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TGH * Rippled Hearts Ch. 6

Chapter 6: The After Party

Q Mansion

“Suffering cats.” Edward exclaimed as he gobbled the scotch down his throat before pounding it down and turning to his family. “How many times have we seen this scenario before?”
“I don’t know.” AJ thought as he crossed down on the couch. “Ned, you’re the expert on bride’s walking out on groom’s. Why don’t you remind us one more time?”
“AJ this isn’t the time.” Monica strided before Ned could say his comeback, if he had one. “Where could Emily be? Where is Alan?”
“Right here,” Alan Quartermaine said entering the living room.
“Alan, where’s Emily?” Monica asked crossing her arms.
“I’m not sure,” Alan shook.
Edward groaned. “Story of your life.”
Alan gave his father a fierce expression before explaining. “I went upstairs to get Emily and walk her down the aisle. She wasn’t in the bride’s room, so I looked around the house and there’s no sign of her.”
“I knew it.” Edward pounded his drink on the stand. “I knew she wasn’t ready for this. Spencer must have pressured her.”
“She certainly didn’t seem that way a few days ago. Roaming around the house like it was the happy days marathon.” Skye said, incisively. “Maybe she just got nervous? Hell, maybe she went to the bathroom. But it doesn’t make sense why she would back out now of all times.”
Ned grabbed his keys and headed for the door. “I’ll look for Emily. She couldn’t have gone far.”
“What are we supposed to do with the guests?” Edward quarreled.
“The same thing you do with the people in this family: kick them out of the property,” AJ said wryly.
Ned brandished his head, “Luke has already told the priest to go home. I think they’ll get it sooner or later.”
“Now wait one second,” Monica put out a hand, “What if we do find Emily and she decides to go on with it?”
“We can think about that after we look for her,” Alan endorsed.
Monica sighs as she grabs the drink that has almost reached Edward’s mouth and gulps it into her system. Ned massages his head; moderately knowing that something tumultuous would happen in the Quartermaine household. He is almost out the door as Jason enters.
“Jason, did you find her?” Monica asked in a worried tone.
“No. I got some people to look for her.” Jason said, observing the Quartermaines. It was plain common sense to comprehend that the Quartermaine’s would never learn from their mistakes or see fit to change them.
“Great,” AJ mocked, “Isn’t she going to be thrilled when she’s caught by one of Sonny’s goons.”
“I did find out something though.” Jason said, getting the Quartermaine’s hopes up.
“What?” Skye asked.
“Anyone in here own a jag?”
“Yes.” AJ gave a confused look. “So what?”
Jason put his hands in his pockets and slowly moved across the room. “None of the guests have left. Not even the minister. The only car that’s missing is a auburn jag from the driveway.”
“And the only person that’s missing is Emily.” Skye completed.
“Well, at least now we know that she isn’t in the house.” Ned included.
“Oh yeah. She just jacked my car.” AJ said cantankerously.

Carly looked around the garden from her seat, and noticed people discussing the panorama that had just taken place; she on the other hand had better things to do. She clamped her purse around her arm, stood up, and turned around, accidentally bumping into a sturdy body.
Jax caught Carly before she could trip. The proximity of their touch was soft and tender. Carly stared for a moment at his glaring eyes, before restraining herself from his arms.
“Off so soon? Shouldn’t you be giving your cousin some support?” Jax solicited.
“Lucky and I don’t necessarily get along. And I don’t think he needs or wants my support,” Carly shrugged, “Besides I have a date with my son. And he hates it when I keep him waiting.”
“I would too.” Jax grinned.
But Carly didn’t have much of a response. “I’ll catch you later, partner.” Carly repentantly walked off.

Gia glances around pensively, before throwing her bouquet on an empty chair. She felt sorry for Lucky, but in a way understood what had happened. Lucky had an inclination of getting hurt, which was something that they shared in common. Her first attempt was to go inside and give Lucky her espousal but the last thing she needed was to run into Nikolas, Liz, or find the Spencers and Quartermaines reprimanding eachother like wild monkeys. She flipped a braid across her shoulders as she sat down on a nearby chair. At times she felt sick of Port Charles, that the town didn’t even want her. The only thing that gave her the time of day was Deception; her family continuously annoyed her with their mental I told you so sermons. Of course there was her so-called relationship to Jason Morgan, which she was at times, quick to doubt. And worst of all, she felt lonely. Lonesome for a genuine friend.
“Gia?” Elton calls jovially, standing next to her. Gia turned her attention towards him.
“Gia, I got a call from Lucy Coe saying that she was free today for your interview.”
“Interview?” Gia thought. “Oh. Yes. I completely forgot. I’ll head over right now,” she said, standing up.
“I hope your not thinking about leaving deception.” Elton noticed Gia’s hestitant look to answer him. “Mrs. Spencer will be very disappointed.”
“Right.” Gia quirked sarcastically. “I’ll talk to you later Elton.” She smiled before walking away.
“Bye babe.” Elton waved.

Back at the Q Mansion

Jason walks around the isolated living room, taking off his suit and clinging up his sleeves. It was practically oblivious how Emily was still not found yet. He had over a dozen search parties around the whole town looking for her.
Elizabeth approaches Jason who has his back turned towards the fireplace.
“Hey.” Elizabeth puts a hand on his arm. “Any word from Emily?”
“No. Not yet.” Jason turns around and notices her disappointed extraction.
“I should’ve known.” Elizabeth mutters.
“What do you mean? Did Emily say something to you?” Jason queried. Elizabeth stood silent. “Elizabeth. If you know something, please tell me?”
“She told me she was nervous. And that she got this call from Zander—and that was about it since you walked in.” Jason jerks his head around the room, trying to think.
Elizabeth sighs, “I should’ve talked to her some more before any of this happened.”
“It’s okay.” Jason extends an arm around her shoulder. “I’ll be right back,” he said getting an idea and heading out into the terrace.

