DISCLAIMER: The characters are the property of Viacom and Spelling/Goldberg. The story is pure me and my psycho tendencies. No infringement is intended. All is intended is for readers to enjoy.

Author: Leslie Agostino  (leslieago@netzero.net)

Title: INTO THE SHADOWS -- Part Seven

Timeline: This story takes place in the third season shortly after the episode Cliffy

Summary: The Danko’s become targets of a crazed killer and the rookies race against time to catch him.

Meanwhile, at Mike and Jill’s apartment, which wasn’t under the watchful eyes of the S.C.P.D since the Danko’s weren’t there, Toscano opened the front door and stepped inside.

In his hands was a medium-sized wrapped box, which he placed on the counter where Jill was sure to see it.

"Enjoy it, Jill," he muttered. "I know I did when I created it. See you tonight, my angel."

Without another thought, he left the apartment. How he wished he could be there to see the look on her face when she opened it.

Meanwhile, back at the precinct, Mike was leaving the locker room when he spotted Officer Buck Sanborn heading in his direction.

"Danko," Sanborn said, "I hope you and your wife slept okay last night."

"Yeah, we did. Thanks. But, I need to know. Why?"

"Why what?"

"Why did you volunteer to watch our apartment? I mean…"

"I was wrong, Danko." At Mike’s confused look, Sanborn explained, "At the tire store that day. I was wrong. You didn’t put Andy in front of that knife, I did. I was too thorough. Too by the book. If I hadn’t been…"

"You did what you thought was best. We both did. We were both wrong."

"Yeah, we were. Anyway, I figured after what I put you through, I owed you. Last night, that was my way of paying you back."

"I appreciate it and so does Jill. Thank you."

"Anytime. Tonight, it’s Hernandez and Peterkin."

"Okay." As Buck started t walk away, Mike said, "Sanborn."


"We’re even."

Sanborn waved his hand as he entered the locker room to change into his uniform. Mike headed for his patrol car.


Later that afternoon, Mike entered the precinct; grateful the day had been crime free. For him, anyway. It gave him a chance to surprise Jill and take her out to lunch. Unfortunately Chris and Terry had tagged along.

When Mike told them in no uncertain terms, to take a hike, Terry had responded by explaining the complexities of body guarding.

By the time the four of them entered the restaurant across from the hospital, Jill was laughing. It made Mike’s heart sing. He never thought he would hear a more beautiful sound.

Now, as he headed for the locker room to change, Ryker caught up with him.

"Good news, Danko," he said.

"Toscano’s been busted?"

"Okay, maybe not that good, but Taggert just told me about the luck he had at your apartment. Toscano’s prints were all over your place. We got him on breaking and entering."

"That’s a start, I guess. Anything else?"

"Got results from the Department of Motor Vehicles. Now we know what kind of car he’s driving."

"What took them so long?"

"You know how many people there are in this city that own cars, Danko?"

"Sorry, sir. What about where he’s living?"

"Checked it out. He moved out the day Nicole died. No forwarding address."

"Damn. What about Miss Galina? Did you hear from her?"

"Not yet, Danko, but giver her time. She was out of town when he moved. It may take her a while to track him down."

"What ever…Listen, Lieutenant, I gotta go and change. I have a wife to pick up."

As Mike started to walk away, Ryker said, "It’s almost over, Danko. Tell her that."

Mike stopped and slowly turned around, a steely glint in his eyes. "I won’t lie to her, sir. You and I both know this won’t end until one of us is six feet under. And I promise you something, it isn’t going to be me. Find him, Lieutenant or I will."

Ryker watched him enter the locker room. He couldn’t blame the man for being angry. He was angry, too. Even if they arrested Toscano right now, all they could charge him with was breaking and entering. With a good lawyer, those charges could be dropped.

Some how, Ryker had to convince a judge to issue a search warrant. Hopefully the B&E charge will be enough. Otherwise, the only two alternatives were a phone tap, which may not be admissible in court or, and this choice made his skin crawl, talk Jill and Mike into offering themselves up as bait.

