Dinner For Eight

Disclaimer: see previous chaps. Oh, and of course I don't have anything to do with old navy either.

Feedback/Reviews: Who needs reasons when ya've got heroin?

Rating: NC-17 for all the yummy smut

Summary: A simple spell goes awry with lusty consequences.

Author's Note: Damn it took we a while to get back to this fic. But it has been beautiful outside. Plus I had Nathan problems. I just can't write when I'm upset with him.

Buffy slid the roast into the oven. The heat billowed around her as she nudged the pan back on the grate. She slammed the door closed and checked the black roasting pot on the stove top. The potatoes inside had turned a soft gold in the flavored broth. She jerked her head to the side as she heard the front door slam. She swallowed and flung off the big, cow ovenmits. She was sweaty and tired and suddenly prayed that Spike wasn't here already. Smoothing the flyaway strands of hair that had fallen from her messy ponytail she took a deep breath and stepped out into the front hallway. Her eyes widened in surprise.

"Giles!? Is that you?" she asked with a joking smile.

"Oh. Yes, Buffy, who else would it be?" he returned with a soft crook to the corner of his lips. His hair was softer, tendrils falling across his forehead in little curves, and he was wearing a leather jacket that hugged his shoulders like a leather jacket should.

"You look-" she scrunched her nose. "Not like Giles. Where'd my watcher go? Tweed suits? Nose in a book?"

"Nice to know I've been so thoroughly stereotyped as a bookish nerd," Giles said with a light scowl.

"Lighten up, Giles," Buffy said, patting him on the shoulder as she moved back into the kitchen to check on her soufle.

"Thought I had," he said with a long suffering sigh. The door swung open on his words and Willow walked in with a brown paper bag in her arms.

"Thought you'd what?" she asked pertly as she closed the door with a dull clunk.

"Nothing," he said absently as he reached into his inside pocket for the familiar feel of much loved, glossy paper. "What have you there?"

"Nothing," Willow mimicked quickly, "Buffy needed some...corn. For the big dinner tonight. The dinner with everyone..that we're having..tonight."

Giles softly chuckled. "I know Willow. I am going to be there as well."

"Yes. Of course you are. 'Cause you're Giles. I'll just be going then," Willow said, taking deep breaths between each sentence. She moved to the stairs quickly, keeping a tight grip on the bag.

"Willow?" Giles called with a puzzled look on his face. She turned from the third step and raised her eyebrows in question. "The corn?"

"Oh right!" Willow said and thunked back down the stairs, moving carefully past Giles and into the kitchen where Buffy was flying around from stove to fridge to counter.

"Wills! Thank God!" he heard Buffy cry. "Stir the soup!" There was a perfunctory knock and the door swung open again before he could even move to open it. Anya burst in carrying a big round dish covered in tin foil against her hip.

"-and that's why taxes are a necessary evil, much like Xanga demons," Anya was saying over her shoulder.

"Yet still I hate them, much like Xanga demons," Xander said in his lilting voice before turning to Giles with a wide smile. "Hey, Giles. Is Tara around?"

Anya elbowed him in the gut with a fierce look before turning to Giles with an equally wide smile. "I brought dip. It's Guacamole. Xander, show the chips." Xander dutifully held up the bag of Tostitos from his bent position holding his stomach. Anya peered over Giles's shoulder, "Is Buffy around?"

Xander groaned.

Buffy emerged from the kitchen, her hands flying to her hair nervously. "Um, come on in guys. Dinner's almost ready. Giles, could you help Willow for a minute while I go freshen up?"

Anya burst in, "I could help." At everyone's quick look she quickly amended, "or in the kitchen."

"Ok, thanks. I'll be right down," Buffy said, moving past them to the stairs. As she passed Anya she caught her breath, her heart lurching in her chest. Anya let her hand brush along Buffy's waist before following the men into the kitchen slowly. Buffy stopped a moment on the bottom step and took a deep breath then padded quickly up the steps.

