Bad Bad Spike at the Bowling Alley

by Sarahvampgrl

Disclaimer: They don't belong to me and never will. I'm just the girl who shoves one dollar bills in their sexy little thongs.
P.S. You may have noticed my grip on reality is tenuous at best. Enjoy my insanity with me!

Feedback: Look at that lip. Gonna get it. Gonna get it. *wicked grin*

Rating: NC-17 Do a little dance, make a little love, get down tonight!

Buffy lined up with the lead pin as she squinted down the lane. Using a fraction of her strength she stepped forward and let the bowling ball sail down the highly polished wooden floor of the alley. She turned with a satisfied spin and grabbed the paper cup holding her fountain pop as she cast a withering glance over her shoulder and watched nine pins clatter to the floor. She sipped her coke and cast a glare at the lone spin spinning in a wobbly circle and felt a smile spread across her face as it clattered to the floor with the rest. Maybe Willow wasn't the only one with witchy power she thought to herself as she impatiently waited for the pins to reset and her marbleized purple ball to shoot out the ball return. Buffy had wanted to get away from the Slayer gig for a night and just do something mundanely middle-America normal so she had been unusually enthusiastic when Dawn had mentioned that some of her friends were going bowling that Saturday. Not only had Buffy agreed Dawn could go but had decided to tag along. She had brought Dawn who had quickly found her friends and had run off with a laughing group of teenagers. Buffy had stood back and watched the high schoolers rent their shoes and grab a lane. Stoically she had stepped forward with as grim an expression she had ever worn staking an undead creature and rented the atrocious shoes herself. Buffy hefted the ball again and turned to her enemies. The ten pins stood like fat little Nazis standing at attention. As the ball crashed into them again and sent them to their clattering, spinning deaths Buffy felt a sense of glee and utter satisfaction and she decided she thoroughly liked bowling.

Spike watched her through the glass window separating the bar section from the family friendly bowling alley. She attacked the game and her score was quickly approaching three hundred as she bowled strike after strike. She looked grim as she concentrated on each frame as if it were a demon whose weakness she was seeking. She looked so incredibly lonely as she silently continued, a satisfied smile only touching her lovely face after each strike. Then she would stand perfectly still again as she waited for the ball to roll back to her. She would pick it up, throw it, knock down all the pins, smile, wait. In an endless loop that Spike had been watching for the past twenty minutes. His face was intent and watchful and his azure eyes should have burned a hole in her back by now with the heat in his gaze. He tapped a black painted nail on the counter of the bar and efficiently threw back the shot of whiskey the barkeep placed in front of him. Spike had heard there was a weak fledgling that was nesting at this bowling alley. He'd apparently worked here and got bit in the parking lot. Three days later he'd climbed out of his grave and come back to work. Spike smiled wickedly as a plan formed. *That was just perfect*

Buffy was lining up for another shot when she felt a cold presence at her shoulder. Her stomach had tightened in that crampy spidey sense way that told her a vamp was near. *Fuck* she silently cursed. Slowly she turned to face the vampiric presence. Her lips were pursed in an 'I really don't have time to stake you and wash the dust out of my hair' way. Her expression didn't change when she saw it was a certain peroxide blonde vampire in a black leather duster. "Go the fuck away, Spike, I don't want to deal with you right now," she said, her voice hard.

"Well, alright then, luv. Didn't realize picking up a spare was more important to the slayer than saving innocent young things from the thirsty hordes of my kind. My mistake, I'll just leave you to it then," Spike said in his most thoroughly mocking voice as he turned and headed back towards the smoky depths of the bar.

Buffy took a step towards his retreating back and held up a hand. "Wait. Spike. What?" she asked, her brows knit together in suspicious scrutiny. She didn't trust Spike's motives in trying to get her alone ever since they'd copulated like frenzied beasts in a condemned building not far from the Magic Box. Not that she'd ever trusted his motives but somehow him trying to get her alone to fuck her brains out was more dangerous than him trying to get her alone to kill her and suck her dry. The first one was a lot harder to defend against than the second.

