Beloved Son
Ghost of the Three Paths -- Story Two
Halloween Challenge

by Lindabrit




Disclaimer: The characters and situations of the TV program "Big Valley" are the creations of Four Star/Republic Pictures and have been used without permission.  No copyright infringement is intended by the author.  The ideas expressed in this story are copyrighted to the author.




Three witches are known in legend for the disaster they brought upon a house, a loyal subject, and a king. Three witches who will now bring their lunacies and prophecies upon a house in the new world and the West. The house of Barkley and one loyal man … a Barkley son … will be the subject of their spells. That Barkley son is…Nick

The path running up through the Barkley vineyards led from the south, Ten days ago, Nick Barkley had headed down to Sonora on a horse buying trip and now he was headed home again. He had bought a good few horses, all of whom should by now have arrived at the Barkley ranch, in the charge of top hands, Ace Rogers and Clem Hanks.

Nick himself had stayed on playing poker with a few like-minded men and after an initial winning streak his luck had turned and he had lost a large amount of money. Consequently, he was in a far from amiable mood as he rode homewards. Nick didn't know that his two brothers were similarly headed home on the other two paths that led to the Barkley ranch. The dark-haired rancher squinted up at the stormy sky, with the run of luck he'd had lately, it would probably commence raining any minute! He frowned at the eerie, drifting mist that seemed to shroud the path ahead of him, what the devil was it? His handsome mouth twisted in a wry grin, it was Halloween tonight, maybe that was what was spooking him and his big stallion Duke.

The figure rose up before the powerful horse and Nick had to bring him under control with an iron hand. For a few seconds he was fully occupied with the big horse and then he turned his wrathful gaze on the man blocking his path. As he turned it was as though his heart skipped a beat and the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. He knew an impulse to scream but managed to suppress it by sheer force of will.

Slowly, unbelievingly, his voice a mere croak, Nick said, "Father?"

Tom Barkley's merry laugh erupted and he said, "what's the matter Son, haven't you ever seen a ghost before?"

"Nick came out of his saddle, he was recovering rapidly and managed to retort, "I never heard tell of a ghost that could talk!"

"Well you know me Nick, I was never one for keeping quiet now was I."

Nick didn't answer, his heart was too full, he stared at the man he had worshipped all his life. Tom smiled at his rancher son with great tenderness. Eventually Nick managed to say, "can...can I touch you?"

Tom Barkley held out his arms, "I'd be hurt and disappointed if you didn't Son."

Nick reached wordlessly for the father he adored and felt himself enfolded in those strong arms, it brought back powerful memories of past times and tears pricked the backs of his eyelids, squeezing out of his closed eyes and rolling unheeded down his face. Tom hugged Nick for long seconds then held him at arms length and smiled gently at his distressed son.

Tom brushed tears from Nick's lean cheeks, "my Nicholas, what a fine man you've become, I always thought you would, if I managed not to murder you when you were growing up!"

Nick managed a shaky laugh, "I never thought I'd see you again Sir."

"Just this once Nick, this will never happen again, but I had to see you and talk to you, just this once."

Nick shook his head, "I don't understand father."

"I wanted to tell you something and to answer a question for you Son, something you've had buried deep in your gut for far too many years now."

"What did you want to tell me Father?"

"I wanted to tell you that I'm very proud of you Nick, I love the man that you've become, just as I loved the boy that you once were. When I was looking down that gun barrel and I knew my life was over, I hoped you and Jarrod could cope with taking everything over, but deep inside I knew that you could."

Nick laughed and shook his head, "well Jarrod did, I just trailed along behind is all."

Tom gripped his son's arms hard, "no Nicholas, that's the question you've carried around in your heart all these years, the question I've come to answer."


"You've always wondered whether you measured up to your brother in my eyes, it's a question you never voice to another living soul, but it's one that you ask yourself all the time, isn't it Nick?"

Nick didn't reply, but his vulnerable hazel eyes betrayed the truth of the ghost's words.

Tom Barkley took his son's face between his hands, "I understand your feelings, Jarrod was always so clever, right from a little boy, but Jarrod isn't you Nick and he never could be. From the day of your birth, you were the blessing of my life, my companion, my friend, my beloved son. I couldn't be prouder of you my Nicholas, believe it!"

The ghost was gone on the final word, leaving Nick alone on the path, the warm imprint of his father's hands still on his face. Nick whispered, "goodbye Father," in a broken voice and turned away to find his horse. He took big Duke's reins in his shaking hands and swiftly mounting, he rode forward along the path, from which all trace of the mist had now cleared.