Please, God, give me a wise judge, he pleaded.


A half an hour later, Mike was stepping out of an elevator when he saw Jill at the nurses’ station.

Walking up to her, he said, "Hello, milady. How goes the war?"

Jill smiled as Chris and Terry approached them. Nodding at them, she said, "Thanks to those two, it goes well."

Mike reached for her hand. "No calls?"

"None. You?"

"Zero. That’s a good sign."

"What’s a good sign?" Terry asked.

"Neither of us heard from Toscano." Mike stared at his two friends. They looked like death warmed over. "What happened to you two?"

"When Ryker told us we had hospital duty, he neglected to mention it included bedpans, mopping up operating rooms, the hallways…Not to mention restraining two gang members from beating the everlivin’ daylights outta each other. And they were in the same gang."

Mike burst out laughing. "You two are under cover as orderlies? God, I’d pay a year’s salary to see that."

Jill laughed too. "It had its moments. A woman had smuggled in her Bijou. Chris thought it was a fur muffler until it bit him on the hand."

"Ouch," Mike said, laughing harder.

"Yeah, ouch," Chris grumbled. "That little drop kicker had a jaw like a vise. I needed a tetanus shot and a rabies shot ‘cause the owner couldn’t remember if it had its shots."

"You couldn’t remember if you did either, man," Terry said, "so don’t go blaming the bundle of teeth. And it bit ya ‘cause you yanked on its tail."

"How the hell did I know it was capable of movement?"

"Didn’t the snoring tip you off?"

"Is that what that noise was? I thought it was my stomach growling."

Laughing, Mike looked at Jill. "Tell me he’s kidding."

"No," Jill replied. "It happened. Chris told the lady he had to take her ‘muffler’ for safekeeping. He pulled on its tail and it bit him."

"And if I ever get my hands on that little monster, I’m going to drop kick him from one end of the hallway to the other."

"Wait until the guys at the station hear about this," Mike said.

"You wouldn’t dare."

"He wouldn’t," Terry said, "but I would. I can see it now. Officer Christopher Owens, attacked by a raging Bijou. It’ll be priceless."

"How big was this fur ball?" Mike asked, as Chris glared at Terry.

Jill held her hands out about a foot and a half apart. Mike grinned. "That big huh? Wow, Chris, must’ve had a real fight on your hands. Life and death struggle and all that?"

"I’m not gonna live this down, am I?"

Mike and Terry looked at each other. "Nope," they said, in unison.

"Terry, I thought we were partners. Partners are suppose to protect each other."

"There’s nothing in the book that says to protect thy partners from angry fur balls with teeth." Turning to Mike, he said, "You should’ve seen it, man. Here’s Chris with this vicious furry thing with teeth clamped on his hand, he’s shaking it up and down as the owner is screaming bloody murder. If it wasn’t for Jill, I think we’d have either a dead cop or a dead dog."

Turning to Jill, Mike asked, "What did you do? Use the jaws of life?"

"Nothing so severe as that," Jill replied, with a smile. "I tickled it under its chin. It released Chris right away, rolled onto its back and was in seventh heaven."

"You tickled…" That did it. Mike lost it completely. With tears running down his cheeks from laughing so hard, he said, "God, I wish I saw that. It’s too priceless to keep to myself."

"C’mon, you guys," Chris begged, "you wouldn’t do that to me."

"Wanna bet? I owe those guys for what they’re doing. What a great way to pay them back."

"Terry, help me."

"Sorry, partner, but this is way too good to keep to myself. Mike, what do you think his nickname should be?"

"I don’t know, Terry. How does ‘The Bijou Cop’ sound to you?"

"Hm. It fits. It definitely fits. Though, I’m sure I can think of something much more colorful."

Chris turned to Jill. "Help me."

"Sorry, Chris," Jill replied, straight-faced. "It’s out of my hands. You know how these two are. Once they get their teeth into something, they just won’t let go."

The three cops stared at her. "Tell me that wasn’t intentional," Mike said.

Jill smiled innocently. "Sorry."

