Awards you can win!

Here are the awards you can win from my site, Shipper Dreams.

Attention: Winners are posted! Go to the Nominees page for further details on who won!

I am the judge, the jury, and the executioner < insert evil laughter here >. Nominations are sent to me at this address Sing to Angels. Go here to see the Nominees

If you see someone, who you would like to nominate, send in the URL of the fic, the URL of the site it is from, the name of the authour or authouress as the case may be, and I will review it to see if it meets my standards, then they must put my banner on their site within one week of entry. See Below

If you don't have a site, don't worry, you can still enter. Send me an email for details.

Now, you may enter yourself, or a friend, or a stranger, it doesn't matter. But when they are entered and approved, their story will be posted on the special awards page of my site. After the awards are over, all nominees agree to have their work posted in my archives.

Important: All nominees must nominate another story and/or authour. To see why, read my response to one person's letter below.

There are two categories: Dark Shipper Fic, and Shipper Dreams. And remember, this is a GENERAL shipper site. In other words, you can enter any pairing from either show or both! Variation here people, work with me. :)

Shipper Dreams is for lighter, fluffier fiction that has happy endings.

Dark Shipper is for fiction that is everything angsty and a little if not completely dark.

There will be three winners per category. The top winner is Silver Kiss, Copper Snakes is for the second place winner, and The Bronze will be for the third place winner in that category.

It can be fiction that you just wrote, specifically for this contest, or it can be something which has been floating around the internet for a few years, it doesn't matter as long as it is good, shipper fiction between any pairing. :)

Nominations start December 5th, 2001 and end February 1st, 2002. EXTENDED!

So send in those nominations, and YOU could be the next winner!

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Now don't forget to enclose each code in brackets, like this one < code >

ok? And if you did it right

you will see this....

Letter to a nominee:

To answer your first question, yes, you must nominate someone else if you wish to be considered. The reason I do this is; #1- to get some of that great fiction being written out there where even more people can appreciate it. #2- because I like to read it, so I want to know about those stories which might be worth my time. #3- because this is all in good sport. Good sports nominate other authours because it is kinda like a code we have to help each other out.

To answer your other question, yes, you can nominate NC-17 stories. But no slash other than canon please.

Sing to Angels

Shipper Dreams

Have a good one guys!