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"I don't believe that our definition of terrorism is so broad. It is broad enough to include things like assaults on computers, and assaults designed to change the purpose of government."
-John Ashcroft

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Number one: Welcome. This is a personal website about a person who is me.
Number two: The reason why this website exists is for me to learn about HTML
by trying new things out here, as well as to serve as a place where I can vent
some of my frustrations about the world I live in, and write polemics against it.

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    New Site

The site has moved. If you are wondering why it did so, scroll down and check out my "why sucks" update. Although geocities still has annoying pop-up ads, they aren't as tenacious as freeservers'... yet. Please email me if you know of any better free webservers that will let you have just one banner ad instead of a pop-up.

To celebrate the move to bigger and better things, the site is getting a new facelift. A photography section will be included with this, and the links will be re-vamped as well. Stay tuned, comrades. sucks

Yes, it is official, does indeed suck! Here are a few reasons why:

When I first signed up with freeservers, my contract with them was that I would have one banner ad at the top of each page. Now, in addition to this, freeservers inserts code into all my pages so that when anyone goes to any of them, in addition to the banner ad, a horribly annoying pop-up window appears, displaying yet another advertisement. never contacted me about doing this, or asked my permission, they simply did it because they are greedy. They get extra money from advertisers because now two ads, instead of one, appear when people load my pages. Also, this is just another example of the coersion "free" webservers use to try and get their users (me) to sign up to give them more money in exchange for having no ads.

Also, Freeservers does not allow people to have pages that "re-direct" a user to another page. What does this mean? Well, when I try to view my guestbook, that is on another company's webservers, A horribly annoying image makes itself be the background, and it is hard to read the text. This is done without my, or your, permission. This only happens, however, when you try to go to the site from this page. But when you leave freeservers and go to the geocities page I set up with the EXACT same link on it at, and then you click on the link from that page (which doesn't have implanted code in it) you can see the page without the new, freeservers-implanted backgroud. Pretty fucked up, huh?

To demostrate how horribly rediculous this concept is, I created the following page: .

The file "redir.html", is a tiny, 95 byte file that basicly only consists of the command for the window to quit pointing at "", and instead to point at CNN's one-sided page of lies at ""; as soon as the page loads. However, as soon as it tries to do this, code that Freeservers inserts onto every one of my pages checks to see if there is a command to re-direct the window to point at another site. Once it sees that this is happening, it blocks the re-direct, and goes back to pointing at the origional site.

How you know that this is working: Everytime you load a page hosted on, a pop-up ad, that I did NOT agree to have appear, appears. So, each time freeservers, re-loads the redir.html page after it tries to point the window to cnn's site, the computer reads the code to display a pop up window again; and a new window appears every time the site is re-loaded.

Let this cycle happen for about 5 minutes and if there aren't enough pop up ads on your site to make you go insane yet, you are probably a manager.

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