"Just remember one thing, Webster," Chris said, "you’re partnered with ‘The Bijou Cop’."

Chris turned on his heels and walked away. Terry looked after him.

"What do you think he means by that?" he asked.

"Well, if Chris will be teased, that means who ever rides with him…"

"Hey, Chris." Terry hurried after him. "It was a joke, man."

Mike turned back to Jill as she walked around the desk. Pulling her into his arms, he kissed her passionately. "How are you? Really?"

"I’m getting there," Jill replied, honestly. "I still jump when the phone rings. Then again, everyone around here is jumpy. Even the doctors. How about you?"

"I’m okay. Ryker says we’re getting close. We know what car Toscano’s driving. His prints were all over our apartment, so he can get arrested for breaking and entering."

"But not for anything else?"

"Not yet. Ryker and Taggert are still waiting for Miss Galina to call with an address."

"Then what?"

"Then Taggert goes for a search warrant."

"Will a judge give him one?"

"He has to, babe. Without it, we got nothing."

Jill looked at him. She had to know if he believed they could get a search warrant. "On a simple breaking and entering charge, they’ll issue…"

"He’s suspected of four brutal murders, baby. Ryker’s gonna offer up the pictures as evidence. No judge is gonna take the chance that we’re going after the wrong guy."

She leaned into him as his embrace tightened. "God, I hope so."

"Ready to go home?"

"Yeah. If you promise to take the phone off the hook. I want, no need one night of terror free sanity."

"Consider it done. How about if I take you out to dinner?"

"With or without our chaperones?"

"Definitely without. I think you’ve had enough of those two ."

"For today, anyway. Do they always tease each other like that?"


"How do you stand it?"

Mike grinned as he kissed her. "I drive solo, baby. I drive solo."

Jill laughed as he took her hand and led her toward the elevator.


A half an hour later, the Danko’s entered their apartment. As Mike locked the door, Jill tossed the sweater she was wearing on the counter and saw the wrapped package.

"Mike?" she said, her voice shaky.

He turned to look at her. "Yeah?"

"Tell me that’s from you."

When he saw the package, Mike felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. He had a bad feeling about this.

"No," he said, softly. "Open it, babe."

"Can’t we just throw it away? Like I did with the flowers?"

"If it’s from Toscano, baby, it’s more evidence against him."

"You open it then. I…I…I can’t."

Instead of replying, Mike went to the phone and called Ryker. When it was answered, he explained the situation.

"Don’t touch it, Danko," Ryker ordered. "Taggert and I are on our way."

"Just tell me one thing, Lieutenant. Was this here when the detectives showed up?"

"If it was, no one mentioned it. Probably because they figured it was from you. It’s a natural assumption considering the circumstances."

"Yeah, I guess so. See you soon." Hanging up, he turned to Jill. "Ryker and Taggert are on their way. They’ll take care of it."

Jill looked at him. "I’m beginning to feel really foolish," she said.


"What if it’s nothing more sinister than a box of chocolates? How do I explain that?"

"Jill, if this is from Toscano, and we both know that’s who left it…"

"It could be from Terry and Chris."

"They would’ve said something to me. Especially since the pictures."

Jill fought against the fear. Mike pulled her into his arms.

"It’s gonna be okay, baby," he said. "Ryker’ll be here any moment."

Jill pulled away. "I’m going to take a shower."

"Okay. You still want to go out to dinner?"

"Yeah I do. Can we leave after Ryker leaves?"

"You bet."

Jill forced a smile. "I love you."

"I love you, too, babe."

Mike watched Jill as she entered the bedroom. Looking at the package he knew Toscano left behind, something told him that what ever was inside Jill shouldn’t see it.

Meanwhile, in the bathroom, Jill took off her nurse’s uniform and stepped into the shower. Once she had the shower running, she let the tears she had been holding flow.

Jill knew if Mike saw her like this, it would break his heart. She couldn’t face him at the moment. And she didn’t know how much more she could take.

Whatever Toscano left her, it had to be horrible. Jill hoped she wouldn’t have to see it.

