It was just one of those days. You know the sun shining, birds chirping, & all that. Anyway, I was just walking out of the terminal when I was greeted by two girls racing towards me. Ok, so you must be wondering what the hell I’m talking about. Well...I guess I should start from the beginning, I’m a total Whoser, & I’ve been talking two these girls on msn for like forever, & by “these girls” I of course mean Ali Langille, & Chelsea Saunders. We became friends after we found to common loves:
Whose Line, & writing fan fics.
We got to know each other real well & decided to meet up in Cali after we graduated from college.
So now you know where I am right now, I just got off the plane from Toronto to Cali. Now you’re up two date. Back we go.
“Oh My God!!! Ali! Chelsea!” I screamed.
We hugged & jumped around for like 10 minutes.
“I can’t believe we’re here! This is SO kewl!” I said.
“I know! I can’t believe we’re here!” Chelsea replied.
We then realized what we were doing & calmed down.
“When did your plane arrive?” I asked.
“About an hour ago. We were running around looking for your gate for most of the time. We just found it like seconds before you got off.” Ali told me.
“Oh, Ok then. Do you have your bags?” I ask.
“Bags? Shit! I knew we forgot something! Chelsea, you were supposed to remind me.” Ali said angrily.
“What?! This isn’t my fault! You should have remembered on your own!” Chelsea roared back.
“You guys! There’s no point in arguing, we can just go get them now.” I replied.
“You’re right. Sorry Chels.” Ali said.
“It’s ok, I did forget.” Chelsea responded.
“Let’s just go already.” I said.
We walked down to the escalator, stepped on it & waited to reach the bottom.
“I love escalators. You don’t have to do anything, just step on it & you go, no need for anything physical.” Chelsea said.
“Yah, but if everything was like that, we’d all be fat & lazy.” I explained.
“Yah, I guess. But it’s still kewl.” she responded.
“Whatever, let’s just get our stuff.” Ali replied as we stepped off the escalator.
We walked down to the baggage claim & started searching for our bags. Ali & Chelsea found their stuff immediately, seeing as how it was put aside with the other unclaimed bags. I, on the other hand, was having trouble finding my last piece of luggage. I searched & searched, but I just couldn’t find it. Finally, I thought I saw it coming out of the carousal. I reached down & grabbed it. As I was walking, I looked down at the tag. This wasn’t my bag!
“Shit!” I whispered under my breath.
I was about to turn around to put it back in the carousal, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around & was met the most amazing smile. Here was a really cute guy.
“Excuse me,” he said in a really familiar voice, “I think we have each others bags.”
“Huh? Oh yah, sorry about that.” I replied handing over his suitcase.
“No problem, it was an honest mistake. Thanks.” he smiled another gorgeous smile & walked off.
“Who was that?” Ali asked, walking over.
“Hmmm? Oh, we had the wrong luggage, that’s all. It’s just…” I told her.
“Just what?” Chelsea asked.
“It’s just… I feel like I’ve seen him somewhere before.” I responded.
“You probably have. I mean its Hollywood! He was probably in a commercial you saw or something.” Ali told me.
“You’re probably right. Yah, that’s got to be it,” But as we were walking out, I couldn’t help wondering ‘I don’t think I’ve seen him in a commercial, but what else can it be?’
I shrugged it off as we stepped up to the shuttle stand. It drove up a few minutes later & we climbed on.
“So, I know I should have asked earlier but, where exactly are we going to stay?” I inquired.
“Well, actually, Chelsea’s found us this great place. Right Chels?” Ali said.
“Yep. I have friends that live here, & they’re letting us stay in their house while they’re on vacation, we even get to use their car.” She replied.
“Wow! That’s really kewl!” I said.
“Yah it is. Oh, here’s our stop.” Chelsea responded, ringing the bell.
We grabbed our stuff & walked out onto the sidewalk. Chelsea led the way, seeing as how they were her friends. We walked up a long driveway, which led up to this simply amazing house! It was so beautiful! Chelsea unlocked the door, & as we stepped inside, I could tell this was the most expensive house I’ve ever been in.
“This is so beautiful!” Ali cried.
“I know! I love this place. I’m glad they let us use it,” I said.
We climbed up the staircase onto the second floor. Chelsea showed us where we would be staying, & after we put away our stuff we walked down into the kitchen.
“Hey, what’s that?” I asked, pointing to something on the table.
“Huh? Oh! I have no idea, well its got my name on it, so I guess it’s for me.” Chelsea said.
She picked up the letter & opened it. It read:

Dear Chelsea, Hey girl! What’s up! Sorry we couldn’t be there! I so wish we were. Seeing as we’re not, maybe this will make up for it. Have fun girl! Sara

See looked inside the envelope to find three “Whose Line Is It Anyway” tickets.
“OH MY GOD!!! Whose Line Tickets!” Chelsea screamed holding up the tickets.
We all jumped around for like five minutes.
“Wait! What time is on the tickets?” Ali asked.
“I don’t know, let’s see,” Chelsea looked at them carefully, “It says 9:00 pm.”
“No! That’s in two hours! We have to hurry!” I yelled.
We rushed up to our rooms to get ready. Finally, an hour later, we walked out the door. As we came up to the garage, Chelsea flipped the switch & opened the doors. We saw the most amazing Red Chevy.
“Wow! This is one kewl car!” I said, climbing in.
“I know, let’s get going.” Chelsea replied, getting into the driver’s seat.
Ali got in & we were off! It took us about a half an hour to get to the studio where they held the tapings. We walked up.
“I hope we get some of our suggestions used.” I said.
“I’m sure we will. They tape like two or three episodes with one crowd, so we have a good chance.” Ali replied.
We showed our tickets & walked in. There were a few people inside, but I was sure that everyone else was one his or her way. We took seats close, but not right up front, so we didn’t look obvious. We sat down & just started talking. I can’t remember what it was about. Probably cuz of what happened next.
“Come on Mel, sing it!” Chelsea pleaded.
“No way! What if someone heard me!” I cried.
“That’s the point! It’s your chance to get noticed!” Ali told me.
“But what if I don’t want to get noticed?” I quipped.
“That is the biggest load I’ve ever heard. I know you. I’ve heard you sing, you’re really good.” Ali said.
“& You’re really funny. Perfect for this type of thing.” Chelsea added.
“Yah but…” I tried to speak but Ali cut me off.
“But nothing. You’re going to sing, & that’s that!” Ali said.
“But…” I started.
“But nothing Mel! I mean it! Now!” Ali practically yelled.
“Alright, alright. Don’t go psychotic on me now. I’ll do it.” I caved in.
“Yes! So which one will it be?” Chelsea inquired.
“Hmmmm let me think. How about a hoedown?” I said.
“But you need more than one person to do a hoedown. How are you going to pull that off?” Ali asked.
I smiled evilly.
“Oh no way! We’re not doing it too!” Ali replied.
“If I’m going down, I’m taking you with me. Now let’s do it.” I demanded.
“Fine. It’s got to be a Whose Line hoedown though.” Chelsea said.
“What other kind is there?” I laughed.
“Too bad we couldn’t use the piano. Then it would be perfect.” Chelsea told us.
“Yah, a perfect way to get kicked out!” Ali said.
“Well I was just saying.” Chelsea snapped.
“& Now you’re done.” Ali laughed.
“Come on guys, let’s get this over with.” I replied.
“Ok then, let’s do this!” Chelsea cried.
“Whatever.” I sighed.
We thought for a moment. Ali started us off:

I just love to watch Whose Line,
It’s the best one that I know.
They’re so talented & funny,
I’m glad they’re on that show.
I don’t want to make you mad
But if it was up to me,
Jeff would be on every show,
He’s the cutest one you see.

Chelsea tried not to laugh, & began to sing:

Almost all the guys are married,
& That makes me very mad.
Seeing the rings on their fingers,
I start to feel real bad.
& I know just what you’re thinking,
There’s nothing you can do.
But I’ll just choose the single guy,
Jeff’s the one I wish I knew.

They started laughing, I just sighed & began singing:

Watching them prance around,
Always singing about him.
I start to feel real nauseous,
Their porch light’s way too dim.
Of course I have a different choice,
About who’s the best you know.
& If you want to find out who it is,
You need watch the show!

We all sang:


“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but that was actually fun!” I said.
“I told you it would be.” Ali replied.
“Oh, & thanks for the porch light joke. Real mature.” Chelsea added.
“You’re just jealous that I’m more creative then you!” I snapped.
What we didn’t notice as we were singing & talking, was that their was someone watching us. I didn’t realize until I felt a tap on my shoulder. Ali & Chelsea’s eyes bugged out. I turned around & was met by these gorgeous brown eyes. As I focused in on the face, I gasped. It was Brad Sherwood! I couldn’t speak for a moment. Finally, Chelsea nudged me, & I came back to earth.
“Umm...Yes?” was all I could manage to sputter.
“Hi. Sorry to bother you but, I was wondering, about your singing. Could you...” I didn’t let him finish.
“Oh! I apologize if we were too loud. We didn’t mean to disturb you. I’m really sorry.” I just kept on going, luckily, he interrupted me.
“Actually, I enjoyed your song. It was really funny. You have some real talent there.” Brad said.
“Told yah so. Now maybe you’ll listen to me once in a while.” Ali poked me.
I glared at her.
“Ummm...thanks. That means a lot coming from you.” I smiled.
“Well enjoy the show.” he smiled & walked away.
“Oh My God! Was that for real? Did he actually say I had talent? I wasn’t dreaming, was I?” I asked.
“If it wasn’t real, we all had the same dream.” Chelsea joked.
“I can’t believe he heard us! Were we that loud?” I asked again.
“How should I know?” Ali said.
We then noticed everyone coming in.
“Guess the show’s about to start.” I replied.
We sat down. The show was really funny. & Like Ali said, they used some of our suggestions. In one Hoedown, they wanted an event, & they took Chelsea’s, Mid-life Crisis. In Greatest Hits, they asked for a profession, & they used Ali’s, Mortician. & Finally for Superheroes, they heard mine, & made Brad “Crazy Monkey Boy”. It was the funniest thing I ever saw! He pulled it off amazingly. Of course all good things had to end, & the show was over. We grabbed our stuff & started to walk out. Suddenly I realized:
“I left my jacket back on the chair. I got to get it.” I said.
I ran back, as well as you can in 3-inch boots, to where we were sitting. Only when I got there, I found that my coat was gone.
“Shit!” I cursed under my breath.
I turned around & began to walk away.
“Excuse me?” I heard someone say.
I stopped in my tracks. I thought:
** That voice. Could it be? No way, I must be wrong **
But when I turned around, I realized I was right. Standing there was Brad Sherwood. I tried to stay calm. Well, as calm as you can be when you meet someone like him twice in the same day.
“Y...yes?” I stuttered.
“Is this yours?” he held up my leather jacket.
“Oh my god! Yes, yes it is. I thought someone had taken it. Thank you so much!” I replied happily.
“Well I saw it up there & I remembered that you were wearing it when I spoke with you before.” he handed me my jacket.
I slid it on & put my hands in the pockets. I pulled out my palm pilot & sighed with relief.
“Thank you again. I don’t know what I would have done if someone had taken it. My whole life is in this computer.” I thanked him & began to walk away.
“Wait!” he called.
“Hmm? What?” I turned & asked him.
“I was thinking, well, the whole cast is having this party tonight to commemorate our getting three Emmy Nominations. & I, well, everyone was wondering if maybe you & your friends would like to come along. Apparently, everyone thought your guys’ suggestions were really funny, not to mention your singing beforehand.” he said.
“They all heard it? Oh My God! I feel so embarrassed!” I turned a light shade of crimson.
“Oh don’t be. They all said it was very good,” he told me.
“Really? I mean...Wow! They really said that?” I was flustered.
