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TGH * Rippled Hearts Ch. 4

Chapter 4: Uninvited

“No, no, no,” Emily reiterated from her extensive closet rummaging through lines of clothes.
“Em,” Lucky called entering her room. He looked around the room, and found a variety of clothes being thrown onto the floor from her closet. “Emily?”
“In here,” she called from the wardrobe. Lucky entered her closet and was surprised by what he saw. Clothes. Practically everywhere. And in the center was his fiancee giving grimacing looks at every single one of the ensembles on the frame and a few inside the cupboards.
“I always knew you were spoiled Em but--,” Lucky said rubbing his head.
“Lucky,” she looked at him, “Not the best time to remind me that I’m a brat.”
“Now,” she said holding up a dress, “Do you think this makes me look fat?”
Lucky paused, it was a typical question that nearly every man had heard from a woman once in a while. If I say yes, she’s just going to say I’m lying. I say no, I’m going to end up sleeping on the couch our wedding night, he thought.
“Well? Lucky?” She pouted.
“You look great in anything, Em.” Lucky smiled as he walked up to her and enclosed her lips with his. Emily threw down the clothes she held, and her hands went around his waist.
“Good answer,” Emily smiled, as she rejoined their kiss again. Their bodies slowly lead out of the closet and into her room, where they lay down on her soft bed, their kiss evolving more ardent.
“Emily,” AJ came in and twirled his eyes at what first came to sight, “Oh, shit.” Lucky and Emily quickly broadened apart and stood up.
“I’ll see you downstairs,” Lucky said, kissing Emily on the cheek and swiftly walking past AJ.
AJ looked at his sister, partially appalled by the scene. Emily made a motion to speak but AJ cut her off.
“Don’t,” he waved a hand, “I don’t wanna know.”
“Oh, don’t act so mortified. Don’t you think I used to get disgusted when you’d bring girls home--,” Emily began but AJ put his hands to his ears contemptuously. “La, la, I don’t want to hear this.” He put down his hands. “I didn’t come up here to hear this.” Emily took a deep breath. “Then why did you? To humiliate me?”
AJ smiled. “Don’t be ridiculous. That’s Grandfather’s job.”
“Right. Whatever happened to following the rules and knocking on the door?”
AJ acted a confused look as he said, “There are rules in this house?”
“Forget it.” She went up to him giving him a hug. “I’m glad you came AJ. I didn’t think you would make it for the wedding. Are you okay? I mean, I know going to Eve’s funeral was hard on you and all.”
“Yeah.” AJ gave a despairing expression as he looked down on the Persian carpet before meeting his sister’s eyes.
“What is it AJ?” Emily asked, trying to get her brother to open up.
“I’m—I’m just going to miss her.”
“I know,” Emily hugged him once more. AJ responded to the embrace but pulled back after a moment.
“Well,” he sighed, “Look at my little sister. Ready to get married. You look great.”
“Hah,” Emily snorted, “You’re a liar.”
AJ shrugged. “I can’t help if it you always look good to me.”
“Thanks.” Emily smiled. “Are the Spencers here yet?”
“Yes. Their downstairs with the rest of the lynch mob,” he said referring to the Q’s,
“I’ll see you there.” AJ turned towards the door.
“Ah.” She went into the closet for a moment but swiftly returned. “Wait a minute, AJ.”
“Yeah,” he turned around.
“You said they were downstairs with our family?” AJ nodded his head. “Are they still alive?”
“Which ones?” AJ put back.

