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Welcome to

The Major Sheppard Haven

List Rules Webpage


Last Modified on 27 July, 2004 - Rules  #6, #8, #10, and #16**


List Rules for The Major Sheppard Haven. Please take a couple of minutes to glance over them, especially Rules #2 and #6. Thank you.


Welcome to The Major Sheppard Haven Group. :D Please read the following rules and follow them. Not following the rules will result in you being put on moderated status or unsubscribed. The rules will be sent at the beginning of every month as a reminder. Please note that they may change at any time. If they do, it will have a note at the top saying they were modified.


1. This is a list to discuss the television show Stargate Atlantis and the character of Major John Sheppard, played by Joe Flanigan. No discussion about the actor's personal life is allowed unless it is something that was stated in a magazine article, on TV, interview etc. Discussion of the actor's other roles in movies or TV shows is permitted.


2. PLEASE READ THIS ONE--VERY IMPORTANT. If you wish to post an article or interview, especially from Sci-Fi or MGM, please ask the author or website master permission to do so. If you cannot get permission, you may post a direct link to the article to the list, if it is from a website. But that is all. I will not allow unauthorized materials to be posted. It is to protect myself and the poster from legal action. MGM, in particular, tends to be picky about this.


3. Flaming or bashing of the characters, actors, or The Powers That Be (TPTB) of Stargate Atlantis is NOT allowed. Constructive criticism of the characters, the show or an episode IS allowed.


4. Flaming of other members on the list is NOT allowed. We respect other people’s opinions on this list. Constructive criticism of others is allowed. You will receive one warning after the first incident of flaming and a subsequent infraction will have you removed from the group. If you have a gripe with another member, please take it off-list and discuss it privately. If you have a problem with a thread or more than one person, please contact the list moderator privately at Respect is a two-way street.


5. Spoiler Space – You must include spoiler space in the body of the message after a new episode has aired until the Wednesday following the episode.


6. Snipping – You must snip your posts to include only the *relevant* information to which you are responding. Please only quote the part of a post to which you are replying to, not the entire post. If you respond to a message on “digest”, including the entire digest in your post is absolutely NOT allowed. Doing so takes up space on the YG server and in people’s inboxes and it will not be tolerated. Also delete ALL (Yahoo, MSN, etc.) ad info, email address info, signature lines, and TheMajorSheppardHaven group information (included in the previous post) from yours. When you don't snip properly it makes messages a lot longer than they are suppose to be, especially the digest version. Nobody wants to scroll through several footers, signatures, or address information to get to the next message in digest format. If you do not follow this rule, you will be put on moderated status.


7. Subject headers (a) and off-topic posts (b):


a. The subject line for your post must reflect the content in the body. If you are posting on something off-topic, you must indicate so in your subject line by putting “OT” at the beginning of the subject. If a topic of a thread changes, please be courteous enough to change the subject header.


b. Please keep off-topic posts to a bare minimum. Chain letters, email petitions, forwards like jokes and stories, are *not* allowed. We want to keep the discussion focused on Major John Sheppard and Stargate Atlantis, not bombard members with unwanted email. Thank you.


**8. The use of profanity is not allowed. Please keep language to the PG level (same as the show). That means if you won't hear it on the show, please do not use it here. That doesn't mean you can use every profane word heard on the show either (for example, "b**ch" will not be allowed). If you think you need to use profanity, find a creative alternative to the word you want to use. If you're able to understand Stargate, then you should be able to find an alternative to profanity.  The first offense will result in having your posts moderated. Subsequent infractions will result in administrative removal from the group.


9. Cross-posting is allowed as long as you are the original author of the message. You are not allowed to post another person’s message to another group, without the expressed permission of the original author.


**10. Fan-Fiction is allowed. If you post fan-fiction, it must be specified in the subject line of the post (i.e. Fan-fiction, FF, Fic, etc.). Also, proper disclaimers must be included with the story in the body of the message. All fan-fiction must include a rating in the subject header. NC-17 and R rated fic must be clearly labeled. Slash is not allowed until the group decides on whether they would like to allow it.


11. This list is not a place to discuss your political or religious views and it is not permitted. If you want to discuss these topics with a member(s) please take it off-list or to another forum.


12. Before you hit the send button, please proofread your messages carefully so that you don’t confuse or insult any of the members on the list or make any derogatory remarks.   Please only send messages that has something to add to the discussion, not one or two word answers like "Me, too" or "I agree."  It clogs up email accounts and the Yahoo archive.


13. There are four modes in which you can view posts from the group: Individual Email, Digest, Special Notices, and No Mail/Web Only. It is *your* responsibility to choose the mode you want and to change it. That is not the list moderators’ responsibility. If you want to unsubscribe, you can go to the group site at Yahoo Groups ( and leave the group, or you can send an email to If you want to leave the group, do not send messages to the list to be unsubscribed. It is your responsibility to unsubscribe yourself from the list or to update your email address if it changes.


14. SPAM is not permitted. If you SPAM the group, you will be banned. End of story.


15. All posts that are sent more than once (usually accidentally) will have the extra posts deleted from the archive. We only need one of each post.


**16. Please keep signatures to no more than three lines. You don't want your signature to be longer than your message.


I hope you enjoy your time here and if you have any questions, please feel free to email me at



TheMajorSheppardHaven List Owner/Moderator


Created 22 July, 2004


The photos on this page are property of MGM Studios and/or the Sci-Fi Channel. The Major Sheppard Haven does not own them and does not claim to.  They are not meant as an infringement on the owners of the copyright.