“They really did. So...would you like to go?” he asked again.
“I...well…umm…” I didn’t know what to say.
“Say Yes!” I heard people shout.
I turned around to see Ali & Chelsea standing they’re, looking very annoyed.
I began to speak, though Ali covering my mouth cut me off.
“We’d love to,” she said.
Brad laughed.
“Great!” he replied.
I pushed off Ali’s hand.
“How long were you guys standing there, & why did you cut me off?” I snapped.
“Long enough, & because you’re not good at making decisions. That’s why!” Chelsea told me.
Ali looked over at Brad who was laughing.
“What’s so funny?” Ali questioned him.
“Nothing, its just... you can really tell you guys are friends.” he chuckled.
“Ok then. Anyway, where’s this party?” I asked.
“Oh right. It’s at Ryan’s house. The rest of the cast already left so I guess it’s just me showing you. You guys can just follow behind me, it’s about a fifteen minute drive,” he said to us.
“A fifteen minute drive in a car all by yourself? You should have someone there to talk to.” Chelsea replied.
“You are so right Chels. You’ll go with him won’t you Mel?” Ali pushed me forward.
“What? I will?” I was totally confused.
“Good, it’s settled then. Let’s get going.” Ali called as her & Chelsea walked towards the car.
“Huh? What just happened here?” I asked Brad.
“Hey, don’t look at me. They’re you’re friends. Mel is it?” he said.
“Actually it’s Melody, they just say Mel to annoy me.” I replied.
“Melody huh? It suits you,” he said.
“Well, it should. I picked it out myself.” I told him as we started towards his car.
“What?” he asked.
“Melody isn’t my given name, I’ve just gone by it for, let’s see, well over ten years now.” I said.
“Oh, I see. & Your friends’ names are? I hope I don't sound as dumb as I think I do.” he replied.
“You don't sound dumb. The one who's always cutting me off is Ali. &, Of course, the other one is Chelsea.” I told him.
Brad stopped at this gorgeous car. It was a sleek black Mercedes Benz.
“Wow! This is your car? It’s amazing! I’ve never seen a Mercedes Benz this close before.” I said.
He laughed.
“Yah, I love this car. I got it just after Whose Line started on ABC. But how do you know what kind of car this is?” he asked as we got in.
I ran my hand along the leather interior.
“I lived in a house with four brothers &, aside from my mother, I was the only girl. My dad was a mechanic, so I just developed a love for cars. Also, I worked in a garage to pay my tuition for college. I got a lot of flack from some guys, but I didn’t care.” I looked up & smiled.
“So, I’m guessing you majored in Mechanics.” he said as we began to drive off.
He looked back to make sure Ali & Chelsea were following us.
“Actually, no. I was a theatre major. I just recently received my BFA. I thought about it, & I decided that I’d rather act then fix cars.” I explained.
“Of course. I should have figured, you have that look.” he replied.
“Look? What do you mean?” I asked him.
“Well, you’re articulate, talented, funny, & if I may say, quite attractive.” he said.
“Then how’d you get to be an actor?” I asked.
“Well maybe you’re not that funny.” he chuckled.
He turned into the driveway of this gorgeous house, way better than Chelsea’s friend’s house.
“Is this where Ryan lives? It’s so...big!” I was in awe.
“Yah, but he’s just compensating.” Brad laughed.
He got out, walked over to the passenger side of the car, & opened the door for me.
“You know, you didn’t have to do that.” I looked up at him & smiled.
“Well I guess I’m just that kind of guy.” he replied, taking my arm & helping me out.
I giggled nervously & looked down at the ground. Luckily, Ali & Chelsea walked up behind us.
“So this is Ryan Stiles’ house? It’s ok, I guess.” Chelsea said.
We followed Brad up to the front door. He banged on the door. It opened & we saw Ryan standing there.
“Hey Brad. I…” he looked over at us, “…see you found them.”
He extended his arm & shook our hands.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you all. I hear you put on quite a show!” he said.
I blushed slightly.
“Well, don’t just stand there. Come in!” Ryan ushered us inside.
He led us into, what appeared to be, his rec room. Just like Brad said, everyone from the show was there, & some other people I didn’t quite recognize. A woman walked up to Ryan & kissed him on the cheek.
“Honey, these are the girls I told you about. Girls, this is my wife Pat.” Ryan told us.
“Hello it’s nice to meet you. I’m Ali. This is Chelsea & Melody.” Ali introduced us.
“It seems you girls are very popular with my husband & his friends.” Pat laughed.
“Yes, it does. Honestly, I find it quite unusual. I mean I never expected something like this would happen.” I said.
“Well, they say you’re funny. & They’re usually right,” she replied, “Go along Ryan, I’ll introduce them to everyone.”
& She did. We went though the whole room & met everyone there. Pat went back with Deb & Jennifer & left us to mingle. I was looking for Brad, when I turned around & nearly ran into someone.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” I looked up & was met by the same brilliant smile I saw at the airport.
“No problem. Wait a minute, don’t I know you from somewhere?” he asked.
“I think so. Hi, I’m Melody.” I said.
As I shook his hand, my mind clicked in. The tag! It read Jeff Davis! I didn’t recognize him because he had on sunglasses & I’ve never seen him without a suit on.
“We met at the airport right?” Jeff asked.
“I believe we did.” I replied.
Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked back to see Brad standing there.
“Jeff, man! Glad you could make it. I see you’ve met our resident scene-stealer.” he laughed & squeezed my shoulder.
“So you’re the one everybody’s talking about? & To think, I met you before you were famous.” Jeff said.
“You’ve already met?” Brad was confused.
“Yah. You see we accidentally grabbed each other’s luggage at the airport. Of course I didn’t realize it was him at the time.” I explained.
“Ali & Chelsea didn’t know either? I find that hard to believe.” he replied.
“That reminds me,” I walked over to Ali & Chelsea, “I think there’s someone that you should meet.”
“What? I thought we already met everyone here.” Ali said..
They followed my gaze & nearly dropped dead when they saw whom I meant. I had to push Chelsea, & hold back Ali.
“Jeff, I’d like you to meet my best friends. Ali & Chelsea.” I told him.
“Hi it’s nice to meet you.” he shook their hands.
Ali & Chelsea were in complete shock. Brad & I couldn’t help but laugh. That’s what brought Ali back. She hates being laughed at.
“What’s so funny?” she asked, looking very annoyed.
“Ummm… nothing.” I managed to choke out.
“Whatever.” Ali grabbed Chelsea, who was still in shock, & stormed off.
“Are they alright?” Jeff asked.
“I don’t think they were ever ‘alright’ but Ali’s just gets moody sometimes. She calms down after a while.” I replied.
“Ah, I see. Well, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go see who else is here.” Jeff told us, & walked off.
That left Brad & I somewhat alone. I smiled & looked down at the floor.
“You look about as bored as I feel.” Brad said.
“Well, maybe just a little. I mean everyone’s nice & all, but…” I started.
“But there’s really nothing to do.” he added.
“Why is that?” I asked.
“Who knows? You want to take a walk around? If I stay here much longer, I think I might fall asleep.” Brad said.
“Sure, why not?” I responded.
“Well, come with me then.” he grabbed my arm.
He led me to, what I assumed to be, Ryan’s backyard. There was a kid’s play area, which of course was for Sam & Mackenzie. There was also a beautiful, clear pool.
“I take it you like the pool.” Brad said, seeing as I was just staring at it.
“Huh? Oh yah, I love to swim. Especially on hot days. It feels great.” I told him.
“Well it’s pretty warm out now,” he said.
“What? You’re not actually thinking about going swimming in your clothes are you?” I asked.
“No, I’m not that crazy. I just wanted to wet my feet a bit. You in?” Brad replied, bending down & untying his shoes.
“Why not.” I said.
I slipped of my boots, & sat down on the edge of the pool. I let my toes skim the top of the water before putting both feet in. Brad sat down beside me & rolled up his pants so they wouldn’t get wet. He just slipped both feet in.
“I didn’t think the water would be this warm.” I looked over at him.
“That’s Ryan. He wouldn’t dream of having the water be cold, even though he rarely swims anymore.” Brad chuckled.
I looked up at the stars. I sighed & rested back.
“So how you liking LA so far?” he asked, kicking my foot from under the water.
“I didn’t get to see much so far. We just got here today.” I replied, kicking him back.
“Well we can’t have that. I’ll take you out to see the sites tomorrow.” he said.
I don't know, the girls…” I started.
“I won’t take no for an answer.” he replied.
“I guess I have no choice then.” A breeze blew past that made me shiver.
“You cold? Here.” he said, passing me his jacket.
“Oh no, that’s ok. I’m fine.” I replied.
“I insist. Take it.” he said, persistently.
“Well, since you’re insisting, alright.” I took his coat & pulled it on.
I could smell his cologne. It was really nice.
“Thanks.” I smiled at him.
I felt another breeze.
“It’s getting pretty cold out. I think we should go in.” I said.
“You’re probably right.” he stood up.
He took my arm & helped me up. Suddenly I heard laughing behind me, but before I could turn around, I felt my self being pushed. I hit the pool with a loud SPLASH! Brad turned around to see Ali, Jeff Chelsea standing there.
“Why did you do that?” he asked.
“Cuz it’s funny!” Ali laughed.
“Uhhh… guys?” Jeff said.
“Yah?” Chelsea asked.
“What that?” he asked pointing to Brad’s jacket floating in the pool.
“Why hasn’t she come up yet? Ali, where is she?” Chelsea cried.
“Why is everyone looking at me?” Ali asked.
“This was your idea.” Jeff said.
“Was it now?” everyone jumped.
They spun around to see me standing there, soaked to the bone.
“Mel! You’re all right!” Ali cried.
“ALL RIGHT? You call this all right? I’m freezing! What is wrong with you?” I yelled.
“It was just a joke Mel. Don’t get so mad.” Chelsea said.
“JOKE? Do I look like I’m laughing?” I screamed.
“Melody, please calm down. I’m sure we can solve this sensibly.” Brad replied.
“Sensibly? How could we…” he gave me this look & instantly I understood.
I nodded & smiled.
“What? Are we missing something?” Jeff asked.
“It’s nothing. I’m sorry I got so mad.” I said, walking closer to Ali & Chelsea.
“Well good then. I’m glad you’ve come to your senses.” Ali replied.
“Oh believe me, I have.” I smiled evilly.
As if on cue, Brad ran over & shoved Jeff. He went back into the pool. Ali & Chelsea’s eyes widened as they realized what was happening.
“Mel, you wouldn’t?” Chelsea asked.
“No she wouldn’t, but I would.” Brad smiled & sent Ali & Chelsea hurdling back into the pool. They emerged soaked & screaming. I just smiled & took Brad’s arm. We walked back into the house, where we were met by Pat & Deb.
“My god! What happened to you?” Pat asked.
“Just a little mishap at the pool. Nothing much really.” I pointed showing Jeff, Ali, & Chelsea climbing out of the pool.
“Oh my! Brad, how did you manage to stay so dry?” Deb asked.
“Strategic placement.” he laughed.
“I’ll get you for this Sherwood.” Jeff grumbled, walking past.
“You can expect the same Mel!” Ali strutted off.
“She’s just mad. I thought it was funny. We deserved it anyway.” Chelsea smiled.
“Thanks Chels. You’re really taking this well.” I said.
“Yah well, I try. Oh Brad, you forgot your jacket.” She replied, tossing Brad’s dripping wet jacket at him.
It hit him & left a huge watermark on his shirt & pants.
“Now I fell better.” Chelsea ran off laughing.
“Great now I’m wet too!” he said.
“Welcome to the club.” I patted him on the back.
“You guys really should get out of those wet clothes before you get sick.” Deb said.
“I agree. I’m sure I can help you find something upstairs. We’ll put your clothes in the dryer.” Pat replied.
