Disclaimer: I do not own these characters with which I play. They belong to Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy and I'm sure UPN doesn't want me fiddling with them either. I promise not to get them too dirty and return them when I'm done in nearly mint condition. Maybe just a little tired and sweaty is all.

Ditribution: Maybe. Just drop me an email and reviewing is always nice too.

Reviews: YES, GOD, PLEASE! Ooh, did I shout? Dreadfully sorry. It's just a click. Won't hurt a fly.

Rating: Nothing too racy yet but it will be NC-17 I'm sure. They all end up that way.

Summary: Post 'Two to Go' so Spoilers till the end of season six. S P O I L E R. Spike has his soul and he and Buffy begin having dreams. It's also kind of a songfic as i was inspired to write it tonight as I was watching the Jewel "Break Me" video.

A/N: Whoo, it's been a little bit. Sorry. *Looks sheepish* Anyway, I've been engrossed in season seven, and school and work and Dane. He's the new boyfriend. *Stupid Grin*. Since it's been awhile I've decided to do a last time on thingy:

So far: Buffy has had a few racy dreams and yes she secretly misses Spike and all his ooyey goodness. Meanwhile Spike has had some racy dreams of his own. Actually some oddly in sync dreams. He got his soul back and spent a few weeks out of it have dreams of the more horrifying variey before stumbling into Kira's hut. She's been taking care of him and knows a good thing when she sees it. That's all, I believe.

He laid her on the bed and fell between her thighs. It was dark and secret in the room with only a pale line of moonlight across the floor. She sighed and wrapped him close, a line of excitement thrumming threw her body. It wasn't new to her, not this place, not this act, but he was. New and raw to her so that she wanted to pull him close until they were one and she could keep him forever. There was a little hollow spot in her and she kissed him harder, her lips eating at his, as she knew they'd never have forever. Her skin was like dark honey and he ran his tongue down her collarbone. She tasted sweet too. "Honeygirl," he groaned into her flesh and gripped her harder.

She chuckled and it rumbled through her into him. It was so warm and sweet. No not sweet. Maybe bittersweet. Her eyes told him that. Their molten brown staring down into his soul. Her calloused fingertips trailed down his chest and their skins glowed light and dark against each other. His body tingled and shuddered at the feel and he gazed down at his paleness stroked by her warm, dark flesh.

No, the act wasn't new. But it was different. Different in some ways than anything had ever been. Some raw new piece inside her knew him. Knew him in some primal way that said they had met like this before. He dipped down to kiss her again and she recieved him ardently pulling him close again.

Buffy tensed as she brought herself close then lightly shuddered over into climax. She let out a deep breath and relaxed a moment on the bed. What was this? She'd never woken up so hungry for sex before. She had a healthy appetite like any girl her age. Well not Anya. But this was a little extreme. Something was up somewhere, though why it was doing this to her she had no idea.

She rolled out of bed and plodded out of her room to take a shower. It was thankfully empty and she stepped inside to the smell of someone in the kitchen cooking...pancakes?

Dawn came out of her room stretching to catch sight of Buffy hogging the shower. Again. She sniffed the air. Was that omellettes? She trudged down the stairs sticking her tongue out at the bathroom door as she passed it. The scent got stronger and she smiled expectantly. Her smile got ten notches brighter when she entered the kitchen and found a smorgesborg of food laid out. Belgian Waffles, Omellettes with ham and cheese, blueberry pancakes, sausage and scambled eggs, a huge stack of buttered toast and three kinds of flavored syrups. Her smile disappeared completely as she watched Willow furiously beat a bowl of raw eggs into even yellow goo. "Willow?...Are you okay?"

"Yeah, Dawnie, I'm fine. Never been better," Willow said with the fakest smile Dawn had ever seen. Dawn gave a sighing smile and walked across to take the bowl from Willow.

"You're not fine, Will, and that's okay. It's okay to not be fine," Dawn said, pushing Willow into a chair. Dawn could understand this. She knew loss. She knew pain. They all did really.

Willow moved a plate of pancakes closer to the syrup and fiddled with a stray knife. She took a shuddering sigh. "I think-- I think I need help."

Dawn leapt up. "That's good, we can do that, we're all about help. Well, help and killing things. Same diff. I know! I'll call Giles. He'll know how to help."

"Oh, no!" Willow said with a look of horror on her face. "Don't call Giles. I just couldn't face him. Not after.. Not after what I did." Her voice dipped softer on the last few words.

Dawn just gave her a big hug. "Giles will help you, Willow."

Buffy skidded to a halt in the kitchen doorway and looked around with amazement. "Whoa, did the IHOP explode in here?" She looked at the two hugging girls and asked with concern. "Wills, are you okay?"

Dawn and Willow opened their arms to her and Buffy hugged them both, confusion still on her face. Willow sighed, "No, Buff, I don't think I'm quite okay."

Buffy hugged them both tighter. "I think we should call Giles." Dawn nodded empahtically.

The phone only gave a half-ring before a startled Giles said "Hello?"

"Hey Giles, it's Buffy. Are you alright?" Buffy asked, noting a strangeness in his voice.

"Yes, yes, it's just that I was picking up the phone to call you just now," Giles said in a severe voice.

"Well, coincidence of coincidence, anyway Giles-"

"Wait, Buffy, what I have to say is rather importan-

"What you have to say is always important but this is about Willow."

"Willow, is she alright? Are...other people alright?"

"No and yes. I mean other people are fine, Willow hasn't gone dark witch of the bad but she's not exactly alright. She needs help Giles and I don't know what to do."

"Oh, I see. Well that's good. And, and bad, I guess. There are some people more experienced than you or I here in England who could perhaps help her come to terms with the magicks inside her. Of course, the emotional side...only time can heal some wounds."

"Time and family. England would be good for her I think. You'd be good for her, Giles. Let her know she's still our Willow."

"I'll do my best. I can arrange for a plain ticket within the week but there is another matter, Bufffy..."

"Out with it, Giles, you're scaring me."

"Well, it's Faith actually."

"Okay, now you're really scaring me."

"She's dead Buffy."

Buffy plopped down onto the nearest chair. "Wow. How-how did it happen?"

"Well, that seems to be the question of the day. I have my suspicions," Giles whispered. "I can't go into it much now. I'll send for Willow soon."

"Alright. Bye Giles."

"Goodbye." And then the line went dead.

"What was wow?" Dawn asked.

"What- oh, nothing," Buffy said distractedly. She turned to Willow. "Giles is going to send for you soon. He says there are people there who can help you with the magic and- and stuff."

Willow nodded, hugging herself tightly. Buffy stood up and crossed to her.

"But I'm always here for you, Willow. Giles and Me and Dawn and Xander. We're family." Willow nodded again and both girls hugged. No one saw the worried look on Buffy's face.