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This site is about South Park
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This site is about my favriote animated cartoon south park. South park is funny but has a lot of cuss words. The humor of the show is crude but that is one of the reasons I like the show. It has alot of racy comments and remarks. The show airs on Comedy Central. The cartoon has had over one hundred episodes.

South Park is about four eight year old boys in the fourth grade named Kyle, Kenny, Stan, Cartman who go on crazy adventuers. The four boys have been all over from Afganistan, to outer space with aliens. There has been one movie made and it was all about a war with canada.

If you want to watch the show or find out a little more about other Comedy Central shows visit this site Offical Comedy Central Site \cf1 Or if you want to see all of the episodes and what they are about go to \cf0 Episodes site So I reccomend you watch the show unless you dont like crude or sick humor.

This site was written, edited, and put on the internet by Jason Brown......A special thanks to Nick Hughes for showing me how to do HTML coding.

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