“What about the guy?” Brad pouted.
“I’m sure we’ll find something for you too.” Deb responded.
They grabbed our arms & pulled us upstairs. We sorted though many clothes so Brad could find something “ acceptable” to wear.
“Just pick something Brad!” I grumbled.
“All of Ryan’s clothes are just so… ugly!” he replied.
“Hey! I heard that!” Ryan yelled from outside the room.
“God Brad! I have to find something too! If I get pneumonia from these clothes, you’re so dead!” I said to him.
“Here Brad, I found something for you.” Pat walked in.
She was carrying a black t-shirt & pair of jeans.
“You expect me to wear these? They’re going to be way too tight.” Brad said.
“Oh come on now Brad, you used to wear those kind of jeans all the time.” I winked.
“What? How could you know… you saw those?” he asked.
“Brad, I’ve seen all of them. Go put them on.” I commanded him.
He grabbed them from Pat & walked out.
“What were you guys talking about?” Deb asked me.
“Well, I remember seeing him in a tight pair of jeans in his first episode of ‘Whose Line’. He doesn’t think anyone remembers those days.” I laughed.
“Ha! I would love to get a hold of that tape.” Deb replied.
“Me too. Oh here Melody. I found something for you too.” Pat held up a pair of jean shorts & black tank top.
“Where did you find that?” Deb asked.
“I’ve had these forever. It’s my ‘I know it won’t fit, but I’ll still try them’ pile of clothes. They should fit you though. Why don’t you go into the bathroom, I’ll find something for Ali & Chelsea.” Pat laughed.
“Thanks.” I grabbed the clothes & walked into the bathroom.
It took me 10 minutes to dry my hair & another 10 to get myself together. Finally, I emerged from the bathroom & got only praise from everyone. I saw that Ali & Chelsea had dried off too. Chelsea was now wearing an orange t-shirt & pair of jeans, & Ali had on short red dress & jean jacket.
“Wonder what you’re looking for in that outfit? Hmm, I wonder…” I smirked.
“Ha, ha, ha. You’re oh so very funny. & What do you expect in that?” she pointed at me.
“What are you talking about? Pat picked this out for me.” I told her.
“Yah, but the color. You know very well that black’s his favorite…” I cupped my hand over her mouth.
“Yah, but I don’t want anyone knowing that why I like it.” I whispered into her ear.
“Then keep yours shut too.” Ali added.
“Agreed,” I shook her hand, “So where’s Brad?”
“He won’t come out.” Chelsea pointed to Sam’s room.
“What? We’ll just see about that,” I walked over to the door, “Brad, open this door, NOW!”
“I won’t! & You can’t make me.” he whined.
“Don’t make come in there!” I warned him.
“You can’t get in. He locked the door.” Deb said.
“No matter, I’ll get in.” I replied.
I bent down & took out a bobbypin out of my hair. I stretched it out & stuck it in the lock. After a few twists & turns, I heard a CLICK! Slowly, I turned to knob & slipped into the room. I saw Brad sitting on Sam’s bed, looking out the window. He had his back to me, so I couldn’t tell if he knew I was there. I quietly walked up behind him. I leaned in & whispered,
Brad jumped up & looked at me. I began laughing.
“Don’t do that!” he hissed.
“Sorry, I couldn’t help it.” I said, between laughs.
“How’d you get in? I thought I locked the door.” he asked.
“You did. I ‘unlocked’ it,” I told him, “Why won’t you come out?”
“Well, just look at me.” he replied.
& I did. The shirt looked great on him. Of course I knew it wasn’t the shirt that bothered him. The jeans were tight, but he did look good.
“I don’t see what’s wrong. You look fine.” I said.
“Really?” he asked.
“Yes really,” under my breath, I added, “Real fine.”
“What did you say?” he looked at me.
“Uhh…nothing.” I looked down at the ground.
He looked at me again, longer this time. He was about to say something when Ryan walked in.
“Brad you’ve got to come out of he…” he took one look at Brad & burst out laughing.
“That’s it! I’m going home!” he ran out.
“Brad, wait! Good going Ryan, thanks a lot.” I ran after him.
“Don’t listen to him, you look good.” I replied, catching up to him.
“No I don’t. I look awful. I’m not young anymore. I’m getting too old for this.” he jumped into his car.
“Now listen to me Brad,” I climbed into the passengers side, “Don’t give me that bullshit. I know this has nothing to do with jeans.” I looked him straight in the eye, “What is it really? You can tell me. I know more then I let on.”
“It’s nothing. Really. Nothing.” His voice was barely above a whisper.
“Brad. You sound more like you are trying to convince yourself than me. I’m not leaving until you tell me. I won’t be swayed on this.” I crossed my arms & looked at him again.
He sighed & took a deep breath.
“Shawna & I broke up, about a month ago. I haven’t told anyone.” he put his head in his hands & began to cry softly.
“Oh Brad, I’m so sorry. You don’t have to tell me. I shouldn’t have asked.” I put a hand on his shoulder.
“No, I want to. It’s about time I talked about it. We had been having problems. We fought all the time. Then one day she just up & left. Said she didn’t trust me & needed space. I couldn’t understand it. Then a few days later, I got a call from one of her friends. She told me the reason Shawna broke it off was because she went back to her ex. Her ex-fiancé! I was crushed. I couldn’t get out of bed for days. Luckily I wasn’t scheduled for WL that week so I had some time to recuperate. I decided not to say anything because I didn’t want to revisit it. I haven’t seen Shawna since the night she left.” Brad rubbed his eyes, which by now were very red.
“Oh God Brad! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to make you feel like this.” I said.
“No Melody, none of this is your fault. I’m sorry if I yelled at you. None of this has anything to do with you. I just don’t like anyone seeing me like this. I amazed at how perceptive you can be of me when we’ve just met. Thank you for listening to me.” he took my hand & smiled at me.
“You’re my friend Brad. Friends are the most important things in my life.” I replied.
I could tell he was still very emotional; of course he was trying very hard to hide it. He kept blinking away the tears in his eyes. He didn’t deserve to be treated like this. I hated Shawna so much at that moment. I looked at Brad again. All the color was drained from his face except for around his eyes. I couldn’t stand it anymore. I had to do something.
“Oh Brad! I hate to see you like this. Come here.” I pulled him into my arms & began rubbing his back.
“Look at me, I’m crying like a girl.” he laughed softly.
It was the first laugh since we got into the car & I was glad to here it.
“Hey! I resent that!” I pulled back & tried to look offended.
“Why? I said girl,” he laughed, “But really, thanks for listening. You’re a true friend.”
“That’s what I do. I’m the shoulder to cry on.” I sighed, “What do you say we go back in? When your ready of course.”
“Yah, I do. I have to tell everyone what happened anyway.” Brad pulled down the visor mirror & checked out his face.
“You look fine.” I assured him.
“I look like I’m stoned.” he chuckled as he opened his door.
Brad walked over & opened the door for me, just like he’d done before.
“You’re such a gentleman, even when you’re wasted.” I laughed as we walked back up to the house.
He stopped at the door & took in a deep breath. I looked over at Brad, he was shaking slightly. I could see fear in his eyes. I reached over & put a hand on his shoulder. He looked over & smiled at me. He sighed & opened the door. We walked in slowly; I nearly had to push him. I heard footsteps coming closer & saw Greg turn the corner.
“Hey man! I’m glad you came back. I heard what Ryan did. He can be such an ass.” I could tell that Greg had had his fair share of drinks that night.
“Yah thanks Greg.” Brad mumbled.
“You sure you’re ok?” I asked him.
“This is as good as it gets. I think I was on an energy surge from the show when I talked to you before.” he laughed again.
“Sure.” I said.
I think it would be better to describe what happened than to say it all. The first person to come up to us when we walked in was Ryan. He apologized & they talked & everything. I tried to say out of the way so they could talk things through. I’ll have to admit, it took a while for Brad to open up, but with some coaxing, I was able to get him to tell them, & I know he felt better afterwards. I could just see it in his eyes. They were sparkling. Everyone was really understanding about the situation, even Greg, who by now was wasted. Surprisingly, he seemed the same as when he is sober, just louder. Of course, that’s not always a good thing. Anyway, the party went on really late. Everyone seemed to have had they’re far share of drinks, well except for me, seeing as how I was only in my early twenties & just wanted a caffeine buzz. & Well Brad didn’t have much either, I don’t think he was really up to getting sloshed. So we just stayed up talking. I could have gone back to the house if I wanted to but I thought it would be best to watch the rest of them so they didn’t do anything stupid. Deb, Pat, & Jennifer had it easy. They got to stay upstairs and made the men stay downstairs. Ryan, Greg & Colin stayed in the living room, Wayne, Chip & Jeff stayed in the dining room & Ali & Chelsea stayed up in the den. It worked, for the most part. Greg did fall over Ryan a couple of times. & We had to stop Wayne & Chip from spooning. I’m sure they were thinking about their wives, at least I hope so. Colin was pretty tame, except for the odd mumbling about a cat & a burnoose. I tried not to pay attention. I drifted off once & made sure it didn’t happen again, because when I woke up, Jeff somehow wound up asleep in my lap. I had to kick Brad in the shoulder so he’d wake up & move him. Jeff may not look it, but he is heavy. Luckily Brad is really strong. He was able to pick Jeff up & carry him back to the dining room.
“Thanks Brad. You’re a life saver.” I said.
“He’s not that heavy.” Brad replied.
“I meant saving his life. He was like hugging my legs & purring. I was this close to kicking him in the stomach.” I laughed.
“So you kicked me instead?” he asked.
“You can take it. You’re a real man. Jeff’s well…you know.” I giggled.
“Yah I do. All too well. He was mumbling and giggling while I was carrying him back. He tried to snuggle into me. I just dropped him on the floor. He was creeping me out.” Brad said, sitting down beside me.
He draped his arm over the back of the couch, & his fingers grazed the back of my neck. My body tensed up. I don’t know why, it just did. & I was sure that Brad noticed too.
“You ok?” he asked.
“Uhh…yah, I’m…fine.” I look down at my hands.
**Why did I tense up? & Why am I suddenly nervous around Brad? This is all too weird. Is he looking at me? Wait a minute…why am I thinking that? I have to get out of here. I really need to think about…what I’m thinking about. God! I’m confusing myself now. Mom was right. I’m just too good at it. Oh god! He is looking at me! I have to do something.**
“It’s getting a bit warm in here. I think I need some air.” I stood up & quickly walked out into Ryan’s backyard again.
I looked down at the pool. I thought back & remembered when Brad pushed Jeff, Ali & Chelsea in to the water. I laughed at the thought of Ali dripping wet. Suddenly, I breeze blew past me. I covered my arms & began shivering.
“What is wrong with me?” I said under my breath.
“That’s what I’d like to know. I told you not to come outside without a coat.” I turned around to see Brad shaking his head & wagging his finger at me.
He took off his jacket, walked up to me & slipped it over my shoulders.
“Thanks.” I mumbled.
“Didn’t your mother teach you not to mumble?” he poked me in the side.
“Well didn’t your mother teach you not to poke people?” I poked him back.
“Well I guess neither of us are good listeners,” He replied, “So why’d you want to come outside anyway? It’s too cold now.”
“I told you, it was too warm in there.” I said.
“No it wasn’t, I already told you that Ryan makes sure everything is just right. So what is it really?” he asked.
“It’s nothing Brad, really.” I looked up at the stars.
“Oh please! I can read you like a book. & Let me say, it’s very interesting.” He laughed.
“Oh really?” I asked.
“Yep, I book marked it…right there.” He said.
He touched me at the nape of my neck. I looked away. I felt my face start to burn. I knew I was blushing. I just didn’t know why. It was like I had no control over my body. I started believing that more when I began shaking even though Brad’s jacket was keeping me warm.
