The Aftermath

Author: Sarahvampgrl

Spoilers: Set right approximately right now in the series so all around spoilers for this season and others past may crop up.

Disclaimer: I think it's quite obvious I don't own them or I would have all you rabid fans, much like me, beating down my door to smother me with gifts and adoration. You can do that anyway if you want, but you can't get Spike. I'm keeping him chained to my bathtub and he's all mine! Ya hear me, ALL MINE!

Feedback/Reviews: Who needs reasons when ya've got heroin. (just a trainspotting quote, I’m only addicted to reviews and Spike)

Rating: R or NC-17 (oh, yeah baby, that's the spot)

Summary: Buffy and Spike are gonna get together. Ya know they are. And if not, well then, they will here. ;>

Buffy and Spike had moved down to the sunlight protected depths of the crypt and the comforts of Spike's bed. A candle burned on the table beside the bed casting a golden glow across their skin as they made love more slowly but no less passionately. Spike lay nestled between Buffy's legs, his weight propped on his elbows as he licked the hard bud of her nipple. Buffy moaned and dug her long nails into the hard, cool flesh of his shoulders. Spike smiled into her warmth and continued licking kisses down her trembling body. He dipped his tongue into the soft indentation of her navel and felt her shiver beneath him. Buffy stroked her hands up from the lean muscles of his back to play in his blond hair. The short, soft strands felt like silk through her fingers as she gripped his head closer and arched up softly. Spike slid his hands along the curve of her body until he reached the soft swell of her hips. He gripped them tightly as he lowered his head to nip at her thighs. He could hear Buffy's heartbeat race and her breathing grow shallow as he neared the pinpoint of her need. He gripped her hips with more force as he buried his head at the center of her thighs and thrust his tongue along her pulsing clit. She screamed in ecstasy and the power of her cry echoed off the crypt's walls. Spike gloried in it. He'd ached to hear her scream his name and as it left her lips in a staccato rhythm that matched the sweep of his tongue along her sweetness he felt the deepest sense of climatic satisfaction. As he felt her body tighten, aching for the shuddering release he was quickly bringing her to, Spike slowed his ministrations and pressed calming kisses against her. He sprinkled his licking kisses across her thighs and the throbbing center of her arousal. He pushed himself up to his hands and looked down at the flushed, gasping Buffy displayed before him in all her naked glory. He purred in that vampirically animal way and moved up her body like a big jungle cat stalking it's juicy prey. His lips were slickly wet as he looked down at her and Buffy ached to have them back on her body.

"God Spike." Buffy exclaimed breathily as she hooked her hands together behind his neck.

"Yeah, Slayer. I know," Spike grinned cockily, "You taste good, luv." His eyes strayed to the pulsing vein at her throat and flashed gold. "Damn good."

Buffy pulled his face down to hers and tasted her body on his lips before it faded away and she just reveled in the feel of his expert lips pulling and suckling at her own. She slid her hands down the lean muscles and silky smooth skin of his back and traced the slight rise of the welts her fingernails had scraped there at some point during their lovemaking. As their kiss deepened and Spike's tongue dipped into her mouth she reached down and gripped his arse. He drew up with a look of feral arousal at the possessiveness of her gesture and looked steadily into her eyes as he moved a hand to cup her breast. The nipple rested between his cool fingers as he gripped the supple flesh and she arched her back into his touch. Buffy reached down between their bodies with one hand and gripped Spike's throbbing erection. He stilled, his jaw tightening as his lips parted on a gasping intake of unneeded air. Buffy felt a greater sense of power and control than she had ever felt over Spike and it brought a shocking awareness of how much Spike truly belonged to her and suddenly she wanted to give him a taste of something she'd never given him before. A taste of submission and unselfish pleasure. She stroked her hands up the rippled muscles of his chest then gripped his shoulders and expertly flipped him. As he lay on his back he looked up at her with a mixture of surprise and purest lust. She leaned over him and flicked her tongue across his nipple, her eyes meeting his through the sheer curtain of her honey blonde hair. She let her tongue trail across his defined pecs and down the ridges of his stomach, looking deeply into his burning azure eyes all the while. She felt the tip of his cock bump her chin and she felt his whole body shudder. His eyes had grown more intense as he watched her move lower still and then they widened as her tongue flicked out and made a slow lick up his cock as if it were ice cream. She let her eyes drift closed as she let the sensation of his smooth hardness and masculine taste wash over her. He moaned aloud at that. His groan emanated from his chest and turned into a roaring growl as she continued her slow, steady, licking strokes along the most sensitive part of his body. Her hands gripped and caressed the hard strength of his thighs and he slid one hand into her hair while the other fisted in the cotton sheets as she continued her licking kisses along his shaft. His shout echoed through the crypt and rumbled through his body as Buffy suddenly took him in her mouth, sheathing him completely.

