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Rippled Hearts Ch. 1

Emily sighed as she continued to stare at the 20-karat diamond ring that garlanded her finger. She was in her own little world, so distant that she was able to ignore hearing her grandfather berate the house staff or Skye and her mother going at it. A smile crept across her face as she began to realize that in a few days she will be married. Married.
“Emily.” Monica called, entering the terrace and finding her daughter sitting down with a blissful expression. At that moment, she felt like crying. Her daughter was no longer a little girl. She was all grown up, and about to be married.
“Emily,” she called again softly but Emily kept staring at her engagement ring.
“I doubt that she’s listening to you,” Skye said coming from behind, “But then again, who would?” Skye Chandler-Quartermaine turned to her sister and snapped her fingers in front of her, making Emily’s attention drawn to the two women.
“Welcome back,” Skye smiled.
“Em, your wedding is in two days and you still haven’t picked out a dress,” Monica bleated.
“Or she more worried about what to wear in the honeymoon?” Skye inquired.
“Skye,” Monica presaged.
“Okay.” Emily held out her hand getting in between them with irritation, they were two cats that would never get along. “I still just don’t know what to wear.”
“We’ve tried dozens of boutiques, I suppose we can try some more,” Skye moaned,
“Look, I’m sorry to hassel you, but you’ve got a great deal of arrangements to settle.”
“I know. I know,” Emily capitulated, “I guess we can start on the brides-maids dresses.”
“What’d you have in mind?” Skye asked.
Emily shook her head, “Green, maybe.”
“Hmm,” Skye thought, “Greens kind of a tacky color, but it’ll look great on you,
Monica.” Emily rolled her eyes, it’s starting again.
“Now listen here, Skye--,” Monica began but was instantly hushed by her daughter.
“Okay,” Emily put in, “Why don’t we talk about this over breakfeast.” Emily said, ushering her sister and her mother into the house. The more their mouths are stuck with food, the less likely they’ll be able to talk, Emily thought to herself.
“But, just where is that fiancee of yours? I thought he wanted to have some say as well,” Skye queried.
“Oh, Lucky said he would meet me later this afternoon.” Emily grinned. Her smile was becoming contagious.

Lucky parked his car on his mother’s driveway and walked up the steps to the door of the Spencer home. He could hear voices complaining and screeching, which wasn’t typical unless—
“Dad must be home,” Lucky chortled before entering his home.
“Cowboy!” Luke called from across the living room. Lucky noticed Lesley Lu fiercely marching up the stairs.
“Everything okay?” He asked his young, eleven-year old sister.
“Fine, just fine,” she replied irreverently before slamming the door.
“What happened?” Lucky asked referring to Lulu, while he gave his mother a hug. “Nothing that can’t be fixed,” was Luke’s answer.
“It’s not that simple,” Laura affirmed to her husband. “Lulu’s been skipping school again,” Laura said facing Lucky.
Lucky shook his head, “She’s been having a rough time, go easy on her.”
“I’ll have a talk with her when she’s cool down,” Luke nodded, “But in the meantime, you are going to spend this next two days, enjoying single-life. With my help of course.”
“Ahem,” Laura interrupted.
“Of course there is nothing like wanting to spend decades with a woman,” Luke put his hand around Laura’s shoulder.
“I’m glad you feel that way, Luke, because Lucky has to get his tux altered and he also promised his fiancee to volunteer in picking out the wedding ornamentals with her,” Laura smiled.
“You volunteered?” Luke frowned. “Is this what I’ve taught you?”
Lucky responded with a slight chuckle before leading his father out the door.
“C’mon, dad.” Lucky called, but Luke simply grumbled.
“Bye mom,” Lucky waved to his mother.
“Bye Angel,” Luke kissed Laura. Lulu’s loud footsteps pounded from upstairs.
“Talk to her,” Laura ordered.
“Don’t worry. I will. Love you.” Luke kissed her again before grabbing his jacket and exiting.
Lucky waited for his father in the porch.
“Okay,” Luke called shutting the door, “Where to first, Cowboy?”
“I just wanna see Emily right now,” Lucky divulged.
“Now? Or in the honeymoon?” Luke smirked.
“So, who’s your best man?” Luke asked hoping not to get the answer he dismayed. Lucky looked at him. “You know Nikolas is my best man.” He said walking towards the garage.
“Great. Count Vlad Jr.” Luke derided.