“Are you ok?” he stared at me intensely.
“I…I…I…” I stopped & took a deep breath because I realized I was stuttering, “I’m fine.”
I knew that was horrible. He wasn’t buying that. & I couldn’t blame him for it. I then remember something. I only felt this way once before but…No! It couldn’t be that! I gasped & stumbled back, nearly falling.
“Whoa! Be careful,” Brad said, grabbing my arms to steady me, “Come here.”
He gently pulled me back & sat me down on one of the loungers.
“Now let me ask you again. Are you sure you’re ok?” as he said this, he began rubbing my now bare shoulders, seeing as how his coat had fallen when I stumbled.
“I…I honestly don’t know. I just seem really frazzled.” I whispered.
My breathing began to get faster when I felt his hands move down my arms. He then turned my head so that I was looking at him, eye to eye.
“It’s not anything I’ve done is it?” he smiled slightly as he said this.
I couldn’t help but stare into his eyes. Though I looked down at my shoes when I realized what I was doing.
“Uh…that was supposed to be a joke. It is something I’ve done? Whatever it is I’m sorry.” He looked at me thoughtfully.
“Oh no! It’s nothing you’ve done. It’s just…” I trailed off, looking away.
“No really, what did I do?” he turned my face so I was looking at him again; this time our faces were only inches apart.
I didn’t know what was happening, all I knew is that our lips were getting closer. Suddenly, we heard a bloodcurdling scream! I jumped up.
“WAYNE!” we both said.
We ran inside to find Wayne & Chip standing there like deer’s caught in headlights. Jeff was trying not to laugh.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“Wayne woke up & he was cuddling with Chip & freaked out.” He couldn’t hold it in any longer, Jeff burst out laughing.
I turned & leaned against the wall, trying not to show how funny that all sounded to me. Brad didn’t even try to hide it, he just started giggling. I slapped him on the arm to try to get him to stop. I took in a deep breath & regained my composure.
“Ok, OK! Enough with that. I’m sure it’s not as bad as it seems.” I was still trying not to break out giggling again.
Brad looked up, his face was beat red from laughing so much.
“Mel’s right, ok let’s sort this out. Ok, Wayne, you come with me. You can take Chip Mel.” He walked off with Wayne.
“But I…” I looked over at Chip, he smiled.
“Alright Jeff…Get out.” I told him.
“What?!” he asked.
“I said get out. Go somewhere else. Now!” I waved my arm at him, shooing him away.
“FINE!” he stormed out of the room.
“Ok Chip, Jeff’s not here, so tell me what happened.” I replied, sitting down at the table.
He sat down & proceeded to tell me what had happened.
Meanwhile… Jeff was all in a huff because of being kicked out of the room. He walked into the den. He saw Chelsea asleep; as he thought, but didn’t expect to see Ali sitting on the couch wide awake. He walked over & sat down beside her.
“Now what are you still doing up?” he asked.
“Thinking.” She replied, not looking up.
“Thinking? About what?” Jeff said.
“Nothing, just stuff.” Ali replied, still not looking up.
“You know, I’d like to see the face of the person I’m talking to.” He turned her face towards him.
“There, that’s better. I can see your pretty blue eyes now.” He smiled.
Ali started to blush.
“I like that too, the red contrasts the blue really well.” Jeff giggled.
“Shut up!” Ali slapped his arm.
“No. I don’t have to.” He folded his arms & started to giggle.
“AH! Will you guys SHUT UP?!” Chelsea yelled.
“No.” they both simply replied.
“FINE!” she grabbed her blanket & stormed out of the room.
“Grumpy!” Jeff laughed.
“Very, I don’t know how I deal with her.” Ali rested her head on his shoulder.
“Tired?” he looked down at her.
**Jeff thinks: Ali’s so kewl, funny, & gorgeous. She’s just so…perfect, mmm, her hair smells really nice**
Ali looked up at Jeff & smiled. He suddenly got this urge to touch her hair. As he slipped his arm around her, Ali looked puzzled. She looked down at his fingers as she felt Jeff slide them through her silky strands. She wrapped her hand around his, looked up at him & smiled. Her shoulder was nestled inside the crook of Jeff elbow, so it wasn't much of an effort for him to nudge her gently towards him. Jeff slowly bent his head down towards her. Ali stared up into his eyes, entranced by them. There lips only millimeters apart, they nearly connected when there came a noise. Jeff & Ali both turned to see Brad & I standing there. Ali pulled away & stood up.
“Uh hi Mel!” she stammered.
“Hey! You’re done! I can go back to sleep now, ok bye guys!” Jeff ran out of the room.
I started giggling.
“Is he gone? Oh good, now I can get some sleep.” Chelsea clamored back into the room, collapsing on the couch.
“Well, if you don’t mind, I’m very tired too, so…” she stated.
“Ok, we’re gone. Night!” Brad pulled me out of the room.
“But, but I wanted to…” I whined.
“I know, but it’ll be funnier when they’re awake enough to get really angry.” He laughed.
“Good idea.” I walked back up into the living room.
Brad jumped over Colin onto the couch.
“I think we really need some sleep, after the events of tonight, anyone would.” He stretched out.
“Hey! Leave some room for me!” I said, sitting on his legs.
“Watch it! Those are my legs.” He pulled them out from under me.
“I know. I just wanted some room on the couch. That’s better.” I stretched my legs out over him.
“I don’t think so.” He kept pushing my legs off, but I just kept putting them back.
“Stubborn eh?” Brad grabbed my legs & started tickling my feet.
I tried not to laugh, because that would wake everyone up. I tried to slap his hands away, but he would let up.
“Brad! Stop it!” I managed to choke out.
“Nope! Your own fault, now you suffer the consequences!” he then started tickling up my legs, then grabbed onto my stomach.
My stomach is very sensitive when it comes to tickling, so I was really trying no to laugh. It didn’t seem to work much, I kept on giggling. Somehow, through all of this, we got closer to each other, maybe it was all the pulling I was doing, I don’t know. Anyway, I grabbed his arms, trying to pry him off of me, not very easy, considering how much bigger he is than me. I then got an idea. I took my hands off his arms, & dived into tickling his stomach as well. He jumped back at this, so I knew it was working. I giggled & kept on tickling him. He wrapped his arms around & pulled me right up against him so I couldn’t tickle him anymore.
“I didn’t know you were you sensitive there Brad. I’ll have to remember that.” I laughed.
“& I’ll be right there, getting you back for everything you do to me.” I felt his warm breath on my face, & I realized how close we really were.
I could feel his heartbeat, see him take in every breath; I could even smell the soap he used, which was hard because of his cologne. I stared into his eyes; like I was afraid to look away, scared he might disappear. It was a really strange feeling. I couldn’t help myself, I reached out & touched his face. It was so soft, I could tell he had just shaved. Suddenly I realized what I was doing & jerked my hand back.
“No, please, don’t stop.” Brad moaned in my ear, grabbing onto my hand.
I felt his breath on my neck, & I couldn’t help myself. I set one back on his chest & returned the other to his cheek. I felt how warm it was. He smiled & leaned into me. I knew what would happen if I didn’t move, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. He was so close, I felt his breath on my lips, *yes I notice breathing a lot, so sue me* his hands had moved from my stomach to my hips, I was only now just noticing. I had to break away, but I couldn’t help but leans in closer. Suddenly, I heard a grunt. Brad pulled away & turned. I turned & found that it was Ryan who made the noise; Greg had kicked him in his sleep. I jumped up.
“I’m gonna go check on Ali & Chelsea.” I ran back down to the den.
I saw that luckily Ali & Chelsea were already fast asleep. I grabbed a blanket, curled up on the floor & fell asleep. Well, after a long period of think, I’ll tell you what about later.
“Wait! Please don’t leave me!!” a woman yells, reaching out her hand.
The shadowy figure begins to disappear.
“I can’t lose you!!!” She cries, dropping to her knees.
I can’t see her face, but I know she is crying. I walk up to her, & put a hand on her shoulder.
“Please don’t cry, everything will be alright.” I say.
The woman turns her head, & I gasp. Staring back at me is, well…me! She grabs onto my arm.
“It isn’t too late, don’t let it slip away.” She says.
“Don’t let what slip away? I don’t understand.” I reply to her.
“Cherish it. Treasure it. Don’t make the same mistake I did. Hold on & never let go.” She says.
“HEY!!!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
I bolted up straight. I stared at Ali.
“Finally! God you are the hardest to wake up. Come on, pat made everyone breakfast. Better hurry, brad threatened to eat it.” She called over her shoulder, walking out.
“Weird. What was that dream all about? I must, be going crazy.” I stood up & walked upstairs.
I could hear that everyone was up. I peered into the living room to see Colin & Deb talking on the couch & Ryan talking with Chelsea near the door. I walked into the kitchen to see Pat & Jennifer making some breakfast. Well, Jennifer was trying; it was somewhat hard for her. Greg was nibbling at her neck & kissing her ears, so she was a little distracted. I just shook my head & laughed. Suddenly, I felt arms around me. A hand covered my mouth. Whoever it was pulled me into one of the empty rooms. I spun around.
“What the hell?” I said.
A hand covered my mouth again. I looked up & saw exactly whom I knew it would be. There, of course, was Brad. He put a finger to his lips, the international signal for “shut up!”
“Why did you do that?” I whispered.
“I’ve been waiting for you.” He said.
“What?” I asked.
“Come on, it’ll be fun.” He smiled.
“What will be fun? What are you talking about?” I asked again.
“Jeff’s outside with Ali. Here.” He handed me a super soaker.
“I…oooh…this will be fun.” I laughed.
“We have to be very sneaky, we don’t want them seeing us until it’s too late. Follow me.” He peered around the corner.
He waved a hand, I laughed. He looked so serious, like it was some big military mission. I just strolled along behind him. Then I saw Chelsea.
“Chels! Watch outside, it’s gonna be really funny.” I waved the water gun at her.
She started giggling & followed behind. Pretty soon we had a whole audience, even Greg tore himself away from Jenn’s neck to see it. Ryan was nowhere to be seen though; I didn’t think he’d want to miss it. I noticed Colin wasn’t around either. I shrugged it off & watched Brad. We turned & peered out the open door. We saw Jeff & Ali sitting on a lounger. Quite comfortable, I might add. Brad counted down 5…4…3…2…1…
(Switch POV, goes back a few min’s)
“Yah, sometimes it can be hard, you know, being the new guy & all. But, I get to be around all these amazing performers all the time. Sometimes, I just sit back & watch the way they react to each other. I love it all!” Jeff exclaimed.
“I am totally jealous of you.” Ali laughed.
“Yah, it’s really fun. But actually, I thought last night was pretty fun too. I like hanging out with you. You’re not like any other girl I’ve met. Of course, that may not always be a good thing. I’m just kidding with yah.” He smiled & took her hand.
“Wow. I don’t know what to say Jeff…of course I like hanging out with you too. You’re an amazing guy, I could see us becoming good friends from the moment we first spoke.” She rested their hands on her leg.
He smiled at her, & brushed away a few strands of her hair. Jeff let his hand linger near her mouth before pulling back. Ali looked at him, & then glanced at his lips. When she saw that Jeff had seen her, & she blushed. He laughed & took lifted her head to look at him again. Ali leaned her head in towards him. Jeff rubbed his thumb along her jaw line. They were so close, they’re lips nearly touching, when, out of the blue, they heard…
(Return POV)
I pressed the trigger & water gushed out, hitting Ali in my back. It was so funny, she screamed & jumped like 6 feet in the air. Brad chose to run up & hit Jeff like 2 feet away from him. Ali growled & came after me. I sprayed her to keep her just far enough away. I looked over at Brad. He looked like a 3 yr old. He was giggling & spraying Jeff, looked like he was having the time of his life. I then realized that the water was running out of my gun. I sighed & sprayed her with the last bit.
