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2 Ness Walk, Inverness.
Tel: 01463 236498


Susan Chisholm

What is Shiatsu?

Shiatsu is a whole bodywork therapy which integrates Traditional Eastern philosophy with Western Anatomy, physiology and massage. 

Translated, Shiatsu literally means 'finger pressure'.  Through the application thumb and palm pressure, stretches and holding techniques, the client's own body/mind healing abilities are stimulated.

What can Shiatsu do for you?

In today's working environment the body is continually put under more and more pressure, both physically and mentally, to perform at a high level.  Regular sessions can help prevent the build-up of many of the stresses experienced in life today.
Common conditions treated include:

Shiatsu Session

A session lasts approximately 1 hour.  The first session will take up to 1 1/2 hours, as this includes the taking of a detailed case history.  Treatment is carried out through loose clothing on a futon on the floor

Your Practitioner

Susan Chisholm is local to Inverness and began her Shiatsu training in 1996.  After three years of study she gained her Diploma in Shiatsu Therapy.  Susan is now practioner on the Professional Register (Therapeutic) of Shiatsu International (PRTSI)

For appointment:   Tel   01463 236498

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