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10.35 - Rounds again. JD is still thinking a lot of about Elliot so when Dr. Kelso asks what the necrosis and and infected stool most likely indicated, he blanks out.
And you know what it's like when you don't know the answer: yeah, it's like this...
06.03 - JD looks to Elliot for help, who shrugs and mouths, "I don't know." Yet, when Kelso turns to Elliot for answer, she smugly rattles off the answer:
"Blah blah blah blah." Yeah, she said it too fast and too many medical words so "blah" will have to do. JDeer does not survive...
11.05 - While JD drains Ms. Pratt's stomach fluid, Turk is hanging out, checking up on his friend. JD broaches the subject of living in the same apartment, at which point Turk tells him that he might live with Todd, to branch out a little bit. Meanwhile, JD is still afraid of doing simple procedures and Turk advises him to "learn by doing".
12.12 - First code and here's how it works: someone's heart fails, they beep everyone. The first doctor in has to run the room, tell everyone what to do; basically decides whether the patient lives or dies.
Halfway down the hall JD realizes that there was no way he was ready for that and ducks into the nearest closet.

12.25 - ...In which was Elliot, who was a step ahead of JD in hiding in the closet. T
Her backstabbingness creates slight animosity between the two.
JD tells her that the date was off.
12.30 - Meanwhile Turk and Todd were already with the patient, "learning by doing". After one shock they realize that the patient was just sleeping, attached to a faulty monitor.

12:51 - Cox visit the closet for a trach-kit and does not seem surprised to find the two interns hiding in the closet.

13.07 - JD was sitting on the floor for two reasons: He tried to lock Elliot in that supply closet and she kicked him. Hard.
Two: The on-call room was locked.

13.35 - This, is why the room is locked. Carla and Turk were making out in the room but not in the bed and Todd was not watching them.
That's just in JD's imagination.
13:50 - Carla orders Turk to lose the clothes but then leaves him hanging. Turk says that he will call her.

14.19 - Cox is good with kids...who knew...

14.34 - So we find out that JD's there because he's worried about being on call that night. Cox reassures him by saying that the worse case scenario is JD killing somebody.


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