“Well that was fun.” I laughed as I tossed the super soaker on one of the loungers.
“Indeed it was.” Brad said, as he draped his arm around me.
“You two are so childish.” Ali said.
“Yah, whatever.” I replied.
Suddenly, I felt something in my back. After a moment I jumped up, realizing it was water! I spun around, only to be hit in the chest.
“AHH! COLD!!!!!” I screamed.
I could here giggling, & no one else giggles like that. I also heard another scream. I saw Brad jump up & run away, soaking wet. Colin ran after him, holding another super soaker. I ducked, getting out of the range of his shots.
“RYAN!!!” I yelled.
“What? I’m just having a little fun. Aren’t I allowed?” Ryan asked.
“NO!” I yelled.
“Who asked you?” Ali said, grabbing the gun & spraying me.
“AHHH! NO!!!!! STOP THAT!!!!” I yelped.
“It’s not me! I swear!” Ryan replied.
“HAHAHAHAHA…damn.” She laughed, as the gun ran out.
“Finally!” I responded.
I looked over, & saw that Colin was shaking his gun as well, obviously empty as well. Brad sighed, & collapsed on the ground.
(He must have been tired from running around)
“I’m so tired!!!!!!” Brad shouted.
(See I was right!)
“Too tired to show me around today? You did promise.” I used my little girl voice.
(one of my many talents, & I do mean many)
I added a pout for effect.
“Sherwood! How could you make a promise like that then break it?” Jeff scolded.
“How dare you!” Ali added.
“You should be ashamed of yourself.” Wayne chimed in.
“Wha…but I…” Brad stuttered.
“Lying to her like that. What were you thinking?” Chelsea asked.
I sat back, just taking in the scene I had created. Greg walked over.
“You’re enjoying this aren’t you?” he whispered into my ear.
“Oh fully.” I replied.
He giggled, then joined in.
“Hey! Prissy boy!” Greg yelled.
Brad snapped his head up & glared at him.
“Isn’t it just like you to blow of your responsibilities. So you won’t take her out? Well…” Greg started.
“SHUT UP!” Brad screamed.
Everyone stopped & just stared at Brad. He walked over to me & kneeled at my feet.
“Whatcha doin’ there Brad?” I spocked an eyebrow at him.
“Well, APPARENTLY, I’ve mistreated you, so I’m apologizing.” Brad said, still oblivious to the fact that I had started it all.
“Why Brad, I’m blown away! That is such a sweet thing to do. Of course I forgive you.” I held back the fit of giggles forming in my throat.
“Ok good,” he stood up, “Well, seeing as how I’m soaked, AGAIN! I’m going to get changed into MY clothes.”
“I should do that too, my shirt is soaked.” I said.
I regretted that, seeing as how everyone snapped their heads around & stared directly at my chest. Well, all but Greg.
“Hey now! Avert your eyes! I SAID NOW!” Greg yelled.
He pulled off his jacket & covered my top.
“Now go get some DRY clothes on. We don’t need to be seeing that.” He covered his eyes.
“Shut up,” I laughed, then kissed Greg on the cheek & whispered, “Thanks Speccy.”
“No problem Minni.” He whispered back.
(nickname Greg developed last night, stating that I smelled like cinnamon)
I ran into the house, & up the stairs. I found my clothes, dry & laid out for me. I slipped off my wet shirt, & seeing as how warm it was outside, I decided to keep on the shorts. I just pulled on my shirt & grabbed my purse, rummaging through, pulling out whatever makeup I could find. I applied it then swiped on my trademark blood red lipstick. I scurried down the stairs & ran into Greg.
“Whoa Minni! That was fast.” He laughed.
“I move fast.” I smiled.
“Well Brad’s in the kitchen. He’s getting pretty impatient.” Greg pointed.
“Thanks Greg.” I called over my shoulder.
I walked into the kitchen. I saw Brad pacing back & forth, looking very serious.
“Whatcha doin there Brad?” I asked.
“Huh? Oh, uh, nothing,” he replied, “Just, uh, trying to think of what I could show you.”
“Anything really, just to get out of this house.” I laughed.
“I know what you mean,” he said, scooping me into his arms & running outside, “Let’s go then!”
“Brad! Put me down!” I told him, trying to squirm free.
“Alright, whatever you say.” He walked over to the pool.
“NO!!!!!!!!!!! DON’T LET ME GO!” I screamed, wrapping myself around him as tightly as possible.
“My, you are indecisive.” He laughed & carried me out to his car.
The top was now down, so he just dropped me into the passenger seat.
(you know what I mean, Brad wouldn’t drop me)
“Alright! Let’s get this show on the road.” Brad cheered, jumping in.
We turned to see Jeff & Ali running up.
“What do you want?” Brad asked.
“We’re coming with you.” Jeff said.
“No you’re not.” I replied.
“Yes we are.” Ali jumped in the back, & Jeff followed suit.
“What about Chelsea?” I asked.
“She’s fine, she got Ryan & Drew to show her around the studio.” Jeff said.
“So we’re coming with you, we wanna get out. See the sights.” Ali replied.
“What do you think Brad? Should we baby-sit them for a while?” I looked over at him.
“I suppose we could, & if they acted up, we could just toss ’em out.” Brad grinned.
“Hey ya! I like that idea. Ok you guys can tag along.” I replied.
Brad put the car into drive & sped off. He drove around for a bit.
“So where you want to go Minni?” he giggled.
“Don’t call me that! Only Greg can.” I told him.
“Touchy! Fine then, what do I call you?” Brad asked.
“Your highness!” Ali piped up.
“Ya, that’s just great Ali.” Brad mused.
“Actually…I quite like it. Yes, your highness will do just fine.” I told him.
“Fine then, where would you like to go…Your Highness?” Brad asked.
“Better…how ’bout we get something to eat. I’m starving.” I said.
“Good idea! Where do you wanna to go?” Brad asked.
“Ummm…how about a pizza place?” I replied.
“Ick! I don’t want pizza.” Ali said.
“Me neither.” Jeff added.
“Good, it’s settled then, pizza it is.” Brad replied, turning into a Pizza Hut.
“But we said we didn’t want it.” Ali protested.
“& You each have two legs of your own. Go somewhere else.” Brad told her.
“Well fine then. We will.” Ali grabbed Jeff’s arm & pulled her out of the car.
“Thank god. If there’s one thing we can do, is get Ali mad enough so she’ll go away.” I laughed.
“I like that in a person.” Brad jumped out of his car, jogged over & opened the door for me.
“Why do you keep doing that?” I asked him as I climbed out.
“I don't know. Just do.” He laughed.
“Whatever,” I grabbed his arm, “Come on.”
I dragged him inside. We were seated in a booth.
“I need breadsticks. They are the best.” I told him setting the menu down.
“That’s all you want? Breadsticks?” Brad asked.
“No, I also want a Caesar salad.” I said.
“No way, we came for pizza, so you’re gonna have pizza.” Brad replied.
“Why are you always so impossible?” I asked him.
“I am not. You are.” He smirked.
“Whatever.” I laughed as the server walked up.
“Hello, my name’s Cheri! Are you ready to order?” she asked very perky.
“You ready?” he covered my hand with his.
“Uh, yes, I am,” I looked over at Cheri, “I’ll have an order of breadsticks with cheese & a Caesar salad.”
“& I will have a large Pepperoni Pan Pizza. & bring me a Caesar salad as well.” He smiled at her.
“Alright, & to drink?” she asked.
“You first.” He motioned to me.
“Thanks. I’ll just have a Pepsi.” I replied.
“Me too.” Brad said, handing her the menus.
“Alright. I’ll be back with your drinks shortly.” She smiled & walked away.
“Why did you get such a big pizza? You’ll never be able to eat it all.” I told him.
“I already said, you wanted to come here, so you’re gonna eat pizza too!” he replied.
“You can’t make me.” I whined.
“I can, & I will.” Brad laughed.
I was about to say something, but was interrupted by Cheri returning with our drinks. Brad thanked her & I just grumbled & sipped my Pepsi quietly. Well, not quietly enough for Brad.
“Do you have to slurp so loud” he smirked.
“Yes, I do. You got a problem with that?” I scoffed, slurping loudly.
“Yes, in fact I do. It’s very annoying.” He looked at me seriously.
*Hmm, is he serious, or just trying to trip me up? What’s it matter?*
“I guess you would be the authority on annoying, you’re the best at it.” I smiled a bit.
Brad kicked me lightly from under the table. I kicked him back a little harder. He narrowed his eyes at me. I rolled my eyes at him. We both burst out laughing, arising stares from the other people in the restaurant. Brad grabbed onto my hand.
“You were good, very good. Almost thought you were mad at me for a moment there.” He giggled.
“Who says I’m not?” I spocked an eyebrow at him & tried to give him a serious look.
It didn’t last too long, Brad stuck his tongue out at me & I cracked up.
“You’re crazy, you know that?” I giggled.
“I know, but that’s what you love about me, isn’t it?” he smiled.
“Sorry I took so long, too many customers.” Cheri walked up with my salad, breadsticks, & Brad’s pizza.
“Oh no problem, oh & if you don’t mind, could you pack up those sticks? I know I can’t eat a salad, breadsticks & pizza.” I snuck a glance at Brad while saying this.
I giggled at him, he was grinning from ear to ear.
“Oh no problem at all. Hope you enjoy everything.” Cheri smiled.
“Oh we will, believe me.” Brad replied.
“I don’t know why she’d want to believe you though.” I giggled.
“Ha ha, take a slice, it’s…*chomp* *chomp*…dewhicus!” Brad’s reply was muffled with him having nearly the whole slice of pizza in his mouth.
“Slow down there tiger, I may know the Heimlich, but that doesn’t mean I’ll use it,” I chuckled as I took a bite of mine, “mmmm, this is good!”
“Told you.” Brad said after swallowing, with the aid of his drink of course.
(I told you he put too much in)
“I told you that you put too much in.” I said.
(I’m never one to keep anything inside J)
“Too much? You can never have too much pizza!” Brad stuffed another piece into his mouth.
“Forget tiger, I’ll call you piglet from now on.” I snickered.
“*snort* *snort*” he oinked.
“My little piglet.” I patted his arm & took another bite of my slice.
He nodded & chuckled. I saw out of the corner of my eye, an elderly couple. The woman was staring at us & whispering to the man, I assumed to be her husband. The man chuckled & nodded to what she was saying. They continued to glance at us throughout their entire meal, though I’m sure I was the only one who noticed. Brad was much too busy eating. After we had finished, & Cheri had given us the check, I noticed the couple walk towards us. Brad did too.
“Hello.” The woman said.
“Hi…may we help you?” Brad asked politely.
“Yes, actually, we were wondering something. My wife & I had slightly different views on it.” Her husband replied.
“On what?” I asked.
“On if you were engaged or just dating.” The woman responded.
“Excuse me?” I said.
She pointed to the ring I had on my left ring finger.
“Where did you get that?” Brad asked.
I nervously looked down & twisted the ring around my finger.
“I’m sorry to disappoint you, but we are neither engaged nor dating, we’re just friends.” I told them, still not glancing away from my left hand, now trembling.
“Oh we’re so sorry. We didn’t mean to, well, thank you. Come on dear.” The woman replied.
“I’ll be right there,” the husband leaned over to Brad, “You may be friends now, that’s how Gloria & I were, & that was 45 years ago.”
“45 years?” he asked.
“I know, & I’ve loved every moment I’ve ever spent with her. We were just like you two, sitting there, just talking & laughing over nothing. I recognize it all.” He told Brad.
“Henry! We’re late!” his wife called.
“Coming dear,” he call to his wife, then turned back to Brad, “think about it.”
“I will, believe me.” he gulped.
The couple walked away.
“That was weird,” I told him, “What was he saying to you?”
