Music Videos

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I'm starting a video rotation here, so while some videos may be down, others will remain here. Mostly it is due to A) lack of server space, and B) some videos, people don't like. I'm keeping up what I consider the most popular and the newest, but, if there is one you REALLY want to see, E-me and I'll put it up for you. To know which ones are the most popular, I need feedback from you, kind people.

Total of 13 music videos, 5 on hiatus


Down in a Hole
by Alice in Chains
Size: 3.91 Mb
Pairing: Buffy/Spike

This is the first video I made. Well, that is, the first video that I didn't accidently delete. <snerk> I chose this song because I feel that it pertained to both Buffy and Spike. It also matches my fic, A Time to Live. I think that this is what was going through Spike's head when he sang at the bar. He thought about the pain and the anger, and the major ass kicking. I had originally wanted to use a much sweeter, sappier song. However, that isn't who Spike is. He is a 'fierce killer'. Yeah I know, everybody's rolling their eyes now. He is chipped. But... not for long from what I hear. Maybe now he and Xander can kick ass from here to kingdom come... :)



Prayer to Ste. Francis - on hiatus
by Sarah McLaughlan
Size: 3.27 Mb
Pairing: Wesley/Faith

I don't believe that this video needs much explaining, it's fairly straightforward. Wesley and Faith are praying for forgiveness from their sins. Many of you will no doubt recognise this song from the season finale of Buffy. I've had this for ages and it's moderately hard to find, so I am told. But I came upon it by accident about four years ago I believe it was. To get on with the show, I know that I was going to use Possession, but I think I'll save that for another time. I have a feeling we haven't seen the end of Wesley/Faith interaction just yet. At least that is what Joss is hinting at.



Hello - on hiatus
by Lionel Ritchie
Size: 6.32Mb
Pairing: Angel/Cordelia

In my opinion, this is the best video that I've made so far. Let me just tell you this; my mother doesn't watch either Angel or Buffy. Actually, she used to watch Buffy with me but she hates her. Anyway, I took this video over there and made her watch it. She cried. Actually cried over this one. The song is beautiful and haunting, and for those who remember the original music video to this from the 80's, it is about how much he loves this blind woman. But she can't see him and doesn't know he cares. Hmmn, Angel and Cordy much? The POV starts with her, but most of the rest is from him. Take a look and enjoy. Of all the videos here, this is the one with the best quality. For people who get hinked by the mention of Lionel Ritchie, give it a chance. It is one of the few romantic songs I'll listen to.



Against all odds - on hiatus
by Phil Collins
Size: 5.34 Mb
Pairing: Angel/Cordelia

I really love this song. Can't express how much I love it. But anyway, yet another A/C video. I'm on a kick, what can I say. This one though is more about the pain and grief he has gone through losing both Cordy and Connor. So baby Connor guest stars in this one. But no big Connor. I may actually redo this one later, but I haven't decided yet. But I talk too much, enjoy.



Dust in the Wind
by Kansas
Size: 5.14 Mb
Pairing: Angel/Cordelia

Growing up, this was one of my favourite songs. But especially after seeing the episode of Highlander where Tessa died. Made me cry, sniff, sniff. This is the last in trilogy I've dubbed 'Angel Dreams'. Like the other two, it is very sad and tissue-y. But also, it completes it in a way because here is Connor all grown up, and pissy as usual. Mostly centered around Cordy though. And, be warned, it contains footage from 'Deep Down', which was the S4 premiere. I've also gotten better at using the special effects on Adobe Premiere. Awesome programme, btw. Anyway, let me know if the effects are overkill or not. See ya'll, and give feedback!


Lost in You
by Garth Brooks
Size: 4.90 Mb
Pairing: Angel/Cordelia

I'm probably one of the few, but I really liked it when Garth did that whole 'Chris Gaines' thing. This is one of the songs from that albulm. Yes, it is kinda slow, but not like the last three have been. Definetely more upbeat. This is fluffy and sweet. I think ya'll will like it. But don't forget to tell me what you think okay? The next video is being worked on as I speak. It will be an action-packed load of fun with a new style I've been dying to try. Although it will be a short song, the graphics and the way I'm doing it will be fairly intensive, so it may be a while before I actually get it done. Lots of fiddling to do. Take care ya'll, and enjoy!


Crazy little thing called love
by Queen
Size: 4.32 Mb
Pairing: Angel/Cordelia

Alright, I know that I'm like, the queen of the 'gonna make you cry' videos. But I was dying to do this one just for fun. It's light, it's cheery, it's got a pulse. So if this is your thing, check it out. I fiddled with some special effects and did a lot of from-scratch animation. Make sure to please send feedback okies? Next vid should be out soon. I've got three on the table, but it all depends on how inspired I get to do a certain one.



Little Willow - on hiatus
by Paul McCartney
Size: 4.73 Mb
Pairing: Willow/Tara, Willow-centric

This video was a request from LuckyLyn at the Stranger Things board. I searched, I converted, I scrambled. Then I came up with this. I really hope you all enjoy it.



Brand New Lover
by Dead or Alive
Size: 5.37 Mb
Pairing: ???

I got the idea for this video from hearing the song play on the tv. I hadn't heard it in years and it just reminded me of a couple of guys from Buffy. You have to pay attention cause the beat is pretty fast and there is a ton of subtext here. Have as much fun watching it as I had making it. :)



Love song for a vampire - on hiatus
by Annie Lennox
Size: 6.28 Mb
Pairing: Angel/Cordelia

I thought about it and did some researching to realise one thing. No one that I've seen has made a video for this song! And these are vampires here you know. So here is Angel and Cordy in a video which explores Angel's longing, and there are some vamping moments too of course.



by Stone Sour
Size: 5.65 Mb
Pairing: Spike/Drusilla, Buffy/Spike, Spike-centric

The other day I was driving around and I heard this song on the radio. I haven't heard it in a few months, but I instantly thought of Spike and how this would be a perfect song for him. Hope you all enjoy this and appreciate the fact that I almost got in an accident while thinking of clips to put in it. lol



As the world falls down
by David Bowie
Size: 4.71 Mb
Pairing: Spike/Drusilla, Xander/Cordelia, Xander/Anya, Xander/Drusilla

This is part one of a two video set. Both videos start with the same scene and work forward from there. This one though is really more about their relationships with other people, and how Drusilla simply bewitches Xander. (okay, it's my fantasy, go get your own if you don't like mine) Audio is a personal remix.



by Sarah McLaughlan
Size: 4.39 Mb
Pairing: Xander/Cordelia, Xander/Anya, Xander/Drusilla

This is part two of a two video set. Both videos start with the same scene and work forward from there. This one starts with Xander remembering his past relationships and pain, then the second part is about Drusilla. She has a vision of the future and has to decide whether she wants to do the right thing and walk away, or embrace the darkness with Xander. Audio here is also a personal remix. Out of the two vids, this one is my favourite. You'll notice that a lot of the same scenes are in each one, that was intentional.


Coming soon!

~ I will find you - Montage of couples (mostly done, just fiddling with audio)