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Tina's Poetry

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Other Poetry
Poem: White Dove
1994© Can you see the dove,
It's white wings glide.

Soaring through the sky above,
Follow the dove, let it not hide;
It's peace will calm you.

Trouble not in silent cry,
for life's too short to die.
White dove do not cry,
White dove fly.

Follow the white light,
it's feather's so bright.
Think of love,
White Dove.

Poem: Family
1989© Unto a family life begins;
but a family we must repose,
to be whole; one with life.
love must hold steadfast with time.
Gluing life together piece by piece,
until one is complete.
Holding on the the past and the future,
only living at this moment, not knowing the next.
Unto all that is treasured - life must come; stregnth must rise.
A family, a feeling that one must possess.

Poem: Times Face
1992© Time shows it's face,
Thing's change in pace

Standing alone,
no one knows...

The ignorance of a drone.
Gnawing; unknowing...

Assembly line facets of clones
Individuality shows;

As conformance escapes..
Free slaves,

Equality in it's face,
Changes time.

Poem: The Candle
1983© When the candle burns the light's
so dim, yet so bright.

The flames orange, yellow and blue;
burning, burning away.

By the light you see are pictures of me
that reflect upon the wall.

On the ceiling are shadows of grey and black
By the side you feel the warmth of the candle that burns
with in the center of the flame.

Dying but still alive as the candle burns on.
As the flame grows smaller but still being tall.

And then the room grows dim, and then it's dark again.

Poem: Bird
1981© If I was a bird I would fly wherever,
I would fly forever,
If I was a bird.
If I was a bird;
Don't you see..
I would be free!