"My God! You are bloody amazing Slayer." Spike ground out through clenched teeth as she let him slide in and out of her mouth in a soft rhythm. She smiled and pulled up letting her lips slide off him and leave a soft pressing kiss to the tip of his quivering cock before sitting up and tossing her hair back. Spike leaned up on an elbow and reached for her, cupping the back of her head and pulling her to him for a passionate kiss. Buffy leaned back slowly and he followed, their lips never parting as she nestled back into the pillows and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him over her. He reached down and gripped her knee, slinging it across his hip as he prepared to enter her waiting body. Her fingernails gripped into his cool flesh as he slid his hardness into her warmth. She gasped his name as he buried his face in her neck and moved his hips in a primal rhythm. Spike thrust into her as Buffy's hips pressed up into him. Each thrust brought a burst of pleasure that rode the knife edge of pain as they gasped towards the blinding climax that would appease their aching bodies. Buffy's wet warmth was driving Spike insane and his eyes were brilliant gold now as Buffy writhed beneath him screaming his name. Buffy rode his cock frenziedly as he pushed up into her and gripped her hips to his. Then suddenly she was gripping his biceps so tightly a trail of blood trickled across her fingers and her keening cry was echoed by his guttural shout before he collapsed onto her and nestled into her jugular, his tongue idly lapping at it in the rhythm of her heartbeat. She smiled and stroked her hands lazily down his back as she drifted off to the contented euphoria of sleep.

The golden glow of the candle flickered lovingly across Spike's tall pale body covering Buffy's slight golden one as Spike ran his hand reverently across her soft sleeping figure and whispered in his deeply serious British accented voice, “I love you Buffy. With everything I am. You're mine now." Then his eyes closed and he followed her into sleep, contented to have her there with him, in his crypt, in his bed, their bodies still joined.

Tara shook Dawn sharply, her terror rising when she still received no response from the seemingly sleeping girl. Then she saw the ring of waxen stumps on the floor and a thick leather-bound book spread open and she felt a chill of terror down her spine. She turned and hurried out the door. She burst through Buffy's bedroom door without the customary knock only to find the bed disheveled but empty. Too scared to worry where Buffy might be she sprinted downstairs to Willow. "Baby something's wrong with Dawn. I think she did some kind of spell. There's one of Gile's books in her room. And now I can't find Buffy," Tara spilled all this information in a quick nervous stream. Willow's mouth had popped open in surprise before she sprang into action with an 'I've faced an apocalypse, we can handle this' look on her face.

Willow wrapped her arms around the worried girl she loved and said, “I’ll go look at Dawn and see what book she's got. You call Giles for me. Xander and Anya, too. I'm sure Buffy will be home soon." Then she gave Tara a reassuring smile and was glad to receive one in turn. Then she turned and hurried up the stairs to Dawn's room as she heard Tara pick up the phone and begin dialing.

Dawn was so happy. Buffy and Spike were making her breakfast in the kitchen and her mom was sitting on the bed bickering with her in the loving way she'd missed so much as she got ready for school. All the people she wanted to be with most were under her roof safe and happy.