“Huh? Oh nothing.” Brad said.
He turned to look at me. His eyes glided over my body. I suddenly felt very uncomfortable, & crossed my arms over my chest. His glance moved to the ground then slowly up my legs, over my stomach, then rested on my arms, or chest, I couldn’t tell. I didn’t dare ask which.
“What are you looking at?” I swallowed slowly as I saw him narrow his eyes at me them snap his glance away.
I stared at him, then when he turned back to look at me, for some reason I just look down at my shoes. I could feel my face begin to burn again, I still hadn’t figured out why this had started to happen around Brad.
“What’s with the ring?” he asked finally.
“Excuse me?” I looked up at him.
He moved closer to me. I stared up into his eyes. He grabbed my hand & held it up.
“Your ring. What is it for?” he brought his face right up to mine & stared into my eyes.
He reached his hands out to me again. I pulled away from him, turning the ring around my finger.
“I…it’s…” I stuttered.
“Well? Those other two had their opinion on what it was, an engagement ring indeed.” He laughed.
“It IS an engagement ring!” I snapped
I immediately wished to take it back.
“I…I mean…” I began.
“Engagement ring? & When were you planning to bring it up? Didn’t you think it would have been smart to say ‘oh hey, guess what, I’m engaged’?” he yelled.
“Why are you so mad? You’re acting like one of my boyfriends.” I kicked my self for saying that.
He looked at me with cold eyes.
“& That would have been so bad?” he turned & walked out towards his car.
“Brad you don’t understand.” I chased after him.
I suddenly noticed a black Camaro coming towards me. I couldn’t move, my feet felt like cement blocks.
“BRAD!” I cried.
He turned in time to see the car come in contact with my body. I heard a deafening CRACK!
“NO!!!” Brad screamed.
Then everything went black.
(Now in all 3rd person, you’ll see why, it’s textbook Fan Fic)
“What the hell is taking them so long?” Ali paced back & forth.
Jeff & Ali had arrived on the scene a few moments after the accident. The driver was truly sorry; his steering wheel had locked on him. He couldn't swerve. The paramedics had assured Brad that she would be fine, but he was too shocked to listen.
“Brad man, you ok? You haven’t said a thing since you left in the ambulance. What happened exactly?” Jeff asked him.
Brad just stared past him, in some daze.
“Can’t you see what happened? A CAR HIT MELODY!” Ali screamed, breaking into a fit of tears.
Jeff rushed over to Ali & pulled her close to him. He rubbed her back & whispered things into her ear that no one else could here.
“What happened? We got here as soon as we could.” Chelsea came running up followed by Ryan, Pat, Debra & Colin.
“Melody was hit. She, I don’t know, we didn’t get there until after it happened. Where’s everyone else? Did they get the message?” Jeff asked, still holding Ali.
“Ya, they had to get a hold of Chip & Wayne.” Ryan replied.
“So what happened?” Colin asked worriedly.
“We don’t know. Brad’s the only other one that was there. & he’s not saying anything.” Ali pointed out.
“Dammit Jenn! I can smoke in here if I want! They’re dying already.” they heard Greg’s nasal voice fill the silence.
They saw Brad stand up. He rushed down the corridor.
“Way to be sensitive Greg.” Ryan shook his head.
“What?” Greg asked.
“We haven’t heard anything yet, & you come in here & the first thing you say is about dying. That just perfect you know.” Ali told him.
“I’m sorry,” Greg replied sincerely, “I'll go talk to Brad. Get us when the doctor comes out.”
He found him leaning against one of the vending machines.
“Dammit! I’m such a bastard.” he mumbled to himself, pounding his fists against the machine.
A Coke fell out.
“Thanks man, I needed that.” Greg reached down for the Coke.
“Hey Greg.” Brad said.
“What the hell happened to her? We all need to know exactly what went down.” Greg asked, opening the can.
“She was hit, head on. She was running after me. I...I got mad at her & ran off, she followed me & the car hit her. She hit the windshield, then rolled like 10 feet. I...I couldn’t move. It’s all my fault. I’m such a bastard. If she, what if she...I’m responsible, totally responsible for it.” he pounded his fists against the machine again. 2 more Cokes fell out.
“Ok first off, stop hitting the machine you're gonna suck it dry. Second, it’s not your fault, it just happened. She’ll be fine, she has to be.” Greg told him.
“Greg, Brad, the...” Chelsea ran up, trying to catch her breath, “The doctor’s back.”
Brad bolted back to everyone. Greg & Chelsea jogged back behind him.
"What...what is it? How is she?" he ran up panting.
"Ms DeVoe is in stable condition." the doctor told them.
"Stable? What do you mean stable?" Ali asked.
"She isn't hurt too much. She has a gash on her forehead, from hitting the windshield, & scrapes & bruises, from when she fell I'm told." the doctor explained.
"Well that's good then, we can see her then, she'll be just fine. I told you Brad." Greg patted him on the shoulder.
"Actually, there are some complications. She's in stable condition... now, but she lost a lot of blood. When she came in contact with the car, her middle section & her skull took most of the damage. We're not sure how long she can hold on without a blood transfusion...&" he began.
"&? You tell us she's fine, then she's lost blood, & there's still more?" Ali screamed.
"Shhh Ali, it'll be alright." Jeff wrapped his arms around her & held her so she couldn't lash out or anything.
"What else is there doctor?" Ryan asked slowly.
"Well, like I said, her skull took a lot of damage, she's...
(You know how it goes, all together now)
...In a coma." he told them.
"Oh god. This can't be happening." Ali began to cry again.
"Do you have anyone to give blood doctor?" Pat asked him.
"Unfortunately no. Ms DeVoe has a rare blood type that doesn't match with anyone that we've checked with,” he said.
"I'll give as much as needed, what type is she." Greg rolled up his sleeve.
"AB+" the doctor replied.
"DAMMIT! I'm O-! DAMMIT!" Greg cried.
"I'm AB+, I'll do it." Brad spoke up.
"Brad, are you sure? They could find someone else soon." Colin said.
"By then it could be too late, I won't let her die. I can't." Brad told everyone.
He walked away with the doctor.
(Time elapsed to however long it takes to draw blood; you don't want to hear about that. I'm going about 3 hours)
The doctor came out. Everyone stood up, even Brad, who was still a bit woozy from all the blood they took. You could tell by the bandage on his arm.
"Well? Is she alright?" Brad asked impatiently.
"She took to the transfusion better than we had expected, her vital signs have gone up & we expect a full recovery...providing she wakes up soon. If not, I just don't know,” he told everyone.
"YOU DON'T KNOW?! I just emptied my veins for you people & you still don't know?! What the hell kind of hospital is this???" Brad screamed at the man.
"Sir, if you don't calm down, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." he said.
“Can we see her?” Ali asked.
“Yes. She’s in stable condition now. You may go right in.” he smiled & walked away.
“Prick.” Brad mumbled under his breath.
They all went in, in groups. First Jeff, Ali, & Chelsea. Then Greg, Jennifer, Wayne & Chip. Then finally Ryan, Colin, Pat & Debra. Brad sat outside the whole time.
“You gotta go in & see her man. You're the only one left.” Jeff said to him.
“I...I just can't, I did this to her. I'm a bastard. God, I know she hates me. I just know it." Brad put his head in his hands.
“Now I know she doesn't hate you. She couldn't,” Ali told him, “Go & see her, she'd want to see you."
“Go in Brad.” Ryan said.
“You know you want to.” Greg smirked.
“Alright, you talked me into it.” Brad smiled slightly & stood up.
Brad opened the door & walked in. He saw all the machines & IV’s she was connected to.
“I’m so sorry Mel. You don’t know how much.” He said.
Brad walked over to the bed & pulled up a chair. He took her hand.
“It’s not right. I know this is clichéd, but that car should have hit me. I never listened you; I just got pissed & ran off. I acted like a 3 year old. I wish you could forgive me, but because of my innate ability to maim & destroy everything important to me, you may never even open your eyes. I hate myself so much right now. I know it’s selfish of me to say this, but I can’t stand thinking that I may never see your beautiful eyes again. You sparkled, I just can’t believe this, look at you, I did this. You’re here because of me. Me, & that damn ring! God! What does it even matter if you are engaged, I never asked, I’ve only known you for two days!” He screamed.
“NO! I won’t believe it, I can’t lose you, even if I can’t have you for myself, I won’t let you go. You’ve changed my life. Last night when I felt at my lowest, god, you’re a miracle. An angel…my angel,” he lean towards her, brushing a few strands away from her face, “Don’t leave me, I love you.”
He touched his lips to hers. A soft, sweet kiss.
“I love you more than you’ll ever know. You can’t know. YOU’RE IN A FUCKING COMA!” he screamed.
Brad turned away from her, letting the tears flow.
“DAMMIT! Why?! This isn’t fair! I just found you, now; I don’t even know how long I get to keep you. DAMMIT! I don’t even know you’re fucking real name!” he banged his fist against the wall.
He spun around. I smiled at him.
“Neleh DeVoe. That what you want to hear?” I giggled.
“Mel, I mean Neleh, I mean…oh god, you’re awake,” he ran over to me, “How, why, what…”
“Where, when, who?” I laughed.
“I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.” he began to cry again, tears of joy & anticipation.
“I’ve made you cry twice already. Don’t apologize Brad, you have every right to be mad. I didn’t tell you everything, hell, I didn’t tell you anything, just don’t cry baby.” I reached out & wiped away his tears.
“No, I shouldn’t have done it, it’s my fault, don’t say that.” Brad took my hand & kissed it.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to…” he pulled back, “I shouldn’t be this close to you, you’re engaged.”
“That’s what we have to talk about. I’m not engaged.” I told him.
“What? But you said, the ring. I’m not following here.” He said.
“I was engaged, a few months ago, to a real jerk, long story short…Seana, but with a Y chromosome.” I smiled.
“He’s a bastard, but why do you still have the ring?” Brad asked.
“Why else? To toss it off the golden gate bridge. I just got a little sidetracked. Not that I didn’t enjoy it.” I smiled at Brad.
“So does this mean what I think it means?” Brad asked, impatiently.
I pulled him in close to me. I kissed him softly.
“I was single, but I met the man of my dreams yesterday.” I whispered into his ear.
He smiled, so brightly. I looked down at his arm.
“God Brad…what happened to your arm?” I asked him.
“What? Oh that, I gave blood. You needed it, & I wasn’t about to let you die.” He smiled.
“Oh Brad, you’re a prince.” I hugged him tightly.
“& You’re my princess.” He whispered in my ear.
“I love you Brad, more than you can imagine.” I brought my lips to his once more.
The door opened.
“Brad, what’s taking you so long, you’ve been in here for…Minni! Finally, we were wondering when you get back around to us, & you’ve commandeered Sherwood as well I can see.” Greg snorted.
“What can I say? I’m just that kind of girl.” I laughed.
“HEY GUYS! She’s finally come too!” Greg yelled.
“MEL!” Ali came bounding into the room.
“Hey Ali! What’s up?” I asked.
“THANK GOD! We were SO worried about you!” Ryan told me.
“Well, not as worried as Brad, he was all over the place, yelling, screaming, he even told off the doctor.” Chip laughed.
“Ya, he was super mad cuz they didn’t know when you’d wake up.” Chelsea added.
“You were really worried about me?” I smiled at Brad.
“Well…ya, I…I was really scared I wouldn’t see you again.” He shuffled his feet & looked at the ground, obviously blushing.
“Awww, Brad’s blushing, that’s so cute.” Wayne giggled.
“I am not!” Brad tried hard to defend himself.
I touched his arm.
“Don’t worry, I think it’s really sweet. Thank you.” I kissed him on the cheek.
That got a chorus of OOOOH’s from the peanut gallery.
“Shut up!” I told them.