"Please, God make all of this go away," she begged. "Please."

Finally as she slowly stopped crying, Jill heard Mike enter the bathroom.

"Babe, Ryker and Taggert just arrived. There’s no rush if you’re not ready to come out yet. Okay?"

"Thanks, Mike."

When he heard the catch in Jill’s voice, Mike wasn’t surprised.

"You okay?"

"I will be. Just give me a little time. Okay?"


Mike left the bathroom. Walking back into the living room, he said, "She’s still in the shower."

"Don’t worry about it," Ryker said. "It’s better if Jill didn’t see this."

"See what?"

Mike saw that the box had been carefully opened. With a knot in the pit of his stomach, he walked over for a closer look.

What he saw made him sick to his stomach. A doll with long dark hair was covered in blood, it’s neck visibly cut. A knife had been plunged into her chest with a note that read, ‘My dearest angel, my you rest in peace.’

"Christ Almighty," Mike said. "If Jill saw this…"

"But, she didn’t and she never will. Taggert, get this out of here."

"Yes, sir."

"I want it tested for fingerprints. And check the blood. I want to know whose blood it is."

"You got it. I’ll wait for you in the car."

Taggert left the apartment. Mike ran a hand over his face. Looking at Ryker, he said, "What the hell are we dealing with?"

"A madman, Danko. He’s sick, there’s no other way to describe him."

"He’s sending her a message. God I hate this. What if Jill had opened it? She would’ve lost it completely."

"Danko, Jill didn’t open it. Be grateful for that."

"Toscano bought that doll intentionally. He went to all this trouble to show her what he’s going to do to her. How the hell do you stop somebody like him?"

"Mike, we’ll get him. With what we have now, there’s no doubt a judge will issue Taggert a warrant."

"Then what, Lieutenant? The guy’s mentally ill! A decent lawyer will get him locked-up in a hospital for the criminally insane! How the hell do you expect Jill to live with that after what happened with Andrews?"

"Danko, the DA’s going for the death penalty. There will be no plea bargains.

"In this day and age, people don’t buy the insanity defense anymore. They won’t be fooled by his act."

"Damn it, Lieutenant, no sane man does what Toscano’s doing!"

"And no insane man changes his mo after his crimes. An insane man does not call a cop and dare him to try and stop him. And an insane man doesn’t know the difference between good and evil, God or Satan.

"His crimes are insane, but he isn’t. Not by the legal definition."

Mike sighed in frustration. He knew Ryker was right, but it didn’t make it easier to live with.

"How do I tell her about this?" Mike asked.

"You don’t. She’ll see it at the trial."

"There isn’t going to be a trail." Mike said it with such determination, Ryker was stunned. "You think I’m going to put Jill through a lengthy trial, have her sit in a courtroom, forced to watch and listen to his crap, you’re outta your mind."

"Danko, if Jill…"

"When it comes down, Lieutenant, one of us isn’t going to walk away."

"What are you going to do, Danko? Throw your life and Jill’s away on this slime ball?"

"No, Lieutenant. I have no intention of doing that. You and I both know he’s gonna try and get to Jill. Hurt her or worse. I’m just gonna change his mind."

"How do you propose to do that?"

"He’s been the one calling all the shots. Telling me when and where, waiting for a reaction. Well, he’s gonna get one. Only the next time, I’m the one who’s going to do the pushing. We’re going to get our life back. One way or another."

"Danko, no matter what you say, he’s going to go after her. Pushing him could make it worse."

"It can’t get any worse, Lieutenant! Don’t you see that? Every damn day that he’s out there, a part of Jill dies inside! She’s slipping away from me and I can’t stop it! Every time she gets a shred of hope back, he tears it out of her reach!

"You don’t see the look in her eyes every time the damn phone rings! You don’t see her visibly fighting for control! You weren’t here last night when she woke up screaming from a horrible nightmare! You know what that does to me? It’s killing me to see her like this! I want her back, sir and the only way it’s gonna happen is when Toscano’s six feet under!"