"Dawn, Are you ready for your history test today," her mother asked with a look of parental concern and expectation.

"Yeah, mom. Spike helped me study last night and I'm pretty sure he knows even more than my teacher. He lived through half the stuff that's on the test today so I'm pretty sure I've got it covered," Dawn smiled contentedly.

"Speaking of Spike, I believe your breakfast will be burnt to a crisp if we don't get down there soon," Joyce said as she moved towards the door. Dawn had a sudden moment of panic as her mom moved away from her and she hurried to Joyce's side and slid an arm around her waist and leaned her head on her shoulder. Joyce gave her a surprised look and then a loving smile as they walked downstairs in each other's arms.

Joyce and Dawn entered the kitchen to find Spike and Buffy locked in an embrace against the refrigerator and Dawn giggled as her mom cleared her throat and gave them a disapproving 'there's a time and a place' look. Spike pulled back with a respectfully chastised look on his face for Joyce's sake but Dawn saw the unrepentantly devilish gleam in his eye. He moved back to flipping pancakes with a whistle while Buffy wiped a finger along her lips and blushed.

"Here Dawnie. Bacon, eggs and pancakes, just for you, luv." Spike said as he set the plate on the kitchen island with a wink. She sat down and chomped on a piece of rather delicious bacon as Spike slid into the seat next to her with his breakfast of warm blood in his yellow 'Kiss the Librarian' mug he still had from his stay at Gile's place. Buffy scrunched her nose at the blood and reached up into the cupboard for a plate.

"What no plate fixed for me?" Buffy asked Spike with a teasing glint in her eye that said she knew she could probably make him do anything for her, including fix her a plate of bacon every morning for the rest of her life.

"Sorry, pet, but I figured the slayer was capable of putting her own bloody food on her plate. 'Sides, I only play happy nursemaid to the LilBit," Spike answered and gave Dawn his warm smile again.

This might not have been everybody's idea of a perfect family or life with her mom nagging her about clothes, a test in school, a bickering vampire dating her vampire slayer, somewhat overshadowing older sister, but, to Dawn, it didn't get much better as she continued to eat her breakfast and watch the show that was Spike and Buffy.

Too bad it wasn't real.

Willow skimmed the pages of the book again but came to the same conclusion and her heart filled with dread. Dawn had summoned a wish demon. A very powerful, very old wish demon. Now Dawn lay entranced in a wishful world of her own making. And, according to the fine text in Latin, this wish demon collected the very essence of those who summoned him so it was out there somewhere with Dawn's conscious essence in an orb. They had to get Dawn's essence back from the collector and they had to make Dawn want to leave her dream world. Two not so easy tasks. Willow just wished everybody would get here soon. The longer Dawn stayed this way, the harder it would be.

Buffy slid out of Spike's bed, glad he hadn't woken up. She couldn't deal with talking to him right now and she didn't want to spoil how glorious she felt. She couldn't help but linger though, her eyes wide and her lips softly parted as she looked down at the beauty of Spike's naked body. It had been a long time since she'd seen a man satiated and sleeping after making love all night (well, morning) long. No, having sex. Definitely having sex. No making of love with Spike. God, he was well proportioned, she thought as her eyes strayed across the square, elegantly lined bones of his face to the perfect alignment of compact muscle across his chest and tight stomach and down further to... She literally shook herself and closed her eyes, taking a calming breath. But she couldn't resist another peek and one eye popped open and stared at the semi-aroused, length of his erection against the porcelain skin of his muscular thighs and the soft, sparsely curling mousy brown hair. She sucked in a breath and spun around, quickly pulling on her wrinkled clothes and marching out of Spike's crypt. As she fled up the stairs and out the door Spike slid one eye open as he chuckled and stretched contentedly, wondering how he was going to get her little silk panties off his light fixture.