Buffy ran into the bathroom and hurriedly brushed her hair out, wishing she had time for a shower. As she ran across the hall to her room to change she called out, "Dawn, set the table!" She heard Dawn's footsteps pad past the door insolently - could footsteps be insolent?- just as she was slipping her shirt over her head.

Dawn was putting the last dish on the table as Buffy came down, slightly refreshed and dressed in a soft brown shirt that clung to her curves and a slim khaki skirt that hugged her hips. Giles, Xander and Anya crowded out of the kitchen each carrying a dish of food. "Ok, Giles you sit here," Buffy said, pulling out the chair at the end of the table.

"Alright then," Giles said, moving around the table and taking his seat. Tara entered just then and looked around curiously. Willow's lips parted slightly as her brows knit in frustration as Tara's gaze slinked to Xander.

Buffy moved to the next seat on the left. "You're here Willow and Tara right next to you." Willow smiled at that and moved to take her seat. "Then, Dawn you're across from Will, then Xander, then Anya," Buffy finished, pointing to each seat in turn. She moved to the head of the table and stood behind her chair, gripping it tightly. "Go ahead, sit down everybody."

Everyone pulled out their respective chairs and sat down. Buffy still stood behind hers, casting glances over her shoulder towards the kitchen.

"This is certainly an interesting assortment," Giles said carefully as he nudged a plate of deep fried onions in the shape of roses away with his thumb.

"Yeah," Tara said, looking up with a smile. "You did a good job, Buffy. It looks like you made everbody's favorites."

"Who sits there?" Dawn asked, pointing to the empty chair at Buffy's side.

Buffy didn't answer for a minute then said in a low voice, "I did invite somebody else."

"Oh yeah? Who?" Xander asked, looking suspiciously at the flower shaped onions. "Everybody we know is already here," he said in a joking tone, "Unless you invited a demon. Tell me you didn't invite a demon."

"I know other types of people!" Buffy defended hotly. "But I may have invited a demon." The last edges of sunlight had faded from the sky and they all knew it. Dawn smiled lightly and Anya pouted. She elbowed Xander again.

"What?! For God's sake, what?" Xander said, rubbing his side.

"What's wrong with demons? Ok, most demons are 'grr, end of the world' but your constant demon basing is unnecessary and unnapreciated at the dinner table," Anya said before turning to Buffy with a hurt look. "Why'd you invite another demon?"

"You shouldn't get offended Anya, you're not a demon anymore and I think it's nice Buffy invited Spike," Dawn broke in.

"Hale, hale, the gang's all here," Spike said with a smirk as he leaned in the doorway. "Nice to know where you stand Bit." He strolled into the room and slid into his seat. "Pass the onions?" Willow started a little, realizing he was talking to her, and passed the dish. He gripped her wrist as she held the dish and met her eyes. "Thank you. Very much." He slid his eyes to Buffy as he scooped a flower onion onto his plate. "Gonna eat or not, Buffy?"

"Yeah. Yeah. I just need to get the rest of the food," Buffy said offhandedly before smiling at the table and wringing her hands lightly. She left the room in a flurry of blonde hair. Spike cocked his head to watch her backside sway from the room. He heard a microwave click on and a slow smile spread across his face.

Buffy came back into the room carrying a box of Wheatabix in one hand and a coffee mug in the other. Spike's smile broke into a grin and he couldn't help a chuckle as she placed the mug of blood in front of him. "You shouldn't have, luv," he drawled with a smirk as he sprinkled the Wheatabix in the blood.

"Ok, this is new," Xander said after a moment of shocked silence. "Since when do we serve blood at the table," he said, his head bobbing as he stressed the word blood with shock and disgust.

Ignoring the comment Buffy slipped into her chair and reached for a steaming bowl of golden potatoes. "Dig in everybody."

Willow was the first to move. She speared a piece of pot roast and scooped a dollop of potato salad onto her plate. Soon the rest followed suit, filling their plates with the various dishes Buffy had specially prepared for each, wanting this night to be perfect. The silence that followed got to Anya first. "Try my dip. It's guacomole. It's festive and green."