His face was all professional 'my only concern is helping the slayer' as he turned back to her. "Right then luv, right back this way," Spike said as he grabbed her arm and led her to the service alley that ran along and behind the lanes. Buffy shook off his grip and swished past his taller form. She was the slayer, after all.

Her movements were quick and economical as she slipped into the shadows of the tight passageway filled with loud clankering machines. Her eyes adjusted quickly and she saw a stocky vamp bent over the throat of a struggling brunette. Buffy ran forward and gripped the vamp's powder blue shirt, ripping him away from the girl and sending him flying into one of the machines. Buffy gripped the girl's forearms and thrust her at Spike before spinning back to the vamp.

Spike held the quivering girl close as his mouth watered at the blood smearing her throat. His body vibrated with the need to pull her close and lap at the wound and he groaned aloud as he watched a drop bead at the puncture then roll slowly down the curve of her throat. The sound of the machines floated away and all Spike could hear was the pounding of the girl's heart. He tongued his elongated fangs and breathed deep the scent of her blood and tears. A crash of metal ripped him from his daze and he looked up to see Buffy slam her foot into the vamp's stomach and send him flailing into the machinery again. He took a steadying breath and cast one last longing look at the rich blood before bending to meet the weeping girl's brown eyes. "S'alright, pet," Spike told her and smiled his charming dashing smile, "I've got you now and she's gonna kill that mean nasty bad. You just calm down and let Spike and his girl handle this." He wiped her tears away with a quick swipe of his thumb and pushed her towards the exit. When she still stood their gazing at him like a lost little bunny he gave her a pat on the rump and said, "On your way then, pet." She turned and stumbled away and Spike returned his gaze to Buffy's body.

Much as he'd wanted that girl's blood there were other things he wanted more. His eyes lingered on the powerful display of Buffy and his mind filled with images of her naked body writhing above him amidst the rubble of that building. He could smell her arousal and the sweet perfume of her pheromones as she fought. It was thoroughly intoxicating and his arousal surged through him as he watched her. Her body was a glorious golden testament to power and beauty and Spike slid his tongue along his teeth as the thought ran through his mind *she's mine now*.

Buffy watched the vamp grow desperate as he realized he couldn't win this fight. She could have staked him long ago but was drawing it out playing with him a bit. It really was too much fun sometimes. When she was depressed there was nothing quite like a good killing to get her juices flowing. The vamp wasn't too bright or strong and moved with a lumbering ineptness that marked him as newly risen. Suddenly he lunged past her to a little room set off from the passageway. Buffy ran after him and threw her weight against the door he tried to slam in her face. He stumbled back as the door slammed against the wood paneled wall. *God, he really_was_stupid* Buffy thought as she surged through the doorway. There was nowhere to run in the little square room with its blacked out windows and lone cot shoved up against the brown walls. The vamp roared in frustration and rushed her. She used his momentum to expertly flip him over her shoulder and send him crashing to the cement floor. She reached into the inside pocket of her her supple leather jacket and pulled out the smooth wooden handle of Mr. Pointy that fit into her hand as perfectly as chambering a bullet into its groove, sliding it home. The vamp scrambled to his feet and ran to the door thoroughly blocked by Spike's strong, leanly muscled body.

Spike lunged forward and grabbed the vamp's arms, holding him immobile and completely at the mercy of the slayer. *I really am a bloody bastard* Spike thought with a smile as he held one of his own kind in a death grip for her.

