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The official website for Because We wanted one: Khira and Stryker

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Teenage Dirtbag sign-ups

Message From Khira (3/2/04 1:22pm) Yay for Shorty who is our first fan club member. Therefore she gets all the crap that you guys could get too but are too damn lazy to email us. So stop being bums and drop us a line. By the way i love you guys forever and ever and ever fuckin ever--------------------------Message from Stryker (3/16/04 12:32am) Hey all you teenage dirtbaggers...well just the two of ya...SIGN-UP FOR OUR CLUB!!!!! There now that that has been said I just wanted to apologize for the lack of updates to the site...Khira and I have both been overswamped with everything that I am having to work on the site during my insomniatic state...but anyways just some quick FYI's: We ow have a pic...Scroll up and you'll see it...sorry it looks so dreary it was a weird day but it was the only day we had a camera...but it works until future notice...and oh yeah WE NEED MORE MEMBERS!!!! Well see ya all on the flipside..peace, love, and a komodo dragon!------------------------Message from Stryker (3/16/04 1:17am) congrats to our newest recruit Ryan he is now our second member residing in what he says is YUCK! Missouri (he said yuck not me) So unfourtanetly Ryan will not be able to make an apperance on the show but we know he is with us in spirit...thanks Ryan peace, love, and...MORE MEMBERSHIP SIGN-UPS!!!