Tara obedienly dipped a chip in the green goop and chewed slowly, a strained smile on her face. "Is it supposed to...crunch...like that?"

"Oh, I added a few things," Anya said offhandedly reaching for a piece of barbequed chicken.

Tara's face had shifted to horror, "Like what?"

"Oh just some things for color and taste," Anya said munching on a piece of celery. "Why don't you have a taste Willow."

"On no, that's okay," Willow said, "I'm all set."

Spike gulped a drink of his blood as he watched the scoobies with interest. He slid his hand beneath the table unnoticed.

Tara gulped a drink of water. "Was there Lunum powder in that?" she asked. "That can deplete magical powers."

"Really?" Anya asked innocently. "It has a sweet aftertaste," she muttered, avoiding Willow's suspicious look.

The sound of crinkling paper broke the tense moment. The whole table erupted in a cry of, "Giles!"

He was turned away from the table, the cosmo magazine in his lap. "What? Can't I read a perfectly innocent magazine at the diiner table?"

"It's not innocent anymore," Dawn said sarcasticly.

Buffy's eyes flew to hers. "Dawn! Giles..."

"Oh all right," Giles said closing the magazine and setting it next to his plate.

Xander slid his shoes off and reached out with his foot to touch Tara's leg across from him. He stroked her foot with his. She looked at him quickly and slipped her own shoe off.

Buffy felt two hands grip her knees simultaneously. One small and warm, the other cool and masculine. The warm little hand and Spike's familiar grip made twin paths up her thighs as the conversation continued around her. She continued to spoon the buttery potatoes into her mouth, her soft sounds of pleasure growing with each upward stroke of their hands.

"Hmmmm," Buffy moaned aloud as one of Spike's long fingers grazed her panties while Anya squeezed her knee gently.

Willow, Xander and Giles looked up at her questioningly.

"It's good," Buffy explained, swallowing her food with a gulp as she blushed and looked down at her plate, her eyes wide.

It was Buffy's turn to look up in surprise as Xander's small moan followed hers. He looked around frantically for a moment as everyone stared at him. "It is good," he said, shoving a bite of roast into his mouth.

Willow asked Dawn about her schoolday while Xander and Giles had an absentminded conversation about nothing at all. Neither really seemed to be paying attention to the other. Giles's gaze straying to his magazine while Xander dedicatedly ate his food. All the while Buffy's body began to tingle and tense at the feel of the stroking hands on her thighs. Spike was quickly bringing her to orgasm as he slipped his fingers beneath her panties.

"So, Spike," Tara said, running her foot up Xander's leg unbeknownst to Willow, "how are...things?"

"Hmm? What?" Spike asked as he slipped his finger inside Buffy. She gasped and clutched the table.

Anya bit her lip against a smile and inched her hand higher on Buffy's thigh.

Tara took another bite of roast, sliding her foot into Xander's lap and resting her arch against the hard bulge she found there. "How are things?" she repeated, careful to keep her tone even and conversational, aware of Willow next to her talking to Dawn.

"Oh, I've been busy," Spike answered calmly, his thumb stroking Buffy's clit in a steady rhythm.

Anya's hand slipped up the final distance, her finger sliding under Buffy's panties. She looked across the table in shock as she encountered another hand already there. Spike whipped his head around to stare at Anya at the same moment as he felt her warm, nimble fingers brush his. Both their hands stilled on Buffy's clit but it was enough and she exploded in climax.

"Unh," she cried, her head thrown back and her eyes closed. Spike and Anya continued to stare at each other in shock and Xander and Tara barely had the energy to look, their eyes caught on each other as they breathed heavily. Willow, Dawn and Giles however looked up in surprise, forks or glasses raised to lips hung in midair.

Buffy shuddered and looked around the table slowly, her eyes wide and her lips gently parted. "I just remembered I forgot to bring the cake out," she said shakily.

One of the Scoobies