The vampire snarled and spat, blood still dripping down its chin but could not budge against Spike's firm, effortless grip. Buffy plunged the stake straight through the vamp's monogrammed bowling shirt, noting his name as she quipped, "Buh bye Ronnie," before he exploded in a pile of dust. Spike stood perfectly still and stared down at his chest with just the slightest tinge of apprehension and fear in his eyes as he held his unnecessary breath between softly parted lips. Buffy's stake had passed through the cloud of dust that had been a vampire and rested above Spike's hard chest. A hard shove forward and he'd be just as dust but Buffy's grip on the stake had softened and now she stood close, looking up into his face with an almost expectant expression. Spike slowly raised his azure eyes to meet Buffy's hazel ones. Just as slowly he grasped Buffy's wrist and pulled the offending stake away from his vulnerable heart. He held her hand out to her side and gently turned her wrist up until she released the stake and it clattered to the cement floor.

They stood still, locked in each other's gaze for a throbbing moment. Buffy's arousal filled Spike's senses as he took gasping breaths that swayed him closer to her body. The room seemed all of a sudden so much smaller to Buffy as Spike's black t-shirted chest and long leather duster seemed to fill up the whole space around her. Spike's fingers still gripped her wrist and he yanked her to him with a sudden ferocity that made her gasp. He captured her breathy exhalation against his lips as he fused his mouth to hers. He still held her hand tucked between their chests and Buffy groaned as she tried to pull his duster off his shoulders with her free hand.

Spike was lost in Buffy, drowning in her, and he didn't register her frustrated groans till she used her slayer strength and ripped his t-shirt from neck to hem. Spike moaned into her mouth as her hot little hands stroked along his cool skin. He couldn't get enough of her. Her hands, her body, her mouth. He couldn't wait to have her naked and moaning against him, but he'd had too many nights to fantasize to just strip her bare and fuck her blind. With a shove he sent her flying backwards onto the padded cot. She gave a startled little gasp and gripped the edge of the metal frame but kept her eyes trained on him. She didn't jump up and bolt out of the room or stake him the minute he wasn't touching her and she could no longer claim lust fog. He'd given her a chance now, and she didn't run. He felt a surge of masculine pride and his lips pressed together in a cocky smirk before he let his duster slide off his shoulders to the floor. His shirt hung in tatters and he ripped it the rest of the way off with a savage jerk. Buffy jumped a little at the rawness of his movement and her gaze was lusty as it roved over the hard planes of his chest. He sauntered forward till he stood between her quivering jean clad thighs. As he knelt down between her legs he wrapped his arms around her and slid his hands up under the fabric of her silky shirt. He was rewarded with the feel of her hands kneading the corded muscles of his back as he kissed along her collarbone. He knew he had her again. That she wanted him as bad as he wanted her. He could feel the heat pouring off of her body in waves.

Suddenly Buffy shoved him back and he settled on his haunches and looked up at her with an expression of surprise as he wondered what she was up to. Buffy surged to her feet planted either side of Spike's thighs and looked down her body to meet his eyes level with her crotch. She lightly gripped the bottom edge of her shirt as her lips twisted in a self-assured smile, the flames of passion burning in her eyes. "You want this Spike?" she asked as she lifted the hem slowly, revealing an inch of taut midriff.

"You know I do, Slayer," Spike choked out, “but you want it too. Admit it. You want me." Spike's gaze was steely as he met Buffy's hard hazel eyes. Buffy whipped the shirt off and tossed it aside. Her lace cupped breasts strained against their bindings as she panted breathily. "Can't admit it. Won't. I don't want you at all." And the bra joined the shirt in a pile across the room.

Spike didn't move to grasp her supple flesh, but reclined back further on his heels to look up her body. "You know I'm right Slayer. There's a reason you're the bloody chosen one. You were made for this life, for my world. The violence and the passion of it. It's in your blood. S'why you got all hot and bothered fighting that vamp."

"No, Spike," and her voice had been more of a loving caress across his name, "It's just a job. I swear I want a normal life and a normal guy and a bleedin white picket fence." Buffy paid no attention to the very Spike like phrasing of her denial as she unzipped her fly and wriggled out of her jeans.

