Those Odd Tingles Again

Author: Sarahvampgrl

Disclaimer: see previous chaps

Feedback/Reviews: Who needs reasons when ya've got heroin. (just a trainspotting quote, i'm only addicted to reviews and Spike)

Rating: NC-17 for all the yummy smut

Summary: A simple spell goes awry with lusty consequences.

Author's note: Sorry it took so long to get this chap out, but really it wasn't that long. You guys are just spoiled cause my first four chaps came out in like a week. And college is a harsh mistress. Or maybe college is the stern spouse and fanfic is the harsh mistress. Either way there's not enough energy to go around! hehe Oh and Shai Angyl gets a cookie! Way to go Shai!

Buffy peeked cautiously out of the grave, her fingers digging into the moist, dark soil as she scanned the silent rows. Sighing with relief at the windswept emptiness she dipped back down and hurriedly scrambled into her clothes. Spike stood behind her, his body tense as he shook his clothes out with deliberate care and clenched his jaw. He slipped into his black jeans as Buffy yanked her top over her golden head. He gripped her shoulder and spun her around angrily, his eyes wandered down her dissheveled form while she stared at the muscled expanse of his naked chest. "So, I'm not good enough to take home to Daddy, slayer?" he asked as he met her wide eyes angrily, the hollows beneath his cheekbones deepening slightly as he pressed his lips together in a tight smile.

Buffy dragged her eyes away from the tempting dislpay of hard flesh she wanted to stroke her hands down and looked up into the deep azure depths of his eyes. She pushed away the thought that pain glinted beneath his anger and focused on an emotion she could handle. "Spike," she said exasperatedly, "I can't deal with this right now. I just want to get home..."she swiped at a streak of dirt on her leg and muttered, "..and take a shower."

Spike snorted as he ran his hand though his tousled blond hair she had mussed with sensual fingers. Her eyes followed the movement devotedly and she licked her tongue along swollen lips. Somehow that snort was so sexy. Manly and hot and she wanted to leap on him again. *Oh God, what's happening to me?! I think a snort is sexy?! I'm becoming seriously disturbed here.*

"Why are you denying us this, Buffy?" Spike demanded, not bothering to cover the body that was distracting her too much to carry on an entirely rational conversation

"This isn't anything, Spike! It's-It's mindless and crazy and wrong! And could you please put your shirt on?" Buffy finished lamely her voice becoming squeaky and small as Spike stepped impatiently forward.

"And it's all I bloody think about. Not the sex. You. Don't tell me it's not the same for you," he said, his voice rough with emotion.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I don't think about you all the time. About your-your hair and those long leather jackets and the way you-," she stopped herself with a startled intake of breath before declaring loudly, "I-I don't think about you *all* the time. Could you please put some clothes on? And what we have is just physical...mind blowing physical and...and I have to get out of here." Buffy cried and stumbled out of the tight confines of the grave.

Spike groaned at the frustration building in his chest again. He felt like screaming into the night. Felt like kicking something's ass good and proper. Felt like drowning in a bottle of bourbon. The last idea stuck in his brain, driving him on. He threw the rest of his clothes on and hopped out of the grave that had been their lovenest for the last hour and headed to Willy's Bar. It was time to get good and tanked with some demon blokes. "Wonder if you convinced yourself, pet," he said into the night, his gaze lingering in the direction she had gone.

Willow woke as the covers slipped away and thumped to the floor. Tara wiggled in the bed beside her, her legs thrashing as she moaned softly. "Tara? Tara?" she called gently as she shook her girlfriend's shoulder lightly.

Tara sat bolt upright in the bed, her chest heaving as a cool sweat broke across her brow. She met Willow's eyes and blushed fiercely.

"Are you, ok, baby?" Willow asked, her eyebrows raised in concern.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," Tara said and smiled shakily, "just a bad dream."

"Ya want me to get you a warm glass of milk? or cookies?" Willow asked with a bright smile, aching to comfort her girl as best she could and always be there to take the nightmares away.

"That would be nice," Tara answered. Willow leaned forward and kissed her softly and she felt the tension ease a little. She watched her lover slip out of the room on quiet feet before reaching down to lift the sheet back onto the bed. She nestled in the cool cotton and silently mouthed 'don't like the boys. Boys are icky. xander icky'

Willow traipsed in, the cool glass in one hand and a napkin wrapped chocolate chip cookie in the other. She caught the breathy mantra and her eyes popped wide in surprise. "Tara? Do you still want Xander?" Willow asked, hurt and confusion tinging her voice.

"No! No! I don''s just...I keep having these weird dreams..and-and I blush when I'm around him and I don't even know why," Tara cried desperately.

Willow didn't know what to say as she stared at Tara's troubled face so she simply wrapped her in her arms and hugged her close.

Tara took in a shuddering breath and inhaled the comforting scent of Willow before she continued. "I've never really kissed a boy before. I guess I just feel weird."

Willow sighed and stroked her hand through the wispy tendrils of Tara's dark blonde locks. "Hey, don't feel weird. Even I've kissed Xander. Wait, that just made it weirder, didn't it?"

Tara laughed softly and the tension was broken. Willow pulled back and moved her hand to cup Tara's upturned face. "Feel a little better?" At her little nod Willow bent and brushed her lips with a kiss and the girls fell back onto the bed in a tangle of limbs and sheets.

Somehow Buffy found her steps veering farther and farther from Revello Drive until she found herself in front of Xander's swanky modern apartment. *If she knew Xander and Anya, and she did..* Buffy glanced around the little front courtyard until she spotted a decidely plastic looking rock. She popped it open and took out the shiny brass key. She slipped inside Xander's house and moved quietly through the shadows to the back bedroom. She didn't even know why she was here. She'd showered and crawled into bed only to stare at the smooth ceiling and wish Spike was laying beside her. Suddenly an alternate option had seemed entirely logical and good. She looked down at Xander's sleeping form tucked around Anya's lithe body, their faces slack and peaceful. They looked utterly adorable and as Buffy lifted the comforter and slid in beside Anya she felt a sense of comfort spread through her. Anya wrapped her arms around Buffy and sighed happily. Buffy smiled and fell instantly asleep.
