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The Thirty Years' War

Battle of the White Mountain/Battle of Breitenfeld/Battle of Luetzen
 Battle of Noerdlingen/Battle of Wittstock
The Northern War
Taking of Narva/Battle of Poltava/Battle of Gangut
The War of the Spanish Succession
Battle of Hochstaedt/Battle of Maalplake
The Seven Years' War
Battle Of Leuthen/Battle Of Kunersdorf


The war of Spanish succession

This war was a result of the struggle for the repartitioning of European possessions and the colonies of the once-glorious Spain. King Louis XIV of France succeeded in enthroning his grandson Philippe in Spain and planned to annex the Spanish domain to France. The Austrian Habsburgers, who also claimed to have a right to the Spanish Crown, stated their disapproval. Austria was supported by England, which desired to usurp the Spanish colonies, and also by the Netherlands, Portugal and Savoy. Despite their numerical superiority and offensive action, the course of the war was unfortunate for the French forces. They were crushed in the Battle of Hochstaedt. In 1706, the French were defeated in the Battles of Turin and Rumillies. Now the enemies of France took over. The army of Louis XIV was forced to switch to a defensive approach. The French defeated the English and Austrian forces in the Battle of Malplaquet, but the general outcome of the war was not in favour of France. In 1714 in Rastatt, France signed a treaty surrendering all claims to Spanish lands.



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