Q Dining Room: Dinner with the in-laws

Emily stood next to the doorframe watching the two families who had already settled to their seats, with their wine-glasses filled and their plates empty.
“Reginald!” Edward shouted. “What’s talking so long with the food?”
Luke kept giving Lucky his tips on marriage. Unfortunately he gave out ones that
Laura wasn’t so pleased to hear. Skye and Ned kept passing insults back at one another. Edward and AJ were at it again. Lila rejoined her peaceful presence next to her husband. Bobbie, Monica, and Alan continued discussed business in the hospital. And Lesley Lu slumped back on her seat, waiting for the time to go by.
“There she is,” Edward Quartermaine looked towards his granddaughter, entering the dining room in a simple cocktail dress and taking a seat next her fiancee. Emily gave Lucky a peck on the cheek.
“Sorry I’m late.” She apologized.
“Well,” Alan cleared his throat, taking a glass and holding it up, “Here’s a toast to my daughter and her fiancee.” Everyone shook their heads and affixed their goblets up.
“Oh Emily,” Lila began from the other end of the table, “This is absolutely wonderful, dear. It just seems like yesterday you were going to the prom and now your getting married.”
Ned smiled. “She looked wonderful going to the prom.”
Lucky shifted a little uncomfortably. Had they forgotten that he wasn’t even Emily’s date to the prom?
“Thanks Ned.” Emily put down her glass. “I had a good time.”
“Ned’s just being frivolous because his date probably walked out on him and flagged a semi,” AJ quirked.
“Stop being so illusive AJ,” Edward alleged, “Lucky. What do you expect to do? I hope you intend to go to college.”
“Uh, well,” Lucky vasted, “I was thinking about going to PCU with Emily.”
“Emily has intentions of going to Stanford Law,” Edward confirmed.
“Grandfather.” Emily said trying to stop her grandfather from rambling.
“What are you trying to say?” Luke inserted.
Edward looked towards Luke. “I am saying that the boy should have plans for the future.”
“Well unlike the Quartermaines, us Spencer’s don’t have loony maps made out for our children.” Luke slouched back.
“Loony maps?” Skye scoffed.
“At least the Spencer house doesn’t have ongoing relatives literally running out in the middle of the night.” Luke stated.
“Now listen here-.”
“That’s enough.” Monica said. “This is ridiculous.”
“I agree,” Laura affirmed giving Luke a nudge.
“I can’t believe I’d ever say this. But I agree with grandfather.” AJ said.
Everyone turned their heads toward him in shock before saying, “You do?” In unison.
“AJ have you crossed over and joined the devil?” Skye asked in an astonished tone.
“Don’t flatter him,” Edward added.
AJ shook his head. “He’s simply worried about Emily. Marriage to a Spencer isn’t so high and mighty. I should know.”
“And a Quartermaine is?” Bobbie pointed out.
“He still works for his mother for crying out loud.” AJ interleaved.
Laura frowned. Luke sat up, “This coming from a drunkard.”
“Takes one to know one Spencer,” AJ put back.
Lucky and Emily looked at eachother both thinking the same thing.
“Now Luke, stop that,” Monica slammed down her glass, “AJ hasn’t had a drink in months.”
“Well that settles it.” Luke pouted. “No wonder he’s more of a slimeball now than he was before.”
“Luke,” Laura warned before turning back to Monica, “AJ is the one who brought up this conversation.”
“Actually it was Grandpa good times over here,” AJ said pointing to Edward.
The whole room burst into complaints and insults that no one noticed Lucky and Emily inaudibly slipping away. Lulu looked at her family then at the future in-laws. After a moment, she inclined her fingers together and gave out a large whistle turning everyone’s attention towards her.
“Excuse me,” she prompted, “Are we ever going to eat?”

The Warehouse

Sonny entered his warehouse in aggravation and antagonism as he looked around the room and tipped pieces of glass from his position with the heel of his shoe. The storage boxes were uncovered, the walls were scraped to the core, and in the ground laid the bodies of a two guards, both motionless, swathed with blood, and dead. Sonny twirled his head. It wasn’t the first time that something he owned was massacred, it won’t be the last. Johnny stood a few feet behind Sonny waiting for his orders. Sonny took one more elongated stare at the warehouse before turning to Johnny and ordering, “Get Jason.”

Q Mansion – Emily’s Room

Lucky and Emily lay back on her bed with their arms around eachother. Emily’s thoughts were in the wrong state of mind. She was getting married tomorrow to a man that she loves, who doesn’t even know the whole truth.
“You okay?” Lucky asked looking at Emily’s pondering and distraught face.
“Oh yeah.” She lied. “Sorry about that. I know you weren’t expecting a lecture from my Grandfather.” She said looking up at him.
“Don’t worry about it.” He kissed her forehead.
“It seems like our families have more in common than what they believe,” she stated.
“Lets not talk about our families,” Lucky implied kissing her shoulders and moving his way to her lips.
“Forget it,” she dismayingly pulled away, “I know what this will lead to.”
“So do I,” Lucky smiled kissing her again.
“I think you’re a little too persistent,” she said.
“Yeah. But that’s what you love about me.” He grinned.
“You wish.”
“Then why are you marrying me?” He looked at her.
“Because you’re a clown,” she responded.
“Oh?” Lucky raised a brow.
“And I happen to love clowns.” She smiled kissing him.
“Good, ‘cause your marrying one tomorrow,” he said before returning to their kiss.
“Nah-uh.” Emily pulled back.
“Your cold,” Lucky said with a saddened expression.
“I don’t want AJ. Or any other member of mine or your family barging in here and seeing this.”
“That’s why locks were invented.” Lucky frowned.

Fairfax Inn

Zander shuffled the cards once more before looking back at his entrant. “I’m glad I didn’t bet money on this,” he said, “It looks like I’d be husseled.”
Courtney chuckled talking the cards from him. “I don’t play much. But I think I’m pretty good at it.
“Think? You’ve just beated me in the last eight hands.”
“Maybe.” Courtney said. “I’m still not sure whether or not I’m winning fair and square or if you’re just letting me win because I’m your boss’s sister and you don’t want him to beat you up for that.”
Zander shakes his head. “I’m not a guy who prefers to loose.”
“But you would if you had to,” Courtney inveterated.
“Maybe,” Zander said looking at the blonde splendor.
Courtney caught him staring. “What?”
“Nothing your just wonderful to look at.” He grinned.
“Give me a break,” Courtney said slightly blushing. Zander laughed as he got up from the sofa and ambled over to the window looking out at the nippy, isolated night. Courtney watched him for a few moments, enjoying the view.
“Call her.” She said.
“What?” Zander looked back at her.
“This Emily girl. You’ve obviously been thinking about her.”
“She’s getting married,” he said bluntly.
“I know.” Courtney got up, grabbed the portable phone and held it out to him. “I don’t know much about you and Emily but whatever you had it must’ve meant something.”
Zander looked at the phone than back at her. “That was then. And we’re over.”
“Okay. Then end it,” she said, still holding the phone up to him. Zander stood tacit for a few minutes and with a whimper grabbed the phone from her grasp.

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