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Remember ACI

Today is November 11th,2002,the Remembrance Day. An Assembly was held in ACI in the morning to thank for the soldiers died in World War One and Two. The other objective of the assembly was to thank for the peace in Canada today. All of the students and teachers in ACI joined the activity. Some old schoolmates, retried soldiers and their family were in the activity too.

At the beginning of the assembly, five retired soldiers wearing their uniforms matched in. Each of them hold a flag that represent different countries. The activity today in ACI  included a talk about the discovery of Remembrance Day and an explanation of the set up of Remembrance Day. Not only that, orchestra and school choir made performances in the Assembly. They used their talent to perform high quality songs and music in the assembly. Also, the OAC drama class and dance class in ACI used what they learnt in class to perform an enjoyable and meaningful drama and dance to the people in ACI. All the people in ACI enjoyed the assembly today.

Soldier in the time of World War Two



Orchestra Performing in ACI