Ahh, back to SPike, my angsty love muffin. I've been away, wrapped up in change and life and all that gooey goodness. Oooh, I could tell you some stories. Maybe I should get a live journal? Anyway, enough rambling from Sarah princess of useless words. I downloaded some beautifullly done tribute clips on Kazzaa and now feel gripped by Spike (ooh, nummy! taking a moment......) and compelled to give him some lovenookie. So here I am! Back to my fic! How happy are you? No, really. ;D

He slid down into her arms and for the first time she let herself go. He was everything and nothing. A floating ecstasy, a hazy love, a violent passion; all at once. He slid his arms around her tight, his knee sliding between her legs, her bare flesh to the soft denim of his jeans. Anya gazed at the pair, her eyes wide, her hair a rumpled cloud of silky tendrils lapping at her shoulders. At first a pang of jealousy shot threw her but there was a heat to the vampire that called to her. They'd always had a certain similarity to them. Anya could respect that in a demon. And couldn't deny that she'd always wondered how it would be between them. But she'd been with Xander. This time the pain in her chest was much bigger than a pang. Xander... her love for him surged back into her heart.

Buffy moaned. Anya was lost again. Anya gave a dainty shrug as her eyes traveled the sleek line of Spike's back. In for a penny, in for a pound. Throwing her leg across his thigh she reached up and grasped the neck of his shirt. She gave a sharp tug and cleanly ripped the cotton, grabbing a stronger hold on the mangled fabric she ripped it in two. Spike gave a pleased grunt of surprise, looking over his shoulder at the smiling girl straddling the back of his leg. Buffy grasped his head and brought his lips back to her hungry mouth. Spike gripped her shoulders tight and poured himself into the kiss even as he felt a warm moist tongue glide down his spine. The tongue reached the line of his pants and stopped to pay special care to the small of his back. Spike closed his eyes at the warm feel of Buffy below him and the sensual attention Anya was giving his skin. Girl deserved a reward for that. Spike pushed up from Buffy slowly, their lips connected still, until he was kneeling between her thighs.

Anya pressed against his back and slid her hands around his waist and up his chest, Buffy's lips followed Anya's roving hands in languid nipping kisses. Spike reached behind him and grasped the back of Anya's head, his hands sliding into her hair as he kissed her across his shoulder. It was electric. Anya knew it would be.

As Buffy's lips reached Spike's collarbone she drifted onto Anya's arm and followed the warm silky flesh with her tongue. She nipped Anya's shoulder and Anya broke from Spike's kiss to gaze down at Buffy with heavy-lidded eyes. Her mouth dipped and caught the other girl's rose petal lips even as her hands slid down to undo Spike's pants. Spike wacthed the soft mesh of the girls' lips and felt himself strain painfully against his zipper. He gripped Anya's thigh next to his and kissed the crook of Buffy's shoulder as the girls pressed and writhed against him.

Anya slowly drew down the tab of his zipper and he leaned back, resting his head on her shoulder. Buffy's eyes widened and a smile traced her lips as she felt the sudden silky length of him spring from his jeans to press against her belly. Her eyes met Anya's and they shared a secret smile. Anya dipped to kiss his shoulder as she looked up through her lashes at Buffy. As she watched, Buffy leaned down to her and placed a kiss at her temple before lowering her lips so close to the spot on Spike's shoulder that their lips were almost touching. An understanding passed between the sultry depths of each other's eyes. Anya and Buffy traced mirror paths down his body as if they could see each other through his skin. Spike gripped a handful of Buffy's hair as he groaned low in his throat and reached behind him to stroke down Anya's back. Buffy stopped to nip Spike's nipple just as Anya pressed a sucking kiss to the flesh of his shoulder blade. Spike closed his eyes and threw his head back as the girls continued their journey's down his body. Buffy's tongue dipped into his belly-button then she drew back her head and flicked a quick lick across the tip of his penis. Anya reached the dip above his butt and swirled her tongue there as she reached between his legs and stroked the flesh of his balls. He gave a choked scream and then Buffy had taken him into her mouth as Anya cupped him and Spike yelled their names into the night. "Buffy! My slayer! Anya, oh god, my little demon girl!"

The long white column of his flesh disappeared between her rosy lips again and again as he kneaded the strong flesh of her shoulders, his hands rising to caress her neck and slide through her golden hair. The warm depths of her mouth and the hot length of Anya chased the coldness from his body that lingered from the night. Anya stroked and kissed him as Buffy worked his flesh. Anya fell to her butt behind him and reached around to grasp the base of his penis, her fingers sliding with Buffy's lips and Spike leaned back, grasping her thighs for support.

He felt himself getting closer to the sweet release he'd always yearned for from Buffy and sat up straighter on the bed. "Buffy! Unhh!" Spike groaned, his hands fisting in her hair. She pulled back, letting the length of him slip from her lips as she felt him tighten. She kept her lips tight until he popped from her mouth with a soft sucking noise and she pressed her lips to the slit in his cock with a hard pressing kiss. And then he came, his semen shooting against her lips and falling down her chin to her breasts. He gave a great gasping sigh and leaned a little back from her. He reached down tenderly and wiped the liquid from her face. He smeared it across the tangled sheets then reached back to wipe her breasts clean. He lingered on the round, pert globes of her breasts, squeezing them into his palms and rubbing strongly across her pebbled nipples. Anya watched with interest over his shouder, her hands still holding his semi-erect cock. She slid around him and knelt above Buffy, grasping the girl's face in her hand. She leaned down and licked a swipe arcoss Buffy's closed lips, cleaning her and taking the taste of SPike into her at the same time.

