the side of the law were for naught. The law was breaking the hearts of those he held most dear in the world.

A slight knock on the door and Jarrod looked up from his books. Who on earth would be coming to call at this late hour he wondered.

"Jarrod, may I come in?"

Jarrod felt the anger rise, he wanted nothing better than to pummel the man that had come into his office. "What are you doing here Hanson?"

"Jarrod listen I know you're furious with me and you have every right to be. But there are some things that have happened over the last few days, things that make a man lose sleep."

"What things?" Jarrod replied sternly. He rose from his desk and poured himself a liberal shot of whiskey.

"I've heard some things, about Rachel. Tell me Jarrod, I have to know the truth."

Jarrod laid it out all on the table for him. The injury to Rachel's neck, the stories of abuse, both physical and sexual.

Hanson slumped into Jarrod's couch. "My God, why didn't you tell me?"

"When I talked to you about the letter, I had no idea about any of that. I guess...I guess I'm just as much to blame as you are."

"What are you going to do?"

Jarrod hadn't decided until that very moment, "I'm taking the morning train and going to Chicago Jim. I have to find a way to get them out of there."

"You know, that letter I sent was to a fellow lawyer in Chicago. David Travers, for the right price, he might be able to find a way to help you. He's a good lawyer Jarrod, very good."

"Thanks Jim, I'd appreciate it if you would send a telegram ahead and let him know that I'm coming." Jarrod went back to his bar and poured Jim a drink. "I need one more favor from you Jim."

Jim nodded, "You want me to get Heath out of jail."

"Yes and I want you to do it before the morning train arrives. He's coming with me."

"He'll be there Jarrod, I swear it." Jim Hanson drank down his whiskey and stood up. "Jarrod...I was wrong. But I'm going to help you fix things. Heath will be at the train station first thing in the morning."


  * * * * * * * *



The sun had not risen as yet and normally; Jarrod would still be sound asleep in his soft bed. But not today, in the lamplight, he made one final check on the contents of his bag before he closed it up and went downstairs. He tiptoed quietly about, not wanting to wake his mother or sister.

Much to his surprise, he found his mother downstairs fully dressed in riding clothes and holding a large picnic basket in her hand. "Good morning sweetheart." She said softly. "I thought that you and Heath might get hungry on the train ride."

"Mother, you didn't have to do that. But thank you." He kissed her cheek and gave her a tight hug. "I just pray that Heath is there at the station as Jim promised."

"Well from what you said, I think perhaps that Jim has finally woken up. Maybe this incident has helped him to see why he became a lawyer in the first place."

"I hope you're right Mother."

"Oh by the way, I thought I would ride in with you I want to say good-bye to Heath and the doctor says I should be able to take Nick home with me this morning."

"Do you really think he would take Rachel and Laura out of the country?"

She didn't want to consider it, even though she knew that Heath would do that if he had to. The tears welled up in her eyes, "Yes I do. And so would you, if Beth had been in that situation.."

"I would've taken her to safety the first chance I had. You're right. I just have a hard time thinking about the possibility of Heath not being here. Of him and Rachel marrying and we'd never get to see that, get to see their family. I'll find a way Mother, no matter how long or how hard it is to do, I'll find a way to make it legal. It's the least I can do, I've got to find a way to keep Rachel and Laura safe."

"I know dear and I know that somehow, you'll find a way."

Jarrod checked the time and took the picnic basket from her arm. "We better get going. Now, don't worry about things here. Ciego and Jake have everything well in hand and Nick will be back to his old self in a few days. I told Ciego that in the meantime, he can telegraph Heath and I in Chicago if need be. As soon as we get a hotel, we'll wire you where we are."

"All right, but I still can't promise that I won't worry. You will both be careful out there, won't you?"

"Of course Mother, you know us!" Jarrod grinned.

"That's exactly why I'm asking!" Returning his smile, she walked out to the carriage with her eldest son.


By the time they reached the outskirts of town, the sun was shining brightly and the temperature had risen considerably. Victoria and Jarrod both removed their coats as they drew closer to the train station. They turned the corner and Victoria's face brightened. There standing on the platform was Heath with Jim Hanson next to him

"Heath!" She jumped down unassisted from the carriage and wrapped her arms around him. "Oh it's so good to see you here!"

"Much better than that cell!" Heath hugged her back.

"Thank you Jim."

"You're welcome Mrs. Barkley." He replied. "I just hope that we're not too late."

"We're not too late." Heath replied, refusing to even think of the possibility. "We're gonna get them out of there, aren't we Jarrod."

"Darn right we are!" Nick's loud voice echoed on the platform.

"Nick!" Victoria said, "What are you doing here? You're supposed to still be taking it easy!"