“Alright, alright, everyone out. I think they need some time alone,” Greg winked at me, “IYKWIM.”
“We’ll be right out.” Jeff called.
“You heard the man, LEAVE!” Brad waved his arms at them.
“FINE! Let’s go honey!” Ali pulled on Jeff’s arm.
“WHOA! WAIT! Honey?” I put my arms up.
“Oh ya.” Ali giggled, licking her lips.
“& When did this happen?” I asked.
“While you were out.” Jeff said.
“I miss everything!” I gasped.
“Oh you were there.” Jeff laughed.
“Look at her, she’s so…god just look at her. I can’t believe this. This can’t be happening.” Ali said.
“Ali, I hate to have to say this…but we have to be prepared for whatever could happen. If worse comes to worst, & she does…” Jeff started.
“NO! I don’t wanna hear it! She’s going to make it!” Ali screamed.
“Ali, we have to be realistic, you know that there is a chance. There’s always a chance…she could die.” Jeff said bluntly.
“NO! SHE CAN’T!” Ali fell into a heap on the floor, sobbing.
“Ali, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…” he ran over, kneeling next to her.
“She can’t die, she won’t…she’s not going to…” Ali rocked back and forth, clutching her knees.
“Ali…” he wrapped his arms around her.
“I WON’T LET HER!” she screamed.
“Shhh…” he drew closer to Ali, rocking with her, trying to keep her calm.
“I won’t let her.” Ali repeated, in a quieter tone this time.
“I know, I know. None of us will, I’ll do anything & everything to make sure of that.” Jeff touched his forehead to hers, “I promise.”
Ali drew in a deep breath.
“I’m scared Jeff, I’m so scared.” She began to shake in his arms.
“So am I Ali, I’m scared for you. I don’t want you to cry. I hate seeing you hurt.” Jeff said.
He turned her head towards hers & didn’t hesitate. Jeff brought his lips down on hers. He felt the shock she was feeling through her lips & began to pull back. Ali wrapped her arm around the back of his neck & pulled his lips back to hers.
“OMG! You guys!” I giggled.
“I KNOW!” Ali cried.
Brad shook his head.
“These kids today.” He mumbled.
“Brad!” I giggled.
“Ok, well, we’ll just get the doctor…so you can get signed out & get life back to normal.” Ali pulled Jeff out of the room with her.
“Are you feeling alright? Do you need anything? Is your head fine?” Brad sat down next to me, touching my forehead.
“Brad, I’m fine. Really.” I smiled.
“God I hope so, I’m really sorry,” he took my hand, “I never meant for any of this.”
“Shhh…” I put a finger to his lips, “Never you mind about what’s in the past. Focus on the future. Like what the hell we’re going to do once I get out of here.”
“I was thinking…maybe a trip to the bridge?” he smiled.
“I love the way you think.” I kissed him softly on the lips.
“& I love the way you taste.” He whispered in my ear.
“Brad?!” I slapped his arm.
“What?” he gave this angelic, innocent look, the one you can’t stay mad at for long.
“Silly.” I giggled.
“I know, but that’s what you love about me isn’t it?” he began to nibble at my ear.
“Among the many other things…yes.” I giggled.
“& Cute, funny, sexy, smart, amazing, hot…” he rattled off about a million things.
“Modest too.” I poked him.
“What did I say about poking people?” he scowled at me.
“I’m sowwy. Pwease forgive me?” I pouted.
“Alright. But only cuz you sounded so pathetic.” Brad laughed.
"Shut up!” I said.
“You say that too much.” He shook a finger at me.
“So?” I asked.
“Don’t you know that it’s not right to repeat yourself.” He replied.
“What makes you say that?” I said.
“Shouldn’t you know?” he responded.
“Do you realize we’re getting into Questions Only here?” I told him.
“Is it that apparent to you?” he smirked.
“What do you think?” I replied.
“You’re letting me think for myself? Is that wise?” he told me.
“How the hell should I know?” I mumbled.
“What was that?” Brad said.
I turned to him & smiled.
“Did I say something?” I asked.
“Would I have asked if you didn’t?” he responded.
“Didn’t I tell you to think for yourself?” I said.
“That was you?” he replied.
“Who else would it be?” I raised my arms & looked around.
He giggled & wrapped his arms around me.
“Do you know we could go on like this forever?” he smiled.
“Shouldn’t you just give up then?” I told him.
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” he chuckled.
I grabbed onto his belt & pulled him a bit closer.
“You know what else I’d like right about now?” I liked my lips slowly.
Brad stared at me, his mouth agape for a moment.
“I…wha…” he began.
I looked over to the door seeing Greg & Ryan giggling.
“Does that mean I win?” I asked, giggling.
Brad sighed.
“Yes.” He said.
“WOO! I KICK ASS!” I raised my arms in a “Rocky” motion.
“Oh shut up. I let you win.” He pouted.
“Oh sure you did. Sure you did.” Greg snickered.
“Mmmm hmmm.” I agreed.
Brad scowled for a moment, then looked at me with puppy dog eyes.
“Awww…poor baby.” I kissed him softly on the lips.
“We don’t need to see that!” Greg shielded his eyes.
“Then get out. No one’s keeping you here.” Brad snapped.
“Well while you 2 bicker, I’m going to get out of here.” I sat up & swung my legs over the side of the bed, receiving pain spasms through my body from it.
I winced from the pain.
“Minni! Are you ok?” Greg ran over to me.
“Mel?” Ryan jogged over as well.
“I…I’m fine, really. It’s just a little…” I moved my left leg, & winced, “PAIN!”
“God Mel, we need a doctor in here. I’ll be back.” Greg ran out of the room.
“You’ll be fine Mel, it’s nothing, I’m sure of it.” Ryan assured me.
“I know Ry, I know,” I leaned over & whispered in his ear, “I just hope Brad’s ok, he seems to take it worse than I do.”
He looked over at Brad, who was sitting with his head in his hands.
“Brad man, it’s ok. Mel’s fine. Look at her, she’s all right.” Ryan put a hand on Brad’s shoulder.
“Minni! Th…the doctor’s here.” Greg ran in panting.
“Thank god.” Brad mumbled.
“I’m fine Brad, stop worrying.” I told him.
“I’ll never stop worrying about you,” He turned to me & took my hand, “I love you too much to ever stop worrying.”
“Oh Brad.” I kissed his cheek.
“Well, it’s good to see you’re awake Ms. DeVoe. We were worried about you.” The doctor smiled.
“The hell you were. You didn’t even know what was going on.” Brad snapped at him.
“It’s alright Brad, I just want to get out of here. Do you think I can leave doctor?” I asked him.
“Well we have to run some tests, but I don’t see why not beautiful,” he winked at me, “Now lets take a look at your legs, you took quite a beating there.”
The doctor bent down at my legs. I blushed a bit. Brad glared at the doctor.
“Now tell me when it hurts.” He lightly pressed him fingers on my ankles.
“Nothing.” I told him.
“Good. How about now?” he touched his hands on my calves.
“Nope. Nothing yet.” I said.
“Alright then. Tell me when it starts.” He moved his hands, & pressed his palms on my inner thighs.
I blushed deeply. Brad turned red as well, but not for the same reason. I was embarrassed. He was pissed.
“Well? Does it hurt?” he asked.
“N…no. It doesn’t.” I stuttered.
“Hmmm…how about now?” he placed his hand on my left kneecap & put a small amount of pressure on it.
I winced.
“Just as I thought. Your knee has gotten a bit weaker from the impact.” He said.
“Well if you knew, then why’d ya have to go & touch her legs like that?” Brad snapped at him.
“I have to be sure. I can’t go on instinct alone you know. A doctor has to rely on the facts.” He smirked.
“Bastard.” Brad mumbled, cracking his knuckles.
“Will I be alright? Will I be able to walk?” I glared at Brad for a moment, then turn to the doctor.
“Oh of course you will, we can’t keep such pretty legs like yours from moving now can we?” he winked again.
Brad clenched his fists.
“I will be back, I have to get your release papers, & I’ll also get a temporary brace for your knee.” The doctor walked out whistling.
“I swear if he had touched you again, I would have killed him.” Brad snapped.
“No you wouldn’t have Brad, you would have cracked your knuckles & swore at him under your breath, then made idle threats, just like you are now. You’re not a violent person Brad. & Even if you are, I won’t let you be.” I told him.
He stared at me for a moment. I giggled & stuck my tongue out.
“Is that an invitation?” he smirked, resting his hands on the bed on either side of my hips.
“Thank god you picked up on the subtleties, I didn’t want to have to wrap myself in saran wrap & yell ‘Come & Get It’.” I laughed.
“Although I would have enjoyed that very much.” Brad smiled, leaning closer.
“I’m sure you would have, maybe for your birthday.” I giggled, wrapping my arms around him.
“Maybe for a Tuesday.” He grabbed onto my sides & pulled my lips to his.
“No way!” I pulled back from him.
Brad stared at me, shocked.
“I only work weekends.” I laughed.
“Fine, how much? I only have fifties on me.” Brad pulled out his wallet.
“I can deal with that.” I grabbed three fifties from it.
“Hey!” Brad cried.
“You want them back? Come & get them.” I smiled, shoving them down the front of my shirt.
“Now there’s an invitation I can get into, IYKWIM.” He reached his hands over my chest.
I slapped his hands.
“Well I had to try.” He pouted.
“That doesn’t mean you succeed.” I shook my finger at him.
“But how am I supposed to buy you presents when you take all my money?” he said.
“Good point…but can I have this? Pweeze?” I asked him.
“…Alright.” He sighed.
“Yay!” I cheered.
“Ahem.” Ryan coughed, making notice that he & Greg were still in the room.
“What?” Brad looked at Ryan.
“Children.” Ryan shook his head.
“Hey, she’s no child, she’s all woman.” He smiled, then purred at me.
“Indeed I am. A woman who needs her man, right now!” I pulled at Brad’s collar.
"Get out you two. We’re busy.” Brad shook his arm at Ryan & Greg.
tin’ busy you mean.” I giggled, pulling him into a kiss.
"Sick, it’s just so sick.” Greg retorted.
"Just because you’re too old for such strenuous activities…” I started, breaking off into a fit of giggles.
“Hey I can get it on with the best of them.” Greg sneered.
“Don’t let your wife hear that.” Brad laughed.
“Oh shut up Sherwood.” Greg snorted.
“Yes, you can put those luscious lips to better use than just talking Bradley darling.” I winked at him.
“Don’t I know it!” he smiled.
“Alright. Well here are your papers. & The brace I promised.” The doctor came back in.
“Thank you doctor.” I smiled & took the papers & brace.
“& Here is my card. I wrote my home number on there just in case you need me to make a house call. Free of charge. Call any time.” He winked & walked away chuckling to himself.
“I’ll be sure to do that,” I tore up the card, throwing the pieces over my shoulder, “Like hell I will.”
“Mmmm, sexy & smart!” he laughed.
“You bet your ass I am!” I grabbed Brad’s ass.
“Well,” He looked back, “I don’t usually bet my ass, but if you think I’ll get a good deal…”
“Shut up!” I laughed.
“But I don’t WANNA!!!!” Brad whined.
I just shook my head. Brad looked up at me & giggled.
“Ok, I have to get changed.” I slipped the brace on so I could walk.
While Greg & Ryan walked towards the door, Brad sat on one of the chair, & smiled.
“Go ahead sweetie.” He motioned with his hand.
I looked up at Ryan & Greg.
“Would you?” I asked them.
“It would be our pleasure.” Greg told me. He & Ryan grabbed Brad by the shoulders.
“Huh? What are you guys doing?” Brad asked.
“Gettin’ rid of the trash.” Ryan smirked.
“But, but, but…” he stammered.
“Exactly, this one you don’t get to see…right now.” I winked as they pulled him out of the room.
I thought for a moment. I ran to the door.
