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Sound Clips

Below you can hear the sound effects used on various powers on Charmed. I don't have all the powers that have been used, so do be patient with me. I will do my best to add more onto this webpage.

Please note that I have added a zipped file for each power sound, since I have recently been getting e-mails with people clamouring for me to send them the files. I hope you all enjoy.

Click here to download all the clips below!

Temporal Status <-- Click to Hear
The power to slow down molecules causing them to freeze.

Download this Clip

Telekinesis <-- Click to Hear
The power to move objects with your mind.
Download this Clip

Premonition <-- Click to Hear
The power to see into the future or past.
Download this Clip

Astral Projection <-- Click to Hear
The power to project an astral form while the original body remains unconscious.
Download this Clip

Orbing <-- Click to Hear
The power to turn to molecular orbs and magically transport oneself to another place.
Download this Clip