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Periwinkle and Dust Bunny

CoOl FaCtS aBoUt Us!!!

These are real people that made real sites. Please check them out and let us know what you think.

My Bro's kickin site (still under construction)
Cin's Crazy site
Age's wack site (he likes girl's, can ya tell?)
the ugliest peeps around

Some more (non interesting) facts you may or may not want to know about us. DustBunny and I met when we were 17 years old. We are now 30. Holy shit that's old. But anyway, we became instant friends. We loved, lived with and left each other, and spent ten years apart. Recently, we ran into each other again and happened to rekindle what was once lost. DustBunny and I are wonderful friends, and even better partners. We make each other laugh, with each other and at each other. LOL. That's why those pictures of us at the top are freakin hilarious. But anyway.....more later.
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