Spike couldn't quite speak as he stared at the black panties even with his nose. He tried to speak but all he could muster was a throaty growl. Buffy sat down on the cot and wiggled back against the pillow. "I don't need you at all," she said and Spike knew it had all been a lie as her hazel eyes invited him to join her, told him she needed him, wanted him inside her. Spike didn't need to be told twice.

He kicked his combat boots into a corner and whipped his black jeans off. He stood before her proudly naked, completely comfortable with his body with a confidence that excited Buffy. He had a tight little satisfied smile that looked like he was biting his cheeks as he stood there for a moment and let her look. His long lean muscles lay in perfect symmetry across his chest and abs and his cock bobbed thick and fully aroused. Buffy unconsciously shifted her legs and wiggled her hips before turning smoky eyes back to meet Spike's lust filled gaze. He knelt at her feet and crawled up her body with a predatory grace. He pressed his lips to the pulsebeat at her throat before nibbling up her neck to her waiting lips. Buffy gripped his shoulders and wrapped a leg around his waist. Spike groaned at the more intimate contact and softly rubbed the blunt head of his cock against the nub of her clitoris through the soaked cotton of her panties. He swept his hands down her body and gripped the edges of the black material. As he pulled them hastily down he heard the soft tearing of the cotton. He continued licking kisses along her collarbone as she kicked the remnants of her underwear off her feet.

With no barriers between them it was just too much and Spike couldn't wait anymore. Rearing up he gripped her thighs and splayed them wide before impaling her on his cock. Her slick juices let him slip into her tight warmth but Buffy gasped at the feeling of being so shockingly stretched and filled. Spike didn't move but gazed down at her face rapturously as he watched her features adjust from pained discomfort to sighing pleasure. He gripped her hips still till her Slayer strength took control and she began to move along his cock. She reached up and splayed her hands across his chest as she made gasping grunts, digging her nails into his hard flesh. Slowly Spike bent and took a pebbled nipple into his mouth reverently. He let his tongue swipe broadly and then suckled softly. Buffy sighed and slid her hands around to the roped muscles of his back. Spike gripped her hips and adjusted her rhythm sliding her up so her clit rubbed along the base of his cock as he continued lavishing her nipple with hard nipping kisses. The electric shock of pain and pleasure connected from Buffy's sensitized breast to the more exquisite pulsepoint of ecstasy between her legs and she cried out, losing herself in Spike's arms. As Spike felt Buffy's body vibrating on the edge of orgasm he slipped a hand between their joined bodies and caressed the hardened nub slicked with Buffy's heavy juices. She gave a cry and screamed his name, her body begging for that moment of blinding climax. He nuzzled into her neck as he continued his steady stroking and whispered into her ear in a breathy rasp, "Tell the truth luv. I need to hear it." He needed to hear those words trip from her lips, that she wanted him, that she needed him.

He could sense the stillness of her still panting body, as if a part of her had retreated inside to make a decision. Her face turned to his and their eyes held for a moment, his vulnerable and worshipping, hers calm and incredulous. She moved her head into the crook of his neck and bit lightly into the lobe of his ear before whispering, "I love you."

Spike gasped and exploded, his cold semen spurting into her as his thumb pressed down and she followed him into ecstasy screaming his name. "God, Buffy. I love you so much," Spike rasped, still in shock and half-expecting her to fly out of this bed and his unlife forever.

She was perfectly still for a long moment then he felt her fingers stroking through the short length of his platinum hair. Her voice was soft and serious as she said, "I meant it." Simple. Three little words just as powerful as the first.

Spike wrapped his arms around her slight body and almost felt like crying as he growled fiercely, "You're mine, Slayer."

Buffy moved a hand down to grip the semi-aroused still impressive girth of Spike's cock and bit into his shoulder playfully as she said, "I think *you're* mine."

"I've always been yours," Spike said as he possessively caressed her supple form and felt her snuggle against his chest.

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