The Recovery Room

Elizabeth continued to gaze at the sapphire pin that lay elegantly in the golden gift box in her hand. Her mind kept trailing thoughts of Emily and Lucky and their soon to be wedding. Undoubtedly, she was happy for Emily, but it still felt awkward; how could she watch her best friend marry a man that she once loved. Elizabeth took a deep breath and tried to concentrate on something else. Looking around the Recovery Room, she saw a few people enjoying their morning coffee, mainly in silence. She shifted to her right side and noticed a man ordering something from the waiter. She had seen him before a few times, and they exchanged a few greetings. He was tall, handsome, and gave Elizabeth some aspiration to know more about him. The guy looked up and noticed Elizabeth looking in his direction.
“Hi,” he said with a smile.
“Hi,” Elizabeth met back.
“Mind if I join you?” He asked.
The man got up from his seat and walked over to Elizabeth’s table.
“You know,” he commenced, “I’ve seen you around here a while, I thought I mind as well know who you are.”
“Not much,” Elizabeth mumbled.
“Nice gift,” he said, referring to the accessory Elizabeth held in her hand. “Did someone give it to you?”
“Oh, no,” Elizabeth instigated, “This is actually a gift I bought for somebody else.”
“You don’t look too happy about it,” he said looking at Elizabeth’s rather gloomy expression.
“Well, it’s not really the gift. It’s just—reminds me of something,” she stuttered.
“Must be for someone special.”
“My best friend.” Elizabeth looked at the man. “You come here allot, don’t you?”
“Yeah,” he answered, “My friends and I usually hang out here. I haven’t seen your face here too long.”
Elizabeth nodded, “I usually don’t come to the Recovery Room, I usually go to Kelly’s. Actually I used to work there.”
Frank hands the man his coffee. “Thanks Frank.”
“So what do you do--um?” Elizabeth asked, setting aside her gift.
“Jack,” he cleared for her, “Jack Ramsey.” Jack extended his hand; Elizabeth took it with a smile. “I’m Elizabeth.”
“Well Elizabeth, I work for a bike shop.”
“Really? Which one?”
“The only one in Port Charles,” Jack chortled.
“Well in that case, I know the owner of that shop.”
“Really, do you know him well enough for a promotion?” Jack asked.
“Uh, I wouldn’t necessarily say that.” Elizabeth observed Jack for a moment and then looked back at the sapphire pin. “Hey Jack, do you like weddings?”

PC Hotel

Jason Morgan stretched out from the bed, which he laid on. His nakedness covered halfway with a sheet. The phone on the stand beside him began to ring. He rubbed his eyes with his hands before grabbing the receiver.
“What?” He mellifluously grumbled.
“What a nice way to say hello to your sister,” Emily avowed from the other end.
“Sorry, Em.”
“Don’t be. I just wanted to know if you’re still coming.”
“Of course I am,” he reassured her.
“Good. Because I want you to be there.”
“I don’t think your fiancee does.”
“He’ll get over it.”
Jason could hear Skye and Monica’s voices scolding eachother.
“Enjoying the free show?”
Emily groans, “Yeah. I better stop them. I’ll talk to you later.”
“A’right. Bye.” Jason hangs up the phone. He turns aside to the woman laying naked beside him. She was a heavy sleeper. Jason shifted closer to her, kissing her bare back.
“Hmm,” the woman mumbled, “What--?”
“It’s time to get up,” Jason said brusquely.
“Ugh,” Gia Campbell groaned pulling a pillow over her head.
Jason stood up from the bed, looking at her. “You overslept.”
“Sue me!” Gia grinded out through the pillow.