"Now Mother I'm just fine, right as rain. 'Sides, ya think I'm just gonna let these two go out there without me? Sprite's gonna need me and these two might need some help."

"But Nick," Jarrod started.

"Jarrod, don't even try. Nick's got his mind set on this, you should know by now you can't change that!" Heath told Jarrod with a lopsided grin.

"You're right. But you stick to resting on this trip Nick, no wild card games or anything of the sort!"

Nick gave his Pappy a mock salute, "Yessir."

The conversation and bantering stopped as the train sounded its approach into the Stockton Station. Victoria took hold of Heath's hand. She had faith in Jarrod, faith that he would do everything he possibly could to get Rachel and Laura out of that home legally. But she also knew the law and how unwavering it could often be. This would become her son's crusade, she knew this in her heart, he would work to see the laws changed. But whether or not, these changes would be possible in time to save Rachel and Laura, she really didn't know. One thing she knew for sure was that Heath wouldn't rest until they were safe and if it meant he had to take them away, then that's exactly what he would do. The thought of not seeing him again for a long time or even never seeing him again was breaking her heart in two. Her sons wouldn't see her breaking heart, which would make things too difficult; she closed off her emotions as best she could.

A few passengers disembarked and the conductor went to the station desk before he called out 'all aboard.'

Jarrod and Nick both said their good-byes to their mother and climbed the three narrow steps into the train. They waited on the car's platform for Heath to say his good-byes.

Heath hugged her tightly and wiped a tear from her cheek. There were so many words he wanted to say to her, but they all seemed flat to him, not nearly enough. Hoarsely, he spoke a few short words. "I've been blessed, richly blessed to have you in my life." He kissed her forehead and squeezed her shoulders. He released her from his arms and boarded the train.

She watched the train as it began to chug and slowly departed from the station. Only after the train was out of sight, then she allowed the tears to come.



  * * * * * * * *



The rain pounded loudly through the night against the cold metal of the train.  The three brothers tried to relax in their private car as they made their way to Chicago.  None of them could even consider sleeping, save for Nick who still felt the effects of the gunshot wound and blood loss he had sustained.  Close to two in the morning, he finally gave up the fight and fell fast asleep on the sofa.


Between the din of the rain and their brother’s horrendous snoring, Jarrod and Heath had to nearly shout to carry on a conversation together.  Jarrod had pulled out a stack of papers from his valise and was writing notes furiously.


“What’s all that?”  Heath asked, trying to lean over to see what his brother was writing.


“Just making some notes, it helps me sometimes to write everything down.”


“Notes about Rachel and Laura?”


“Yes, the chain of events since we met them.  Everything they told you and up to Rachel being put in the jail and Nick getting shot.”


“All of that gonna help them?”


“Right now, it doesn’t truly seem that way.  But more often than not, what you don’t think is really anything can turn into something.”


Heath leaned back in his seat.  “Not sure that I follow you.”


“Well, do you remember when you were accused of murder?  But you had gotten knocked unconscious?”


“Yep, can’t rightly forget that one.”


“You didn’t remember about CJ being in the barn until later, did you?  We went over the whole scene several times before it came back to you.”


“Right, now I get it.”  Heath pulled rolling papers from his pocket and a small envelope with tobacco inside.  He rolled himself a thick smoke and struck the match on the bottom of his boot.  “Jarrod, you think this David Travers will help?”


“All I can do is try with him, if not there are many other lawyers in Chicago.  But with Travers, there are a few things on our side.  He’s good from what I hear, he hates to lose and he loves money.  Fortunately for us, there are more than enough funds to keep him working quite hard for us.”


“So that’s all this will mean to him?  Winning and money?”


“I hope not, I hope it will tug at his soul the way it did with Jim.  But if I can’t reach his soul, we can reach his wallet.”


Nearly three days later and eight hours behind schedule, their train pulled into the Chicago station.  The brothers disembarked the train in the early evening and stood on the platform together. 


“Let’s go get a hotel, we can see about getting an appointment with Travers first thing in the morning.”  Jarrod told them.


“You go Jarrod.  Nick and I are going to find Rachel and Laura, first thing.”  Heath replied while holding his hat on his hat, the wind gusts cutting right through his jacket.


“That might not be such a wise idea Heath.”


“Maybe not wise Jarrod, but Heath and I are gonna find them and make sure they’re okay.”


Jarrod glared at his younger brothers, they obviously didn‘t fully understand the situation they were in.  “And how do you propose to do that?  That is, once you find where they are?  Do you intend to just knock on the front door and have this Simpson invite you in?”


Heath grew irritated, though his brother was making a lot of sense, he still couldn’t rest until he knew they were all right.  “I don’t know Jarrod!  But do you think I can just sit back in some hotel and sit around hoping that I’ll eventually find out how they are?”