The girls kissed with renewed vigor and Slid down onto the bed, pressed against each other. Anya rolled on top of Buffy and licked her clean of all the remnants of Spike's seed. Spike crawled up the bed to them and coasted his hands down Anya's back. He felt himself growing hard all over again as he watched the girls. He grasped Anya's butt and pulled her backwards till she felt the bump of his cock slid along the lips of her pussy. She was on her hands and knees above Buffy and arched her back at the feel of him. Buffy leaned up and captured a nipple in the sweet suction of her mouth. Spike slid his cock in a slow circle against Anya's soaked clit and smiled devilishly as she began to make guttural groans. Buffy's eyes widened and her gaze slid from Anya's face pinched tight with pleasure to Spike's pleased form towering above them. Her pussy ached for him suddenly. For him and only him. She pushed down till her hips were between Anya's knees and she could wrap her legs around Spike. Pressing her shoulders down into the mattress she raised her hips up towards him in heated invitation. Spike raised a brow at her delicate manuevering and angled his cock down to her waiting pussy. As soon as he touched the wet flesh she pushed up and took him deep inside her. Anya gave a supplicating whine and Spike slid his hand from her hip to the bead of her clit through the dark curls between her thighs as he began to move within Buffy.

Buffy couldn't hold for long, it was too much flesh, too much pleasure, too much electricity in the air. Her eyes pinched tight and her lips gasped open on a never-ending moan as he pumped into her, filling her, pushing deep. And then Anya's lips were gliding along her neck and she felt the quick brush of Spike's fingers against her curls as he stroked Anya into her release. Anya bit lightly and Buffy felt her body tighten and shudder above her. Spike's cock slid out and in with a wet full slide that angled against her clit and she was suddenly on fire between her thighs. The bead of her clit quivered against him, the lovely pressure, and then a surge of moisture coated their joined bodies and Spike groaned. She smiled as the relaxation spread through her. She looked up languidly into Anya's smiling face and they kissed gently, their bodies heavy and happy, throbbing and sweating. Spike gave an animal sound and slid a hand up Anya's back as he fell to his side beside them. Anya gave him a sultry smiling look and fell to Buffy's other side. The lovers on either side of her curled to her sides, sliding a leg over each of hers. She nestled into the mattress and slid her hands languidly across their svelte thighs hapily and slid into sleep.

Anya lay awake in the soft darkness. The room had faded from black to a dusky gray. Spike's face tightened almost imperceptably, a little line forming between his brows as she watched. She rolled over and looked at the window. The slanting moonlight laid across the covers. That wouldn't be good in the morning. She slid out of bed and the light palyed across her naked body, tight and tan. She moved without pretensions, or self-consciousness across the room and gathered a blanket from the floor. She hung it across the window then looked around for something for the other one. Spike's black leather duster spilled across a chair onto the floor. She picked it up, letting theleather slip across her naked skin as she walked across the room. She breathed in the scent of it for a moment before tugging it into place over the window. The room was dark again and as safe from the light as she could make it. She pulled on her clothes without looking at the pair on the bed. When she was done and had nothing left to do she finally turned. They laid curled together, all blond hair and muscled, slender limbs. They were gorgeous and she wished she could paint them right now. But her heart was urging her to other places, other people, and only the dimmest linger of passion stirred in her soul for them. But she stood in the doorway a moment longer and breathed the scent of sex and....was that apple pie?

She shrugged. Oh well. No bother. Then she turned and slipped silently out the door.

Two things woke Willow. The front door slammed then she smelled apples. It was strong and spicy and she sat up quickly in bed. Last night when she'd put her potion away it had smelled like vinegar. Something to counteract the sweet addiction of the lust spell. She hurriedly scrambled out of bed and went to the trunk at the foot of the bed. She stopped in mid motion and looked at Tara. Sweat beaded across her forehead and her pink tongue darted out to dry lips. She slid the potion out of the trunk and it did smell like apples. How had that happened? She needed it to be ready by morning. She spilled more gold Orik powder into the mix and set it on the dresser. She would do the spell first thing in the morning.

Anya walked slowly down the nearly deserted street, weaving back and forth. Her lower lip pouted as she thought and gazed at the ground before her. She done nasty forbidden things with Buffy and....She gulped quickly and continued the thought....Spike. How could she face Xander. She LOVED Xander. She stopped and stomped her foor as she shouted out loudly for all to hear. "I LOVE XANDER HARRIS!"

"I love you too, An," Xander said in a quiet voice.

She gave a yip and spun around, not realizing that she'd walked all the way to their apartment. Xander was just a few feet up the walk with his key in the front door. He looked sad and sheepish. She felt sad and sheepish.

The both said. "We need to talk."

Giles had been in the air a little while and he was starting to get uncomfortable in his seat. He looked carefully over his shoulder then grabbed his magazine and headed for the airline bathroom. He sighed to himself even as a excited thrill rushed through him. Had he really fallen so far?

An stewardess stepped deftly into his path and batted her lashes coyly up at him with a big smile. "Is there anything I can help you with, sir?"

Parts if him answered yes even as he found himself saying no. He passed her with little sigh and looked at the magazine in his hands. "What have you gotten me into, Molly?"


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