Buffy Takes a Break

by Sarahvampgrl

Disclaimer: Not mine yadda yadda.

Rated: Nc-17 (will work on this later)

Author's note: I wrote this because I saw someone's fic that said that Buffy looked bored when she and Spike were making love and I just deeply disagree with that because I know exactly what Buffy's expression was as I've felt that way so many times. When the sex is just this beautiful comfort but it's not about the sex or the orgasm and it doesn't even give you that mindblowing moment. Just this easy familiar feeling that just feels good and right and warm and you just want that slow easy slide forever. I tried to convey that in this story. Tell me what you think. (IMO that scene was greatly misinterpreted.) Actually I thought the scene was really hot and good till I saw so many people mentioning the bored thing in ff.net I was totally shocked.

Buffy caught his eye through the glass, her hand going instinctively to her hair he'd said he loved. She swiped the silly chicken hat off and ran her fingers through the short silky strands, her chest tightening at the sight of him. She could take her break now, slip outside to the alley. No one would notice. No one would be there. She moved through the clatter of the kitchen with it's bored, staring, colorfully dressed employees and slipped out the heavy metal door that felt like nothing really.

He was already there, leaning against the brick. His head back against the wall and his eyes closed. She didn't say a word as she moved to stand befor him. He didn't either, as if he could already see in her eyes what she wanted, what she needed. He pushed off the wall and dipped his mouth to kiss her. She accepted it unquestioningly and let her eyes fall closed. He turned her slowly, pressing her back against the wall and kissed her neck gently. She reached down and undid his belt with easy familiarity and he slipped loose the button on the front of her bright red slacks. She pushed the fabric down past her hips and splayed her thighs as she looked up into his eyes. She just wanted him inside her. Now.

He followed her lead, and pushed his zipper down, freeing his thick erection. He slipped it between her warm flesh and angled gently up into her. She sighed as he slid easily up into her wetness. The tension washed away and the world consisted only of bodies fitting together with familiarity and ease. Her warm center filled with his hard coolness and no anxiety of bills or work or demons could fit inside her around the concentration of just feeling him. She gripped his biceps loosely and let her mind daze off unfocused as she just enjoyed the sensation of him surrounding her with his leather clad body as he slowly, easily, gently pumpped into her.

With the gentle sensual care of a well-loved lover she came and shuddered. Her body genly shaking. he met her eyes evenly as he pushed one last time and spurted softly inside her, their faces barely changing at the soft climax except for heavy breaths and parted lips. Buffy felt relaxed and warm all of a sudden. Like she'd sought easy comfort in a safe harbor. Like she'd made love with her boyfriend on her break from her crappy job. Spike leaned into her ear and whispered, "Let me take you away from this.."

And she wanted to let him, but now she felt strong enough to not let him. She closed her eyes and an emotion ragged, "no," passed her lips before she straightened her clothes, gave him one last look, and went back to work.

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