“Legally that’s all you can do at this point Heath, don’t you understand yet?  The law, as it now stands, is on the father’s side.  Not on Rachel’s and certainly not on ours.”


Nick folded his arms and stared his brother down.  “No, you don’t understand.  You’ve been so wrapped up in the law that you don’t even know whom Rachel and Laura are!  They’re people Jarrod, people don’t deserve to get treated as less than animals!  Heath and I are going to try and find them while you’re talking to that high and mighty lawyer.  And that’s that!”


“All right, all right.  Look I’m too tired to argue with either one of you right now.  Lets go get our hotel rooms and we’ll discuss it again in the morning.”


“Ain’t nothing to discuss again Jarrod.  It’s been decided.”


A taxi was flagged down and they rode in the covered carriage over to the Royale Hotel on Fifth Street, a posh section of town right up the street from the office of David Travers.  And unbeknownst to them, only five blocks south was the First Bank, of which Mr. Alexander Simpson was the bank president. 


After a brief meal and a beer, the brothers decided to call it a night.  But while Jarrod returned to his room to scour his notes and the few legal journals he had brought with him.  Nick escorted Heath back downstairs and across the street to a rather large bar.  It was as nearly as posh as the hotel and the young women attending to the men were almost as nicely dressed as the ladies they had seen in the hotel, save for the thicker applications of makeup.


Nick and Heath sat down at the bar and Nick ordered a bottle of whiskey for the two of them.  He was more than a little concerned for his brother at the moment.  And while Nick was doing his utmost best not to think about what Rachel and his little Sprite were going through at the moment.  It was quite clear to him that it was eating away at Heath.


“We’re gonna find them Heath, don’t worry, we’ll find them.”  Nick tried to reassure him.


“And what if we don’t find them.  Ya know Rachel told me that Simpson would drag her down to the basement to whip her when he thought she’d been bad.  And that was for little things Nick!  What do you think he’s gonna do to her and Laura now!”


Nick shook his head, wishing that he had answer to comfort Heath and himself.   “I dunno.”


“How are we gonna find them and what if we can’t find them tomorrow?”


“That’s why we’re here!”  Nick grinned.


“Why so we can drown out the sorrow and worry?”


“No!  Look around Heath, might be fancier than our saloon back home, but that’s still just what this place is.  And it’s got plenty of saloon girls.  Plenty of girls that know lots of things about lots of people.  Look over there, see the stairs?  Wonder how many secrets been told and found out about up there.”


Heath grinned at his brother, “And here I thought you just brought me here to get me liquored up!”


Nick laughed and slapped Heath’s back.  “Nah, you’re a lousy drunk!  You’re one of the few people I know that’s more interesting when they’re sober!”  Nick leaned back against the counter and checked out the room.  There in the far corner, he found a lovely woman with auburn hair and full curves.  She was slightly older than the rest of the girls, but certainly not past her mid twenties.  That was the one he wanted to talk to and while he looked her over, he realized he wouldn’t mind spending a little time with her either.  He gave Heath a nudge, “Might be awhile, wish me luck.”


Heath turned and looked at Nick’s next conquest and smiled to himself.  He crossed fingers on both hands that his brother would have more than just a good time; he’d find out where Rachel and Laura were.  He watched Nick saunter over to the young woman and strike up a conversation and then saw him slip the woman some money.  Within ten minutes, Nick was walking up the stairs with her and disappeared behind a closed door.


Some time later, Nick stood up and began to pull together his clothes that were scattered about the room.  He slowly dressed as he watched the young woman lying in bed.  She’d been quite something, voracious and tender all at the same time.  Her name was Megan and she was something to behold, he had a hard time taking his eyes off of her and an even harder time leaving her bed. 


Megan rose from the bed and helped him to dress, slowly buttoning his slacks and then fastening his belt.  “So how long will you be in Chicago, Nick?”


“I dunno really.”


“I hope that you get those girls back.  It must be awful for them.”  She told him honestly.


“We will get them back, thanks largely to you, now I know where to look for them.  Or at least I know where Simpson works.”


“You just be careful okay, I hear he’s got some bad people working for him.  But I guess you’ve already found that out.”  Megan leaned down and kissed the wound on his side.


Nick pulled on his shirt and then wrapped her up in his arms.  “I’d like to come by and see you again.”


“I’d like that.”


Nick reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a small wad of cash.


“Thanks but no thanks, this one’s on the house.”


“Thank you Megan.  It was a pleasure, I mean that.”


“Good luck Nick and to your brother too.”


Nick opened the door to leave but not without taking a long look at her again.  “You’re quite something.”


“So are you cowboy!”



