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My Fanfiction

Short Stories

An Ode to Phloe
Rating: PG
Summary: A poem dedicated to the death of Phlop

Rating: PG
Summary: A Broe song-fic

How Do I Live?
Co-written with Wendy
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A Broe song-fic

I Could Fall
Co-written with Wendy
Rating: PG
Summary: A Broe song-fic

If Not You
Co-written with Wendy
Rating: PG
Summary: A Broe song-fic. Companion piece to “I Could Fall”

Rating: PG
Summary: Mimi finds an unorthodox way to make Chloe confront her feelings for Brady

Fifty-Seven Stones
Rating: PG-13
Summary: His last pilgrimage…

The Haunting
Rating: PG
Summary: “I love them. I hate them. It is the great paradox of death.”

Fanfiction Stories

All or Nothing
(Broe, Complete)

Another Disastrous Vacation
(Days/Passions crossover, Complete)

The Best Laid Plans
(Shelle/Mason/Broe/Phan, Complete)

A Fairy Tale World
(Broe/Shelle/Mason, Co-written with Jen, WIP)

Invasion of the Boyfriend Snatchers
(Days/Passions crossover, Sequel to “Another Disastrous Vacation”, WIP)

Moonlight on the Caribbean
(Broe/Mason/Shelle, WIP)

Otherwise Engaged
(Kydia, WIP)

The Power of A Name
(Broe/Mason, WIP)

Shadows of Love
(Broe, Co-written with Wendy, WIP)

Trusting You Alone
(Days/Alias crossover, WIP)

You Must Love Me
(Broe, Complete)

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