"Could you live with yourself, Danko knowing you killed him?"

"In a heartbeat. It wouldn’t be the first time I killed a man." Mike went to the refrigerator and pulled out a beer.

Popping it open, he said, "Listen, Lieutenant, I’m not going to hunt him down. I wish to God I could, but I’m going to make damn sure it’s me he comes after, not Jill. When he does, I’ll be ready for him."

"It still amounts to the same thing, Danko. You go to jail. What happens to Jill then?"

"It doesn’t matter. At least she’ll have her life back."

"It wouldn’t be much of a life without you in it."

Ryker and Mike turned to see Jill standing in the hallway wearing jeans and her husband’s old academy sweatshirt. She had tears in her eyes as she stared at both of them.

"Mrs. Danko," Ryker began.

"Lieutenant, if you don’t mind, I would like to speak with my husband. Alone."

Ryker gave in. Turning to Mike, he said, as he headed for the door, "See you at the station tomorrow, Danko."

Without waiting for a reply, he left the apartment, but instead of going down to the car, he went over to Terry’s apartment and knocked on the door. Taggert could wait a little longer.

Meanwhile, back in the Danko’s apartment, Mike looked at his wife and said, "I’m sorry, baby. I know I’m making things worse, but I love you so much it hurts to see you like this. I just want to tear his heart out, if he had one."

"You think setting him up is the answer? That makes you no better than he is. You are a good person, Mike. Don’t let him destroy that."

"What about you? Should I just sit around and watch him destroy your life? I can’t do that. Especially after tonight. I have to do something."

For the first time since entering the living room, Jill noticed the package Toscano had left her, was missing.

"What was it, Mike?" she asked. "What was in the box?"

Mike downed a healthy dose of beer. "Forget it," he said. "You don’t want to know. Let’s just say, it was twisted."

"That bad?"

"Worse." Mike went to her and wiped the tears from her eyes. "I hate seeing you like this. All I want is the old Jill back. The one who smiles all the time."

"I’m trying, Mike. I really am."

"I know, baby. I see it every time that son-of-a-bitch does something to hurt you. I just want to hurt him back.

"Nothing Ryker or Taggert do is working. Yeah, we’re getting close, but not close enough. I want him, babe. I want this to end. For both of us."

"So do I, but not the way you want it to. Mike, if I lose you, Toscano might as well kill me because living without you is far worse."

Mike sighed. "Like I told Ryker, I’m not going to hunt him down. I may be crazed right now, but I’m not stupid. I just want him to focus on me, not you."

"He focused on both of us, Mike. Every time he calls you is proof of that."

"But, it’s not me he wants to kill. It’s you. I have to change that."

Jill reached up and brushed away a tear. "It won’t work, Mike. You couldn’t get him to change his mind. All you’ll give him is the reaction he’s looking for."

"Jill, it wasn’t meant to go this far. You weren’t meant to be a sacrifice. Galina said as much."

"What are you talking about?"

"It started out with him trying to bring you over to the dark side."

"Are you kidding? I never…"

"If he pushed you hard enough, he could."

"And I changed that by refusing to talk to him. God, what kind of human being is he? Mike, if I wasn’t…Who was it going to be?"

"Who knows. Maybe he figured you would choose him or her for him."

Jill threw herself on the couch. "God, this just gets better all the time."

"Tell me about it." Mike sat down beside her and gently tugged on the sweatshirt she was wearing. "You look awfully cute in that."

"Don’t change the subject," Jill said, with a smile.

"Okay. You tell me what I should do. How do I get Toscano off your back without tearing him limb from limb."

"There’s only one idea I have and you wouldn’t like it. Plus, I don’t really want it to go that far."

Brushing the hair behind her shoulder, Mike said, "Tell me. I might surprise you."

"Oh, I doubt that. You’re calm now. I don’t want to change that."

Mike grinned. "Neither do I, come to think about it. Still want to go out for dinner?"

"Yeah. I really need to get out of here."