“Shit!” Gia screeched grumpily as she continued to plop and twitch the key around to start the engine of her convertible. “Come on,” she grumbled distastefully but the only response she received was the dead engine chiming like a hog in hibernation. “Nice.
Very nice,” she said deprecatingly, “Whenever I need you to work, you decide not to.” Her fist aims at the steering wheel but bumps on the horn as well. Jack Ramsey turned and looked at the woman who continued to shout curse words to her car. Jack gave a wide grin. “It’s just that—most people don’t talk to their cars.”
“In that case, I guess I’m not most people.” Gia exasperated as she tried to turn on her car once more. “Shit!” She regurgitated.
“Need some help.” Jack offered.
Gia looked at him, then put her hands away from the steering wheel in surrender, “Yes.” Jack pulled back his sleeves as he opened the hood of the car and examined the engine, warily.
“Are you sure your date won’t mind that you’re gone for awhile?”
Jack coughed. “Actually, I have a feeling I’ve been ditched by my date.”
“It happens to the best of us.” Gia elucidated.
Jack fiddled with a few body parts and then continued his observation.
“Any luck?” Gia asked, jumping off the car and watching him.
“Somewhat. You wouldn’t by any chance happen to have a wrench?”
Gia opened the trunk, and pulled out the emergency safety kit that was included with the purchase of the vehicle. “Finally came in handy for something.” He searched around the mini-sized toolbox for certain utensils, and began to maneuver on the car. Gia watched him keenly as he worked. Jack slightly looked up and caught her gaze.
“I’m Gia,” she presented.
“Jack Ramsey,” he smiled.
Jack looked at her questioningly.
“I’ve read about you. And that vampire stuff,” she responded to his unspoken question.
“Ah. And you’re not scared?”
“Nah. As long as I don’t see fangs popping out anytime soon.” Gia reassured.
“That’s a relief.” He said giving a crooked smile as he closed the hood of the car. “Try it now.”
Gia jumped in the car in a jiffy. A smile grew on her face as she turned on the car; the engine running efficiently.
“Your amazing,” she thanked.
His face emitted. “Well what can I say.”
“I have to go now. Thanks again.” Gia said before leaving a small trail of dust as she hit the gas.

Carly tilted her head in exhaustion as he walked up to her doorstep. She didn’t get much sleep last night. Too many thoughts began to occupy in her head. Carly found it hard to comprehend how Jax was able to leave what they had behind in Manhattan. It was something affectionate; something she could’ve woken up to everyday. But did he feel the same way? She was practically revolted walking in and seeing Jax and Kristina together.
“No.” Carly shook her head vigorously. “It’s just business.” She reminded herself, jamming the key into the lock and cringing the door open before laughing to herself about what she just said. Just business. It sounded like a phrase Sonny would use a bit too much.
“Mommy!” Michael screeched genially as Carly walked into her house.
“Hey there, Mr. Man.” Carly sprung the delighted little boy into her arms.
“We missed you,” Michael announced.
“We?” Michael nodded and turned his head towards the man sitting on the couch.
“Sonny.” Carly alleged with a smile.
“Hey Carly.” Sonny stood up and returned the smile. “Hope you don’t mind me coming over. I wanted to see Michael.”
“As long as Mr. Man doesn’t mind. Then neither do I.” Carly turned toward the child in her arms. “How about you run upstairs and show Uncle Sonny your new toys.” Carly said, releasing her son.
“Okay.” In a flash, the youngster fled up the stairs. Carly faced Sonny, and then looked down at the gourmet meal fixed up on the table. “Did you do this?” Carly asked, despite the fact that she already knew the answer.
“Well yeah. You see Michael has inherited your sense of food preparation,” Sonny stated.
“A hot dog and a soda?” Carly nodded as she slowly walked past Sonny as they both sat back on the couch. “I heard about what happened to the warehouse,” Carly said, flinching her arm back on the limb of the sofa before grabbing a piece of strawberry entrée, “Everything okay?”
Sonny lingered a sigh. It was obvious that despite the state of matter that he and Carly were in, she would never confine herself from prospects that he was involved in, despite the hazards. “These things happen. I’ll deal it with it.” Carly left him a blank stare that asked him to fill in the blanks. “Carly,” he commenced, “It’s just business.” Carly instantaneously burst into laughter at his words. Sonny threw her one of his typical I’ll never understand you looks as he asked, “What’s so funny?”
“If you only knew.” Carly lowered the tone of her amusement. “Just forget it.”
“Your insane Caroline,” Sonny said understatedly.
“Yeah,” Carly snorted, “But that’s what you gotta love about me.”
Sonny gawked at her silently for a moment before saying, “Yes it is.”
“Did Emily come back?” Sonny asked, changing the subject.
“I doubt it—how did you know about Emily?”
“I called Jason. He told me what happened.” He explicated.
Carly lifted herself through a loud yawn as she put her hands to her eyes; her senses were hardly awake.
Sonny looked over to her. “You okay?”
Carly nodded yes. “Look Sonny. I’m just really tired right now and--.”
“Are you kicking me out?” Sonny threw her some dimples.
Carly wriggled her hands together. “First time for everything, huh?”
“I understand.” Sonny stood up. “I’ll just say goodbye to Michael and be out of your way.”
“Okay. Thanks for the dinner.” Carly settled and watched Sonny head up the stairs.
“Hey Sonny.” Sonny looked down at her. “How about me and Michael have breakfeast with you tomorrow?”
Sonny grinned. “Under one condition?” Carly looked at him and put one hand in her hip, waiting for the terms. “You stay out of the kitchen.”
“Deal.” she leered.

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