“Chels?” I called to her.
“Ya Mel?” she ran to the door.
“I just realized…I have no clothes.” I laughed.
“Never fear,” she ran out for a moment, then came back, “Chelsea’s here!”
She handed me a suitcase.
“I know you…always with the quick recoveries. I knew you’d never let me live it down if I forgot your clothes.” Chelsea smiled.
“Thank you Chels. I owe you BIG time!” I replied as I closed the door.
“You know it!” she yelled through.
I laughed & pulled out my clothes. I settled on a red sweater, to hide my bandages…& a pair of dark denim jeans, again, to hide my bandages.
I looked into the bag, seeing that Chels had also brought my toothbrush, hairbrush, & some perfume & makeup.
“This girl thinks of everything!” I laughed, & headed into the bathroom there.
I brushed my hair, & teeth, & applied a subtle amount of know, the “natural” look. After I looked at myself once more, I finally decided it was safe to “venture out into the world”. I opened the door slightly; just enough to see out…I noticed no one was out there. I flung open the door.
“Well! This is what I get? I was in a coma for god’s sake! & Look! No one! Not One Damn Person!” I grumbled to myself.
“Um…hey!” a little girl tapped me on the leg.
“Yes?” I bent down to her.
“I wasn’t apposed to tell, but…” the girl looked around, “They’s surprising you downstairs…”
“What?” I asked skeptically.
“They is! The tall guy…not the really tall one, but the cute tall one…he bought my flowers, I sell pretty red roses here. An he bought all 12…see?” she held up a wad of bills, obviously Brad had spent more than necessary on the flowers.
“Really?” I asked.
“Ya huh. But don’t tell him I told…I was just apposed to get you to go downstairs, he gave me extra money to do that. Please don’t tell.” She pleaded.
“I promise I won’t, thank you honey.” I smiled at her & walked off, well, limped.
When I reached downstairs, I peeked around the corner & saw Brad pacing back & forth. I made sure to listen intently.
“Where is she? Shouldn’t she be down here by now? What if she couldn’t get down, maybe her leg hurts too much. God, maybe I should go up there.” Brad rambled.
“Sherwood! Shut up!” Greg snapped.
“I’m sure she’s alright.” Ryan told him.
“Maybe Mel ran off with the doctor.” Greg laughed.
Brad stared up, horrified by what Greg said.
“Dude, I was just kidding…” Greg said, before hearing my giggling, “In fact, I’ll go check to see if Mel’s alright.”
He stood up & walked my way. All I could so was lean against the wall & giggle. He stood in front of me & shook his head.
“How can you do that to him? He’s crazy over you, & you’re here, making us listen to his rants about you. Can’t you think of someone else beside yourself? Like me???” Greg whispered in a commanding tone.
“Sorry dad.” I hung my head & giggled.
“Dad?! I’m not you father, now get your butt out there young lady, MARCH!” he ordered.
“OK,” I started walking out, and then giggled, “Dad.”
He smacked me upside the head.
“Hey!” I cried.
“Serves you right.” Greg laughed.
I crept around the corner & signaled Ryan not to let on I was there. I tiptoed up to Brad & covered his eyes with my hands.
“Guess who?” I asked.
“Uncle Billy?” Brad cried.
“Uncle Billy… we’ll see about that.” Keeping my hands over his eyes I kissed him passionately.
“Yep, defiantly Uncle Billy.” Brad nodded.
I smacked him on the forehead. Brad giggled & pulled me onto his lap. “ ‘ello luv! An ‘ow are we?” Brad smiled, using his best British accent. “You do realize you sound just like Eric from Monty Python, right?” I laughed.
“You know you love it.” He grinned.
“Ya, I do…when it’s Eric, not you…it’s just not you.” I shook my head at him.
“Oh come on baby, you gotta love me accent love, it’s shagadellic!” he started with an Austin Powers accent next.
“Shhh…” I put a finger to his lips, “No more god awful British impressions. Ok baby?” I smiled at him.
“Mmmm ‘kay.” He nodded.
“That’s a good boy.” I patted his head & started to scratch under his chin.
Brad started purring, & nuzzled up against me, not that I minded.
“My you’re happy today. Such a sweet boy, my baby. Awww, you’re so cute.” I fawned over him.
Brad just lapped up the attention like a little kitten.
“Oh I almost forgot,” Brad reached over onto another chair & produced the flowers the little girl mentioned, “For you milady.”
“Awww…what a prince!” I held the roses to my nose.
“These smell heavenly! & They’re so beautiful!” I smiled.
“Not nearly as beautiful as you.” Brad began to nibble my neck.
“Brad…” I moaned, “Not in here.”
“Wanna see my apartment then?” he whispered in my ear.
“Brad?!” I cried.
“What? It’s just a simple question,” he smiled, and then added, “I have a huge bed.”
“Brad…there are children here.” I scolded him.
“All the more reason to go.” He told me.
“…Ok.” I said.
“What?” he asked.
“I said ok. Let’s go.” I stood up.
He grinned from ear to ear.
“Bye guys! We’re off!” He grabbed my hand & we were out the door.
I giggled as he pulled me to his car, he’d have picked me up if I’d let him, he tried to anyway.Of course, he wasn’t too preoccupied to open the door for me once again. As I slid into my seat, I noticed him fumbling for his car keys. Brad was nearly shaking.
“Calm down tiger…we have all the time in the world.” I put a hand on his leg.
It seemed to calm him down for a moment, though once he started up the car; he began zooming past cars, scaring the hell out of me. I was never more relieved when he pulled into his apartment building. I started hitting his arm his my purse.
“ARE YOU CRAZY?!” I yelled at him.
“What?” he asked.
“YOU COULD HAVE KILLED US BOTH!!!” I screamed, hitting him harder.
“GEEZ! I’m sorry, I was just really excited, come on…don’t be mad.” He gave me those cute puppy dog eyes.
I sighed.
“It’s ok Bradles,” I began to stroke his cheek, “I’m just a little jumpy around cars…you know, I did get hit by one.”
“Oh…right,” he laughed nervously, “Sorry.”
“It’s ok hun…” I smiled at him, he could be so nervous at times, “It’s ok…now let’s get inside.”
His face brightened up. Brad nodded vigorously. He jumped out of the car, ran over to my side & opened the door.
“Come on, you’ll love my apartment.” He grinned.
I just had to giggle at his enthusiasm. He pulled me into the building & over into the elevator. Once the doors had closed, he began to roam his hands up my back, kissing my neck. I giggled & tried to push him away, but that just gave him more incentive. He slid his hands under the back of my shirt, & when I giggled, be began to tickle me. Suddenly, the door opened to reveal an elderly lady. She stared at us & shook her head. Brad looked down & blushed.
“Sorry Mrs. Bloom.” He said meekly.
Brad slowly pushed me out of the elevator.
“These kids today.” She sighed as the doors closed on the elevator.
We started giggling.
“Sorry about Mrs. Bloom, she doesn’t like Personal Displays of Affection. I, on the other hand, love them!” he laughed & picked me up.
“Brad!” I laughed as he carried me down the empty hallway.
He didn’t even put me down to take out his keys. Brad just simply shifted me to one side as he opened the door. I giggled as he struggled to hold the door open while carrying me in.
“Brad! Just put me down!” I told him.
“No way,” we slid past the door just before it shut, “We’re in! Now come here.” He began to kiss my neck, moving up to my ears. I laughed & took to wrapping my legs around his waist. He wiggled his eyebrows & brought his lips to mine in a raw act of animal-like passion. I felt my skin begin to get hot as he slipped both hands underneath my sweater, the back, mind you. As we were “wrestling”, Brad inadvertently began backing up towards the couch. When he felt his legs brush against the arm of couch, he turned to look. I grinned & jumped down from Brad.
“Hey…why’d you get down?” Brad pouted.
I stretched out on the couch.
“I thought this would be more comfortable.” I said, & beckoned him with my finger.
“You know, you really are the smarter of the two of us.” He smiled & kneeled down to me.
“Now you realize!” I giggled, & grabbed him by the waist.
“Randy little bugger ain’t-cha?” he giggled then slid on top of me.
I nodded slowly.
“I get it from you, you know.” I laughed.
“Good to see I’m having an influence on you.” He smiled, fingering the hem of my shirt.
“Brad…” I worked my hands under his shirt, pulling it up past his ribcage, “You’re so damn sexy.”
He smiled & pulled his shirt off.
“Guess you must be having an influence on me, because that’s exactly what I was thinking about you.” He whispered in my ear as he began to unbutton my jeans.
I arched my back to he could pull them off. His fingers grazed my legs as he slipped off my jeans. My breath quickened as I felt his lips softly, but firmly kiss my thighs. When he looked up, it nearly scared me. I saw something in his eyes, a fire, some heat when he looked at me. He moved his body up to mine, pressing the full force of his weight on me. I could feel his excitement; it made me cry out, in fact.
“Mel? What? Did I…I shouldn’t have, I’m sorry, this is too soon.” He began to move. I grabbed his wrists & pulled him closer to me.
“Don’t you dare stop now Sherwood. I won’t let you.” I moaned in his ear.
He looked down at me & smiled. I moved my hands to his jeans, slowly unbuttoning them. The jeans reached to his thighs, just as there was a knock on the door.
“DAMMIT!” Brad yelled.
“Shit.” I grumbled.
“Who the hell is it?!” Brad nearly screamed as he buttoned his pants back up & reached for his shirt.
“It’s Ryan & Pat!” we heard Ryan call through the door.
“Jesus…” Brad grumbled, slipping his shirt over his head.
He flung open the door violently. I could tell that Brad was glaring at them by the faces that Ryan & Pat adorned.
“What! … What do want?” Brad tried to say calmly.
“Geez Brad! What’s up your ass…” he sees my leg dangling over the arm of the couch as I tried inconspicuously to pull on my jeans, “Oh!”
My legs froze.
“Oh what darling?” Pat asked, Ryan pointed towards the couch, “What? OH!”
“Don’t OH Me!” I sat up abruptly, well after I had made sure I had buttoned myself up correctly, “I’m a grown woman.”
“Oh we can see that.” Brad grinned.
“Shut up Brad,” I laughed & hit his chest as I walked up, “So what brings you two here?”
“Oh right!” Ryan laughed, “We wanted to invite you guys to a BBQ we’re having tonight, everyone’s coming…Brad we know how good a barbeque-er you are…we were hoping you’d come to help.”
“Mmmm…I love BBQ.” I licked my lips.
“That would be a yes for us then.” Brad smiled.
“Well good. Come over as soon as you can to help. Whenever you’re ready.” Pat smiled.
“We’ll be there soon.” Brad smiled back.
“See you then Sherwood.” Ryan called as he & Pat walked away.
“Well,” Brad said as he closed the door, “Guess we have plans tonight.”
“I guess so,” I grinned at him, & went over to the couch sitting down, “Brad…I think we should talk.”
I motioned for him to sit down.
“About what lovely Melody?” he smirked, & sat next to me.
“About what happens next.” I stated bluntly.
“Next? What do you mean?” Brad asked.
“Next, with us.” I replied.
“Us? I’m sorry, I’m not following.” Brad stared at me, confused.
“Brad,” I stood up, “Where do we go from here? I mean, I never told you, but I’ve just gotten out of college, I haven’t the faintest idea what to do with my life, & now I have you…it’s really putting pressure on me to figure out what to do. Brad, I have to be honest with you…I’m scared, I want to be with you, but I also don’t want to limit myself from doing other things, missing out on opportunities,” I ran my fingers through my hair, pushing it back from my face, “I love you so much Brad, but…I just don’t know what’s going to happen.”
Brad sat there, for what seemed like the longest time, not saying anything, just staring at me.

Don't Worry, There's More Coming Up Soon, & If You Have Any Ideas, E-Mail Me./font>