The couple rose to their feet and went to the kitchen where Mike downed the last of his beer and then tossed it in the garbage can.

Picking up the keys, Mike held them out to Jill and said, "You wanna drive?"

Jill looked at him in surprise. "You’re asking me…Mike, you hate my driving. You said I drive too fast."

"You do, but I would rather look at you so if I drove, we’d end up in the hospital."

Jill laughed. "Okay. I’ll drive."

"Good girl." Mike handed her the keys.

Before they left the apartment, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. "I really do love you. Don’t ever forget that."

"Not on your life, Danko," Jill said, with a smile.

With that, the Danko’s left the apartment.


Later that night, Jill was asleep while Mike was over at Terry’s filling his two friends in on the latest developments. Not that he needed to, since Ryker had beaten him to it. That and Mike’s shouting earlier that evening had clued them both in.

The front door opened and Toscano slipped inside. He had been waiting for this opportunity. When the Danko’s would be asleep, to do just what was doing.

Stealthily, he crept to the Danko’s bedroom. When he didn’t see Mike sleeping beside Jill, he slowly smiled.

Foolish, Danko, he thought, as he made his way to Jill’s side of the bed. Very foolish.

He watched as Jill slept, oblivious to his presence. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a black rose with a note pinned to it and placed it beside her.

Sweet dreams, my angel. For tomorrow you die.

He watched her for a moment longer. Reaching out, Toscano, gentle as a feather, traced a line down her jaw. Jill stirred, but didn’t wake up.

So very pretty, he thought. Too bad it must end like this. It’s all your fault, my angel. Yours and Danko’s. We could’ve had it all.

Finally, he crept out of the bedroom to the front door. Opening it, he walked into the hallway and was heading for the elevator when he heard a door open.

"See two tomorrow," Toscano heard Mike say. "And thanks."

Stepping into the elevator, Toscano turned around and smiled as Mike saw him.

"Toscano!" Mike ran toward the elevator as Terry and Chris came out at Mike’s shout.

The elevator doors closed as Mike reached it. He was about to head for the stairs when Chris and Terry reached him.

"Go check on Jill," Terry said. "We got it."

Without a word, Mike ran for his apartment, crashing through the doors.

"Jill!" he shouted, as the bedroom light came on.

Mike reached the bedroom as Jill sat up and said, "What’s wrong?"

He gathered her into his arms and held her as relief swept over him. When Mike first saw Toscano, he had thought his worse nightmare had come true.

"Mike," Jill said, "what happened?"

Mike pulled away from her and looked at her. "Did he hurt you?" he asked. "If he so much as touched you…"

"Who? What are you talking about?"

"Toscano. He was in the apartment. You didn’t see him?"

"I was asleep. What do you mean he was in the apartment? When?"

Before Mike replied, he spotted the rose Jill had accidentally knocked off the bed.

Picking it up, he said, "That bastard was in here. In the bedroom while you were sleeping."

Jill stared from Mike to the rose and back again. Trying to keep her composure, she said, "What does the note say?"

"Note?" When Mike finally saw the note pinned to the rose, he took the pin out and read it. Without a word, he handed it to Jill.

"’I can take you any time I want’," Jill read. "Oh, God. I didn’t know, Mike. I swear. I was asleep. I didn’t…"

As she burst into tears Mike pulled her closer to him and just held her. All he could think about was seeing Toscano in the elevator. How could he have been so damn stupid? He never should’ve left her alone.

"I’m sorry, baby," he said. "If I had been here…"

"How did he get in? I thought Sanborn had people watching us."

"He does. Peterkin and Hernandez are out there. I checked before I left for Terry’s."

"Then how did he get by them? Were they sleeping or something?"

Before Mike could reply, Ryker’s voice said, clearly angry, "They weren’t asleep, they were talking to me. Danko, get out here."

"Go," Jill said, wiping the tears from her eyes. "I’ll be okay."

"You sure?" Mike looked at her. Right now, he never wanted to leave her side.

"No, but I’ll try."

Mike kissed her and stood up. "I’m sorry, baby. I never should’ve left you alone. This is all my fault and I will make it up to you."

"Danko! Unless you want a crowded bedroom, I suggest you get out here! Now!"

"Coming, sir," Mike said. "I’ll be right back, babe."

Jill forced a smile as he left the room. As soon as Mike left, Jill started to shake. She could believe Toscano had gotten into the apartment. She knew Mike had locked the door before he left, believing she would be safe. She even insisted that he go over there to talk things out with Terry and Chris. He had been too quiet at dinner so she knew he had to talk to someone.

She knew if Mike had thought, for one moment that Toscano would break into the apartment while she was home alone, he never would’ve left.

All Jill could think about was how lucky she felt to have been asleep at the time Toscano showed up. There was no telling what he would have done she awoke and started screaming. She didn’t even want to imagine it.

She leaned against the head board as she heard Ryker say, "Where is your off duty weapon?"

"Locked in the bedroom, sir. Why?"

"Does Jill know how to use it?"

"Not a hand gun, but she’s used a shotgun. Again, why?"

"Because the next time that son-of-a-bitch breaks in, I want one of you to blow his head off!"

Jill sat bolt up right when she heard Ryker’s explosion. She didn’t know who else was in the living room but she knew Mike would be just as surprised.

"Lieutenant," Mike started to say.

"Your wife is like a daughter to me! You think you’re the only one affected by what this piece of shit is doing to her? To you? I want him and I don’t care if it’s dead or alive!

"What were you thinking, leaving her alone like that?"

"I was just next door. I didn’t think Toscano…"

"That’s right, Danko! You didn’t think! None of you did! Jill is to have someone with her around the clock! Not just when she’s at the hospital! Twenty-four hours a day until this bastard is locked up or dead! Am I making myself clear?"

"Yes, sir," Mike, Terry and Chris said, in unison.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself, Ryker said, "Is she okay?"

"Yeah. I don’t think it’s hit her yet that he had been here," Mike replied.

"You two got lucky tonight. As of now, every cop in the district is looking for him. I don’t care if we have to turn this town upside down to find him. We are bringing this maggot down. One way or another."

Mike glanced at the bedroom door. He didn’t want Jill to hear his next question, so he went to the stereo and turned it on.

"Lieutenant," he said, "did you get the results back on the doll?"

"Yeah. The blood was our last victim’s. The coroner thinks Toscano collected it after he cut her throat. The D.A. said that this little tidbit puts a whole new spin on things."

"You lost me," Mike said.

"By draining the blood from the dead girl to pour it over a doll, the stalking of your wife, he has determined that all of this has been premeditated murder. There is no doubt in his mind. He will be asking for the death penalty when Toscano gets to trial."

"If he lives that long," Terry muttered.

Ryker ignored him. "Now, we are all going to go by the book. If he pushes it, if it comes down where he doesn’t leave us a choice…"

"We got your message," Terry said. "Loud and clear."

"Good. As of tomorrow, I want the word out. Anyone caught protecting Toscano in any way, shape or form, will be charged with conspiracy to commit murder in the first degree. They will be arrested on the spot."

"What about Miss Galina?" Mike asked.

"She’s my first stop. If she refuses to cooperate, I’m gonna personally bust her ass and throw away the key. Now, go be with your wife, Danko."

"Lieutenant," Mike said. "I just have one question. Why the change of heart? Earlier, you told me…"

"You almost lost the woman you love tonight, Danko and I came close to losing two people I care about. You tell Jill this is going to end tomorrow."

"Yes, sir, but can you promise…"

"Danko, Toscano will have no place to hide after tomorrow. We will bring him down. One way or another."

Mike wasn’t as confident as Ryker sounded, but he said, "Thank you, sir."

"Webster, Owens, unless you two are planning to sleep here, I suggest you both go home."

"Yes, sir," Terry said, as the two men headed out.

Before Ryker left, he turned back to Mike and said, "It’s my fault he got that close tonight, Danko. I’m going to make it up to both of you."

"Lieutenant, there’s…"

"Goodnight, Danko."

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